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So they thought GA was lying. "thought"???? It was proven ICA was lying. Her friend actually quoted her making a joke about what a good liar she is.

Something is off with this jury. It's hard to imagine not one person there had reasonable doubt that she was "guilty."

Maybe they didn't like their hotel, maybe the food stunk, it sure seems like they wanted out to go home and wanted out fast. JMHO

Even my ten year-old daughter said "Mom, I think those people just wanted to go home, that's all!"
If the Jury did discuss the case prior to the Judge giving them Jury Instructions at the end of the case: Isn't this Jury Misconduct?

If this happened....what can be done about it?

IDK, I would have to ask our legal eagles in the lawyer thread. One would think that there would be recourse to redress the issue.
Wow, just wow. I wondered what kind of people they could have found in Florida who knew very little about this case after 3 years...and now we know. They fed into Jose's smarminess hook, like and sinker and I'm SHOCKED. I had such high hopes for these jurors..I really thought she'd at least get one of the lesser charges. They threw all common sense out the window.

And I think JP's over-cautiousness at appeasing the DT to avoid a mistrial hurt the State in the end. I bet even JP is saddened by this verdict.
:( Then all we have left is karma.

I'm sorry Caylee.

Well, gibby, I'd say that the thread about the Anthonys being threatened by death threats and having to hide out, shows me Karma is workin' her magic already.
Legal thread says there is no recourse...nothing can be done now, even if the jurors admit speaking about the case, etc...
my hubby, since this trial began, has expressed disgust for the jury system...he is from hungary, they dont do juries. you get a bench trial. end of.

I always thought he was wrong til today. cause I KNOW HHJP KNEW the truth. LE knew the truth, SA knew the truth, searchers knew the truth, WE knew the truth, everyone but this jury knew the truth....
my hubby, since this trial began, has expressed disgust for the jury system...he is from hungary, they dont do juries. you get a bench trial. end of.

I always thought he was wrong til today. cause I KNOW HHJP KNEW the truth. LE knew the truth, SA knew the truth, searchers knew the truth, WE knew the truth, everyone but this jury knew the truth....

I like the idea of professional jurors
So they thought GA was lying. "thought"???? It was proven ICA was lying. Her friend actually quoted her making a joke about what a good liar she is.

Something is off with this jury. It's hard to imagine not one person there had reasonable doubt that she was "guilty."

Maybe they didn't like their hotel, maybe the food stunk, it sure seems like they wanted out to go home and wanted out fast. JMHO

I can't believe that the jury listened to that jail call, you know the waste, huge waste one, and yet thought that KC was a good mother. Almost 3 years ago, that call convinced me and I didn't have any other evidence. What is going on here?
OK Geraldo got the first interview with JB, who will ICA give her first interview to?

What did you think of Geraldo tonight?
I refuse to watch him. Was JB already on there? Was he drunk from his champagne celebration?
I'm having trouble posting, please forgive me if I have There seems to be no logic for the jurors to come to their "not guilty" verdict. In fact, I do not believe there was a significant amount of logic used to reach this conclusion. I say this with sincerity and no animosity to the jurors. I am reading a book by Bill Eddy, LCSW, JD. He is a family lawyer and therapist. His recently published a book, "Splitting," which focuses on high conflict divorce and the adverse nature of the family court system. He writes about a concept referred to as "peripheral persuasion: persuasion that goes on outside of conscious attention.” (This concept) "has been studied for decades by those involved with advertising, politics, and negotiations (Lewicki, Barry, and Saunders, 2010)." It is an indirect persuasive method by which one's perception is influenced by the attractiveness of the messenger, the aggressiveness of the messenger, the confidence displayed by the messenger, augmentative behavior, the intensity of their language, and their emotional appeal. Peripheral persuasion can trump factual data. Emotional expression is more contagious than cognitive arguments, especially if there are time constraints. "Only a very aware person or professional can resist (this) peripheral emotional persuasion." "Recent brain research indicates that the person with the most emotional expressions will dominate a group in the absence of hierarchy (Goleman, 2006). I think peripheral persuasion may have contributed to the not guilty verdict. I think it may have been an influencing factor within the courtroom, particularly during opening statements and closing arguments, as well as within the jury deliberation process. Perhaps jurors need to be given instruction regarding this concept so that they are fully aware of this human fallibility and are better able to participate in a logical rather than emotional sequence of problem solving within their own minds as well as with fellow jurors.already posted this.
Here you go... scroll down to read how Florida falls with the felony murder laws. All she had to do was commit any of the specified felonies to be guilt of felony murder. Child abuse is one that is in there. I'm sure there are other sites that go into more details. As a different example, if 2 men commit an armed robbery and one of them shoots and kills someone, BOTH can be prosecuted for felony murder even if only one had a gun. The underlying felony was the armed robbery. With KC the underlying felony would have been the child abuse. I think this was all discussed on other threads within Websleuths if you do a search.

I've read it. I understand what you’re saying but that's the thing, they didn't believe she was guilty of Child Abuse because they didn't believe the duct tape or chloroform was used. Her action after Caylee was dead don’t make her guilty of child abuse, it makes her guilty of hiding a body and not reporting a death but she wasn't charged with those. I don't like it either but it's the facts.

I think this is why the defense admitted that Casey knew that Caylee died, because otherwise she would have been found guilty of not reporting her child missing but since she admitted she was dead then it doesn’t fall under the child abuse law which states the following:

"Casey Marie Anthony intentionally inflicted physical or mental injury upon Caylee Marie Anthony or committed an intentional act that could reasonably be expected to result in physical or mental injury to Caylee Marie Anthony"
Still up, 4.25 here.

Alternate 14, thanks so much for clearing things up!

omg, so it really was the pizza.

All the hard work and expert testimony for nothing. Nope, don`t need to accept that evidence, doesn`t fit the story.

Oh, and if you should kill someone, use chloroform- you can always blame cleaning products.

And cover up and accident like it was one of your pets but leave it to be found with items from your house- good job covering up.
OK Geraldo got the first interview with JB, who will ICA give her first interview to?

What did you think of Geraldo tonight?

Same thing I thought of him last night.

(remember TOS, remember TOS, remember TOS ...)
I NEVER watch that <modsnip>. And I ESPECIALLY wouldn't anyway after I heard he and the head DUHfense team member and he are good friends. NO THANKS! I won't watch a single thing that ANY of that bunch is on....EVER!
I can&#8217;t say I disagree w/the alternate juror in that I didn&#8217;t trust GA&#8217;s testimony, either. He was shady.
1) I believe he lied on the stand about having an affair&#8212;he kept saying &#8220;that&#8217;s funny&#8221; to JB but GA&#8217;s eyes and facial expression indicated no humor whatsoever&#8212;his words contradicted his expression, like when people lie & nod yes while saying &#8220;no.&#8221;

2) He claimed to see Casey & Caylee leaving before he left for work&#8230;but he could be lying, and anything could have happened that day. He had very detailed descriptions of ICA & Caylee&#8217;s clothes when they left that day, which seems odd if it was just an ordinary day for him. CA was obviously dominant in the family, ICA & LA answered to her and GA felt he never lived up to her expectations; Casey & Caylee usually slept together, and if Casey overslept & Caylee got out of the house on her own (which it was demonstrated that she could open the doors) and GA left the pool ladder down by accident and Caylee climbed in herself & drowned, both GA & Casey could be afraid of CA blaming them forever, and so GA&#8212;a former police detective&#8212;helped create a coverup. Caylee was like CA&#8217;s baby, GA said the doctor handed Caylee to CA when she was born instead of ICA. CA would never forgive them if she thought either of them were involved in the death of her granddaughter.

3) The dogs hit in the yard&#8230;GA or Casey may have pulled Caylee out of the pool to try to save her, and when the couldn&#8217;t, left her there until one of them transported the body elsewhere. It would have been much easier to keep CA out of that area of the yard where the body was (in or near the playhouse) if GA was involved&#8212;the yard was his domain (he landscapes out there, & he got angry & called the police about his shed/gas cans when he knew Casey had borrowed his gas in the past&#8230;instead of asking her first, he calls the cops about someone breaking into his shed & taking his gas can). GA blames Casey for not watching Caylee and Casey hates her father for blaming her (did you read the lipreaders&#8217; posts about what ICA was saying during trial: that it was all GA&#8217;s fault, that he&#8217;s a monster, and that GA knew she&#8217;d &#8220;never tell&#8221; the police what happened?) GA may blame ICA not only for not watching Caylee and an accident happened, but for getting pregnant out of wedlock in the first place, and therefore didn&#8217;t feel bad enough to confess that they were covering the whole thing up & let ICA spend 3 years in prison.

4) I believe that he told that woman it was an accident that snowballed out of control.

5) I do not buy his attempted suicide & the letter. Those are not the kinds of last words you write to your wife of decades. Those are the kinds of words you write to try and prove your own innocence in a bad D movie.

6) CA was the one keeping in touch w/Casey when Casey flee. GA was staying out of it. Why didn&#8217;t he want to talk to his daughter or granddaughter, and it was all CA?

7) Why did he not report the smell in the car & go on about his business if he knew his daughter and granddaughter were missing?

8) It was GA&#8217;s duct tape.

9) The FBI labs tested Casey&#8217;s shoes for the swampy soil, not GA&#8217;s. They might&#8217;ve found something more in his car or on his shoes.

10) The family has a history of covering things up, like ICA&#8217;s pregnancy.

11) The DT did cast doubt upon the chloroform searches (looking up what an ex posted on MySpace about chloro, and the way the report changed between net analysis software).

12) Not that this is relevant to the case itself, but I notice in court GA shows no support for CA and just stands clear out of her way&#8212;not a glance, not a pat on the arm as she walks by him, nothing, even when she is in tears. And then when the verdict was read, people felt he looked angry (I didn&#8217;t see that part). He has such questionable behavior overall.

ICA may be guilty of no more than oversleeping, and then using her habit of lying to lie to herself & others about where Caylee was from that point forward, and to police. Didn&#8217;t GA tell the police he followed ICA one day & the epass records would prove it, and then turned out to be lying? The more I think about it, the more I can understand the jurors&#8217; reasonable doubt. There&#8217;s no proof that ICA hated or abused her child, and there&#8217;s no proven motive. She shopped & partied to forget, possibly to delay grief, she used alcohol and marijuana (which LA said she never did before) during that time to self-medicate. That doesn&#8217;t make a motive, just poor choices.

I was as shocked as all of you and all along felt that she probably did it, but after hearing what the alternate jurors had to say, I&#8217;m beginning to understand why the jurors felt there is at least reasonable doubt there. It would probably only take a juror or two to feel that way and plant the seed of doubt in everyone else&#8217;s minds. ICA has been a liar for a long time and GA is not truthful, either. There were no (other) witnesses that could or would testify to the actual death. If I were a juror I wouldn&#8217;t put a needle in someone&#8217;s arm without being 100% sure, either. I&#8217;d extend that same courtesy to any and all of you. And in the end, only God can and will judge us, anyhow. JMO.
He should NOT be allowed to speak. He was not in deliberations. Unless they were talking when supposed to be sequestered, how does he know what the jury thought?
Who wants to bet Casey - guess we can't call her ICA anymore - will be hiding out at Geraldo's private island??????????????????????

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