Man says he bit into severed finger in custard

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DNA Solves


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Aug 13, 2003
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Finding a severed fingertip in your frozen custard is horrifying enough to cause nightmares, and more. At least, that's what a North Carolina man contends in a lawsuit.

Clarence Stowers says he suffered psychological trauma and has post-traumatic stress after biting into a fingertip while eating frozen custard from a Wilmington dessert shop.

He's suing Kohl's Frozen Custard and the Carvel Corporation, which made the mixing machine used at the shop. He wants more than $10,000 in damages

The fingertip belonged to store manager Brandon Fizer, who lost it while using the mixing machine. The store said employees were looking for the digit when it was inadvertently scooped into a pint of custard.
Um, ew.

Well, at least it's not a scam like the Wendy's Chili thing was.

Carvell is making it's grand opening here in Michigan this weekend. This would make a grand story for the local news.
That is SO gross!! I hope he gets plenty of money for this....I don't think
I could ever eat ice cream again after that.
soooooooooooo... can someone explain to me why you would not STOP EVERYTHING.. close the store down and not open up again until you have COMPLETELY emptied out and decomtaminated the equipment....???? what the heck is wrong with people? "oops, lost my finger,, oh well.. hey kyle, can you get those customers please? they haven't been served yet..."
I remember this one. The guy refused to return the finger so it could be re-attached. Even after the emergency room doctors called him and begged him to return the finger, and promised to give him a slice of skin for DNA evidence for his lawsuit, the guy refused to return the finger. The guy who lost the finger could have had his hand restored completely. Now he's maimed for life.
tired.old.hag said:
I remember this one. The guy refused to return the finger so it could be re-attached. Even after the emergency room doctors called him and begged him to return the finger, and promised to give him a slice of skin for DNA evidence for his lawsuit, the guy refused to return the finger. The guy who lost the finger could have had his hand restored completely. Now he's maimed for life.
Exactly! I think the guy who lost the finger should be getting to sue this jerk! He was so traumatized, whatever! Yes it was gross, I can agree with that, but I think the serious of events went like this...He ordered his frozen custard, they scooped it out of a pail and served it before they realized what had happened. They then shut down the equip. but the digit had already been dished. This guy is an oppurtunist otherwise he would have had some compassion for the man who lost the finger instead of thinking only of his own wallet.:loser:
Am I the only one who looks at what I put in my mouth?
I live in Wilmington and was actually there that night. They have a drive thru window at kohl's and the one working the window didn't know of the finger incedent and scooped out the ice cream while the guy who lost the finger went to get help. The guy should have given the finger back, it was an honest mistake although it was gross.

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