Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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My tv is off now. Glass of wine and a good book.

My TV has been off for awhile because I know who will be getting the interviews. It worked with OJ. People need to let the major stations know they will boycott anyone who chooses to sponsor any show financially benefiting those involved. That's how they make their money. If Ford or Coke know people won't buy their product if they run an ad then they won't do it. People need to quit complaining to anyone but ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, HBO, etc. It really does no good to fret over this and then tune in. JMO
running behind ya'll, but listening to greta and juror 14

asking about if GA's alleged abuse of Casey meant anything to them

"speculation on other parts, but not MYSELF"

and i wasn't even listening for it...caught me by surprise, the jurors WERE talking....rewound it 3 times, he was talking about the jurors speculating. jmo
I just want all of you to take notice and spread the word...DO NOT BUY OR SPEND ONE DIME ON ANY BOOK THOSE <modsnip> JURORS WRITE OR ANY MAGAZINE THEY MAY GIVE AN INTERVIEW TO.....hopefully, if all the publishers and magazines are boycotted they will just drop it and KC and the jurors and Baez will not profit from this. But it will only happen if nobody purchases any of their publications.

Don't watch the shows either. They track viewer watching.....this is so insane. For instance if 20/20 or those other big new shows advertise this Friday at 10, blah, blah, blah, just don't turn it on. I know it could be hard, but for me I have no interest in hearing what KC's 12 new BFF have to say regarding their decision of why they came to their decision, so it won't be hard for me!!!

So sick of all the crazy lies and never will we know the truth.
And I'm saying it is not reasonable to believe duct tape was not used on her: It was found on her skull, wrapped around her mouth and nose. One has to believe that LE and forensics conspired on the duct tape to remove it from the equation which, I believe, would be unreasonable. Whether it caused Caylee's death, or was used to misled LE, it was used with bad (as in evil), not "immature," intent.

And not believing she was in the trunk is completely off the rails. Even JB admitted she was in the trunk. It's farfetched, unreasonable even, to believe she wasn't in the trunk at some point. I'm only hoping the alternate juror wasn't speaking for the entire jury because I'd hate to think that many dupes are that easily united.

Not to be rude but then what are we talking about? This wasn't about whether you or I thought there was reasonable doubt. We were talking about whether or not a murder has to be proven. I said without knowing the cause of death it makes it hard to prove that the person was murdered. You stated that "One does not need to know how a person died to know that they were murdered” and I said "I disagree. How can you convict someone if you don't know for sure that they caused the death?”

Obviously if they didn't believe the duct tape or chloroform than there was nothing PROVING she was murdered, only that her death was covered up which does not equal a murder charge.
If the Jury did discuss the case prior to the Judge giving them Jury Instructions at the end of the case: Isn't this Jury Misconduct?

If this happened....what can be done about it?
Yes. It should be investigated, and if they did, it's a mistrial. imo
I thought they were not allowed to speculate also he said george was a police officer he could clear up the scene but he s so clever HE KEPT THE TAPE THAT LINKS HIM TO CAYLEE I dont think so

I honestly think there is something far far wrong here they havent listened to a thing they were told, they were told the STATE did NOT have to prove how she died yet he was on another show saying just that, that they didnt prove HOW she died

arrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhh pulling hair out here
The area was underwater for a while, and there are also wolves, coyotes, and other animals in the area. It is possible that the item was buried at one point and resurfaced after the area was submerged. Remember the remains were already skeletonized & they didn't find plants that tend to grow where a body actually decomposed. Also like I said before GA is a former police detective & it may have been his idea to use duct tape & make it look like a kidnapping instead of a coverup of a terrible accident. Maybe he didn't bury...I'm sure he knows what an MO is & didn't want to make it look like he'd be involved. Who knows--I just know he's hiding a lot, and you don't do that without reason. Poor Caylee, rest her soul, may have died any number of ways--accidental or otherwise. I don't think ICA is innocent, but I don't know who did what and who just knew about what. Also, the only time I heard ICA say "Honest to God" in her police interviews is when she was repeating that she doesn't know where her daughter is "right now." In her prison letters, she seems to be pretty religious. That makes me think GA may have been the one who actually transported the body--which is why little evidence was left in the car, because he knew better--and ICA really didn't know where Caysee was at that point. In all her lies, I never heard to say "honest to God" during a lie; also she seemed adamant on that point, and the detectives were like "ok maybe you don't know where she is right now but you know what happened to her" (paraphrasing). Then GA &/or CA cleaned the trunk, accounting for the choloroform levels. Again, not saying any of this happened...just saying that reasonable doubt does "live" in this case (excuse my Baez-ism).

Wouldn't a former cop know not to use the murder weapon to hang posters? OTOH maybe George wanted to leave some suspicion because he is part of the family that was lying and trying to get ICA off? I'm sorry but there is no evidence GA was involved in this other than accusations by the DT, no evidence to support your theory. So if the jury wants to base it's decisons on that they didn't do their job. No way around that.
If george was in on trying to get his daughter found not guilty, then why the 1+1 comment on the stand? Why the blank left by casey's name on the suicide note, when he had addressed everyone else?

Maybe he didn't care if she got convicted or not...he was on to her constant lying, stealing, not working, etc. She already disappointed him once by getting pregnant as a teenager; her not watching Caylee when the accident happened on top of her bad behavior could have been the final straw for him caring about the outcome of Casey's case, and the jail videos an act because he knew they were being taped & broadcast. Maybe he really didn't care what happened to her, or even wanted her to be blamed. Does anyone know a link to the video of GA & CA during the verdict reading? I heard on the news that GA looked angry when the verdict was read, but I haven't seen it.
Duct tape was George's. It could have been his idea, a former police detective, to make it look like a kidnapping instead of the coverup of an unfortunate accident they were all afraid to let CA in on the truth of. Or the duct tape could've been not around her mouth & nose, but on the bag, and got caught in her hair at some point in the forest w/water or animals. DT also cast doubt on whether duct tape was "arranged" before making it to Med Examiner.

Where was the evidence that was GEORGE'S PERSONAL DUCT TAPE? And more importantly, where was the evidence that it was an accident?

Reasonable doubt doesn't mean standing on your head to think up any and every scenario under the sun in order to refute the prosecution's case.
I wonder if Geraldo will buy the Sunfire from whomever officially owns it (I think it is Cindy) and open the trunk on his TV show to see if it still smells. :floorlaugh:

Can't imagine the Anthonys are keeping the car, probably doesn't even run now.
I highly suspect they all talked about this amongst themselves from the beginning to save time, and perhaps that is why the 12 actual jurors were of one mind about it and at least one of the alternates is too. They made their decision without paying attention to everything presented. There's nothing else that explains to me how that many different people could all be so sure of the same thing so quickly.

I agree with you. Something went very wrong today & I could tell by JP face when he was reading the verdict he was just as shocked as all of us.
I knew it wasn't good just by his reaction.
Even my ten year-old daughter said "Mom, I think those people just wanted to go home, that's all!"

My 13 yr old daughter just asked me if the jury would have had to stay longer if they did find her guilty...I said yes for penalty phase...And she looked at me and said "oh ok then they just wanted to go home"!!
It was asked if the jurors discussed the case during the trial.

But what I want to know is:
Did the jurors discuss this case during deliberations?
I agree with you. Something went very wrong today & I could tell by JP face when he was reading the verdict he was just as shocked as all of us.
I knew it wasn't good just by his reaction.

I know, I think the court clerk was shocked too. The expression on her face when she looked at the verdict as she was preparing to read it seemed to be one of unhappy surprise.
Wouldn't a former cop know not to use the murder weapon to hang posters? OTOH maybe George wanted to leave some suspicion because he is part of the family that was lying and trying to get ICA off? I'm sorry but there is no evidence GA was involved in this other than accusations by the DT, no evidence to support your theory. So if the jury wants to base it's decisons on that they didn't do their job. No way around that.

Even former cops can slip up. Did he really think they'd find the duct tape, in the background of footage of them at the command center? Did he realize it was such uniquely branded duct tape in the first place? Or did he do it purposely to plant doubt? I'm not saying this is my theory, I'm saying I have reasonable doubt about most of it, and I believe GA is hiding things. He wasn't worried when ICA took off, he didn't try to get ahold of her & Caylee, like he knew what had happened. I doubt she succesfully disposed of the body without leaving convictably concrete evidence (according to the jury) all by herself. I have doubts that she did it on purpose in the first place. Doubt isn't 100%, but conviction of guilt has to be.
Not to be rude but then what are we talking about? This wasn't about whether you or I thought there was reasonable doubt. I thought she should have been convicted of at least manslaughter.

We were talking about whether or not a murder has to be proven. I said without knowing the cause of death it makes it hard to prove that the person was murdered. You stated that "One does not need to know how a person died to know that they were murdered” and I said "I disagree". Without knowing if the person was murdered or if it was an accident it makes it impossible to convict the person of murder.

Obviously if they didn't believe the duct tape or chloroform than there was nothing PROVING she was murdered, only that her death was covered up which does not equal a murder charge.

Not to be rude but you are, simply, wrong. There are convictions made without even a body. It is possible to convict based on circumstantial evidence, without knowing cause of death. This is a fact and is a matter of legal record.

My point was that "believing" there was no chloroform or no duct tape is unreasonable as the evidence was strongly supported and ineffectually countered. The jury's verdict is not based on reasonable doubt. It is based on, apparently, being distracted by the Anthony family circus and not paying attention to the evidence. The jury ignored solid evidence and went with the DT's fantastical "alien abduction" scenario. (No offense intended toward alien abductees.) The jury was duped. Plain and simple. Unfortunately, a killer will go free.

One stages a murder to look like an accident, not the other way around. The manner of disposal says it all to people who are willing to listen to the evidence and not another extraordinary Casey lie.

My intent isn't to argue with you about what we, presumably, may agree on. It is to point out that, yes, murder can be inferred from circumstantial evidence without COD; and that the jury's verdict was both wrong and unreasonable.
I'm also having loading problems as well as having to refresh page every 20 seconds. Can't thnk posts without reloading page. Never had this much trouble before. Anyone else?? TIA :crazy:
Yes. Sometimes I can post and sometimes I can't. I thanked your post here, but it doesn't show up under it.
Oh good gawd. From now on every time a person is found in bags, in a swamp with duct tape on their face LE will not have to investigate it as a homicide, accident, natural causes and suicide. This is absolutely insane that 12 people could agree it may have been an accident. No proof and makes absolutely no sense. I'm starting to believe no one should ever be convicted of a murder again because it may have been an accident someone decided to make look like a murder. And if they happen to be from a dysfunctional family all the more likely it was an accident. Has the world gone insane??

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