Martha Morgan - Murder on Oleander Dr. in Shreveport, LA, 19 February 2011

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Verified Family Member Martha Morgan Case
Jul 8, 2018
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My name is Dennisa A. Morgan. I am Martha Anna Morgan's oldest child. My mama had a a 2 year old granddaughter and a 11 month old grandson that lived with her. Her kids and grandkids meant the world to her.

On February 19, 2011, I lost my mama to a homicide at the hands of my father. My father worked for the City of Shreveport as a Permits Builder Inspector.

There was a known history of domestic violence (my father attacked my mother) by the Shreveport Police. It is a conflict for city police to investigate a city worker when there are other law enforcement agencies that can do the investigation instead. An example is the Louisiana State Police or the sheriff's department. Either one of these agencies should have been called in my opinion. These agencies are located right in Shreveport.

I firmly believe the evidence proves that the Shreveport Police and the Shreveport Coroner DELIBERATELY OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE and DELIBERATELY COVERED UP MY MAMA"S HOMICIDE!

My mama's case has been profiled on Crime Watch Daily, 4 part videos titled " He Did It" and on KSLA News, titled " Doubt vs Science. You can watch all 5 videos on my Facebook page titled Justice For Martha Morgan. Police are heard on the second 911 call saying, " Go ahead and do the report." "Did you complete the report?" Also, the police are heard calling my mama an 18 half dozen times. 18 is the state police signal for a suicide. CLICK HERE and scroll down to the last set of codes to see code "18". All of this is said before the police arrived at the scene. The Coroner told KSLA Reporter, Doug Warner that , " There was always suspicion." "That he ( my father) may have caused her death." That he ruled my mama's death a suicide at the scene before doing an autopsy. LA State law is that you do an autopsy first and a thorough investigation first before ruling a suicide.

I have experts that have appeared on T.V. and who have written reports and letters that back up my mama was murdered by my father.


1.) My mama was hit in her right front forehead so hard that all of the bone in that area was gone. Autopsy report called head injury a PINK irregular laceration. CSI Photos 107 and 111 show quite a bit of blood was on mama's forehead and in her hair. Some blood on mouth too. Coroner said it is postmortem. Every one of my experts disagrees with him. He also said that the head injury is caused by my father pushing the door into her head. My experts disagree. There were two big windows in the bedroom. Who would push a door into somebody, when he could have climbed through one of the windows? And the head injury is in the wrong place to be caused by the door. The shape of the head injury does not match the shape of the door. There was no blood or tissue on the bottom corner of the door or any white paint inside mama's head injury.

2.)Mama had defensive bruising to both hands. Have photos to prove this. Crime watch daily also showed one of the pictures that showed defensive bruising.

3.) Mama had bruises to the right side of her face.

4.) Mama had manual strangulation marks on her neck.

5.) Mama had bruises on her left shoulder.

6.) Mama was shot at a straight, slightly downward angle at 4-6 inches away underneath her left breast ( she was very large breasted F cup) with a Taurus 38 Special Revolver in her bedroom. That is homicide trajectory. Also, the tattooing to her chest was black/gray. If you are alive when shot, the tattooing is orange, reddish brown and if dead when shot it is black/gray from what I have read and been told. Coroner tried to say mama lifted her left breast with her right hand and shot herself with her left hand. My mama was right handed dominant and I have medical paper proving this.

7.) Per autopsy, the lividity was postlateral, meaning my mama died on her back. Yet, in CSI Photos mama was face down. This proves she was moved. Crime watch Daily pointed this out. EMTs, Police and Coroner all have my mama laying face down when they arrived. The EMTs ( who were the first to arrive) said they did not wish to disturb crime scene. It was obvious death. Have reports from EMTs, Police and Coroner . There are no back photos in the autopsy or scans of the body and no brain scans.

8.) Dennis Ross Morgan called 911 twice saying that mama committed suicide over and over. Yet, he claimed not to be there. If you aren't there, then how can you say over and over that my wife just committed suicide. Yet, he told 911 operator that she had rigor mortis. Since when do you just commit suicide and get rigor mortis that quick? Both 911 calls help prove my father is killed my mama.

9.) CSI Photo 85 my father's bloody dried hand print is on the back of my mama's left lower calf and there is a dried fingerprint on her upper back thigh. If he just found her, then why was the hand print and fingerprint dried, instead of wet?

10.) CSI Photo 91 , Dennis Ross Morgan's bloody Shreveport City work shirt is hanging on the bedpost on his side of the bed. The right shoulder had blood on it and the lower right arm was saturated with blood. This shirt was not taken in for evidence. My father is right handed......In the police report, my father volunteered to police that he hadn't changed clothes all day. What innocent person is going to volunteer that ?

11.) My father remarried one day shy of 4 months after killing my mama.

This is just some of the evidence in my mama's murder case.

The Shreveport Police Dept. did not put up yellow crime tape, no video of the scene, no stringing, no diagram, didn't canvass neighborhood ( neighbors came up to them, no video interviews of family members, no DNA done, no collecting blooding evidence, no ballistic test done on the gun in question, no fingerprints were found on the gun,didn't cut bottom corner off of door that my father claimed he opened into my mama's head, told my father he wasn't a suspect at the scene, etc.

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I am so sorry to read this and how botched the “no investigation “ was.

Losing your mama in this manner is a shock. However, when the people who are supposed to help solve this crime act as they did in your case, the anger, frustration, and disbelief must be monumental. It is apparent the police department and everyone involved with them are corrupt.

A good lawyer is what you need IMO. Probably one out of the immediate area who has no ties to the current police department.

Keep us informed as to what is going on, please. Good luck! We have people here with great advice and abilities for solving crimes.
I am so sorry to read this and how botched the “no investigation “ was.

Losing your mama in this manner is a shock. However, when the people who are supposed to help solve this crime act as they did in your case, the anger, frustration, and disbelief must be monumental. It is apparent the police department and everyone involved with them are corrupt.

A good lawyer is what you need IMO. Probably one out of the immediate area who has no ties to the current police department.

Keep us informed as to what is going on, please. Good luck! We have people here with great advice and abilities for solving crimes.
I am so sorry to read this and how botched the “no investigation “ was.

Losing your mama in this manner is a shock. However, when the people who are supposed to help solve this crime act as they did in your case, the anger, frustration, and disbelief must be monumental. It is apparent the police department and everyone involved with them are corrupt.

A good lawyer is what you need IMO. Probably one out of the immediate area who has no ties to the current police department.

Keep us informed as to what is going on, please. Good luck! We have people here with great advice and abilities for solving crimes.
I am so sorry to read this and how botched the “no investigation “ was.

Losing your mama in this manner is a shock. However, when the people who are supposed to help solve this crime act as they did in your case, the anger, frustration, and disbelief must be monumental. It is apparent the police department and everyone involved with them are corrupt.

A good lawyer is what you need IMO. Probably one out of the immediate area who has no ties to the current police department.

Keep us informed as to what is going on, please. Good luck! We have people here with great advice and abilities for solving crimes.

Thank you.
Because the officials did not work the scene even though they were aware of the domestic violence and had been out on calls before. Because they strictly took my father's word, who was a known city worker ( Permits Building Inspector) word for what happen. Because the officials were suspicious of my father.

When a citizen has experts saying it is a homicide and have pointed to evidence and injuries that prove it's a homicide and they continue to do nothing then it is a cover up.
I am so sorry to read this and how botched the “no investigation “ was.

Losing your mama in this manner is a shock. However, when the people who are supposed to help solve this crime act as they did in your case, the anger, frustration, and disbelief must be monumental. It is apparent the police department and everyone involved with them are corrupt.

A good lawyer is what you need IMO. Probably one out of the immediate area who has no ties to the current police department.

Keep us informed as to what is going on, please. Good luck! We have people here with great advice and abilities for solving crimes.

Thank you. I will keep everybody posted. This has been a long journey and a hard fight.
Why do you think this was covered up?

I am not sure why officials covered up my mama's homicide. The only reasons that make sense to me are: My father worked for the city, he has something on somebody, they messed up an d don't want to admit it, the city wants to keep homicide rates down ( Shreveport stays in the top cities per capital for homicides to stay off those lists, businesses are no longer coming here, economy is very bad here) corruption and incompetence. Any and /or all of the above combination.

You can read on The Real how corrupt Shreveport is.
I am not sure why officials covered up my mama's homicide. The only reasons that make sense to me are: My father worked for the city, he has something on somebody, they messed up an d don't want to admit it, the city wants to keep homicide rates down ( Shreveport stays in the top cities per capital for homicides to stay off those lists, businesses are no longer coming here, economy is very bad here) corruption and incompetence. Any and /or all of the above combination.

You can read on The Real how corrupt Shreveport is.

Thanks for your reply.

Any of those can be sufficient reason, though the "he was a city worker too and thus the city police covered it up because," is a bit of a stretch, I think. Those of us who have lived in corrupt places can well imagine the other reasons, though.

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