Me to Sharpton: You're FIRED!

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But until the Rev. Sharpton starts gathering his congregation to hang innocent white people, comparing him to the KKK is absurd. That some people think the comparison is reasonable--well, that's just sad.

I'm playing devil's advocate here, Nova, but you pointed out before that the KKK lynched innocent people. Didn't Jackson and Sharpton pretty much figuratively lynch the three boys in the public eye in the Duke rape case? They were "innocent" too.

I think in that context the comparison is reasonable.
I'm playing devil's advocate here, Nova, but you pointed out before that the KKK lynched innocent people. Didn't Jackson and Sharpton pretty much figuratively lynch the three boys in the public eye in the Duke rape case? They were "innocent" too.

I think in that context the comparison is reasonable.

Please keep thinking about it.

Rightly or wrongly, Jackson and Sharpton relied on the DA's announcements re what had occurred. In this, they may be compared to nearly everyone who posts at WS, but not the KKK, who specialized in deciding guilt outside the parameters of LE pronouncements. Further, Jackson and Sharpton never tried to murder the Duke players without waiting for a trial, something for which the KKK was also famous.

Rightly or wrongly, LE and the media are allowed to cover crimes and arrests before any trials take place. And most of the rest of us react to media accounts as we see and hear them. If you want to argue against that system, fine; as you know, other countries do it differently. But Jackson and Sharpton aren't special in this regard.
Please keep thinking about it.

Rightly or wrongly, Jackson and Sharpton relied on the DA's announcements re what had occurred. In this, they may be compared to nearly everyone who posts at WS, but not the KKK, who specialized in deciding guilt outside the parameters of LE pronouncements. Further, Jackson and Sharpton never tried to murder the Duke players without waiting for a trial, something for which the KKK was also famous.

Rightly or wrongly, LE and the media are allowed to cover crimes and arrests before any trials take place. And most of the rest of us react to media accounts as we see and hear them. If you want to argue against that system, fine; as you know, other countries do it differently. But Jackson and Sharpton aren't special in this regard.

You make some good points, that's for sure.

But why bother having a justice system if all we have to do is rely on announcements from the DA? Announcements that were, as we now know, based on lies?

The fact of the matter is, Jackson and Sharpton made that case less about men raping a woman, and more about white people wronging black people. If the situation were reversed (the men all black, the stripper white) there is no doubt in my mind those two would proclaim the woman is a liar and is targetting black men unfairly.

Maybe their tactics aren't as brutal as the KKK, but they certainly aren't any more noble. The situation is their motives are veiled because they happen to be a part of a minority that has been slighted (and still is to an extent.)
You make some good points, that's for sure.

But why bother having a justice system if all we have to do is rely on announcements from the DA? Announcements that were, as we now know, based on lies?

The fact of the matter is, Jackson and Sharpton made that case less about men raping a woman, and more about white people wronging black people. If the situation were reversed (the men all black, the stripper white) there is no doubt in my mind those two would proclaim the woman is a liar and is targetting black men unfairly.

Maybe their tactics aren't as brutal as the KKK, but they certainly aren't any more noble. The situation is their motives are veiled because they happen to be a part of a minority that has been slighted (and still is to an extent.)

To me, activism on behalf of a historically disadvantaged minority is more noble than persecuting that same minority, even if mistakes are made.

I don't know why you assume Sharpton and Jackson would call a white woman a liar because she claimed to have been raped by black men. Such cases exist; is that what Sharpton and Jackson have done in the past?

The Duke case DID appear to be a racial matter in the beginning. Vanity Fair--hardly the house organ of the NAACP--and other media reported it as such.

I think the attention on Sharpton and Jackson in the Duke matter is a serious mistake. (I mean in general, not your posts today.) The point we should take away from that case is the degree to which an out-of-control DA can pervert justice and control media coverage. But judging solely from posts at WS, people are more outraged at Sharpton and Jackson than with Nifong.

I wonder why?
But judging solely from posts at WS, people are more outraged at Sharpton and Jackson than with Nifong.

I wonder why?

I'm more outraged with him than I am with those two, if that helps any.
I'm more outraged with him than I am with those two, if that helps any.

I know you are. I'm sure most people are, if they stop and think about it. But one wouldn't know that from these threads.
Eve, my friend, your posts are so invariably respectful, you hardly need to say it.

I didn't argue for a "collective guilt trip." I don't feel guilt for what my father did (and he's a crook), much less because distant ancestors of mine may have owned slaves. Guilt may occasionally be useful when it inhibits future misbehavior, but as a rule, I don't see the point of "guilt" for past actions that can't be undone.

And I don't believe I have said that racism on the part of blacks is "okay." But the chorus of whining that arises from white people every time an African American points out that discrimination still exists would be funny if it weren't so tragic.

So Sharpton and Jackson have made mistakes. So they have said and continue to say stupid things on occasion. The implication here that being human disqualifies them from bringing attention to injustice attempts to hold them to an impossible and unreasonable standard.

But until the Rev. Sharpton starts gathering his congregation to hang innocent white people, comparing him to the KKK is absurd. That some people think the comparison is reasonable--well, that's just sad.

We weren't debating that racism still exists. We were debating your appartent love affair for a man and your constant beholdenment to someone who is so much more vile than Imus ever could hope to be.

As for the KKK reference, it is perfectly valid but the problem is that you apparently aren't smart enough to figure it out. I didn't say anything about hanging people. I said that the hate that Sharpton and Jackson spew forth daily is the equivalent of the KKK. I personally think you are sad.

It's funny, you give jackson and sharpton a pass because they are human but want to run Imus's *advertiser censored* up the flagpole.

You are the height of hypocracy.

I know you are. I'm sure most people are, if they stop and think about it. But one wouldn't know that from these threads.

Clearly, you haven't read my posts about nifrog. I hope they disbarr him and send him to prison for malicious prosecution and that when he gets out that he is slinging hamburgers at the local McDconalds and sending 90% of his earning to these Duke players for the rest of his ugly life.

But the fact that nifrog did this to get reelected has no bearing on what sharpton and jackson spew forth each day.

I cannot stand people like you who just roll over and accept the hate speech that is spewed forth because the spewer is black. You villify Imus and give sharpton and jackson a pass. Sharpton who has blood on his hands and jackson who finds that his outrage over no black drivers and participation in NASCAR isn't really anything to get in an uproar over after NASCAR makes a significant contribution to PUSH.

I am tired of disgusting so-called black leaders being given TV time and credibility by a bunch of people who are so into appeasing them (that'd be you) and calling anyone who dare tell the truth a racist. You don't even give the semblance of credibility with your hang Imus nonsense while dismissing jackson and sharpton's nonsense. At least Imus hasn't caused the death of anyone with their race baiting.

So the last thing that I am in the mood for is to hear you call me a racist, using al sharpton and jesse jackson as your ammunition.

We weren't debating that racism still exists. We were debating your appartent love affair for a man and your constant beholdenment to someone who is so much more vile than Imus ever could hope to be.

As for the KKK reference, it is perfectly valid but the problem is that you apparently aren't smart enough to figure it out. I didn't say anything about hanging people. I said that the hate that Sharpton and Jackson spew forth daily is the equivalent of the KKK. I personally think you are sad.

It's funny, you give jackson and sharpton a pass because they are human but want to run Imus's *advertiser censored* up the flagpole.
You are the height of hypocracy.



Nova always said he thought Imus' firing was going too far. Be fair! Nova is intelligently trying to work with these analogies (KKK, etc.) as we all are. I agree with many things said on both "sides" - this is a complicated issue! No need to be insulting towards Nova, Cal. C' mon, chill out!

My inlaws are devout Mormons. You are right, they are good people. They are very charitable and their families do mean everything to them. I couldn't have asked for better.

I kept hearing a man on CNN saying that it was taken out of context and that really angered me. I read what he said and he did make a bigotted remark.

Come on AL. Time to grow up and realize that you have to show love, compassion and tolerance to receive it. Love your fellow man.

Everytime he opens his big mouth and inserts both feet, he has an excuse for it.

He's made horrible statements against others.

Not to excuse what Imus said, but Sharpton has done the same if not worse, him and Jessie Jackson both.

And they will join any media thing that is going on, to get their faces on camera. They are sickening and should get real lives and let people be.

It's not Christian like to say mean things about people either, you hyocrite Sharpton.

Nova always said he thought Imus' firing was going too far. Be fair! Nova is intelligently trying to work with these analogies (KKK, etc.) as we all are. I agree with many things said on both "sides" - this is a complicated issue! No need to be insulting towards Nova, Cal. C' mon, chill out!


As far as I know, Nova is a "she".

Perhaps this thread should be closed down? I didn't mean for it to raise tensions. I just enjoy playing devil's advocate and leveling the playing field for everyone.
As far as I know, Nova is a "she".

Perhaps this thread should be closed down? I didn't mean for it to raise tensions. I just enjoy playing devil's advocate and leveling the playing field for everyone.

FYI... Nova is a "he"...

Nova always said he thought Imus' firing was going too far. Be fair! Nova is intelligently trying to work with these analogies (KKK, etc.) as we all are. I agree with many things said on both "sides" - this is a complicated issue! No need to be insulting towards Nova, Cal. C' mon, chill out!


Well, all civility goes out the window when I am called implied to be a racist by a person who even bothers to listen to those who have blood on their hands.

Nova, is a prime example of what I was saying that if you take on these race warlord and call them what they really are--you get the spineless apologist who trot out the racist labels. He/she/it performed right on cue.

I have a very valid point that the anti-white people vileness and rhetoric spewed forth by the modern day race warlords is absolutely no different than the hate speech that is thrown out by the KKK. As far as I am concerned regarding the lynchings, both the KKK AND AND AND al sharpton are killers....then you just get into levels of degrees.

I am fairly certain that if MLK were alive today, he would be taking on his race's culture of murder, drugs, and degradation of women AND AND AND probably would be calling al sharpton and jesse jackson what they really are.

Well, all civility goes out the window when I am called a racist by an ignorant apologist for people who have blood on their hands.

Nova, is a prime example of what I was saying that if you take on these race warlord and call them what they really are--you get the spineless apologist who trot out the racist labels. He/she/it performed right on cue.

I have a very valid point that the anti-white people vileness and rhetoric spewed forth by the modern day race warlords is absolutely no different than the hate speech that is thrown out by the KKK. As far as I am concerned regarding the lynchings, both the KKK AND AND AND al sharpton are killers....then you just get into levels of degrees.

I am fairly certain that if MLK were alive today, he would be taking on his race's culture of murder, drugs, and degradation of women AND AND AND probably would be calling al sharpton and jesse jackson what they really are.


That's too bad. Civility is what separates some from barbarians. I think MLK would find a civil way to discuss civil rights. You know I renounce the anti-white rhetoric you speak of and find it hypocritical as well, but as my mama said, theres' a right way to say something...

That's too bad. Civility is what separates some from barbarians.

I think "barbarian" is a bit strong of a word when civility is absent. That would make half of the world's population barbarians. ;)
FYI... Nova is a "he"...

I guess so. I thought Nova was gay, and then saw a post saying "I got just a taste of the reality for blacks while dating an African American woman."

So I thought Nova, as a result of that post, was a she. I didn't take into account at all that "he" could have been dating women previously.

Anyway, you're right. Sorry for the temporary derail.
I guess so. I thought Nova was gay, and then saw a post saying "I got just a taste of the reality for blacks while dating an African American woman."

So I thought Nova, as a result of that post, was a she. I didn't take into account at all that "he" could have been dating women previously.

Anyway, you're right. Sorry for the temporary derail.

Nova is gay and was married previously I believe. I know he has children. Pal, I guess I exaggerated with the word barbarian - maybe one of these synonyms is closer! Also just because the world is boorish doesn't mean we have to follow suit.

Synonyms: barbarian, barbarous, boorish, brutal, coarse, cruel, fierce, graceless, inhuman, lowbrow, primitive, rough, rude, tasteless, uncivilized, uncouth, vulgar, wild.

I don't think it's right for us to insult one another's intelligence and sexual orientation on this board. Everyone gets irritated at opposing views when they're passionate about a subject, but we should be polite. We can get our messages across and still be civil.

Clearly, you haven't read my posts about nifrog.


And clearly you haven't bothered to read Nova's stance on the Imus situation or you would realize that he doesn't think Imus deserved to be fired. At least bother to read someone's posts before attacking them.
And clearly you haven't bothered to read Nova's stance on the Imus situation or you would realize that he doesn't think Imus deserved to be fired. At least bother to read someone's posts before attacking them.

Maybe YOU should read the posts where it was implied I am a racist because I don't bow at the alter of sharpton/jackson.

I didn't read his comments on Imus because really I don't care. What he said was crass and over the top. But whether he was fired or not is up to his employer. I never took issue with Nova's take on that.

What I took issue with was the manner in which Nova implied I am a racist because I debated the fact that sharpton and jackson are the appropriate people to debate racism in this country. Likewise, I took offense at being implied a racist because I pointed out that the hatred jackson/sharpton spew is the exact same filth the KKK spews about blacks.


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