Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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For those that haven't seen it, Hannity is going to show George and Cindy's reaction and the clip shows them leaving the courtroom not sure if it will be anything new.....
I disagree. How can you convict someone if you don't know for sure that they caused the death? If they didn't believe the duct tape or chloroform than there is nothing PROVING she was murdered, only that her death was covered up.

Because there is a dead body of a child with her mouth and nose wrapped with duct tape dumped in a swamp in a garbage bag. Like the Christian Choate (buried under concrete) murder, the means of disposal speaks volumes. There is no way that people, like Casey (or George) Anthony who are not isolated (as in the Christian Choate case) can reasonably expect no one would miss Caylee. It is not reasonable to believe that both Casey and George were covering up an accident. George got on the stand and answered no to those DT allegations. IMO there is no reason to not believe him. That leaves Casey whose own defense has admitted knew of Caylee's death. It's really quite a simple equation and, IMO, only a leap for those who can't put abstract concepts (like 2 + 2) together. At the minimum, the evidence supported manslaughter. At the minimum.

One last point. In the Christian Choate murder, the child was buried. Caylee was not buried even though there were 31 days to dispose of the body. A grown man did not dispose of the body. (Note: George even buried the pets; which reasonably supports the fact that he did not dispose of Caylee's body.) A petite young woman, without the upper body strength to dig a hole, disposed of Caylee's body. With the imaginary Zanny ruled out, that just leaves Casey. Dead child + Casey Anthony ≥ manslaughter.
I just can't believe that they truly believe she didn't murder her child. That can't be true, can it? What a farse.
From Baez, regarding Casey: "We're gonna help her take the next step for the rest of her life."

And jurors shouldn't be facing the accused the entire time !! That was the most brilliant part of Baez whole defense.

I'm having trouble posting, please forgive me if I have There seems to be no logic for the jurors to come to their "not guilty" verdict. In fact, I do not believe there was a significant amount of logic used to reach this conclusion. I say this with sincerity and no animosity to the jurors. I am reading a book by Bill Eddy, LCSW, JD. He is a family lawyer and therapist. His recently published a book, "Splitting," which focuses on high conflict divorce and the adverse nature of the family court system. He writes about a concept referred to as "peripheral persuasion: persuasion that goes on outside of conscious attention.” (This concept) "has been studied for decades by those involved with advertising, politics, and negotiations (Lewicki, Barry, and Saunders, 2010)." It is an indirect persuasive method by which one's perception is influenced by the attractiveness of the messenger, the aggressiveness of the messenger, the confidence displayed by the messenger, augmentative behavior, the intensity of their language, and their emotional appeal. Peripheral persuasion can trump factual data. Emotional expression is more contagious than cognitive arguments, especially if there are time constraints. "Only a very aware person or professional can resist (this) peripheral emotional persuasion." "Recent brain research indicates that the person with the most emotional expressions will dominate a group in the absence of hierarchy (Goleman, 2006). I think peripheral persuasion may have contributed to the not guilty verdict. I think it may have been an influencing factor within the courtroom, particularly during opening statements and closing arguments, as well as within the jury deliberation process. Perhaps jurors need to be given instruction regarding this concept so that they are fully aware of this human fallibility and are better able to participate in a logical rather than emotional sequence of problem solving within their own minds as well as with fellow jurors.already posted this.
OK Geraldo got the first interview with JB, who will ICA give her first interview to?

What did you think of Geraldo tonight?

She'll give her 1st interview to the highest bidder-unless JB already committed her to Geraldo
Doesn't this make some of you wonder if this (lies and confusion)wasn't ALL planned by the defense and the Anthony's to get her off? She gets off free and GA and Lee never have to admit to child molestation or incest. It really is plausable.
This is what I was afraid of, that the DT would make GA appear so sleazy that it would overshadow KC's actions. So the lies of GA and CA really played well into their daughter's defense. Congratulations to the Anthony's - you all seriously deserve each other.

You took the words right out of my mouth. I am so speechless. So shocked! I feel like I have lost one of my own and there's no one here to console me!
And jurors shouldn't be facing the accused the entire time !! That was the most brilliant part of Baez whole defense.
Yes, the jurors were exposed to continuous peripheral persuasion. Now I know why she wrapped that yellow sweater around her body.
From Baez, regarding Casey: "We're gonna help her take the next step for the rest of her life."


Are you gonna teach her that lying is wrong? Are you gonna teach her to tell the truth? Are you gonna teach her to get a haircut and get a real job?
Because there is a dead body of a child with her mouth and nose wrapped with duct tape dumped in a swamp in a garbage bag. Like the Christian Choate (buried under concrete) murder, the means of disposal speaks volumes. There is no way that people, like Casey (or George) Anthony who are not isolated (as in the Christian Choate case) can reasonably expect no one would miss Caylee. It is not reasonable to believe that both Casey and George were covering up an accident. George got on the stand and answered no to those DT allegations. IMO there is no reason to not believe him. That leaves Casey whose own defense has admitted knew of Caylee's death. It's really quite a simple equation and, IMO, only a leap for those who can't put abstract concepts (like 2 + 2) together. At the minimum, the evidence supported manslaughter. At the minimum.

One last point. In the Christian Choate murder, the child was buried. Caylee was not buried even though there were 31 days to dispose of the body. A grown man did not dispose of the body. (Note: George even buried the pets; which reasonably supports the fact that he did not dispose of Caylee's body.) A petite young woman, without the upper body strength to dig a hole, disposed of Caylee's body. With the imaginary Zanny ruled out, that just leaves Casey. Dead child + Casey Anthony ≥ manslaughter.

They didn't believe the duct tape was used on her. That's the point that I'm trying to explain. They did not believe that there was enough proof of a murder so all they had left was an accident which they found to be more plausible. I'm not saying that you have to have a cause of death or even a body but it makes it a lot harder to prove a case when you don't have these. According to the Alternate Juror he didn’t even believe she was in the trunk. If they didn’t believe that then they had absolutely nothing that directly linked Casey to Caylee's death. Again, I am NOT saying this is what I believe.
I watched Geraldo on the Bill O'Reilly show tonight and wanted to throw something at the t.v.!
I would be happy to be the linear, rational one on the jury...we would have hung...because I could not vote not guilty on all counts.

My one time being on a jury left me with the desire to do anything I could to get out of jury duty, even getting a doctor's note. I, literally, took a shower every night to wash the filth off of me. It was a horrible and painful experience because I was dealing with jurors who were ethnically prejudiced and, frankly, none too bright. One juror even said, I paraphrase, "I don't care what those people do as long as they keep it to themselves." This after hearing victim testimony of a gun being held to a baby's head while his mother is sexually violated. Disgusting!

But after following this trial, I'll sign up in a NY minute. Count me in. Consider me a Caylee soldier!
I watched Geraldo talk after the verdict was handed down. I respected what he said then. He thought she was walking free when she was guilty of much more than the jury found her guilty. He answered as a man and a father.

Then, he stepped back into his normal role as being in the center of a circus and seeking out sensationalism.

Do I like Geraldo and respect him? No. I was actually surprised to hear his immediate reaction, but it was there, and I found it honest. He just did what he does, and wormed his way into the defense and got the interview. Sickening, but not anything different than any of us expected.
Because there is a dead body of a child with her mouth and nose wrapped with duct tape dumped in a swamp in a garbage bag.

Duct tape was George's. It could have been his idea, a former police detective, to make it look like a kidnapping instead of the coverup of an unfortunate accident they were all afraid to let CA in on the truth of. Or the duct tape could've been not around her mouth & nose, but on the bag, and got caught in her hair at some point in the forest w/water or animals. DT also cast doubt on whether duct tape was "arranged" before making it to Med Examiner.
Cheney Mason still berating the lawyers in the media who "had her convicted before she was tried". Does he forget his comments to the media before he joined the case? Is he going senile or something?

"You can pretty well predict there's going to be a life sentence, either a plea and get it over with or have a circus trial and then be convicted and get life." Cheney Mason

I couldn't finish watching the video after he started talking. No class, this defense team. Go order another round, Mr. Mason.
I can understand that. At least, I can see a reasonable doubt.

Once the got charged with murder, IF it was an accident, do you think she could have said "okay, it was an accident, sorry, let me go home?" At the VERY least, she would be in trouble for illegal disposal of a body. (Why the heck didn't the State charge her with that, by the way?) I doubt the State would go for a plea deal with her insisting it was an accident, not once she was charged with murder, and certainly not once they decided to press for the DP.

Why didn't she just admit it was an accident before? A reasonable doubt is that she's highly immature and has no coping skills and freaked out and it spiraled out of control (unbeknownst to GA and probably CA). I fully believe that she has no idea how to reasonably respond to anything, much less something as traumatic as the death of a child.

I think, depending on where you draw the line on 'reasonable doubt', you can consider this a reasonable doubt.

The irony of your comment is that if she did admit to an accidental death with subsequent cover up, she would have spent 10 years in jail for it. But since she lied and delayed the discovery of Caylee for so long, she is rewarded with her freedom. I am so sick about this i may need counseling!

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