Found Deceased Malaysia - Nora Quoirin, 15, from UK, special needs, missing on vacation, Seremban, 4 Aug 2019 #2

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In this image made from a video, shaman perform rituals for missing schoolgirl Nora Anne Quoirin at a forest in Seremban, Malaysia Monday, Aug. 12, 2019. A Malaysian shaman joined police from Ireland, France and the U.K. on Monday in the search for the 15 -year-old London girl who mysteriously vanished from a nature resort eight days ago, as her parents offered a cash reward and appealed for information. (RTM via AP)

Malaysia shaman, foreign police join hunt for London teen
"Police earlier released a video showing a shaman wearing a white skullcap and several of his assistants performing rituals in the forest.

Shaman Khalid Mohamad said he believes the girl was lured by a genie, an invisible spirit believed by Muslims to inhabit the Earth and influence mankind by appearing in the form of humans or animals.

He said in the video that the genie was attracted to the girl because she has special needs and had chosen Quoirin as its step-child.

The video showed the shaman crying and appealing for the girl's return.

"Tonight I will ask for the spirit to return her from where (she was taken) and the condition they took her but they will ask for something in exchange. That will be between me and them. Most important now, the child will be released," he said in the video."

The dogs only tracked her to 100m. Could this be where she was playing with her siblings when they arrived and that's why the dogs stopped there and didn't move forward because she went back to where they were staying. So the scent went cold.
The window may have a lock on the inside, but it may not have been looked. So you may only have to push on the window pane for it to open making it quite easy to get out off.
I don't think so. Her mom stated that she would have been unable to open the window. So whatever way it had to be opened, whether there was a crank handle or latch, apparently she was not capable of opening it herself.
I doubt she would have been able to prop it open, either, or have even thought to do that. Imo
Have been following this case, and my own personal opinion is that she did indeed wander off and has not been found. I presume it was daylight, perhaps the disruption in routine and jet lag as well as her own development (growing up) means she acted in a way that was out of character. I concede the probability of abduction, but think if it happened, it happened opportunistically after she had already gotten out on her own. I think little has been found in the way of evidence because of the sheer magnitude and denseness of the jungle surrounding the area. I don't think we should overestimate the remoteness and terrain that is at play here. That is why I remain open to almost every possibility - the one exception being that anyone in her family had anything to do with it. Her mother's anguish was SO heartbreaking and agonizingly real.

I have also followed far too many cases here on WS and in general where people, living or dead, are missed by search teams, SAR dogs, cadaver dogs, over and over, sometimes walking right by remains. Absence of evidence or her not being found is not evidence of absence - or abduction.

Regardless, I pray that she is found, or at least more clues leading one way or another.
One might see the Shaman's words having the effect of giving potential perps and the country the opportunity to "save face".
Ie. Leave Nora in the forest where we can and will find her, it is not your fault that a spirit used you to steal what it wanted.
Just return her alive and you will be (spiritually?) rewarded.
Speculation, imo.
The dogs only tracked her to 100m. Could this be where she was playing with her siblings when they arrived and that's why the dogs stopped there and didn't move forward because she went back to where they were staying. So the scent went cold.
Yes, it could be the case.
So to me it is significant that the dogs never picked up her scent in the jungle. She was barefoot and the conditions were ideal for picking up her scent.
It's moist, shady, with lush vegetation and I'm assuming not much wind. Scents are much more likely to be detected in those conditions, and she apparently had nothing on her feet.

If a pair of her shoes were used for the dogs to follow there's a very good chance they would pick up her scent in those conditions.
If she is in the jungle somewhere, I doubt she got there by herself and it would be a miracle if she were still alive. Imo

I'm hoping for a miracle.

In this image made from a video, shaman perform rituals for missing schoolgirl Nora Anne Quoirin at a forest in Seremban, Malaysia Monday, Aug. 12, 2019. A Malaysian shaman joined police from Ireland, France and the U.K. on Monday in the search for the 15 -year-old London girl who mysteriously vanished from a nature resort eight days ago, as her parents offered a cash reward and appealed for information. (RTM via AP)

Malaysia shaman, foreign police join hunt for London teen
"Police earlier released a video showing a shaman wearing a white skullcap and several of his assistants performing rituals in the forest.

Shaman Khalid Mohamad said he believes the girl was lured by a genie, an invisible spirit believed by Muslims to inhabit the Earth and influence mankind by appearing in the form of humans or animals.

He said in the video that the genie was attracted to the girl because she has special needs and had chosen Quoirin as its step-child.

The video showed the shaman crying and appealing for the girl's return.

"Tonight I will ask for the spirit to return her from where (she was taken) and the condition they took her but they will ask for something in exchange. That will be between me and them. Most important now, the child will be released," he said in the video."

Went to Google the Sharman and BINGO, all major news outlets covering him. NYT, Washington Post, Today and more. Great to get the word out!!

This county needs to put aside all their views/politics and welcome an active participation offered by foreign governments. All the secrecy, only believing in lost in jungle, answering no questions regarding abduction theory, and no information of other governments that have sent assistance and type of participation, except the are active.

This to me is the worst PR for tourism. Maybe in the beginning the world thought she was lost but after 9 days of searching the same jungle, only the police believe in this theory. They are climbing mountains only experienced climbers with rope can reach, looking for a handicapped girl that has trouble walking. How can they even try to sell this concept at day 9?


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Malaysia shaman, foreign police join hunt for London teen
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Good point re light being left on so kids could find bathroom in pitch dark. Two things spring to mind. 1) Did Nora get disorientated in the pitch dark with no light left on at all and open the window instead of a door thinking it was the bathroom/her parents room? and 2) If a light was left on all those giant flying insects I've read about would flood into the place. Could be quite scarey

I seriously doubt the lights would be left on based on the fact posted above - every review states how bad the bigs are at would be crazy to invite them in.

It just seems like such a massive coincidence that a nefarious person was there in the pitch black middle of nowhere, where the slightest sound could be heard, and Nora just wandered into them. But l also don't think she's been taken direct after less than 24 hours in resort, that's not enough time for the habits and sleeping arrangements to be observed.

it is not quiet though, again the reviews go on about how hard it is to adjust to loud jungle sounds at night. Birds, insects, animals and even the trees would be making quite a racket each night.

Could have simply been a crime of opportunity and not planned.
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Went to Google the Sharman and BINGO, all major news outlets covering him. NYT, Washington Post, Today and more. Great to get the word out!!

This county needs to put aside all their views/politics and welcome an active participation offered by foreign governments. All the secrecy, only believing in lost in jungle, answering no questions regarding abduction theory, and no information of other governments that have sent assistance and type of participation, except the are active.

This to me is the worst PR for tourism. Maybe in the beginning the world thought she was lost but after 9 days of searching the same jungle, only the police believe in this theory. They are climbing mountains only experienced climbers with rope can reach, looking for a handicapped girl that has trouble walking. How can they even try to sell this concept at day 9?


I don't think thats the same Shamen/Bomoh as the one all over Malaysian news.
Now, I have no clue whether Nora wandered off by herself or whether she has been abducted or a combination of both, but should she have been abducted from the house, then I think it was premeditated and based on digital information. Perhaps the perp knew their movements and bookings ahead through internet.....
Wow this Shaman is very specific and detailed, I wonder if he knows someone capable of kidnapping the girl. JMO
Well of course he does - the invisible evil spirit genie like he said. :rolleyes:

Seriously, I think this guy is pretty harmless. This is akin to the psychics and crackpots that come out of the woodwork when a child is missing elsewhere in the world. He got his 15 minutes and now back to the real business at hand of searching for NQ.
Not a headline commonly seen..rbbm.
Shamans, European police join search for Irish girl missing in Malaysia - Reuters
"SEREMBAN, Malaysia (Reuters) - Shamans and European police joined the search for an Irish teenager who went missing from a Malaysian resort and her family on Monday offered a $12,000 reward for information leading to her rescue."

"Two shaman, or medicine men, joined the search on Monday. Sitting cross-legged on the forest floor, they covered their eyes, cried out and prayed.

“She is here now, so we will stay here tonight to see if we can find her then we can know why she went missing,” said shaman Mohd Khalid Mohamed."
I’m not sure anyone has done this, but with so much misinformation and recurring questions I thought a list of facts as reported by MSM may be helpful. Feel free to add or correct anything.

1. Nora and her family (mother, father, brother and sister ages 8 and 12) arrived via taxi to the Dusun Resort on Saturday August 3, 2019. The taxi driver has been questioned by authorities. The resort is a 12-acre orchard complex in the foothills of the Titiwangsa mountains and sits next to the 4,000-acre Berembun Forest Reserve. It has a maximum capacity of 20 adults split across seven houses. The resort's "nearest neighbours" are two Temuan villages where most of its staff are from.

2. They were staying in the Sora House on the resort grounds. Nora and her 2 siblings slept upstairs in a mezzanine type room which held 2 beds. Her parents slept downstairs.

3. On Sunday, August 4th, 2019 at 8:00am Nora’s father alarmed the hotel owner that Nora was missing from her room and a window was propped open in the kitchen area. The window was downstairs underneath the mezzanine Nora was sleeping in. It is unclear if this window was open all night, or discovered open in the morning. Also unclear if window had locks and if it could be opened from the outside. The window is low to the ground (pictures attached). Nora was said to have been sleeping in undergarments and no clothing or belongings were missing from her room.

4. The resort grounds were searched that Sunday and sniffer dogs picked up the girl's scent within 100 meters from her resort bedroom but the trail stopped there.
Negri Sembilan deputy police chief SAC Che Zakaria Othman said “We are investigating more than that. We have all the relevant team roped in — the forensics, CID, K9 unit — not just the cops.”

5. No evidence had been found to support that this was an abduction as of yet. Questions were raised about whether Nora wandered away from the resort via a huge gap in the fence after she disappeared, potentially widening the search area.
Nora's passport and other belongings were still in her family's possession but the CCTV system at the resort only covered a limited area and did not capture Nora leaving the resort. Cops now believe Nora, who has holoprosencephaly — which means her brain is smaller than average — may have left her room through a ground floor window. Cops are investigating reports that Nora might have been spotted – as a “white woman” was apparently seen swimming in a river not far away, on Sunday afternoon.

6. Searches widened to include the forested area surrounding the resort. Two dozen members of the VAT69 special police unit were brought in to aid a huge search operation. Search teams are combing hilly, boulder-filled areas in the jungle where Nora may still be alive and hiding.

7. A spokeswoman for the Dunsun said hotel bosses were confused by Nora's disappearance. “Our resort has been operating for 10 years and we have never even been robbed," Haanim Bamadhaj said.

8. Nora’s family disagrees that Nora left on her own and is insisting this is an abduction.
They said Nora isn’t independent, has difficulty walking and has never wandered off on her own or become lost despite having been to other Asian and European countries before. In a previous statement they said: “All her life she has spent a lot of time in hospital. When she was born, she needed operations to help her (breathe).
She has specialists that monitor her growth, her physical abilities and her strength, and especially her mental capacity. She is not like other teenagers. She is not independent and does not go anywhere alone. Nora likes to walk with her family, but her balance is limited and she struggles with co-ordination. She has been to Asia, and many European countries before, and has never wandered off or got lost.” One local who wished to remain anonymous said if Nora Anne had wandered off, she wouldn’t have gone too deep into the jungle as the hilly terrain would have served as a deterrent.
Another said the lax security at the resort could mean an unknown individual was in the area. He pointed out that there were no security guards in the The Dusun or proper CCTVs to keep an eye on the surroundings, with the property easy to exit even if the main gate was locked.

9. The search operation has so far included aerial searches, thermal detectors, sniffer dogs, indigenous trackers and elite commando forces. Rescuers on Friday also began playing voice recordings of the mother to try and draw the girl out as they combed the hilly forest terrain. Investigators have already questioned 20 people and said a forensic team was analysing fingerprints found in the cottage where the girl went missing.

10. One anonymous patron of the hotel at the time of Nora’s disappearance gives a statement. The 22-year-old C. from Leiden tells her story anonymously and stayed at the same resort as the missing Nora Quoirin and her parents last weekend. She says that the family arrived later in the evening on Saturday and went to bed quite early. “I saw them playing outside for a while, but they went to bed already at 10 p.m. They suffered from jet lag. It seems likely to me that the girl was wide awake that night and decided to go out.” But, C. also says, on the evening of the disappearance she and her companion also heard suspicious noises. “We heard rustling at the pool where their house was upstairs. But yes, we are in the jungle and could not see for ourselves. Moreover, everything here makes a rather scary sound, so it could have been anything.”

11. Footprints were found that were thought to be Nora’s but police deny this claim. Fire and rescue officials said her footprints had been found by sniffer dogs but police have denied that claim Ahmad Mukhlis Mokhtar of Malaysia's fire and rescue department told local media that that 'our detective canines had spotted footprints' which he believed to belong to Nora because the sniffer dogs were following her scent. However police denied the footprint finding at a press conference later on Friday, leaving the search in confusion amid fears it will be hampered by bad weather.

12. The investigation continues. Police are investigating all angles, including reports that villagers heard the sound of a truck early on the morning the girl was reported missing. Detectives have searched the homes of staff working on the resort and have interviewed the taxi driver who picked up the family from Kuala Lumpur Airport last week. Investigators from Malaysia’s Bukit Aman — the country’s equivalent of the FBI — are also investigating known paedophiles and other criminals in the holiday resort.

Police insist missing Irish teen still in jungle, despite Orang Asli community claiming otherwise | Malay Mail

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Missing Nora Quoirin 'could be hiding in Malaysian jungle' | Daily Mail Online

Nora Quoirin cops probe reports truck was heard in area on morning she vanished

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This is so helpful. Thank you so much!
It just seems like such a massive coincidence that a nefarious person was there in the pitch black middle of nowhere, where the slightest sound could be heard, and Nora just wandered into them. But l also don't think she's been taken direct after less than 24 hours in resort, that's not enough time for the habits and sleeping arrangements to be observed.

My thoughts too.
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