Deceased/Not Found MD - Heather Grogg, 33, & Danielle Tyler, 18, Carroll Co, 6 Apr 2020 *arrest*

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Sorry I hadn't seen that, can you link it?
The last time Sherry Tyler heard from her granddaughter, Danielle Tyler of Taneytown, was April 6.

“The last conversation we had was by text,” Sherry said. “I can’t go a couple of days without talking to her or I get worried.”

Danielle had broken up with a boyfriend of two years sometime in March, Sherry said, and her last text read, “MeMaw, I think I am going to turn my phone off for a little bit. I’m not sure, I am just tired of all the drama.”

“I assumed it was her and her ex back and forth on the phone,” Sherry added.

She’s no longer so sure.

It wasn’t long after that text exchange that Maryland State Police homicide detectives called on Sherry, looking for Danielle and encouraging her to file a missing persons report, which she did. Soon she found out another young woman was missing: Heather Grogg of Westminster.
The last time Sherry Tyler heard from her granddaughter, Danielle Tyler of Taneytown, was April 6.

“The last conversation we had was by text,” Sherry said. “I can’t go a couple of days without talking to her or I get worried.”

Danielle had broken up with a boyfriend of two years sometime in March, Sherry said, and her last text read, “MeMaw, I think I am going to turn my phone off for a little bit. I’m not sure, I am just tired of all the drama.”

“I assumed it was her and her ex back and forth on the phone,” Sherry added.

She’s no longer so sure.

It wasn’t long after that text exchange that Maryland State Police homicide detectives called on Sherry, looking for Danielle and encouraging her to file a missing persons report, which she did. Soon she found out another young woman was missing: Heather Grogg of Westminster.
This is from the article in the Carroll County Times April 23
With two Carroll County women ‘missing and in danger,’ those close to them ‘desperate’ for a safe return

Danielle broke up with her boyfriend sometime in March and by the first of April was living with MM. She used to live with her grandmother and sibling? If the sibling is older, maybe she got some money from the sibling? Where are Danielle’s parents? Could they be hiding with one of them?
(I don’t know the background and haven’t seen it in MSM, so if it has already been mentioned, my apologies)
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Who even knows if these girls really are missing? Family claims to not have spoken to either, but family rarely post updates, or missing person posts. Someone must know where they are. I feel like if someone is missing family is all over the internet posting missing post, and search requests. At first they were posting AB as missing, and his girlfriend (baby momma) was posting missing posts they up and stopped. Rarely did DT family post anything. And HG family doesn't post much at all anymore. HG's sister post on HG facebook wall as if she believes HG is reading it. Someone knows where they are.
The last time Sherry Tyler heard from her granddaughter, Danielle Tyler of Taneytown, was April 6.

“The last conversation we had was by text,” Sherry said. “I can’t go a couple of days without talking to her or I get worried.”

Danielle had broken up with a boyfriend of two years sometime in March, Sherry said, and her last text read, “MeMaw, I think I am going to turn my phone off for a little bit. I’m not sure, I am just tired of all the drama.”

“I assumed it was her and her ex back and forth on the phone,” Sherry added.

She’s no longer so sure.

It wasn’t long after that text exchange that Maryland State Police homicide detectives called on Sherry, looking for Danielle and encouraging her to file a missing persons report, which she did. Soon she found out another young woman was missing: Heather Grogg of Westminster.

I think you've misread the context of this slightly, albeit it's not written brilliantly.

I've bolded the relevant bits. DT says she is "tired of all the drama" and her Grandma assumed this was drama with her ex boyfriend via the phone. (whom she'd not long split up with)

I think what she's saying she's no longer sure about is the "drama" that DT was talking about was with her ex after everything that happened after ie; being asked to file a missing persons report and the link to the murder
I think you've misread the context of this slightly, albeit it's not written brilliantly.

I've bolded the relevant bits. DT says she is "tired of all the drama" and her Grandma assumed this was drama with her ex boyfriend via the phone. (whom she'd not long split up with)

I think what she's saying she's no longer sure about is the "drama" that DT was talking about was with her ex after everything that happened after ie; being asked to file a missing persons report and the link to the murder
Ok after reading it again. I think you are right about the drama with ex boyfriend. The grandmother thinks she may have turned her phone off for other reasons. Thank you for clearing that up.
Ok after reading it again. I think you are right about the drama with ex boyfriend. The grandmother thinks she may have turned her phone off for other reasons. Thank you for clearing that up.
Also been thinking when did DT go to grandmother s house to get clothes? Wonder the date? Close to when she went missing? Who was with her at the time? It was mentioned that Dt wouldn’t tell her grandmother where she was going or what had she been doing. Where was she living? Is it possible that HG and DT left with MM? Is so what happened to them?!! Did MM do something to then or did he take them somewhere safe?!?
So do some more research I found this: Danielle went through a break-up in March and recently began dating Merrell, Sherry told She said that Danielle began hanging out with him and a new group of friends following her break-up — becoming more secretive and spending nights away from the home she shares with Sherry and her siblings. In early April she came over to gather some clothes, and she declined to share details about what she'd been up to recently, Sherry said
IMO there is NO way they are hiding out, on the run or being hidden by someone to protect them. it is 2020, cameras every where, everything we do can be tracked and traced. These women are no special agents, they are not known as being survivalist, they are not independently wealthy, they are not known to have property elsewhere.

They are both dead. IMO they were dead when the text message about taking a break from the phone/social media.
IMO there is NO way they are hiding out, on the run or being hidden by someone to protect them. it is 2020, cameras every where, everything we do can be tracked and traced. These women are no special agents, they are not known as being survivalist, they are not independently wealthy, they are not known to have property elsewhere.

They are both dead. IMO they were dead when the text message about taking a break from the phone/social media.

We don't know for sure that DT actually wrote the message, or if someone else did. I haven't seen anything mentioning whether HG sent a similar text to anyone.

I agree, I think the two women may be gone, much as I hate to say it. And there still has been no mention recently of Austin B.

All my own opinion.
Question.. does anyone here know anything about the Pagan Brotherhood??

MM has a definite connection that is a member.. someone brought up the theory that MM, DS & JB were pledging for the Pagan Brotherhood.. JR had some debt that he was into with the Pagans and the 3 were instructed to "take care" of him and bring him to them.. apparently a chapter in WV?..

I don't know how much truth there is to this theory but the info came from someone I am very close with who is also very close friends with MM's father.

I asked about the girls.. he said they were in hiding under protection of the FBI because now the Brotherhood is coming after everyone.......

Like I stated previously -- I don't know how much truth there is to what I was told but no matter how much I'd like to believe it, I don't think that Dani and Heather are in hiding or protective custody.

Btw, my daughter went to school with Dani, was friends with her ex-boyfriend and Dani is the stepdaughter of someone who was like my brother growing up.. I have been following all the articles, comments, posts, profiles, friends, etc. I also live in very close vicinity to Heather's sister, Brandi.

I saw today, a comment from a cousin of Dani's who said Dani's last phone call made was to 911.. I did reach out via messenger to confirm and will post if I receive a response.

I have seen several comments about "this goes deeper than you think".. I am just not sure of motive to kill JR.. I am not sure if I completely believe the whole he owed them money situation.. but maybe??

Idk.. any thoughts, insights, info?

I live locally and have been following this case since it broke. I don't know any of the individuals involved directly, but being that Carroll County is a very small rural community, I am only about one or two degrees of separation socially from many of those involved. As such, I have found the whole case- especially the grisly and violent nature of the murder and the fact that two, possibly three individuals are also now missing- deeply disturbing and unsettling.

As is the case with many of you, I have spent a lot of time thinking about potential motive and just what the hell has happened here. As others have speculated, my mind also immediately went to drugs and/or money being related to whatever the motive was for the attack on JR. However, when I read the above quoted post mentioning the potential involvement or link to the Pagan Brotherhood I was chilled to my core. Unfortunately I can confirm that this so-called "club" does have a very strong and active presence in this area as I have a family member that got mixed-up with this group. The Pagans are an extremely violent group, they do have pledging initiations which, as is described above, typically involve following orders to "take care" of a target using violence (with a particular penchant for the use of blades), and the group is also heavily involved in the production and distribution of methamphetamines, specifically, and other illicit substances in the PA/MD/DC/VA/WV area- all of which I have learned because of the consequences, legal and otherwise, of my family member's involvement with this "club." And while I cannot confirm that this theory is true or accurate in relation to this case, seeing the Pagans mentioned chilled me and gave me pause as it is certainly a plausible connection (IMO).
We don't know for sure that DT actually wrote the message, or if someone else did. I haven't seen anything mentioning whether HG sent a similar text to anyone.

I agree, I think the two women may be gone, much as I hate to say it. And there still has been no mention recently of Austin B.

All my own opinion.

I read that HG messaged either a friend, or her sister a day before going missing. She asked for them to take her to the hospital (unknown reason), but they were busy with their child, and unable to take her. The next day she went missing.

AB was listed as missing by family, but never by the FBI. The FBI has only pursued HG & DT as missing. It's evident AB is the criminal informant that has been cited in several news articles.

As for gang affiliation. This is the most plausible connection. There's a new chapter of The Hells Angels that keeps popping up in the conversations regarding this crime. Given the nature of the murder, the amount involved, and the mysterious connection between the group, and JR this makes sense.

Like everyone here I'd like to believe that HG & DT are still alive. I can't help but feel like their family (possibly fbi too) know there whereabouts, but for reasons due to safety, are continuing to act as though they're missing. I posted here b4 regarding the lack of any missing posts from family. Strangers are posting missing post daily, but family & friends aren't!?! If they were still missing, or worse Dead, the families (sister, grandmother...) would still be posting frantically. Just as they did back in early-mid April. I have scrubbed facebook down. I have seen post after post from strangers, but none from family since May started. I've also seen where family of HG & DT will respond to t
Other post regarding the missing, but not post anything themselves. I have also seen where strangers will come back to old post asking for updates, and a family member will respond with a simple "they're still missing". Now I understand everyone handles grief in their own way, but the majority would be turning over every stone, and posting ALL OVER THE INTERNET.

I also know that one of the alleged murderers parents have been asked to relocate temporarily due to a possible gang related "Hit Job" ordered against the brother of one of the alleged murderers. It is possible the families of the missing women have also been threatened to remain quiet.
I read that HG messaged either a friend, or her sister a day before going missing. She asked for them to take her to the hospital (unknown reason), but they were busy with their child, and unable to take her. The next day she went missing.

AB was listed as missing by family, but never by the FBI. The FBI has only pursued HG & DT as missing. It's evident AB is the criminal informant that has been cited in several news articles.

As for gang affiliation. This is the most plausible connection. There's a new chapter of The Hells Angels that keeps popping up in the conversations regarding this crime. Given the nature of the murder, the amount involved, and the mysterious connection between the group, and JR this makes sense.

Like everyone here I'd like to believe that HG & DT are still alive. I can't help but feel like their family (possibly fbi too) know there whereabouts, but for reasons due to safety, are continuing to act as though they're missing. I posted here b4 regarding the lack of any missing posts from family. Strangers are posting missing post daily, but family & friends aren't!?! If they were still missing, or worse Dead, the families (sister, grandmother...) would still be posting frantically. Just as they did back in early-mid April. I have scrubbed facebook down. I have seen post after post from strangers, but none from family since May started. I've also seen where family of HG & DT will respond to t
Other post regarding the missing, but not post anything themselves. I have also seen where strangers will come back to old post asking for updates, and a family member will respond with a simple "they're still missing". Now I understand everyone handles grief in their own way, but the majority would be turning over every stone, and posting ALL OVER THE INTERNET.

I also know that one of the alleged murderers parents have been asked to relocate temporarily due to a possible gang related "Hit Job" ordered against the brother of one of the alleged murderers. It is possible the families of the missing women have also been threatened to remain quiet.

Wow, that's quite a bit of info. Are you local and know some of the friends/family? I'm just wondering where you read or got your info? I am local but do not personally know any of the people involved, so not likely to learn anything except through "friend of a friend" or social media. Small town talk. Lol

The theory of a gang involvement seems to fit. I know gang activity has been on the increase here for awhile, and this is an unusually brutal crime for Carroll County.

All my own opinion only.
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I keep coming to this site hoping for news but alas none. I have the feeling they have been gone too long now. If they were paying someone to keep them hidden the risk would be too high for the concealer and money wou l d have run out by now. Anyone hiding them would be a low life. And wouldn't want them around if no money to pay. That is if the police don't have them secrete somewhere. Just my thoughts at this time.
Also, there has been no vigil or searches for the missing women that I am aware of. The families have clammed up on social media, and our local paper, which ran a few stories early on, has given no updates lately.

My own opinion only.
I pray everyday for the girls to come home and be ok. But as more and more times goes by. I worry that things may not end well for the families of the missing girls. I feel that the gang thing is what makes the most sense out of all of this. I keep going back to MM should have stayed in jail and served his time. Then this case many not have happened. Just my thoughts!!!
Just drove through Westminster today and was on the lookout for Missing Persons signs. I saw none. :( If the families aren't actively looking I fear the worst.

I had reason to leave Westminster going south and west, off the main roads, and the thought that kept going through my mind was there are plenty of woods, streams, and ponds all around...Why the heck did they drive all the way to West Virginia that night?

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