Found Deceased MD - Robin Pope, 51, Stevensville, Kent Island, 1 March 2013

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I read that Bella had tumours and that Bella did- not- drown.What was said to be the cause of death?

I used to be a vet tech -wow-30 years ago - my boss used to get me to autopsy most of the animals that the owners did not want to take home after they passed, it was very educational and i learnt to see which organs were unhealthy, some times you could see what organ had been the final failure. This was in the ancient times when vets used to give educated guesses instead of -pay $60 to get appoinment with a vet -well your gonna have pay $400 for a blood test- i can't diagnos without one.( sorry that was a rant)(canada)

But if Robins death was an accident, knowing what Bella died of would give a clearer picture of the Bella's behavior. Dogs are not people, and death can come violently thru their body and if Robin did not know what was happening or did, there is an inclination to hold the one hurting- if you you have not had this experience- it will not be how you think it will be.
It was said Queen Annes County Animal Control's vet Dr Forney. He has an office in Chestertown MD Kent County and a clinic at the QAC shelter. No official report released on Bella according to MSP spokesman.
I live in Anne Arundel County, which neighbors Queen Anne's County via the Bay. I didn't know RP personally, but I do know that she hung out at The Jetty and Red Eyes Dock Bar in the summer months... as most folks do in the area. I used to hang out there with friends and it is not unusual for patrons come and go from there at all hours. The timeline for her to arrive at WP's house that late on a Friday night does not seem unusual to me at all. However, IMO, his story DOES raise my hinky meter. My biggest concern is why didn't he call her best friend instead of driving to her home to see if RP was there??? A phone call would have made sense to me... not driving to her home.

Another day with no news in the local newspaper. I am praying for peace for her daughters, and also clarity for LE.

I am also very interested in the Nicole Burgess murder, which also happened locally.
I live in Anne Arundel County, which neighbors Queen Anne's County via the Bay. I didn't know RP personally, but I do know that she hung out at The Jetty and Red Eyes Dock Bar in the summer months... as most folks do in the area. I used to hang out there with friends and it is not unusual for patrons come and go from there at all hours. The timeline for her to arrive at WP's house that late on a Friday night does not seem unusual to me at all. However, IMO, his story DOES raise my hinky meter. My biggest concern is why didn't he call her best friend instead of driving to her home to see if RP was there??? A phone call would have made sense to me... not driving to her home.

Another day with no news in the local newspaper. I am praying for peace for her daughters, and also clarity for LE.

I am also very interested in the Nicole Burgess murder, which also happened locally.
Maybe he didn't have her number/ or her last name as it was Robin's friend (curious myself as to the distance between WP's house and Robin's friend and the distance to Robin's apt.. ) After finding her car/keys ,cell.,glasses in the car , why didn't he walk the waterfront to see if she was walking the dog ?How much time elapsed from when he discovered she wasn't at the house till he drove over to her friends?
I live in Anne Arundel County, which neighbors Queen Anne's County via the Bay. I didn't know RP personally, but I do know that she hung out at The Jetty and Red Eyes Dock Bar in the summer months... as most folks do in the area. I used to hang out there with friends and it is not unusual for patrons come and go from there at all hours. The timeline for her to arrive at WP's house that late on a Friday night does not seem unusual to me at all. However, IMO, his story DOES raise my hinky meter. My biggest concern is why didn't he call her best friend instead of driving to her home to see if RP was there??? A phone call would have made sense to me... not driving to her home.

Another day with no news in the local newspaper. I am praying for peace for her daughters, and also clarity for LE.

I am also very interested in the Nicole Burgess murder, which also happened locally.

My guess is that - if he is innocent - then he would assume since she had no keys/car, that maybe someone came and picked her up. If she were going back to her own place, she would've taken her things and her car. But if, say, she contacted a friend or a friend stopped by, it wouldn't be out of the question that perhaps she went back with the friend for a moment or two.

Something doesn't sit right with me here. The husband seems hinky, but then again, the timeline is tight. Seems like if guilty he would need more time to cover his tracks, get his story straight, and recompose himself. I just don't know about this one.
Kent Island is a small community so it makes for a close proximity.... Her friend Debbie was friends with RP for YEARS... and also with WP, so he would definitely know her phone number. That is why it struck a chord with me. Just seems weird that he would drive there and not call first.
Kent Island is a small community so it makes for a close proximity.... Her friend Debbie was friends with RP for YEARS... and also with WP, so he would definitely know her phone number. That is why it struck a chord with me. Just seems weird that he would drive there and not call first.

A little weird but I can think of some reasons why he might - with Bella also missing maybe he thought he would drive that way in case RP was either out looking for or out walking her. As he'd been apparently advised not to be home when RP was, he might have feared phoning a friend would cause a panic and if she was just out with Bella it would look bad. WP may have felt that if RP had gone to the friend to avoid him, if he'd rung, the friend might have lied whereas if he appeared, perhaps Bella would have reacted to him being there.

Not saying it doesn't all sound odd but without knowing the ins and outs as to what the real state of their relationship was, it's hard to judge what WP may have been thinking. He may not have called because he never went back home and knew LE would be able to trace where the call was made from, of course...
Came across this website and decided to chime in with a few things seeing I've been an area local my whole life. I figured I'd chime in on some things that have been posted in here.

1. Here is a post from the Sherrifs facebook page that tells some details....

Ok!!! I will speak as a person who had to use her tracking dog to show the state police Robins last footsteps and also use a cadaver dog that alerted to her being right there in the water the day of the big search......and I may add having to have my heart ripped out while the family stood quietly by watching what the dogs did....this is so painful for this poor family and friends!!!!! All the speculation needs to STOP!!! Let the police do their job. It will be what it will be.

2. Everyone should also keep in mind that some of the times and info related to that were released by family members and not the police so it's very likely that it could be inaccurate and void of critical info that is leading to everyones mere speculation at this point. I HIGHLY doubt the police have released much info to anyone including the family about a time line of all the events.

3. As far as WP not being seen in the area I honestly don't know but what I do know is this isn't a very large community and if I was in his shoes I'd prolly leave town for a while as well. There are very very very few places anyone could go around this area and remain under the radar especially him at this point so he probably doesn't want to be seen and harassed or bugged constantly and I can't blame him for that.

4. Anyone who says the Bay doesn't have strong currents is sorely mistaken about this. The Bay and surrounding rivers have very strong currents especially when the tide is coming in and out. People drown in the Bay and connecting rivers here every single summer and some of them are great swimmers. I can tell you being out in the Bay with 5-8 foot swells during a storm is very scary to say the least. The Bay water is no joke at all. Keep in mind the Bay is a major shipping channel to Baltimore so it is super deep in the middle.

People commit suicide by jumping from the Bay Bridge all year long and most are never heard about as they don't want it advertised for others to do. These bodies are found usually on the Kent Island coast line anywhere from days to months later( keep in mind that coast line is about 8-10 miles long roughly where they wash up). One was just found on the Anne Arundel County side yesterday afternoon from someone who jumped a couple weeks ago. This is not an uncommon occurance here.

The water is dark and murky and you can't see a damn thing in it. She could have sadly enough been floating up and down and in and out with the currents and they just missed it. It's really easy to do so not surprised about this in the least

5. The night in question was very cold and very windy and the weather itself was miserable. I was out that night so i know. I will guarentee that water down where she lives was extremely choppy based on the winds alone not to mention how cold the water itself was also.

6. In some areas down there the water isn't very deep but to say you can walk .5 miles out I'd love to see that on a windy day when the water is choppy. Highly unlikely. Keep in mind the piers there are for boats so the water is at least a few feet deep right off the bat to allow for that. For the person that said it's only about 5' deep, well she is 5'2 and we are presuming clothed with extremly cold water and the winds itself so I'd also be willing to bet that that alone made it deeper not even figuring in the current at the time. I all but guarentee anyone going into the water that deep is going to struggle at best to get out quickly due to the shear cold and shock of it. I'm a good swimmer and there is no way I'd even think of jumping in that water now during those conditions at night if you told me it was 5' deep only. No way and no how.

I do realize that alot on here is pure speculation and don't see a problem with that at all. I do think some people take things to an extreme but that's the nature of some people.

I do agree the story that is out there doesn't quite sound right at all but again we have very minimal true details of the story as well as it's been kept very quiet here. As far as WP driving to her friends first,did anyone think that maybe he didn't check inside her car first for her belongings,tried calling her,she didn't answer so drove there looking for her..Granted i don't know where this said friend lives either or drove the neighborhood looking for her walking the dog? Just a thought

I would like to think and hope this is nothing more than a tragic accident of maybe the dog fell in and she went after it or maybe she slipped in somehow off the pier and the dog died waiting for her to get out. It was extremely cold that night....I really hope this is the case

Anyways,figured I'd chime in because some of the information in here about the area is clearly inaccurate so I wanted to correct it.

Carry On Now
Thank you BP for your insights and welcome to WS. Hopefully, you will continue to contribute to Robin's thread.
Thank you for taking time to post that, big_pimpin. I hope you'll stay around and give us the benefit of your great observations.
BP, thank you for the info. I was the one talking about the 5-ft depth a half mile out at low tide. I apologize if I implied thatmshe would walk out there, or could walk out there. I was thinking more in terms of there not being a steep drop off near shore like there is in places like the Outer Banks. Also, if close enough to shore or a pier and you fall in, even if the water is up to your chin or higher, I think it would be easier to push yourself off the bottom, something you can't do if your feet can't find bottom.

Having said this, I do think if she fell in or walked slightly in to fetch something that fell in, it may have been hard to get out. It was not a nice night out there. We lived on a sailboat in the Bay briefly so I can imagine what it was like out on the water or at the edge.

All things considered, I have a hard time believing it was an accident, mostly due to the whole falling asleep story, etc. So we will carry on. ;)
I personally don't know of anyone whom I'm friends with that I can pop in on at midnight, 1 am in the morning for a visit. I don't see this as being normal. And when he went to the house, he woke everyone up. Why would she be spending the night there???

Her car was at his place. Did he think she walked to her friend's house that late at night???

This doesn't make sense to me. Of course, I don't know her relationship with the woman so maybe she does go visit her at 2 am, but I don't know a lot of people who would be receptive to that. IMO.
I don't know if the question was answered but the woman WP went to was a friend of Robins who's daughter rented an apartment to Robin. That is where WP went with the apt. owner to see if Robin was there as the owner had the key to the place. I hope I didn't confuse anyone with that explanation.
BP, thanks for your insight as a local. The one premise you brought up about him not looking in the car first before going to Robins friends house I find is a stretch. I say this because there is info out there that when he awoke from his nap he went out to her car and she was asleep, that being said I can't see him not looking in the car after finding her not in thee house and Bella gone. I would think that would be one of the first places he would look. Jmo . of course and none of the info has been verified by LE as far as I know.

Does anyone know if cell records (or home phone records) show whether WP DID try to call Robin's friend? I have been known to sleep through a cell-phone ring, and some people mute their phones when they go to sleep.
I wondered the same thing. They more than likely did ... I just wish we knew more about the outcome of the autopsy. Her funeral is this week (today?) so we may know more now that the family has had the service.
BP, thanks for your insight as a local. The one premise you brought up about him not looking in the car first before going to Robins friends house I find is a stretch. I say this because there is info out there that when he awoke from his nap he went out to her car and she was asleep, that being said I can't see him not looking in the car after finding her not in thee house and Bella gone. I would think that would be one of the first places he would look. Jmo . of course and none of the info has been verified by LE as far as I know.

I was referring to him actually going thru the car itself. I would imagine he would look in it to see if she was there but not necessarily go thru the car looking for her keys,phone,purse etc before going looking for her
Everyone needs to keep in mind that very little info has been released by the police themselves and much coming out is 3rd party info so naturally that may be lacking detail or be wrong in details all together

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