Malaysia - Mother beats up 8-month baby *GRAPHIC VIDEO*

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May 13, 2009
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"Responding to some 300 complaints made in a span of just hours, the police released a immediate statement on its Facebook page to clarify that the incident took place on May 29 last year in Petaling Jaya and the perpetrator – the baby’s mother – had been arrested on the same day"

"However, the police did not mention why and how the video managed to surface recently."

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this mom would have some serious bodily harm of her own if I had seen this happen...
I seriously hope there is a update that this "mother" and whoever else sat by and watched this happen gets stoned to death :maddening:

ETA: whoops didn't see the part she was caught and arrested! Hopefully she had some sense knocked into her in jail!
I am steaming!!!

WTF! I saw two other children in that video, watching her do that to that poor baby. It was a girl and a boy. Are those her children, too?

Who was videoing that sick, sick #$@% ????
OMG this is one of the most horrible things I've ever seen....I couldn't watch the whole thing! Do I need to tell any of you what I'd like to do to that woman???? I don't care if she's insane or not, first I'd start with her & then I'd like to meet the #$%*#%& that left those children in her care. Lovejac took the words right out of my mouth who in the :silenced: was filming this????? I'd like to get my hands on them too :furious::furious::furious:
omg, that was hard to watch. that poor baby. i just wanted to pick him up and hold him. is she actually "insane" or what?
I had to stop, I was ready to _____________the B________________to ___________
what is wrong with people.. Oh I wished I was alone with her.. I hope I dont get into trouble over this.. sorry Mods.
I had to stop watching too. It was making me physically ill. Why would someone stand there and tape the abuse but not stop it? What kind of sick person does that?
OMG I could not get past when the pinching began.


sigh. I hate people
I watched this earlier today right after my 4 month old niece left. I watched her and her older sister while my sister worked today. Every time that "mother" hit that poor baby all I could think about was our Hallie. This video had me sobbing. We got knocked around when we were kids but I have never seen anyone treat a little baby like that. I read about it here every day but I've never actually seen it. Even now, I am at a loss for words.

The worst part of the whole thing to me was that every time that little doll calmed down a little she did something to hurt her and make her cry again. She wasn't hitting her in an attempt to get her to STOP crying. She WANTED her to cry!! Did anyone else catch that? She hates that baby. She was getting some sort of demented satisfaction by causing her baby pain.

This broke my heart. Poor, sweet, innocent little angel.
Flutterby, I'm going to be honest with you. I watched the whole video. I had to pause a couple of times to compose myself but I thought, if this innocent child LIVED this abuse, the least I could do was bear witness to it.

However, I could not bring myself to listen to the audio. I had to mute it. The sound of a child or baby crying tugs on my heart in a way I cannot explain. I feared that the visual and audio would just be too much.

I am going to try to my best to watch AND listen. I just don't know when.
Flutterby, I'm going to be honest with you. I watched the whole video. I had to pause a couple of times to compose myself but I thought, if this innocent child LIVED this abuse, the least I could do was bear witness to it.

However, I could not bring myself to listen to the audio. I had to mute it. The sound of a child or baby crying tugs on my heart in a way I cannot explain. I feared that the visual and audio would just be too much.

I am going to try to my best to watch AND listen. I just don't know when.

This is why I keep coming here and reading these cases. As heart-breaking as it is to read, I feel like the least I can do is bear witness to what these children had to endure. Most people won't even do that much. It's just too much. :therethere:
Well h*ll...Of course I want to punch the mother...but I REALLY want to do more harm to the @$*(&$$*)*) that is just standing there, obviously calm (camera not shaking at all), and DOING NOTHING...
I really do not understand this video at all. The mother actually seems calm and as if she's trying to make the baby cry. Like a conditioning or something? The two older children standing there watching calmly tell me they've witnessed this before. I wish someone could / would translate what the woman taping is saying. I know we are all uspet that she didn't do anything but maybe she was taping for proof in order to have her arrested ?
When the baby stops crying and is calming down...she starts to hit it again.

I'd love nothing more than to throw acid in this woman's face.

No doubt one of the worst videos I have ever seen.
Well, to the credit of this woman videotaping this horror, it seems unlikely anything would have been done with a simple verbal report of it. It's unlikely the child would bear serious bruising from this, but it's horrible to watch and horrible to perpetrate.

The video was necessary to put her in jail, and hopefully to remove her children from her permanently. So often that's the power of video - LE and the community don't react as strongly to verbal descriptions.

Awful. I didn't watch much of it.
Well, to the credit of this woman videotaping this horror, it seems unlikely anything would have been done with a simple verbal report of it. It's unlikely the child would bear serious bruising from this, but it's horrible to watch and horrible to perpetrate.

The video was necessary to put her in jail, and hopefully to remove her children from her permanently. So often that's the power of video - LE and the community don't react as strongly to verbal descriptions.

Awful. I didn't watch much of it.

Thanks for speaking to my reasonable side. You are dead on, the video speaks volumes. I doubt much would have happened to this monster of a mom had it not been recorded.
I couldn't make it past 17 seconds and that was without the volume. My heart hurts for that poor little one. I'm glad the baby is safe now.
I am in tears and so MAD I can barely type!!!!!! I would LOVE 5 minutes in a room with this woman and hit her with a pillow made of bricks and pinch her till I leave monstrous bruises. Ugh my stomach is in knots. And the person filming just sat and watched. And then said she was going to kill the baby???? The mother was only given 18 months.....lets just hope she didn't get custody of that child back and that baby is safe.
I have never longed to pick up and hold another person's baby as much as I do now. The more I watched, (and I will admit to also muting the sound) the more I felt as if the baby belonged to me, because she couldn't possibly belong to that evil person beating and kicking her.

Beautiful, precious, sweet baby. I am so sorry I couldn't help you.

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