MD - Tech tycoon's Annapolis mansion destroyed by fire and 6 missing

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Call me a conspiracy theorist or perhaps I watch too many crime shows, but IMO, this fire is going to have something to do with Mr. Pyles line of work. It does happen. Would explain the little information, too.
Has there been any confirmation that they were all in the house?
Has there been any confirmation that they were all in the house?

No confirmation but it is believed they were as they are the 6 still unaccounted for...according to reports that authorities contacted relatives and spoke with neighbors etc.
They may never find the bodies... it's happened before. :tears:

Could you elaborate, please? I was not aware of any recent cases, say 20 years, where people died in house fires and no remains were recovered. There is the Freeman/Bible case in Oklahoma. I assume the girls were taken elsewhere. And the Chloe and Gage Leverett(sp?) case outside of Nashville, where the theory is the bio parents took the kids. Thanks in advance.
I would imagine that given his line of work and the full out destruction of the building that the government is very interested in what happened there. High profile business people are definitely at risk for abduction, etc.
Could you elaborate, please? I was not aware of any recent cases, say 20 years, where people died in house fires and no remains were recovered. There is the Freeman/Bible case in Oklahoma. I assume the girls were taken elsewhere. And the Chloe and Gage Leverett(sp?) case outside of Nashville, where the theory is the bio parents took the kids. Thanks in advance.

1999 Laura Bible and Ashley Freeman...Freeman home burned down and the mother was found shot to death inside the burned remains of the home. They suspected the father of doing it and escaping with the 2 teens. Laura Bible's family searched the burned remains themselves and found human bones that was the body of the father and he had also been shot. The 2 teens have never been found. Why authorities missed the father's remains was a big question.
That might also explain why the top ATF people are coming in to investigate.

That was also my thought on the big guns coming in, (atf) yeah yeah I know they said because of the size of the home, well say that they can, I am not buying it. jmo idk
From your link:

IMO if timed coordinated explosives are what set this fire off, and especially if accelerants were utilized, then there's no or minimal materials really that would withstand obliteration. However, if the fire was an accident, I wonder if the builder tried talking the Pyle's into further fire proofing their home. I also wonder the types of materials used and thickness of the walls, ceilings & floor. If proper fireproofing thickness barriers were utilized, then I wonder about the paints used on the walls and the adhesives used on the flooring (if any).

I think that the architect would have been the one to do that, but I am sure the the builders would bring that to the clients attention as it's being built, change orders happen alot in custom builds. I am willing to bet that there was lots of wood detail in that home. I have been in some and the extras that get done is just amazing. I know that lots of the mega homes have theaters in them,game rooms, wine cellars, root cellars and the extra/guest bedrooms are in the cellar/basement of these homes. I wondered if the kids had there own bedrooms there. jmo idk
Could you elaborate, please? I was not aware of any recent cases, say 20 years, where people died in house fires and no remains were recovered. There is the Freeman/Bible case in Oklahoma. I assume the girls were taken elsewhere. And the Chloe and Gage Leverett(sp?) case outside of Nashville, where the theory is the bio parents took the kids. Thanks in advance.

I was thinking of Chloe and Gage.
I never did hear authorities say that they believed the kids had been taken.
It was my understanding that they believe they died in the fire but couldn't find the bodies.
The fact that authorities believe they cannot find the bodies is what I am referring to.
If authorities are willing to admit defeat, that says a lot to me.
This is like trying to find 6 bodies in a demolished Costco Warehouse. It's huge.
My Dad used to do alarm systems... for extremely wealthy people.
He would always comment on the messed up priorities.
He'd put an alarm in a 10,000 square foot house... and comment how it would burn down if it ever caught fire.
The poor layouts, the poor building materials, the lack of sprinklers, not enough smoke alarms, etc.
A lot of them were surrounded by trees, up in the mountains, etc.

In a regular house a smoke alarm may give you time to escape.
In a house this big... the fire may spread before you have time to get out anyway.
If the fire starts downstairs and you are upstairs... trying to gather 4 kids? Time goes fast.

Most people building a house like this would put in a sprinkler system (required or not.)
My Dad was always amazed at how people built these huge houses.

When he heard about this case he wasn't at all surprised. :twocents:
Breaking on the local news: 2 bodies found so far, don't know who they are or the sex or age. nbc
I would imagine that given his line of work and the full out destruction of the building that the government is very interested in what happened there. High profile business people are definitely at risk for abduction, etc.

High profile business people are also prone to engage in self-destructive behavior when their finances turn south. This mansion was built prior to the stock market and economy melt-down. It would cost a small fortune just to maintain the house, pay the taxes and support the high-profile lifestyle.

High profile business people are also prone to engage in self-destructive behavior when their finances turn south. This mansion was built prior to the stock market and economy melt-down. It would cost a small fortune just to maintain the house, pay the taxes and support the high-profile lifestyle.


In some instances I'd agree...but not in this one. There's no way this guy committed suicide. He just signed on with ScienceLogic a few months ago becoming COO plus was on the BOD. I'm pretty sure he had a great salary. I can't predict how it'll be reported but I'd for one never believe it was suicide.

The thing that most interests me regarding this case is how ironic it is that the CyberCaliphate hacker that hijacked one of CENTCOM's official Twitter accounts while Obama was addressing cyber security was done 2 weeks prior to the burning of Pyle's mansion...Pyle being a cyber security expert. Nothing not already public was acquired and shared, however, several DOD docs & info was released regarding retired personnel & their addresses etc. Pyle worked for companies with major DOD contracts. He had a high level government clearance.

ATM I believe if this wasn't a true accidental fire, then he was targeted. The tech companies he's worked for are worldwide. He could very easily have become a target and I find that freaking sad. Conspiracy theories aside, how coincidental that a cyber security expert should perish in a fire along with his wife and 4 grandchildren just two weeks after a cyber security breach by an ISIS sympathizer... I don't believe in coincidences. I'm very much hoping this was a true accident. The ATF showing up almost right away on a personal private home kind of cinches what I'm thinking.

I'm surprised it hasn't been brought up yet in this thread so it dawned on me some may not be aware of what happened a couple weeks ago. Here's a link to a good article on CENTCOM's social media being compromised. It's important to note that CENTCOM itself wasn't compromised, only their social media. From what I understand these idiots didn't gain anything pertinent. They're just trying to frighten everyone.
Something else that's in the back of my mind is L-3. L-3 & Boeing... L-3 is big on Aerospace Systems. Just sayin'. L-3 acquires Data Tactics and then pairs with ScienceLogic. Several of us believe there was a cyber breach of the control systems of certain planes that have disappeared and feared crashed in recent months. If hacked, that's all covered under Cyber Security. Pyle is a cyber security expert. E x p e r t . Granted he was on the sales side of it but this is no door to door salesman - he dealt with the top guns, the head honchos. One can't help but wonder if this man was indeed targeted.

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