Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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Where was the evidence that was GEORGE'S PERSONAL DUCT TAPE? And more importantly, where was the evidence that it was an accident?

Reasonable doubt doesn't mean standing on your head to think up any and every scenario under the sun in order to refute the prosecution's case.

GA had to have brought the duct tape to the command center. CA also testified George was the only one who used the duct tape. They lived in Ohio when ICA was just a child, and the duct tape was manufactured in Ohio, where GA probably bought it long before Caylee was born. I believe it was George's personal duct tape, as you put it. It was also on his gas can. And he is obviously very particular about his personal things.
"It's a shame because it was an accident that became a murder scene."


Jeez - did anyone on the jury have an ounce of common sense or were they all backwards thinkers?
GA had to have brought the duct tape to the command center. CA also testified George was the only one who used the duct tape. They lived in Ohio when ICA was just a child, and the duct tape was manufactured in Ohio, where GA probably bought it long before Caylee was born. I believe it was George's personal duct tape, as you put it. It was also on his gas can. And he is obviously very particular about his personal things.

So are you saying you think ICA would have respected GA's property enough not to use it to kill her child? Wow.
"It's a shame because it was an accident that became a murder scene."


Jeez - did anyone on the jury have an ounce of common sense or were they all backwards thinkers?

None of them had common sense. Thinking is a foreign word to them.
I do so respect a jury for the time they had to put into this trial. I myself served on a jury before and took it very seriously.

I would like to hear from the real jurors concerning how they reached their verdict. The alternate juror's reasoning just does not sound reasonable to me. I am having reasonable doubt about his reasoning.
Where was the evidence that was GEORGE'S PERSONAL DUCT TAPE? And more importantly, where was the evidence that it was an accident?

Reasonable doubt doesn't mean standing on your head to think up any and every scenario under the sun in order to refute the prosecution's case.

You are right. In fact, the judge specifically told them to NOT speculate OR IMAGINE other scenarios.
So are you saying you think ICA would have respected GA's property enough not to use it to kill her child? Wow.
I'm saying I don't know that her child was killed intentionally, that the tape might've been GA's afterthought to try & make it look like a kidnapping or something else. It was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt how Caylee died, and who, if anyone, was responsible. It all comes down to this: the jury had reasonable doubt, and that is enough, because in this country we have chosen the system of trial by a jury of our peers, not grabbing torches & pitchforks and forming lynching mobs when a person is a acquitted, people. We didn't put our entire lives on pause for this trial. We were subjected to things the jury did not see. We cannot speak for their point of view. They dedicated weeks upon weeks to this case, and if they have reasonable doubt, I believe them and I trust the system. All of the Anthony's will answer to God, who knows and sees all.
You are right. In fact, the judge specifically told them to NOT speculate OR IMAGINE other scenarios.

Scenarios other than what was presented, and the DT did present that an accidental drowning occurred, that it was an accident that snowballed out of control.
Just listening to what this one semi-literate, inchoate **** said (the Alternate Juror)
convinces me that our System of Justice is a JOKE, is dead, is a
charade, and actually reinforces and enables the forces of secular humanism,
ethical relativism, sensation/instant gratification-seeking
that have,
ahem, swamped our FORMERLY "common sense."

(aside)....The Triumph of the "Jose Baez's" of this Life is what wearies my soul and spirit the most.

Pertinent Book Titles:

A Confederacy of Dunces,

Stranger in a Strange Land

I am scared for you all, I really am. I am flabergasted that all these people lack any common sense.
According to this tweet: AmandaOberWESH
Jeff Ashton will be on at 7:08 am on the TOday Show tomorrow

Cannot wait to hear him talk about all this.
I'm saying I don't know that her child was killed intentionally, that the tape might've been GA's afterthought to try & make it look like a kidnapping or something else. It was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt how Caylee died, and who, if anyone, was responsible. It all comes down to this: the jury had reasonable doubt, and that is enough, because in this country we have chosen the system of trial by a jury of our peers, not grabbing torches & pitchforks and forming lynching mobs when a person is a acquitted, people. We didn't put our entire lives on pause for this trial. We were subjected to things the jury did not see. We cannot speak for their point of view. They dedicated weeks upon weeks to this case, and if they have reasonable doubt, I believe them and I trust the system. All of the Anthony's will answer to God, who knows and sees all.
IF you believe that...
GA had to have brought the duct tape to the command center. CA also testified George was the only one who used the duct tape. They lived in Ohio when ICA was just a child, and the duct tape was manufactured in Ohio, where GA probably bought it long before Caylee was born. I believe it was George's personal duct tape, as you put it. It was also on his gas can. And he is obviously very particular about his personal things.

There is a thread on the duct tape. It was mfg'd in NC not Ohio. The company's headquarters were in Ohio. CA admitted on the stand to also using the duct tape. If KC felt comfortable taking GA's "personal" gas cans she would have no problem using the tape. CA did the laundry and trash bags were probably used by everyone in the family. jmo
My 13 yr old daughter just asked me if the jury would have had to stay longer if they did find her guilty...I said yes for penalty phase...And she looked at me and said "oh ok then they just wanted to go home"!!

She might have something there. Lots of fuss being made about a couple of jurers being all dressed up today. Clearly they knew something was happening (and they also knew that "something" wasn't them being further sequestered since a 1st degree conviction would have been them being further sequestered). Hum - all dressed up? If they weren't sure of the collective verdict, all dressed up for what???
I thought it was a woman based on the voice and they had just written the wrong name in error.

Sure an accident became a murder scene it couldn't possibly be a murder the liar is saying is an accident. She just decided she needed a break from partying and jail seemed like a good place for that so she stayed there for a few years versus saying it was an accident. lol

The juror should stop speaking. He sounds worse every time he does. And for an alternate he sure does talk a lot in the "we."
I'm saying I don't know that her child was killed intentionally, that the tape might've been GA's afterthought to try & make it look like a kidnapping or something else. It was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt how Caylee died, and who, if anyone, was responsible. It all comes down to this: the jury had reasonable doubt, and that is enough, because in this country we have chosen the system of trial by a jury of our peers, not grabbing torches & pitchforks and forming lynching mobs when a person is a acquitted, people. We didn't put our entire lives on pause for this trial. We were subjected to things the jury did not see. We cannot speak for their point of view. They dedicated weeks upon weeks to this case, and if they have reasonable doubt, I believe them and I trust the system. All of the Anthony's will answer to God, who knows and sees all.

What evidence do you have that George was involved in it at all? Anyone can make up a story but there was no evidence. The fact some people don't understand that tells me exactly what we are dealing with in the country these days. You trust a system where a jury told to ONLY base their opinion on the evidence just accepts an accusation as truth because it is possible? No one would ever be convicted of anything if that was allowed to happen. Thus, look at EVIDENCE and REASONABLE doubt. No one is carrying a pitchfork, they are only wanting jurors to follow the rules of law.
Originally Posted by somethinghere
I'm saying I don't know that her child was killed intentionally, that the tape might've been GA's afterthought to try & make it look like a kidnapping or something else. It was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt how Caylee died, and who, if anyone, was responsible. It all comes down to this: the jury had reasonable doubt, and that is enough, because in this country we have chosen the system of trial by a jury of our peers, not grabbing torches & pitchforks and forming lynching mobs when a person is a acquitted, people. We didn't put our entire lives on pause for this trial. We were subjected to things the jury did not see. We cannot speak for their point of view. They dedicated weeks upon weeks to this case, and if they have reasonable doubt, I believe them and I trust the system. All of the Anthony's will answer to God, who knows and sees all.

If ,as the State affirmed is their biggest fear, COMMON SENSE is completely set aside then yes all speculation that George was somehow involved is understandable. Many also believe we are being observed by UFO's and the Gov has implanted all of us with micro-chips to follow our movements.
The area was underwater for a while, and there are also wolves, coyotes, and other animals in the area. It is possible that the item was buried at one point and resurfaced after the area was submerged. Remember the remains were already skeletonized & they didn't find plants that tend to grow where a body actually decomposed. Also like I said before GA is a former police detective & it may have been his idea to use duct tape & make it look like a kidnapping instead of a coverup of a terrible accident. Maybe he didn't bury...I'm sure he knows what an MO is & didn't want to make it look like he'd be involved. Who knows--I just know he's hiding a lot, and you don't do that without reason. Poor Caylee, rest her soul, may have died any number of ways--accidental or otherwise. I don't think ICA is innocent, but I don't know who did what and who just knew about what. Also, the only time I heard ICA say "Honest to God" in her police interviews is when she was repeating that she doesn't know where her daughter is "right now." In her prison letters, she seems to be pretty religious. That makes me think GA may have been the one who actually transported the body--which is why little evidence was left in the car, because he knew better--and ICA really didn't know where Caysee was at that point. In all her lies, I never heard to say "honest to God" during a lie; also she seemed adamant on that point, and the detectives were like "ok maybe you don't know where she is right now but you know what happened to her" (paraphrasing). Then GA &/or CA cleaned the trunk, accounting for the choloroform levels. Again, not saying any of this happened...just saying that reasonable doubt does "live" in this case (excuse my Baez-ism).

Sorry, but I don't know what seeming to be "pretty religious" has to do with anything. Religious people commit crimes just the same as non-religious people. A bunch of "pretty religious" people even flew two planes into the WTC. Religious affiliations have nothing to do with guilt or innocence, or intent.

IMO, and with all due respect, the conclusions you present as reasonable are not. For all we know, Casey spent 31 days moving Caylee's remains around. IMO that's more reasonable than believing that GA, who took the stand and denied the DT's claims, had anything to do with a cover up. The testimony and evidence all leads to Casey's hand in Caylee's death. If she was involved, and everyone seems to agree with that, then she should have at the minimum received manslaughter.

IMO, if this were a case of two men involved in a non-relative abduction/murder, the man on trial with the same evidence as Casey (decomp and chloroform and/or cleaning residue in the trunk, last seen with the victim, lied to LE about victims whereabouts, lied to LE about their whereabouts) would have been convicted of something. But for some reason, our culture seems to allow greater lenience for family members to harm their own. Which is tragic given that most women and children are murdered, not by a stranger, but by someone they know
Originally Posted by somethinghere
I'm saying I don't know that her child was killed intentionally, that the tape might've been GA's afterthought to try & make it look like a kidnapping or something else. It was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt how Caylee died, and who, if anyone, was responsible. It all comes down to this: the jury had reasonable doubt, and that is enough, because in this country we have chosen the system of trial by a jury of our peers, not grabbing torches & pitchforks and forming lynching mobs when a person is a acquitted, people. We didn't put our entire lives on pause for this trial. We were subjected to things the jury did not see. We cannot speak for their point of view. They dedicated weeks upon weeks to this case, and if they have reasonable doubt, I believe them and I trust the system. All of the Anthony's will answer to God, who knows and sees all.

If ,as the State affirmed is their biggest fear, COMMON SENSE is completely set aside then yes all speculation that George was somehow involved is understandable. Many also believe we are being observed by UFO's and the Gov has implanted all of us with micro-chips to follow our movements.

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