Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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Wouldn't that mean that he, too, has heard the verdict and agrees with it. I didn't hear the interview--and it certainly sounds like the jury had discussions that they should not have had (hence this guy's use of "we" instead of "I")--but his saying that "he would have voted the same" could simply mean that he witnessed the verdict (like the rest of us) and agrees.

I don't think we should assume that this guy speaks for the entire jury.

But he was speaking for the entire jury when he chose words such as "us" and "we". If he had only referred to himself and to his opinions he would have been speaking only for himself. But he chose to use the collective "us" and "we" to assign his thoughts to the jury as a whole.

Unless the rest of the jury comes out and disagrees with him, I will assume they are OK with letting his remarks stand for all of them.
Exclusive: Geraldo Interviews Jose Baez
Jul 5, 2011- 9:52 -
Casey Anthony's attorney maintains Caylee's death was tragic accident


(Click the video title and it will go to the video page)
Another alt. juror has released his name. I'm still looking for any comments he might have made...Juror #16 Dean Edward Eckstadt.

Also, media attorney for a Tampa news reporter has filed a motion for release of the names of all juror's that will be heard on Thursday according to this article.

From same article: The alternates did not participate in the deliberations, but were at the hotel in case something happened to one of the original jury members. They, too, sat through 33 days of testimony that saw lawyers clash, fingers pointed and plenty of tears shed.

The 12-member jury did more than just clear the 25-year-old Anthony of murder and other serious charges.

Thrown together with the five alternates, they were total strangers a couple of months ago. But the last six weeks, they ate breakfast, dinner and lunch together. They went to the movies as a group. And they figured out together how to survive for weeks without family and friends.

They turned in their cell phones when they began their jury duty, and got them back just once a day so they could call loved ones back home. A deputy was near them making sure they did not discuss the case.

They could do banking or order a prescription online, again under the watchful eye of a deputy. There were no texts, no Facebook postings, no emails to friends or coworkers.

Except for Sundays, when their families could come visit, they were swept away from the lives they knew in Pinellas County.

If they find out that any juror committed fraud/bribery on this case, can the decision be over-turned?
Cheney Mason still berating the lawyers in the media who "had her convicted before she was tried". Does he forget his comments to the media before he joined the case? Is he going senile or something?

"You can pretty well predict there's going to be a life sentence, either a plea and get it over with or have a circus trial and then be convicted and get life." Cheney Mason
I couldn't finish watching the video after he started talking. No class, this defense team. Go order another round, Mr. Mason.

I will never forget this FACT and I hope it is emailed to him daily, to remind this old curmudgeon of why he signed on in the first place! :twocents:
The possibilites:

Stealth jury (maybe they did discuss this prior to deliberations)
Uneducated jury (not talking about their high school/college degrees but the inability to apply common sense and logic, something every adult should be able to do)
Selfish jury (wanted to order hamburgers and italian food, got tired of it and wanted to go home)
Money-minded jury (they believe they will get more $$$$ with the not guilty verdict)
Ethical relativism loving jury (probably based on skeletons in their own closets)
No matter how I think about it, this guy disregarded evidence of decomp in the trunk. Several witnesses, cadaver dogs, insect expert, air samples. Nothing in that car could`ve explained the smell.

The jury dismissed crucial evidence, period.

Also the jury dismissed her completely guilty as sin behaviour and decided that George and Kronk were more suspicious, more to blame.

No, I have not come to terms with this decision and never will, impossible.
The possibilites:

Stealth jury (maybe they did discuss this prior to deliberations)
Uneducated jury (not talking about their high school/college degrees but the inability to apply common sense and logic, something every adult should be able to do)
Selfish jury (wanted to order hamburgers and italian food, got tired of it and wanted to go home)
Money-minded jury (they believe they will get more $$$$ with the not guilty verdict)
Ethical relativism loving jury (probably based on skeletons in their own closets)

I go with this :
Money-minded jury (they believe they will get more $$$$ with the not guilty verdict)
I think it's a mistake to sequester a jury for so long (go back and read some of what I've said in the past, I said it over and over again). One juror desperately wanted to be out in time for his July 7 trip. The others wanted to get home. A jury who is not sequestered, IMO, can see the bigger picture that a sequestered jury cannot. THEY DESERVE TO SEE IT ALL. I don't believe in the whole "they will be influenced/biased/etc". If they are intelligent, they will see it for what it is and NOT only what the lawyers are allowed to make of it while being sequestered. They cared more about 'special break' and fancy lunches than the evidence that was in their face. It's insulting that they didn't ask to view any of the evidence in deliberations. If this jury had not been sequestered and desperate to get out, Casey would NOT be walking free. I firmly believe that.
There is not a single person, even her own lawyer CM and even the talking heads that were pro-defense, that believed any jury would find her not guilty on all those counts. Any person with a functioning brain saw that she was guilty of SOMETHING. The biggest concern was a hung jury or mistrial, not that we'd actually have 12 people dumb enough to believe she was only guilty of lying. Did anyone remember Caylee and who was responsible for her??
Each juror took an oath to uphold and follow the law and rules as set forth by the judge in this case.

Each day they swore they did not discuss the case amongst themselves.

They lied.

Unfortunately they are the 'average' citizen and their word cannot be trusted.
I think it's a mistake to sequester a jury for so long (go back and read some of what I've said in the past, I said it over and over again). One juror desperately wanted to be out in time for his July 7 trip. The others wanted to get home. A jury who is not sequestered, IMO, can see the bigger picture that a sequestered jury cannot. THEY DESERVE TO SEE IT ALL. I don't believe in the whole "they will be influenced/biased/etc". If they are intelligent, they will see it for what it is and NOT only what the lawyers are allowed to make of it while being sequestered. They cared more about 'special break' and fancy lunches than the evidence that was in their face. It's insulting that they didn't ask to view any of the evidence in deliberations. If this jury had not been sequestered and desperate to get out, Casey would NOT be walking free. I firmly believe that.

I think the jury has shown us their level of intelligence and their level of caring about the murder of a 2-year old.

I think they simply did not care enough about the murder of a child to be bothered with it and I don't think sequestration, or lack of, would have made any difference with this crew.

There are some scary people in FL.
Is it just my imagination or is the crime rate in Florida particularly high?
HHBP should not have disallowed the odor of the cans. He'll have to live with that. mo

These jurors are just beginning their nightmare, when they are faced with the full facts... ugh. :tsktsk:

It wouldn't have made a difference. They made their decision on a <modsnip> whim.

No way, no how will I believe this jury took their duty seriously. IMO, they wanted to go home. Convicting Casey of 1st degree meant they would have to sit through another 2 weeks or more of penalty phase. They decided to acquit her and get the heck out of dodge.

Like many of you, I'm disgusted that Justice has failed Caylee.
Bringing this up!! He is going to be on soon. They also have the alt juror.
Did I hear right in Kerry Sanders report that once she is free, she plans to get pregnant and have another baby! Maybe I did not hear right???
this alternate juror started out very sure of himself and when he found out that Jeff Ashton was sitting there he started stuttering and stammering.

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