Marine throws puppy off cliff.

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I'd like to hear Motari himself is saying... Is he saying it's real or fake? They have to have questioned him by now...
I saw the video and the puppy "sounds" were at the same volume regardless of whether the puppy was next to the camera or supposedly being thrown. (The camera panned away, I believe what was thrown was not the puppy.)

This is a fake. I believe.
I think it is a hoax, too.
Well, I'm not sure if it's a hoax or not and I wish I hadn't viewed it. I watched it and stopped the frames and it definitely appeared to me that he threw the live puppy he was holding. The yelps seemed consistent until the pup smacked into the side of the cliff, which you also could hear. You wouldn't hear a stuffed dog smack into the cliff. This is just horrible and I'm outraged! This creep deserves the harshest punishment possible.
It just goes to show how Iraq can mess with these guys heads. With the amount of PE's that the Marines put their guys through, I find it hard to believe that he was this messed up in the head before heading to the war.

I'm sorry, you just cannot blame this on the war in Iraq. My husband is retired Air Force, I have a son in the Marines and a niece in the Air Force and two cousins in the Army Rangers. I'm tired of hearing that the war has messed up folks heads, no they might not be as acalm or level headed as they were before the war, but cruelty is not a result of the war.
The dog did not move at all. It was dead.

The yelping came from the same direction as the voice. It did not recede as the dog sailed away.

It looked like a very stupid prank. A hoax.

The sad part is that a man's family is being threatened already.

The family did NOTHING.

The man MAY NOT have been the man in the video.

Even if the man in question was in the video and did kill a puppy, how is it right to threaten his family???

People hear a story on the news or the internet and go ballistic. No one waits for the ENTIRE story. No one checks facts.

In this video:

The identity of the marine is not certain.

The location of the incident is not known.

The date of the incident is not known.

The condition of the animal (alive or dead) is not known.

The individual(s) filming the camera are not known.

My advice: Calm down and wait for the facts. IF the video is truly as it appears, then yes the individuals involved, on both sides of the camera, should be punished.

But it has to be the GUILTY individuals.

Someone posted about zipties. I watched the video several times, pausing in spots. The legs are held together but there are no indentations in the fur where the zipties would have cut in. However with the legs curled up and the tail (if any) tucked up and not dangling, seems like it was alive.

Again. Wait for the facts. As soon as the heat gets hot enough, someone will squeal.
blah blah blah the war made him do it..So now he can get out of the Marines and collect a big fat PTSD check. I smell . I believe the guy is a immature idiot and he threw the puppy off the cliff because he could. No ''war'' no ptsd, no nothing made him do it.
What a pathetic, piece of for a human being. I feel more empathy, to a certain degree, for animals than I do for human beings. Animals are defenseless. It is a huge embarrassment that, in this day and age, animal abuse isn't treated as seriously as the human form. A person (and I use the term lightly) like this deserves to be locked up for life. I feel the same way about Michael Vick and anyone else in the animal abuse boat. I have absolutely NO sympathy for anyone who harms an animal in any way. We, as a society, should fight for the rights of animals.
I am thinking that he may move on to abusing humans one day when he tires of abusing animals. I did not watch the video and do not care too either.
It just goes to show how Iraq can mess with these guys heads. With the amount of PE's that the Marines put their guys through, I find it hard to believe that he was this messed up in the head before heading to the war.

There's always a few that slip through. I remember a case of two Navy SEAL candidates that kidnapped and murdered a girl here in Hampton Roads. Obviously they had been through extensive testing before even allowed to be a candidate.

I think this kid was an a-h*** before he ever joined the Marines so he can't blame it on the war.

Even though his family didn't commit the act I really have no sympathy for them being harrassed.
That Marine can be easily identified! grrrrrr
If he threw that puppy DEAD OR ALIVE he should be kicked out of the Marines.
Even though his family didn't commit the act I really have no sympathy for them being harrassed.
You must be kidding. Have you considered that they may disapprove just as much as we do? To harrass or threaten them for his actions makes no more sense than my harrassing you for what Ted Bundy did. The guy's a grown man and needs to own his behavior.
You must be kidding. Have you considered that they may disapprove just as much as we do? To harrass or threaten them for his actions makes no more sense than my harrassing you for what Ted Bundy did. The guy's a grown man and needs to own his behavior.
:clap: :clap: Great post. This has nothing to do with his family, they're probably mortified that their son could do something so horrific.
I can't make myself watch that. I will always go by the saying: You can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. People like this infuriate me! :behindbar
Hmm, I don't know, sometimes they fool you. My dad has dogs that he loves and adores and treats better and more respectfully than he ever thought of treating my mom or my sisters and I. He is way more devoted to those dogs than he ever was to us. Way nicer too.
I know it was off topic, I felt like I had to warn you about that one:crazy:
Hmm, I don't know, sometimes they fool you. My dad has dogs that he loves and adores and treats better and more respectfully than he ever thought of treating my mom or my sisters and I. He is way more devoted to those dogs than he ever was to us. Way nicer too.
I know it was off topic, I felt like I had to warn you about that one:crazy:

I've got to agree w/ this. An old friend of mine gave his dog much more affection than he did his wife.
I've got to agree w/ this. An old friend of mine gave his dog much more affection than he did his wife.
What is up with people like that? It has infuriated me for years about my dad and his damn dogs to the point that I don't even like dogs! It is so hurtful. I feel terrible for your friends wife. are they still together? I used to wonder if our house were on fire would my dad save his family or dogs, of course now I think he would save his kids first.
blah blah blah the war made him do it..So now he can get out of the Marines and collect a big fat PTSD check. I smell . I believe the guy is a immature idiot and he threw the puppy off the cliff because he could. No ''war'' no ptsd, no nothing made him do it.

What amazes me is people that are willing to strap him up and nail him to a cross without knowing anything about him, his family, his background, his service record, his actions and movement in Iraq. How do you know it is ? Do you know this Marine personally? Many of our soldiers suffer from PTSD and you make it sound like they are in it just for a check....that, IMO, is completely disrespectful to all of our soldiers.

Not everything is as simple as black and white. And, when the USMC is finished with their investigation, I am certain, we will see many shades of gray.

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