Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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Radio interview w/the alternate juror, who agrees with the jury: [ame=""][/ame]
Can someone please point me to EVIDENCE of accidental drowning? All I can recall is Baez bringing it up in his opening statement.
I'd be curious to know if Russel Huekler, or any other juror (alternate or not) would allow Casey Anthony to babysit for their children.
Post-mortem root banding has never been used as evidence in a Florida criminal trial until the Anthony case. The FBI analyst testified that she could not say with absolute certainty that the hair belonged to Caylee.

The jury could reasonably have discounted hair banding as unproven science, although someday it may be. IMO, not convincing.

The chloroform was a red herring. The two expert witnesses did not agree about the concentration in the air samples: one said it was extremely high, the other felt it was far less.

Furthermore, despite the State running a fine tooth comb through Casey's and the rest of the Anthony's lives, they found absolutely no evidence that chloroform was obtained by any of them from any source, and there would be no logical reason for any of them to possess it. The idea that Casey (or anyone else) made it in the laundry sink is ludicrous.

Attempting to convince the jury that chloroform was an agent of death for Caylee was a huge tactical error. Stretching the evidence in order to gain a conviction helped Casey gain her freedom.

It is the responsibility of the State to avoid amplifying areas of evidence that serve to destroy their credibility. This was only one. Smelling the cans would have been another. (Remember OJ's glove?)

Don't blame the jurors for questioning the quality of the evidence they were given.

*All* of it should have been pristine and above reproach.

The fact that CA thought enough of the chloroform search to perjur herself tells me alot. Then again, I would sincerely take the time to look into it if I was charged with the responsibility as a juror.

TC, Robin
I really do not expect this jury to ever fully comprehend what they have failed to do..........:banghead:

I agree. I think they made up their mind when they heard JB's soap opera OS.
They took few notes. They disregarded forensic evidence in order to believe the DT's spinning. #14 gave illogical reasons for not believing the evidence, then said he didn't think KC was guilty because he didn't believe GA. Is that common sense to anyone? This jury did not do their job. They did not review one piece of evidence. This is not justice it's a joke.
So they felt comfortable enough to find ICA not guilty in 10 hours, with lunch breaks, smoke breaks, regular breaks. And without looking over all the evidence? Did they think the duct tape floated over to Caylee and attached it herself to her head? I think it's a travesty of justice!
I did not get the entire interview off my DVR. Here is what I got.

VP: How did that testimony impact you, if at all? (this is in regards to testimony of her lies and partying)
R: Personally It didn’t affect me a whole lot because what was coming out in the trial was how dysfunctional the family was. And, but you know again (…..can’t understand what he is saying……) And they did not deal with it appropriately. Obviously.
VP: Do you believe GA sexually abused Casey when she was a child?
R: There was no evidence on that. I couldn’t comment on that.
VP: But did that impact the way you saw GA when he got up on the witness stand?
R: Of course not. No. Because there was no evidence of that.
VP: How about the duct tape? I mean I saw the same pictures you saw. The duct tape with the skeletal remains. Why do you think the duct tape was there?

R: (Mumble mumble .)You know getting rid of the body. Whoever that was, you know taped you know had taped all that together. You remember, There was a lot of testimony of how the Anthony’s buried their pets. And you know even Cindy, well George couldn’t remember. Cindy came up and said they used packaging tape. But Lee came up and said yeah they used duct tape. And so when you. You think that’s how they buried you know. Well I personally think that’s how they buried Caylee. The same way they buried pets, but they couldn’t do it in the back yard.

VP:How about Jose Baez? In his opening statement a lot of us talked about this. You know he talked about sex abuse. He had specific stories.
He told this jury, yourself included, exactly how this little girl died yet he produced zero evidence of it.
What did you think of that?
R: They produced zero evidence of it. You’re right. That was a factor. How did Caylee die? No one could tell us that. And uh actually…
VP:Well Casey could have if she had testified. Were you a little disappointed that Casey didn’t get up there? Cause she was there apparently when this drowning took place and the sex abuse. Were you concerned at all or surprised when she decided not to testify?

R: No. I wasn’t surprised. I was not surprised. It’s her constitutional right that you do not have to testify. And I understood that and accepted that.
A conspiracy usually involves a person who has some significant public personona. KC only reached that level after she became a suspect, not before. Why would law enforcement conspire to implicate KC in the death of her daughter? What's the motive? It just doesn't make sense. Finding KC guilty of lying is a moot point if the follow through is to be found not guilty for what she was covering up with her lies. Why would she be lying? Just doesn't make sense. I cannot comprehend the thought process resulting in a not guilty verdict. Just doesn't make sense to me. I cannot help but wonder how the jurors are going to respond as they are exposed to greater details concerning the behavior and character of the young woman they found not guilty. Will they have regrets, will they question their reasoning, or will they maintain their firm conviction for returning a not guilty verdict?
Yes, Baez saved a person's life today and substantially advanced his own career. In addition, I believe he also made a mockery of the United States criminal justice system, showed blatent disrespect for the courts, as well as utter disregard for human life, particularily the life of one innocent vulnerable little girl named Cayley Marie Anthony. May God help us.
So to sum up: the jury decided she was 'not guilty' directly after hearing the DT's opening statements.

OK, perhaps there was a little more effort and thought went into it than that so perhaps my assessment is unjust....but then so was this verdict.

My friend and I were discussing this exact thing after the verdict. The jury decided she had been abused and they looked at everything through that prism. It seemed based on the alt. jurors comments that it was more about George than Casey, so yeah, I do believe they decided during the opening how they felt and nothing swayed them from that.
So they felt comfortable enough to find ICA not guilty in 10 hours, with lunch breaks, smoke breaks, regular breaks. And without looking over all the evidence? Did they think the duct tape floated over to Caylee and attached it herself to her head? I think it's a travesty of justice!

Apparently they also think Caylee rolled herself down to the swamp and threw herself in as well. The duct tape somehow came off the bag and landed square on her mouth. This guy sounded like an idiot. No dead body in car? Really? The most honest thing CA said in this trial was that 911 call about the dead body in car and that was before she knew it was implicating her daughter in murder.
If you don't know the person was murdered how do you get pass "The death was caused by the criminal act of Casey Marie Anthony?"

One does not need to know how a person died to know that they were murdered. Everything Casey did—from concealing the body in the trunk, to the way the body was disposed (not by a grown man who could dig at least a shallow grave), to sending LE on a wild zanny chase—pointed to murder or aggravated child abuse and not to an accident. There is no reasonable doubt that hers was the hand that ended Caylee's life, whether through abuse and neglect or, IMO, premeditation.
I am still shaking my head........asking, how....why......

Will George and Cindy take Casey back Thursday with open arms and go on with their lives as if nothing happened.....How long before they all appear on TV and get paid big long before Casey has her own "reality" show????????

I am so ashamed of this jury.....they didn't even ask any questions (other than the heart sticker)......they didn't asked for anything during deliberations......

Jose did his job...he throw everything at the wall....and reasonable doubt stuck.......he goes from about being banned to "a genius" least he's not a chemist

The whole family is dysfunctional and liars.......may Caylee HAUNT them forever
The Magnets and the Jpad, Kindergärtner stuff is all they could understand!!!

Anything above a 10th grade level they through out because they couldn't understand it....

now that I am getting over my shock a little bit, I am finding myself almost....fascinated that there are actually 18 people in this world who are so <modsnip>. it's like all that witness testimony went through one ear and out the other while they were drooling in their laps.

the didnt understand ONE. SINGLE. WORD.
HHBP should not have disallowed the odor of the cans. He'll have to live with that. mo

These jurors are just beginning their nightmare, when they are faced with the full facts... ugh. :tsktsk:

OR CAs myspace posting which would have led to ICAs response. But it probably wouldn't have mattered to these highly unusual people.
Somebody had a very good point...if she is "not guilty" then wtf is she guilty of lying to the police..does that even make sense?

wth were these people thinking?
All he keeps saying is we our we our...wth
It sure sounds like this jury did not follow the court's instructions!
Why else would this Russell keep saying how "they discussed the opening statements"? This stinks of a disobedient jury that just wanted to go home.
I thought they would find her guilty of manslaugher and was surprised they didn't. I'm guessing they believed the accident and that she had nothing to do with it. :banghead:

I thought they'd find her guilty of aggravated child abuse and when that came back "not guilty" I had a sinking feeling but was holding out hope they'd at least give her manslaughter.

Everyone I know, not just people that followed this case like we did, is stunned by the verdict.
He should have waited a little bit to talk. Heard what people had to say. He may have just ruined his life. I am not going to lie or exaggerate to make myself look better. I am a very judgmental person. If he was my friend, he would be no longer. I COULD NOT have someone in my life who is that ummmmm...non-circumspect. I find it very difficult to be friends with people I don't respect. Sorry Russ, but you'd be out. There is just not enough evidence that you have a fully functioning brain.
It sure sounds like this jury did not follow the court's instructions!
Why else would this Russell keep saying how "they discussed the opening statements"? This stinks of a disobedient jury that just wanted to go home.

This needs a repeat

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