Matthew Ward-Jackson

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Thanks, Snooper. I must need glasses! That makes so much more sense! It further underscores the fascination with the "Lady of Death", Santa Murerte that characterizes so much of this clique's efforts to be "bada**". Also, the Dixon City Bloods are the gang linked to the sudden deaths of the infamous Ford photo "associates" and their aforementioned lawyer.

Dixon Bloods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Looks to me why we might be starting to see why LE has reportedly engaged in such a massive electronics/data seizure.
Looks to me why we might be starting to see why LE has reportedly engaged in such a massive electronics/data seizure.

Bingo! It always seemed like something larger was at play and I really think it'll be awhile before everything that needs to be uncovered, is, but in the crime world, where does the trail end (or begin)?

BTW Great sleuthing going on here with the latest developments; whether it's meaningful or not it's still great digging. And Carli it's nice to 'see' you back!

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I am confused..Apologies if my head is just swimming..Wasn't it stated that his legal council was DP?

DP was MWJ's lawyer in unrelated trafficking charges a while back going to trial this summer I believe. Davoudi is MWJ's lawyer in these new charges: possibly because it is a conflict of interest for DP since new charges involve DM.

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I am confused..Apologies if my head is just swimming..Wasn't it stated that his legal council was DP?

Yes, MWJ faces multiple charges. Fall of 2012, it was narcotics trafficking. DP is representing him. January 2014, it was weapons, drugs and bail breaches. FD, who is the lawyer for the deceased Anthony Smith, is representing him.

I gather DM was getting coke from MS who was getting it from MWJ who got it from rapper RdH. If there is someone who LE would really like to get their hands on, it would be RdH, real name unknown, Trinidadian rapper, barbershop owner, DJ, and coke wholesaler. RdH raps in at least two of his songs, that his rap sheet is clean and he gets his employees to take all the heat for him.

I wonder who is nice enough to hire DP for MWJ, who is living a pretty bleak and impoverished lifestyle? RdH? It's his coke, it makes sense that he would put up the money to defend MWJ.

He is based out of 100 Bond Street, where there is (1) a restaurant/cafe that serves goat roti (2) a barbershop owned by RdH (3) an urban clothing store Rockwell's owned by SR, who used to own the World's Biggest Jean Store in Yonge Dundas Square, who became an imam, which explains why there is also a (4) mosque on the premises (where the devout complain about the smell of the "other tobacco" in the air.)

I think things became crazy for me when a link to the ugly Kardashian (Khloe) appeared through collaborations between MWJ's boss and Khloe's current boyfriend. The producer of SC's music videos worked with Wiz Khalifa who is with Amber Rose, Kanye's ex, and he of course just married Kim. So smh, we are in Kardashians territory now.

Note that RdH doesn't know real talent, just people related to the K's. lol.

But Kim after all is not a girl who does nothing: she is a glamour model and promo girl, who used to be in the clubs promoting Midori Melon Liqueur in the same way that Pam Anderson started out as a Labatt's Blue girl. This is before the sex tapes that made them stars. All of these girls, from receptionist EG who used to work for CW at Millardair, who modelled (at times nude) and shot photos in this scene rap star wannabes SC and SO...they are part of the same business and scene. Glamour models. Kim K is noted for being teetotal and drug and smoke free. Pam Anderson, not so much. IV drug use and Hep C? Yuck.

A girl introduced LB to all this garbage, and after reading about all the nasty girls in MWJ's circle, it gives me the chills. These girls are far from being as classy as a Kardashian (snort, and just to write "as classy as a Kardashian" gives me the giggles.)

DM must have gotten into the coke and then all of these trashy people became his circle. DM was a lucrative enough client for MS that MS could finally, briefly move out of his momma's house.

DM's friends like AM and SS must have never had any part in this. DM fell into a new club related, party related crowd.

At the beginning of this case, people murmured, Drugs? Organized Crime? Well here you go, we have it in spades. RdH's operation, including the circuit MWJ runs to deliver prostitutes and cocaine around Southern Ontario. Yes a lot of money runs through MWJ's fingers, but it's not his. It has to go back up the chain to RdH.
Yes, MWJ faces multiple charges. Fall of 2012, it was narcotics trafficking. DP is representing him. January 2014, it was weapons, drugs and bail breaches. FD, who is the lawyer for the deceased Anthony Smith, is representing him.

I gather DM was getting coke from MS who was getting it from MWJ who got it from rapper RdH. If there is someone who LE would really like to get their hands on, it would be RdH, real name unknown, Trinidadian rapper, barbershop owner, DJ, and coke wholesaler. RdH raps in at least two of his songs, that his rap sheet is clean and he gets his employees to take all the heat for him.

I wonder who is nice enough to hire DP for MWJ, who is living a pretty bleak and impoverished lifestyle? RdH? It's his coke, it makes sense that he would put up the money to defend MWJ.

He is based out of 100 Bond Street, where there is (1) a restaurant/cafe that serves goat roti (2) a barbershop owned by RdH (3) an urban clothing store Rockwell's owned by SR, who used to own the World's Biggest Jean Store in Yonge Dundas Square, who became an imam, which explains why there is also a (4) mosque on the premises (where the devout complain about the smell of the "other tobacco" in the air.)

I think things became crazy for me when a link to the ugly Kardashian (Khloe) appeared through collaborations between MWJ's boss and Khloe's current boyfriend. The producer of SC's music videos worked with Wiz Khalifa who is with Amber Rose, Kanye's ex, and he of course just married Kim. So smh, we are in Kardashians territory now.

Note that RdH doesn't know real talent, just people related to the K's. lol.

But Kim after all is not a girl who does nothing: she is a glamour model and promo girl, who used to be in the clubs promoting Midori Melon Liqueur in the same way that Pam Anderson started out as a Labatt's Blue girl. This is before the sex tapes that made them stars. All of these girls, from receptionist EG who used to work for CW at Millardair, who modelled (at times nude) and shot photos in this scene rap star wannabes SC and SO...they are part of the same business and scene. Glamour models. Kim K is noted for being teetotal and drug and smoke free. Pam Anderson, not so much. IV drug use and Hep C? Yuck.

A girl introduced LB to all this garbage, and after reading about all the nasty girls in MWJ's circle, it gives me the chills. These girls are far from being as classy as a Kardashian (snort, and just to write "as classy as a Kardashian" gives me the giggles.)

DM must have gotten into the coke and then all of these trashy people became his circle. DM was a lucrative enough client for MS that MS could finally, briefly move out of his momma's house.

DM's friends like AM and SS must have never had any part in this. DM fell into a new club related, party related crowd.

At the beginning of this case, people murmured, Drugs? Organized Crime? Well here you go, we have it in spades. RdH's operation, including the circuit MWJ runs to deliver prostitutes and cocaine around Southern Ontario. Yes a lot of money runs through MWJ's fingers, but it's not his. It has to go back up the chain to RdH.

Thank you! This has halted the confusion with the arrests. I am putting it all together now.

I have a feeling my head spinning is not going to stop until all the details of this case are exposed. It just keeps getting worse and worse.
Yes, MWJ faces multiple charges. Fall of 2012, it was narcotics trafficking. DP is representing him. January 2014, it was weapons, drugs and bail breaches. FD, who is the lawyer for the deceased Anthony Smith, is representing him.

I gather DM was getting coke from MS who was getting it from MWJ who got it from rapper RdH. If there is someone who LE would really like to get their hands on, it would be RdH, real name unknown, Trinidadian rapper, barbershop owner, DJ, and coke wholesaler. RdH raps in at least two of his songs, that his rap sheet is clean and he gets his employees to take all the heat for him.

So. I just can't see how this is all gonna pan out for DP. His plan of defense for MWJ in original charges has got to be influenced by his defense plan for DM. He sure can't play MWJ as an innocent dupe in these trafficking charges and then later try to make him a King Pin in the death of TB. Or is that just how pathetic our legal system is--that it would allow such a travesty to occur?

Knowing what is known now, ethically he should be forced to drop one or the other
This case seems to have returned to the beginning and gone way beyond. Just want to thank you, SnooperDuper, for gathering all the links and the recaps. Saved me a lot of time when I had a large shortage of it. One thing I'm not sure I agree with is MWJ's bleak and impoverished life. He's dealing the guns, dealing the drugs and pimping the women. I'm not so sure his cut would have been all that small.

This case seems to have returned to the beginning and gone way beyond. Just want to thank you, SnooperDuper, for gathering all the links and the recaps. Saved me a lot of time when I had a large shortage of it. One thing I'm not sure I agree with is MWJ's bleak and impoverished life. He's dealing the guns, dealing the drugs and pimping the women. I'm not so sure his cut would have been all that small.


Spent his cut on the tats :facepalm:
Snoof or Snoop. Any idea what this one represents? Well I guess I can't post the twitter link, but maybe a twitter search on "Puppet Master Mafia N*ggah" posted by iisho muerta will get you there. Looks like the viewer is either (a) supposed to recognize this guy or (b) supposed to acknowledge that's there's more elevated operators.
Respectfully snipped by me:

At the beginning of this case, people murmured, Drugs? Organized Crime? Well here you go, we have it in spades. RdH's operation, including the circuit MWJ runs to deliver prostitutes and cocaine around Southern Ontario. Yes a lot of money runs through MWJ's fingers, but it's not his. It has to go back up the chain to RdH.

This stuff about MJW is repulsively fascinating and thanks so much to the WSers researching this, particularly SnooperDuper. But, I don't want to lose sight of the fact that as horrid as these other characters are, it's Dellen Millard and Mark Smich that have been charged with multiple murders, not MJW & associates.
Snoof or Snoop. Any idea what this one represents? Well I guess I can't post the twitter link, but maybe a twitter search on "Puppet Master Mafia N*ggah" posted by iisho muerta will get you there. Looks like the viewer is either (a) supposed to recognize this guy or (b) supposed to acknowledge that's there's more elevated operators.

(a) it's a picture of Hitler
Have any of my fellow sleuthers come across any references where DM, MS, MWJ or MJW or their associates are referred to as The Wolf? It may not be in English. Could be Lupo? I am trying to track down a lead from a tweet in Cyrillic to an individual who can not be discussed as they were cleared of any involvement. If this lead has been discussed earlier please point me in that direction. The tweet in question was sent on the night that the farm was being investigated. Translated it reads "Call the Wolf. They found on the farm" The person tweeting shared the same first name as TB.
Have any of my fellow sleuthers come across any references where DM, MS, MWJ or MJW or their associates are referred to as The Wolf? It may not be in English. Could be Lupo? I am trying to track down a lead from a tweet in Cyrillic to an individual who can not be discussed as they were cleared of any involvement. If this lead has been discussed earlier please point me in that direction. The tweet in question was sent on the night that the farm was being investigated. Translated it reads "Call the Wolf. They found on the farm" The person tweeting shared the same first name as TB.

Well if you are looking for a dude who is fluent in Russian, I would check out ID, who is one of the founders of the video company that directed and edited RdH's video Kilo.

ETA: and there was another tweet, "Ambition makes the Wolf look very dirty". Ambition = DM, Wolf = MS?

ETA: so who is the OTHER Russian? You need one to write tweets only another can read...
I might add the Call the Wolf post was signed Matthew 21:33-41. Now given the number of Matthews involved in this, I would say don't name your kid Matthew, it is sure to drive them straight into drugs. But if you actually read the Bible parable cited, it is a veiled threat:

Matthew 21:33-41

King James Version (KJV)

33 Hear another parable: There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country:

34 And when the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it.

35 And the husbandmen took his servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another.

36 Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they did unto them likewise.

37 But last of all he sent unto them his son, saying, They will reverence my son.

38 But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and let us seize on his inheritance.

39 And they caught him, and cast him out of the vineyard, and slew him.

40 When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husbandmen?

41 They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons.

A guy rents out his vineyard and goes abroad. At harvest time, he sends guys out to the vineyard to collect his fruit from the renters. They are killed. The owner sends out more guys, and they are killed. The owner sends out his son, and he is killed. The owner of the field then decides to kill all the guys who are renting, and get new guys in there.

All this killing, it is no wonder DM and MS and CN aren't talking. They are mixed up with some real nasties.
I know some thought it was a hoax or coincidence and blew it off, even laughed at those of us that entertained the idea that this could be a huge setup but couldn't solve how without the facts... but knowing what we know about the case(s) is this tweet not seriously disturbing? The recipient may have been cleared of involvement in TB murder, but he sure knew something.

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I might add the Call the Wolf post was signed Matthew 21:33-41. ("Cray-cray"! -Snoofo)

The owner of the field then decides to kill all the guys who are renting, and get new guys in there.

Well no, the owner hasn't done it yet. He 'will' destroy them, so his plan was to get rid of the evil ones and replace them. (Everything was past-tense until this.) Unless the owner could be stopped somehow, then there's a different ending than the bible and the bad guys could carry on with getting to that inheritance...

A setup doesn't sound so crazy now that we can get a sense of a few more playas.

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