MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #2

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I can't help but wonder how LE hopes to keep the case in the media with no new information regarding the case. No offense to LE but first it was no media, then they were satisfied with national media. I think it will be incredibly difficult to maintain news coverage on this case with only frequent press releases requesting the publics assistance and they have no leads.

Meanwhile,I've pondered why LE has not been able to officially clear DB and KB and the only thing that makes any logical sense is LE has not been able to determine conclusively that any voice or electronic messages came directly from PB herself. When did LE verify PB last spoke with an idependent credible 'witness' outside of the group who are possibly being investigated as POI's? Did any of the possible 8 have anything to substantiate their alibi's? They are stating she could have been taken out of state and I recall a statement about Missouri (in one of the MSM articles) which sounded as if it was pulled out of the sky for lack of better wording. East of the Mississippi is not much of a starting point to work with. **shrug**

Phylicia deserves to be found..... I pray this case does not fall off the radar due to nothing from LE to the press outside the usual, she is still missing....


LE has stated repeatedly that the frustration of this case is the lack of any physical tangible evidence to substantiate anything. All they have to go on is he said, she said. Outside of verification of the fact that DB showed up at work, and left work, and KB showed up at work and left work. Other than that, they have nada.
I'm almost done with my catalog.
Sounds to me like LE is pretty focused on the group that came and went from the apartment, rather than a stranger. I find it almost impossible to believe that with 20 men in the picture, a 21st came along and grabbed Phylicia.
Sounds to me like LE is pretty focused on the group that came and went from the apartment, rather than a stranger. I find it almost impossible to believe that with 20 men in the picture, a 21st came along and grabbed Phylicia.

LE has said, and DB has said, that the 20 people in and out were family and friends of DB and MJ. Of the ones who were DB's family/friends, there is KB, BB, and probably some cousins. Of MJ's list, there is his older brother, younger brother, younger bro/cou, and several more male relatives.
LE narrowed the list down to 12, who had or could have had access to PB and the apartment during the 24 hours before her disappearance.
I think their answer lies within the remaining 12, then.
I just keep hoping her sister isn't involved in any way.
I just keep hoping her sister isn't involved in any way.

At first I thought she may be involved, or may be covering for someone - but now I've decided that she doesn't know anything. JMHO
I'd like to thank georgiajean, and Cubby too, for all your incredibly hard work on this case. Great job!
More from the article.

PB's stepfather, who has raised PB since she was 3, is named in this article. RM are his initials.


from the linked article:

Guglielmi has declined to name any potential suspects. He said seeking polygraph examinations is a possibility.

"We have explored that," he said. "Obviously, you need consent from counsel and all that and I don't think we have received that. At this point, it is definitely something on the table."

It will be interesting to see who voluntarily takes a polygraph and who refuses. LE likely won't name who refused a poly, but would likely say some persons were adminstered poly's but LE won't name who... (or something along those lines. )

also from the linked article:

It has gotten to the point where their families are complaining to the mayor's office that the police are pretty much harassing them. But they are people of interest."

BBM. Aw poor POI's complaining about LE doing their jobs. :boohoo:
Take the :curses: polygraph and clear yourself!! LE has publically put the offer on the table.

Anxiously awaiting further MSM as to whether (or not) all persons voluntarily took those poly's.
Time will tell if the theories presented here are spot on (or not).......
Hopefully LE will have several persons pounding on their doors begging to cooperate to be cleared of any involvement in this case.

I think their answer lies within the remaining 12, then.

I wonder how quickly LE could schedule 12 polygraphs. This is a pretty hot case for them.
I'd be willing to bet no later than by end of week if not completed by weeks end.

NG talked a bit about P tonight on her Missing show...Jean C. is behind, talked about searching the well.
City spokeperson Gugliemli was on, said they are incredibly frustrated, Mark K. said they have already spoken to the person responsible. Mark said in a metro area, too many places to search, vacant buildings, etc...that LE will just have to plod along and search bit by bit...
"Our goal is to find Phylicia and see what's going on," the 17-year-old's father Russell Barnes said. "We haven't given up that goal. I've heard from people who have had missing family members for years and they haven't given up, so I can't do it either."

I'm so glad to know the families of other missing persons have reached out to Phylicia's family. Lot of good people out there who have been dealing with this for years and even decades..... I'm glad to know PB's family is in 'good hands' with direct contact with other families of the missing.

God Bless those families who are suffering through this themself and able to reach out to PB's family.
Wow! That's very interesting. I've never seen RM being mentioned before. Plus, I'm curious to know which POI has council. I'm sure MJ would need one.

MJ posted on the Find PB FB group he had 'lawyered up' prior to the posts being sanitized.
I've heard of some cases where people were stranded on boats and things and survived weeks without food or water, and I really want to be hopeful that PB is alive out there too. However, being realistic, we are approaching 30 days in the dead of winter and I am losing faith! At this point it would be a miracle if PB were alive, and what are the odds (in this economy) that someone can afford to take her in, keep her fed, and yet hold her against her will? OMG, I fear the worst. JMO------

Thanks Cubby, and everyone for this group. It's like a "support group". I get very anxious about PB sometimes, and this helps to channel that energy. I can't even imagine what JS is going through! smh
NG talked a bit about P tonight on her Missing show...Jean C. is behind, talked about searching the well.
City spokeperson Gugliemli was on, said they are incredibly frustrated, Mark K. said they have already spoken to the person responsible. Mark said in a metro area, too many places to search, vacant buildings, etc...that LE will just have to plod along and search bit by bit...


Interesting. I agree. There's no stranger involved - and in my opinion it's narrowed down from 12 to about 3 (maybe 4).
Good night everyone.
Praying for a miracle... hoping to wake to some answers regarding PB's disappearance.
· None of MJ’s brothers were around DB’s house on the 27th. (Per GIJ, Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure) Contradicted by MJ, who posted that one of his brothers was there on the 27th, but not LilGJ. (MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure)

· MJ indicated he spoke with DB on the night of the 27th, about 11 pm or so, to say he was coming by on the 28th. (MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure)

· MJ’s LBC spent the night at DB’s, and MJ was supposed to come pick him up. Peas Interview 3. Verified by MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure. MJ indicated he has three younger brothers, this is his youngest brother, a teenager, and it isn’t LilGJ (MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure) This person was referred to as a little brother and a cousin by DB/KB on Peas Interview 3. This person goes by “LBC” for WS purposes.

· The only people who had access to the apartment and to PB, and who would have slept at the apartment the night of the 27th were DB, MJ, PB, and LBC. (Peas Interview 3.)

· 8:45 am- In a brief interview, Phylicia Barnes' elder half-sister, Deena Barnes, 27, said her sister was sleeping when she left her apartment at 8:45 a.m Dec. 28. (,0,2736197.story ) Verified (Peas Interview 3)

· 9 am MJ comes to apartment, picks up LBC and takes him to another family member’s house. (MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure)

· 10 am or so PB’s first text to DB Peas Interview 3

· 10 am or so PB’s first text to KB. (Peas Interview 3)

· 10 something, MJ arrives back at the apartment to do laundry and pack. (MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure)

· 10 something After MJ arrived PB was just getting out of the shower, and got onto FB. PB was talking with DB, and told DB that MJ was there, doing laundry. (MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure)

· AM/early PM DB said they spoke on the phone and texted several times that morning and through the afternoon, mostly about setting up a hair appointment for the teen.,0,2736197.story (Verified 1-17 on Find PB FB discussion, since wiped clean. From WS post #488,by NatLock on Thread #1. GJ verifies that this is what she read, also.)

· DB said MJ was moving out at the time and didn’t know MJ was at the house that morning until PB and her were talking on the phone about her getting her hair done, she was ordering PB some Neutrogena Skin ID for her face. She had PB doing a skin evaluation online and contacting a girl about her hair on FB. PB told DB that MJ was there when she talked to her on the phone. (1-17 on Find PB FB discussion, since wiped clean. From WS post #488,by NatLock on Thread #1. GJ verifies that this is what she read, also.)
o Clarified in Peas Interview 3 when DB said: I did not know he was going to be at the apartment that day, except for to pick up his little brother from the apartment. I did know he was picking up the little brother. Peas Interview 3

· 11am-12:30-ish pm DB and PB texted about beauty supplies and hair cuts. Also Verified Peas Interview 3

· Time??? Phylicia was last heard from Dec.28 via Facebook when she posted a note saying she was at her sister's apartment with her sister's boyfriend.

· Between 10 something and 1:30 when he left, MJ indicated he and PB spoke about Christmas, and she was doing her hair, like she was going somewhere. MJ said PB mentioned that she was hungry and wanted to get something to eat from the store near the house (MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure)

· 11:08 (last text FROM PB to KB) “She texted me while I was at work and asked me to come pick her up,” said Kelly Barnes, her half-sister. Verified Peas Interview 3

· 11:30 am Phylicia’s last Facebook post mentioned being hungry.

· 11:38 DB and PB spoke at about 11:38, saying that they were going to try to make a hair appt. and get some beauty supplies together.

· 12:23 DB’s last communication with PB was 12:23. (1-17 on Find PB FB discussion, since wiped clean. From WS post #488,by NatLock on Thread #1. GJ verifies that this is what she read, also.)

· 12:23 (KB texted back to PB) “I started calling her, texting her, leaving her voicemails, everything. And nothing.”

· 12:30 LE told NG PB communicated through text messages with half sister about 12:30 in afternoon. (Also in

· 12:30-ish KB texts PB before she leaves work in D.C. “Are you up and getting dressed?” No Answer. (Peas Interview 3)

· 1:00, KB calls PB. No Answer. (Peas Interview 3)

· 1:00 pm JS says that at 1, MJ said he was taking a nap, and DB had fallen asleep on him. (Told to JS, by DB) (Verified DB says that MJ told her that PB was asleep at 1:04p. (1-17 on Find PB FB discussion, since wiped clean. From WS post #488,by NatLock on Thread #1. GJ verifies that this is what she read, also.)

· 1:20, 1:30 KB calls PB. No Answer. Texts PB, no answer. (Peas Interview 3)

· 1:30 KB was supposed to pick PB up at about 1:30, 1:45.

· 1:30 pm Family believes PB left to get something to eat.
o “Police say they were told by Deena Barnes that Phylicia left the apartment about 1:30 p.m. and said she was going shopping.”
o From her missing poster :“It is possible she may have stepped out for a walk to get something to eat at a local establishment, but nobody knows for sure.” http://imaginepublicity.files.wordp...-16-missing-baltimore-maryland-12-28-2010.jpg
o Family members said she sent a text message to her sister. They did not divulge its contents, but said it appeared Barnes had left to find something to eat.,0,2597415.story
o DB's boyfriend was the last one to see PB, at the apartment. DB's boyfriend left her sleeping on the couch, and he locked the door behind him. (Verified by MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure)
o Ex-BF was moving out of the apartment, and says he saw PB asleep on the couch at about 1:30. PB said she was going to take a nap and then go get something to eat. (Verified by MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure)
o Contradicted in Peas Interview 3 when KB says that the going to get something to eat, and taking a nap all came from MJ. KB did not verify the text from PB.

· 3:08 KB Calls DB to see if she knows where PB is, still can’t reach her by phone. DB tells her MJ said she was sleeping on the couch at 1:30, so she’s probably still sleeping. KB decides PB will call her when she wakes up. (Peas Interview 3)

· 4 pm JS has bad feeling about something. Not sure what it is.

· Time???“My daughter’s friends came home,” said Russell Barnes, “and the door was unlocked and the music was loud. That’s all they can tell me.”

· 4:50 PM MJ came back to the house, PB was not there. His LBC was there. (MJ Find PB postings, archived by GJ prior to erasure)

· 5:00 pm Then, at 5 pm, MJ texted DB and said that PB was up and active. (no longer available Was raw, unedited interview with JS)

· 5:10 pm When MJ came back to the apartment about 5:10, the door was unlocked, music in the apartment was turned up extremely loudly.

· 6: pm DB then got home at 6p and found PB gone. She thought that PB woke up and called KB to come get her. (1-17 on Find PB FB discussion, since wiped clean. From WS post #488,by NatLock on Thread #1. GJ verifies that this is what she read, also.)

· After 6pm DB called KB, BB, MJ. Said MJ did not respond for about an hour. So DB called Uncle and Dad. Then called the police. (1-17 on Find PB FB discussion, since wiped clean. From WS post #488,by NatLock on Thread #1. GJ verifies that this is what she read, also.) Verified-- DB said she called, in this order, KB, BB, MJ, LBC, Uncle, Dad, LE. (Peas Interview 3.)

· 6:11 pm DB said she heard back from MJ at 6:11. This contradicts her statement above. (Peas Interview 3.)

· 6:30 Brother BB got a call from DB at 6:30, looking for PB. DB called back 15 min. later, to make sure he wasn't playing a joke on her, that she could not find PB. He told her to contact their dad.

· 6:30 PB's father was texted around 6:30 pm, from DB. "911, I can't find PB."

· 6:30-7:30 Brother said DB's computer was still open when he got there, and PB's email was open. Brother checked her email (in/out box), history, spam folder, etc. He did not find anything fishy. She has Skype, and the only people on her SKYPE list are her friends.

· 7:30 DB calls LE. LE arrives by 8:30. (Peas Interview 3)

· 8-ish PM JS called PB, got voice mail. Called again 5 min. later, got voice mail. Called DB and learned the news. Had DB put LE on the phone.
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