Sorry, but as a mom with now adult children; two of whom were only 12 months apart (got pregnant again when first-born was only 3 mos old), I cannot understand forgetting a child, whether it be in a vehicle or on the roof/trunk of a car in a car seat. My life was extremely busy working with two in diapers, having to pack two of everything, including two car seats, and I cannot recall a time EVER where I, even momentarily, forgot about my children. IMO, whatever is causing this is not about being busy and tired. Trust me, when I raised my children, you didn't finally get off your feet until between 9/9:30 at night, after cooking supper, giving baths, rocking/reading bedtime stories, and finally cleaning up from supper after the kids were tucked in. The big difference I see between then and now is social media, with the constant facebooking/twittering. I see it everyday with parents walking their kids, pushing a stroller, and sitting in their parked vehicle waiting to get out, with kids in the back, while the parents finish reading/posting from their phones. They need to get their faces out of their phones and be present in the moment with their children. MO ~