Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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So, ICA had 40 plus days to plead her case and Caylee get's 10 hrs?

I am sick.

TC, Robin
I wonder what juror #6's wife's reaction will be - she followed from day 1.
He should have waited a little bit to talk. Heard what people had to say. He may have just ruined his life. I am not going to lie or exaggerate to make myself look better. If he was my friend, he would be no longer. I COULD NOT have someone in my life who is that ummmmm...non-circumspect. I find it very difficult to be friends with people I don't respect. Sorry Russ, but you'd be out. There is just not enough evidence that you have a fully functioning brain.

What is sad is that he is a high school teacher!

Here's the Fox News link. Same guy. Also says "we" after the :45 mark.

Something's rotten in the state of Denmark.
He should have waited a little bit to talk. Heard what people had to say. He may have just ruined his life. I am not going to lie or exaggerate to make myself look better. If he was my friend, he would be no longer. I COULD NOT have someone in my life who is that ummmmm...non-circumspect. I find it very difficult to be friends with people I don't respect. Sorry Russ, but you'd be out. There is just not enough evidence that you have a fully functioning brain.

ITA! if the rest are smart they will stay anonymous. they might all be operating somehow with nothing in their heads but all their friends and family cannot possibly be.

ETA LMAO look what I said, "if the rest are smart" well turn off your t.v.s, yall, the other 17 will be appearing soon enough! DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY ATTN.
This, IMO, is one of the problems with the U.S. Criminal Justice System: putting such important decisions in the hands of 12 (often) ill-informed, (often) uneducated people. Jurors often lack the critical thinking skills necessary to assess the evidence. It might not matter in some (or most) cases. But it does matter in cases that depend on complex forensic evidence. How about requiring jurors to meet some minimum threshold of competence?

I would have voted exactly the way this Jury voted.

I think alot of people would do well to rewatch the trial as often as I have heard anyone say "are they watching the same trial "

I have saw where people infered the evidence said one thing when it did not. I have seen people say JA made a point when the only thing he did was make himself look mean. Now people are insulting the IQ of 12 people who are not just educated but some of them are even educators.

I understand people are upset, but this jury was educated.
Well I doubt they will have a chance to stay anon for long..a neighbor relative or friend will sell them out to the tabloids for $$$ just like everyone else did to this baby
One does not need to know how a person died to know that they were murdered. Everything Casey did—from concealing the body in the trunk, to the way the body was disposed (not by a grown man who could dig at least a shallow grave), to sending LE on a wild zanny chase—pointed to murder or aggravated child abuse and not to an accident. There is no reasonable doubt that hers was the hand that ended Caylee's life, whether through abuse and neglect or, IMO, premeditation.

I disagree. How can you convict someone if you don't know for sure that they caused the death? If they didn't believe the duct tape or chloroform than there is nothing PROVING she was murdered, only that her death was covered up.
As a coworker said today, "Well, you're dealing with 12 people too stupid to get out of jury duty."
After hearing that.... this jury DID talk to each other while sequestered!
I'm not a person that goes for conspiracy theories in any way shape or form at all.
Something is smelling worse than that g*d d**n trunk, no way will I believe that 12 people will come to a non guilty verdict solely on a *possible* dysfunctional family verdict.
How did this man say 'they' thought anything at all, the alternate jurors didn't get in that room to talk about the case. So why the 'they'???
This stinks and I will be a proud member of HINKY from this moment forward.
Seriously??? Are they that stupid?

Yup. He couldn't even state any evidence to back up his opinion. What does that say? The jury didn't consider a damned thing after JB's opening statement.

A psych on one of the channels said victims are going to feel real anger in days or weeks to come.....yes we are.
I was in a civil trial and we asked questions during deliberations that were sent out to the judge and we all filed out and our question was answered. This jury did not do the job they swore under oath to do. One of the juror's showed up in a suit this morning indicating they had already made a decision after about 2 hours of deliberation yesterday. IMO today was spent filling out the form. It took us a couple of hours to do that with less charges.

No wonder none of them want to talk to the media. jmo
I agree. I think they had their minds made up long ago and had been discussing this case. I think they took a little longer because they didn't want to be criticized like the OJ jury. Then they had their free lunch and said the verdict was in.
I thought they'd find her guilty of aggravated child abuse and when that came back "not guilty" I had a sinking feeling but was holding out hope they'd at least give her manslaughter.

Everyone I know, not just people that followed this case like we did, is stunned by the verdict.

Me too. Even after they said Not Guilty to manslaugher I was hoping they had another charge that I wasn't aware of...I still so shocked. Even if it was an accident she should have been charged for hiding the body and putting her family through this, it's just not fair that she gets away with everything.
So to sum up: the jury decided she was 'not guilty' directly after hearing the DT's opening statements.

OK, perhaps there was a little more effort and thought went into it than that so perhaps my assessment is unjust....but then so was this verdict.
Yes, that's what it appears.
So to sum up: the jury decided she was 'not guilty' directly after hearing the DT's opening statements.

OK, perhaps there was a little more effort and thought went into it than that so perhaps my assessment is unjust....but then so was this verdict.

They were not suppose to judge on opening statements. If they felt GA was not truthful they were to disregard his testimony. Dr. Vass has smelled countless, hundreds of bodies and is very familiar with decomposition and testified that the carpet smelled like decomposition. SA, FBI all stated the trunk was stained. They never asked to see the carpet to verify what FBI saw. Apparently they knew GA cleaned the carpet in the trunk but felt because the officers could not smell it the odor was not there but yet LA states the smell was the worst he ever smelled and so did CA. GA tells YM on the 16th to look at the car, it smells bad and something is wrong and they discarded this. Obviously the car was taken into custody because they finally got a good dose of the smell. So what is wrong with this statement by one of the alternate jurors.

You disregard the State's experts because you think GA was lying. That the tow yard guy should have reported the car when he had no facts or responsibility to do so. GA, I understand. His worst fears realized. The child was found dumped at the end of the road how did he think she got there. That alone would tell you she had to have been transfered by car in someone's trunk. You don't just say, well, I don't know how she got there but I don't believe she was in the trunk.

There is something not right here and I hope someone clears this up soon because it's beginning to smell. I don't think HHJP will be very happy is this jury was talking. jmo
The more that comes out about this the sicker I feel.
It sure sounds like this jury did not follow the court's instructions!
Why else would this Russell keep saying how "they discussed the opening statements"? This stinks of a disobedient jury that just wanted to go home.

Weren't they told the opening statement is not evidence?

Heck, I'd give her 10 years for her filthy mouth and the way she spoke to her parents! (Now who's the spiteful *advertiser censored*?)

The only thing getting me thru this day is the knowledge that this day is not the last time Ms. Casey Marie Anthony will be judged. The results of that judgement will be far stiffer than a mere 30 or so years in man's prison. :innocent:
I would have voted exactly the way this Jury voted.

I think alot of people would do well to rewatch the trial as often as I have heard anyone say "are they watching the same trial "

I have saw where people infered the evidence said one thing when it did not. I have seen people say JA made a point when the only thing he did was make himself look mean. Now people are insulting the IQ of 12 people who are not just educated but some of them are even educators.

I understand people are upset, but this jury was educated.

I agree, and i don't think they took this burden lightly. Nor are they 'stupid'. They did what they were called to do and just because their conclusion is different to what many wanted, doesn't make them uneducated.

It is disgusting to me that so many are condemning these people. They sacrificed weeks of their lives. They could not make a guilty verdict fit. They did what they were asked to do. It is is disgusting that they are on the receiving end of so much hate. The evidence was not there for them. The evidence failed Caylee, not the Jury.
So, ICA had 40 plus days to plead her case and Caylee get's 10 hrs?

I am sick.

TC, Robin

Less 2 hour and a half lunch breaks, special breaks, and regular breaks...disgusting. I am questioning the sincerity of their service.

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