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Yep. Just an average murder trial, as it should be.

I think viewers have lost interest, they know just will done, whenever. Plus it is painful to watch JB yammer on, lol!

Didn't even make it into the top Google and AOL searches....used to....nor was any mention of it in my home newspaper....used to....
Was pleased to see Kathy B....front row and center...any links? Also Natisha Lance from NG....but no coverage on NG whatsoever tonite? What gives....? Is this ongoing case not as important anymore? Is it running out of steam? Where was GMA? What will defense do if they can't complain how persecuted their client is in the media anymore?
Could KB have worn anything brighter?! Good for her. Her presence there should be recognized.
Didn't even make it into the top Google and AOL searches....used to....nor was any mention of it in my home newspaper....used to....
Well it is on the front page of Fox News website. Right hand side.

Right now this case isn't front page news outside of Florida. There are more important issues facing America than ICA. She isn't going anywhere. But come next April, you probably won't be able to find a hotel room available with 100 miles of the court house.
Well it is on the front page of Fox News website. Right hand side.

Right now this case isn't front page news outside of Florida. There are more important issues facing America than ICA. She isn't going anywhere. But come next April, you probably won't be able to find a hotel room available with 100 miles of the court house.

Wonder how much $$$ we could make renting out our spare bedroom to some media person :)
Here is a quesiton....did JB do a media interview yesterday after the trial? ????? I heard Beth G mention it---he was also sitting next to her while she was filling in JVM--it kinda appeared goofy....especially since he still has all that doc dump (5,000 pages --- count them----think most of us went thru them in a day --- two at the most -- determined they really weren't all that much ('cept immediate family) he is still miffed long does it take someone to go thru things? Then in court its like they never read what is out there---they both were way off yesterday...

Here is the interview with JB and CM after the hearing:
Do you all see where I am going with this? One of the main defense strategies is that their client has been "persecuted" in the media. What if the media doesn't care anymore?


Pattymarie,this is what they want right now.The public was enraged at first,would have strung her up.Now it is dying down so she has a bettter chance of an easier sentence.I read about this tactic a long time ago.They do it on purpose (attornys).People forget a lot!! The average joe on the street is unaware of it all!! :banghead:
Remember the kind and generous poster who had a brother on death row? She taught us so much here. Remember she visited her brother every month (week?) at great hardship to her family? She used to tell us that SP's case would continue to be interesting only to us, that he and his situation would be become just another number in the state system.

I know that media attention will explode as we run up to trial, but I believe this former poster was correct when she reminded us that, if found guilty and sentenced to LWOP or Death, the inmate will sink into a hole in the system and there will be little to no further attention given the inmate.

May be that is what we are seeing as foreshadowing...KC and family will fade away into oblivion and only we will remain vigilant to her incarceration.
Here is a quesiton....did JB do a media interview yesterday after the trial? ????? I heard Beth G mention it---he was also sitting next to her while she was filling in JVM--it kinda appeared goofy....especially since he still has all that doc dump (5,000 pages --- count them----think most of us went thru them in a day --- two at the most -- determined they really weren't all that much ('cept immediate family) he is still miffed long does it take someone to go thru things? Then in court its like they never read what is out there---they both were way off yesterday...

Here is JB's media interview from yesterday. It's actually very interesting he says it makes NO difference to the defense case that the judge ruled against them about the 911 calls... so why even waste everyone's time to go to court? He could have stayed in his office and read the discovery instead, right?
Here is JB's media interview from yesterday. It's actually very interesting he says it makes NO difference to the defense case that the judge ruled against them about the 911 calls... so why even waste everyone's time to go to court? He could have stayed in his office and read the discovery instead, right?
Well now, don't we ALL like to see the prevues of upcoming attractions that have had great reviews during the pre-screening events.........:dance:

Seems JB does too :innocent:

Pattymarie,this is what they want right now.The public was enraged at first,would have strung her up.Now it is dying down so she has a bettter chance of an easier sentence.I read about this tactic a long time ago.They do it on purpose (attornys).People forget a lot!! The average joe on the street is unaware of it all!! :banghead:

I hope one day someone asks them to provide just one example of how Casey has been persecuted by Media.
I've often wondered why we haven't been hearing much about this case on Nancy's show either. I think it may be because Nancy knows that she is for sure going to be convicted. Why not move on to other cases that need more help(in a sense)? JMO
Did anyone see JVM yesterday? I'm sure it was a repeat for Friday, but they had a reporter outside the OSCO courthouse giving her report, and JB was sitting in a director's chair right next to her. He wouldn't comment on anything, as he wasn't mic'd up, but he was grinning and waving at the camera like a rockstar. It was pathetic. He thinks he is a gift.
The thing that gets me is the money. Actually paying an accused killer hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now, I get that it might be legal from the standpoint of the alleged defendent. BUT, and this is my huge problem, wouldn't you think that the media would have a rule about paying? Guess not.

I can see paying people who are at the fringe of a case. I don't like it, but I understand it. But the actual accused? Look at Van Der Sloot. Now he will chat with the media if they pony up a cool million. Bet someone does. And he will funnel that money to his defense. Won't help him, but sure sets a strange pattern for society.

Heck, if this continues, I can see it now. Someone sits down with a couple different people, plan a crime that the public will perceive as bizarre, build in an alibi or evidence that can clear the person later, sell the story for big bucks, go to trial, be found not guilty and walk away with millions.

I don't understand why a drug dealer can have all of his or her possessions seized BEFORE a trial, but a defendent in a murder case is allowed to sell his or her story or images for money. It's just wrong on so many levels.


The News Merchant
Interested in booking Joran van der Sloot’s ex-girlfriend for the morning news? Want an exclusive? Got a little cash to spend? Larry Garrison’s the person to call, though most news networks won’t admit they call him. The inside story of how tabloid TV news is made, bought, and paid for—and its implications for the news industry and our society.

“It’s a very defined underworld of behavior that people really don’t talk about,” said the former booker. “All the networks have policies not to pay.” Indeed, most network news divisions are officially prohibited from paying sources for interviews, but they can get around that problem in any number of ways. In addition to paying a fee to a middleman, rather than to a subject, the network might conduct the interview in a lavish location, with all expenses paid and tickets to Broadway shows or Disney World thrown in. Or the network might pay for the use of a photo or video, with the interview coming along “for free.” Sometimes, a trashier evening tabloid show will license photos and get a coveted interview, and then both are recycled onto a more respectable morning or evening news program on the same network, which can broadcast them freely while leaving its own checkbook unsullied. In each instance, everyone knows what’s happening except the viewers.

“We don’t pay for interviews,” says ABC News spokesman Jeffrey Schneider. “If someone has photographs or video that we want to license, we will license it, and we will disclose on the air that we have licensed pictures or videotape.” ABC’s disclosure policy is a recent development, put in place after one of the most stomach-turning examples of network payments came to light: ABC News paid $200,000 to the family of Casey Anthony, who is on trial in Florida for murdering her 2-year-old daughter, to license videos and pictures in 2008. (Garrison was working with the Anthonys early in the case, but he did not broker that payment.) This March, it was revealed that the family used the money to help pay for Anthony’s defense.
ABC didn't pay $200,000 to the family of Casey Anthony though did they? They paid straight to her defence!! How in the blue blazers is this OK? It is only a matter of time before someone is killed with the motivation being media attention and subsequent financial windfall to follow. This needs to stop BIG TIME. No criminal defendant should be able to directly profit from their crime like this. Absolutely the worst case of chequebook journalism I have ever herd of.

Rant over.

The News Merchant
Interested in booking Joran van der Sloot’s ex-girlfriend for the morning news? Want an exclusive? Got a little cash to spend? Larry Garrison’s the person to call, though most news networks won’t admit they call him. The inside story of how tabloid TV news is made, bought, and paid for—and its implications for the news industry and our society.

Respectfully snipped, and with many many thanks. How in the heck did you find that?

Funny, but, today at work I was talking to a guy in my office, he'd brought me in some tomatoes from his garden. I was telling him that I found the Tomato Horned Worm with Parasites growing on my tomato plants, and how interesting I found that. I said to him if you want to be grossed out by insects, fine, but you're missing the cool science behind them if you don't really look! Then I said "Entomology can be so interesting and useful if you get beyond the gross factor, like in this case I've been following, have you heard of Casey Anthony? The woman in Florida?" and he said "Oh, yeah, that was a long time ago, I followed it at first, but nothing's been going on for a while. Is she in jail still?"

And this is a guy who reads a book a week while he takes a walk at lunchtime instead of eating. So yeah, even those who were interested have lost interest long, long, long ago, which only makes us here all that much more important. We're in New Jersey, by the way.
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