ME ME - Jeremy Alex, 28, Northport, 24 April 2004

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Oct 13, 2007
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I have met a woman by the name of Nikohl whose brother, Jeremy Alex, went missing on April 24, 2004 from Northport, Maine. I met Nikohl while working on The Three Missing Women case here in Springfield, Missouri.

According to the family, Jeremy was a tortured soul, but they don't believe he would have just disappeared leaving them to worry about him.

The CUE Network stopped here in Springfield today on behalf of Jeremy's family.

Please help this grieving family find out what happened to their loved one.

Three years later, search for Jeremy Alex goes on

By Jay Davis
VillageSoup/Waldo County Citizen Senior Reporter
NORTHPORT (April 24): Jeremy Alex disappeared Saturday, April 24, 2004, leaving family and friends to grieve his absence and ponder the reasons he is no longer here.

His father, Ted, observed the third anniversary of Jeremy's mysterious exodus by returning to Belfast to again solicit help in locating him.

Ted has no illusions about Jeremy's fate. "I think someone killed him and that someone knows something and through guilt or just something eating at him this someone will come forward," he said. The Alex family has increased the reward to $20,000 for information leading to the resolution of Jeremy's disappearance.

Ted said he still receives phone calls and e-mails about the case. More than anything, Ted said he'd like to know what happened to Jeremy, who had issues with drugs and addiction, and who was a kind-hearted man who would have turned 31 on Easter Sunday. "We didn't know the extent of his drug use until he disappeared," Ted said, "though I always knew he did drugs."

Ted said Jeremy was more of a binge user of drugs than an addict and was "always able to get himself clean." Ted said Jeremy was a good worker who helped him finish off a Belfast-built Holland 32 lobster boat at his Portsmouth, N.H. home and "could handle most anything." That's why Ted believes his son's life ended violently — why else would he disappear? "I think it was either money-related or drug-related," he said. "I know he wasn't lost in the woods." Jeremy was on a binge before his disappearance, Ted said, that likely began with a snowboarding trip to Sugarloaf three days before the fateful disappearance.

Jeremy had just moved to a house on the Harbor Road in Northport and had made an appointment to look at a moped that day. Ted said he has spoken with the couple that saw Jeremy emerge from the woods at about 5:20 p.m. in a clearly distraught, disheveled state, saying someone was after him. Ted said Jeremy had used heroin and cocaine that day and was not rational, perhaps even hallucinating.

Jeremy reportedly recognized the woman from his days in school and approached her. The woman and her husband tried to calm down Jeremy. The husband actually tackled Jeremy, and a call to 9-1-1 was made, Ted said. Jeremy reportedly first offered to buy his freedom, then broke free. By the time the ambulance arrived, he was long gone. He was spotted once more, crossing a road, but Jeremy has not been seen since.

Ted has been working with a therapist since he learned of Jeremy's disappearance and has been in contact with other families who have lost children. "It becomes an obsession," he said, "and it becomes your identity for other people." Ted is trying to move on.

The Jeremy Alex Fund, which the family started to remember Jeremy, "is a deflection" of his obsession, Ted said. The fund has nearly $200,000 in assets and this year will make grants totaling about $5,000 to children and young adults who need help staying the course. The fund is administered through the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, he said, and will be available for youth in need in perpetuity. This year, the Jeremy Alex Fund will contribute $1,200 to help a youth on the edge participate in a Spanish class trip to Costa Rica. It will also provide camperships for children during a Tall Ship cruise from Newport, R.I. to Portsmouth.

Ted is grateful for the interest local law enforcement personnel have shown in Jeremy's disappearance. He is in regular contact with them, and he notes a continuing optimism that their investigation will pay off. Ted has also been in touch with a volunteer group of retired detectives that has provided information to the Maine State Police on Jeremy's case. Ted believes "we need to change how adults who disappear are looked for." Though many are later found alive and well, he said, others are abducted or killed and the places they were last seen and their possessions should be treated like crime scenes.

Ted said Jeremy's car, which was found near his home in Northport, and his new house should have been preserved as evidence in what may one day be known as a homicide. Ted's message on the third anniversary of Jeremy's disappearance is to ask again for help in finding him. He adds that contributions to the fund established in Jeremy's name may help other troubled young people avoid the same fate.
I can't believe there is only one post about Jeremy on here. His disappearence has always been fasincating to me. I did a search here and thought I would find some long thread about him.

Heroine and Cocaine is a very deadly combo. I think if he did in the woods somewhere he would have been found by now. Both drugs separetly can make you very paranoid and together I can't even imagine.

I have seen if Jeremy actually made it to the appt. about the moped that day or not. I wonder if they tried to rob him or something and he ran away.......
I've read about his disappearance several times on Charley Project and wondered about him. I hope he is still alive and maybe was taken in by a shelter someplace. It said he had survival skills to live in the woods but he couldn't survive in the woods this long, especially in the winter. I would think too if he had died in the woods they would have found him by now. I really hope he is alive and in a shelter or someplace where people are looking after him.
It's just bizarre. One minute he is moving stuff into his new place and the next he is running around in the woods telling people someone is after him and trying kill and then he vanishes.......
Yes, it's very bizarre. He apparently turned down all offers when people saw him and wanted to help so maybe if someone offered to take him to a shelter he refused that too. His Dad thinks he was murdered. It sounds to me like Jeremy thinking people were after him was paranoia from the drugs but maybe there was some truth to it. If the sighting in September 2004 was really him, he didn't get very far from where he disappeared from. That's what is so baffling, he should still be right around that same area unless he hitched a ride from someone and is by now much farther away. Another possibility is he could have found another wooded area farther away from Northport, someplace where they haven't checked, and could have died from exposure.
Thanks for finding that, Rosco. It's a nice page..looks like it is run by his sister Nikohl.

Awww... NP...! For sure...

Yes - it does look like it's from his sister.

I placed a bulliten too - for friends to add his myspace page..

Nice website. Wish you Were Here by Pink Floyd is one of my all time favorite songs and Star Wars is one of my fav movies. I think Jeremy and I might have gotten along quite nicely. It is too bad that once the media gets wind that someone had an addiction problem they seem to discard it. A lot of good people with kind hearts struggle with addiction.

I wonder if Jeremy owed someone money? A drug-dealer. They said he had been on a binger the days leading up to his disappearence. He could have made promises he couldn't keep when having drugs fronted to him.
I live here in Maine and indeed this is a very sad story.

Personally, just knowing Northern is very possible that Jeremy died out in the exansive Maine wilderness and noone has ever stumbled across his body.

My thought has been that he was high on drugs, got lost and wandered for a while. Maybe he made a small shelter or cave, and died inside. Who knows? Maybe he drowned.

Regardless it is very sad, and I pray his body will be found either way. His family deserves peace.
I was hoping there was more info on Jeremy Alex and was suprised that there is very little on him here. Northport is next town from Belfast Maine. Many months ago had this dream and think it was pertaining to him since at the time he was deep on my mind. I am not a psychic. Tt is probably just a dream but thought I would mention it here on this thread. The dream showed a man wearing a hat that said NETS on it weighed a 160 lbs brown hair to ears. Then it flashed to this Road that veered off to the left and was a driveway on the left with like electrical wires that crossed the road and on those wires where a pair of sneakers hanging over them. I had also scanned some other forums to find out if there was any other information on him. Here are some links I have found for forensic horoscope on him.

I also went to another sight to see what they might have on him.

Think the thing that caught my attention was Willow woods. Thinking of what willow woods was. I was thinking wheeping willow tree, Popular trees which is similar to wheeping willows found in wet areas which are familure to that area. I didn't see any roads with the name willow woods. Then in the last few weeks in August to the first weekend September 2009, Tuesday after labor day I saw this tractor trailer truck with the Label Willow Woods Inc. and was wondering what the possibilities of a trucker picking him up and heading north. I know it kind of sounds crazy. But thought it was kind of Odd there was a Tractor trailer with that name. Then got to thinking what was being shipped here within Maine with a tractor trailer. Maybe building materials or some kind of supplies. Fairly new trailer was very clean. So then did a little googling for the name willow wood... Jeremy's Van was located on the Pound hill Road in a small parking area. The property is owned by the Waldo County Humane Society according to the village soup the town paper. Could they have been delivering animal supplies to locations throughout Maine. Just kind of curious..
Jeremy Ted Alex disappeared on April 24, 2004. Four years later another man disappears approximately 5-10 miles from where Jeremy disappeared. Charles Milton Springer, from Belmont Maine.

How odd to have to people disappear in very close proximaty of each other. Another Odd thing I just noticed... Springer's birthday is April 24. Strange wonder if there is a connection to the two. Springer use to be a trucker till he developed Alzheimers and wasn't allowed to drive.
Thinking of Jeremy today and was hoping to see if there was any updated information on him. But no such luck. I don't know Jeremy or the family but, I can only imagine how the family feels not knowing how their loved one is, or where he is. I know I would want some sort of closure. I hope someone comes forth with some more information. I just wanted to let Jeremy and his family know that he isn't forgotten and is my thoughts and pray's. Hope he will soon be found.
Tonight the "Disappeared" episode for Jeremy Alex premiered on the ID network, I hadn't known much of this case. Just reading the above article I had no idea he'd been on his way to check out a moped. Anyone know what became of that?
As with a couple other cases I've commented on, I think the drugs are key here. Many friends of mine, etc, have done "speedballs" (heroin and cocaine mixed together) and the stories of heard of the effects are pretty scary. Some people say they see huge animals, snakes, etc... or another person close to me said he feared people or cops after him, and carried a gun, scared for his life.
The effects of cocaine by itself I can honestly say increase and create paranoia. I've seen people do/say some real irrational stuff while high. Either Jeremy was using coke, and then heroin to come down... or what I personally think, he was using them together. The second I watched this program and his behavior, its what I instantly thought. I don't personally believe anyone was truly after Jeremy, especially after his girlfriend related Jeremy coming to her after a night of (what she felt was) drug use. His girlfriend stated that Jeremy arrived at their old house and began yelling at her that she & two other friends were standing outside his house in ski masks the night before. I think the fear of people coming after him was already established before he went missing...and obviously it was not reality.
I know of situations where after extended cocaine use a person will truly believe someone is in the same room that is not really there. I've seen with my own eyes and its terrifying. Possibly Jeremy binged on these drugs and truly believed people were after him, and started running away. Its hard to say how long the drugs would keep affecting him in this way, but possibly more than a day. Maybe he had drugs with him. But in the end I think he more than likely ran about in the woods, fearful for his life, and succumbed to the elements, cliffs, or ocean.
Did anyone else see this episode?
Tonight the "Disappeared" episode for Jeremy Alex premiered on the ID network, I hadn't known much of this case. Just reading the above article I had no idea he'd been on his way to check out a moped. Anyone know what became of that?
As with a couple other cases I've commented on, I think the drugs are key here. Many friends of mine, etc, have done "speedballs" (heroin and cocaine mixed together) and the stories of heard of the effects are pretty scary. Some people say they see huge animals, snakes, etc... or another person close to me said he feared people or cops after him, and carried a gun, scared for his life.
The effects of cocaine by itself I can honestly say increase and create paranoia. I've seen people do/say some real irrational stuff while high. Either Jeremy was using coke, and then heroin to come down... or what I personally think, he was using them together. The second I watched this program and his behavior, its what I instantly thought. I don't personally believe anyone was truly after Jeremy, especially after his girlfriend related Jeremy coming to her after a night of (what she felt was) drug use. His girlfriend stated that Jeremy arrived at their old house and began yelling at her that she & two other friends were standing outside his house in ski masks the night before. I think the fear of people coming after him was already established before he went missing...and obviously it was not reality.
I know of situations where after extended cocaine use a person will truly believe someone is in the same room that is not really there. I've seen with my own eyes and its terrifying. Possibly Jeremy binged on these drugs and truly believed people were after him, and started running away. Its hard to say how long the drugs would keep affecting him in this way, but possibly more than a day. Maybe he had drugs with him. But in the end I think he more than likely ran about in the woods, fearful for his life, and succumbed to the elements, cliffs, or ocean.
Did anyone else see this episode?

I just saw this episode last night on Investigation Discovery and it's one of the most interesting episodes I've seen!

He goes crazy and starts running around in the woods saying someone is trying to kill him?? Then he offers to give that old guy and his wife all his money if they'll leave him alone?? WTF??

That sounds like symptoms of schizophrenia but I'll assume the drugs made him act crazy.

Don't the police basically know who the drug dealers are and can't they get informants to tell them something??

If it was a drug deal gone bad wouldnt' they have found out who killed him by now?? 6 years later??

They said on the show maybe he just fell off the cliff and was washed out to sea! They said that's happened to others before and they never see them again.

If they never see them again then HOW do they know that's how they died?? :innocent:
I watched the episode, and have to agree it is one of the more intriguing stories they have covered. Speedballs(Cocaine/Heroin) don't necessarily cause paranoia or hallucinations. Many people use the drugs in combination to midigate the intense undesired effects of each one(extreme high and paranoia from cocaine/nodding or incoherent state from Heroin). What concerns me is this guy was apparently going at it(getting high) for reportedly almost two days, Thursday to Saturday. Street drugs can be cut with many things including poisons so needless to say that is a concern. I believe that one of two things happened. He either lost his mind from the drugs, fell into the water, and drowned. Or he owed someone money for drugs and they killed him either to make a statement or to silence him because he was losing his mind.
I watched the episode, and have to agree it is one of the more intriguing stories they have covered. Speedballs(Cocaine/Heroin) don't necessarily cause paranoia or hallucinations. Many people use the drugs in combination to midigate the intense undesired effects of each one(extreme high and paranoia from cocaine/nodding or incoherent state from Heroin). What concerns me is this guy was apparently going at it(getting high) for reportedly almost two days, Thursday to Saturday. Street drugs can be cut with many things including poisons so needless to say that is a concern. I believe that one of two things happened. He either lost his mind from the drugs, fell into the water, and drowned. Or he owed someone money for drugs and they killed him either to make a statement or to silence him because he was losing his mind.

Yeah, you would think Jeremy would've told someone he was in trouble with such and such drug dealer then at least we'd have a lead.

That husband of his ex-teacher should've tackled him till the cops got there! He was the last person to ever see Jeremy.
Yeah, you would think Jeremy would've told someone he was in trouble with such and such drug dealer then at least we'd have a lead.

That husband of his ex-teacher should've tackled him till the cops got there! He was the last person to ever see Jeremy.

From what I read elsewhere he DID try to tackle him....
I saw this 'Disappeared" episode today for the first time...
I had never heard of this guy, googled his name and man there was some brutal opinions out there...such as just b/c Jeremy may have done drugs he wasn't worthy of a "disappeared" episode...

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