Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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In the SP case they also found one single hair belongin to Laci stuck in a work wrench in his work shed and in his boat, the hair had famous death band.
Why are we talking about Scott P. on this thread about alt. juror @14, Russel Huekler? :waitasec:
Why are we talking about Scott P. on this thread about alt. juror @14, Russel Huekler? :waitasec:

Because of this statement : Scott Peterson's jury convicted him and recommended death with a lot less evidence than was presented in ICA's case.

This I find, with all due respect not to be true....
The motion will be heard by HHJP on Thursday.I don't think he will release the names. I hope whoever filed the motion, appeals to a higher court. I don't believe HHJP will be able to keep the names sealed long term. I don't care to know, but it is the point of the matter. The names are supposed to be public record. Some of the people even expressed they wanted to serve on this Jury. These Jurors should have to face what other Jurors in high profile cases have had to face.

Juror 1 even stated she wasn't worried about post-trial media attention
The motion will be heard by HHJP on Thursday.I don't think he will release the names. I hope whoever filed the motion, appeals to a higher court. I don't believe HHJP will be able to keep the names sealed long term. I don't care to know, but it is the point of the matter. The names are supposed to be public record. Some of the people even expressed they wanted to serve on this Jury. These Jurors should have to face what other Jurors in high profile cases have had to face.

I cannot believe that someone didn't follow that van or have someone looking for out when arrived back in Pinellas County. I mean really?????
I'm not sure if this has been posted anywhere yet, but it looks like we will be hearing from other jurors....if the price is right...

A publicist for the unidentified juror is sending a letter to media outlets, claiming, "Our client -- a married, college-educated, 33-year-old white male with two young children..."
IIRC, this sounds like juror # 6 - the chef.
Wrong - it was presented to the jury! :

As much as Tuesday's testimony, especially the contents of Peterson's car, may have made him look suspicious, some legal analysts thought the prosecution should have rested its case on a stronger note. ``I think the prosecution should have saved some of its strongest evidence for last,'' said former San Mateo County prosecutor Dean Johnson, ``so when the prosecution rests the jury still has its hair standing on end. The prosecution didn't do that.''

Some of the strongest evidence against Peterson is what most people knew even before the prosecution began its case in June:

• The bodies of Laci Peterson and her unborn son washed up within a mile of where Peterson told police he had been fishing the day she vanished.

• Peterson was having an affair with Frey and had told her that he had ``lost'' his wife two weeks before she actually disappeared and would be spending his first holidays without her.

Peterson's lawyer, Mark Geragos, has told the jury that Peterson was framed by the real kidnappers, who abducted Laci Peterson while she was walking their dog. They threw her in the bay after hearing Peterson's widely reported alibi.

During the course of the trial, prosecutors have tried to show that if Laci Peterson was kidnapped, the abductors had less than 10 minutes to do it. The prosecution showed cell phone records indicating Peterson left his house at 10:08 a.m. and the couple's dog turned up in front of their house with its leash still on at 10:18 a.m. Police believe Peterson planted his leashed dog to support his story that he left his wife alive and well as she prepared to take the dog for a walk.

Prosecutors also have pointed out that the remains of an 80-pound bag of cement remain unaccounted for. Peterson said he used the bag of cement to make an eight-pound anchor for his boat. Police believe he used the rest to make more anchors to weigh down his wife's body.

Prosecutors were criticized early in the case for allowing the defense to turn prosecution witnesses to their advantage numerous times in the first two months of the trial. The prosecution's case seemed to strengthen when Frey took the stand and her recorded phone calls with him were played, where he seemed more like a man on the make than a grieving husband.

So in other words. SP was found gulity based on circumstancial evidence and no one likes a cheating husband. Lacy was found where he fished, ooook Caylee was found by the anthony's house. Him cheating and none of the stuff mentioned above if seen by someone who wants to find him innocent, points to him being guilty. If the jury wanted to believe that Lacy was kidnapped and murder they could have. Cause none of the evidence points to SP murdering his wife. I've even argued this and I think he is gulity btw. If SP was a woman he would have went free.
Russell is changing his story again!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now he says he doesnt know how she died................. WTF............
So let me get this straight - the alternate juror got from thsi trial the following:

1. Casey was a good mother - how in the heck did he get that from everything we heard? Was it her words about "not ******ing crying every too seconds" or was it when her friend was crying over Caylee being missing and Casey interupted her by saying "Wow, huge waste calling you guys" - or maybe if he believed the drowning it was Casey being in Tony's arms by 6pm and in his bed the entire next day while not caring where Caylee's body went. Or perhaps it was Casey's ability to continuously lie to everyone about Caylee being alive. Or maybe it was how casey made Caylee her top priority by getting a real job and a real nanny.

2. That George gave them a weird feeling that he was involved. The prosecution showed that George could not have been involved as he did not have access to her car and had started a new job that very afternoon.

3. That there was no body in the trunk. considering the body was trippled bagged, there was still coffin wax, adipose and coffin flies and maggots in a car that had no food in it. Including a strand of Caylee's hair with a death band clear as day. The car smelled of death and was abandoned by the perp. Casey was the only one in possesion of that car.

4. They disregarded the dog hits, the chloroform searches and high levels in the car.

5. That the duct tape was ON the bag rather than on her face. What in gods good earth did they think held the jaw together?

It sounds to me they wanted to believe that she wasnt guilty at all costs.

This was exactly my concern. It wasn't just about reasonable doubt according to this juror. He had formed a notion of what happened and what didn't happen despite the evidence which demonstrates that most of what was listed above could not have happened, especially the transfer of duct tape from the bag to the face.

I am beginning to think the media analyzed this case more rationally and objectively than the jurors. Mr. Huekler seems to have an all or nothing mentality with no mind for deduction: he thinks one side has all the answers and gravitates toward the theory of one side to the exclusion of the other. Well, sometimes the truth is in the middle.
I'm fine with the jurors names staying secret if that's what they want and what Judge Perry thinks is proper. The jurors weren't elected, they didn't commit crimes or file cases in court. They were just doing their civic duty. I don't see any reason that we must know their identities. I think it's important for citizens in their positions to feel safe from retaliation if they wish. I've read posts about them possibly making money off their position as jurors and maybe that will happen, but at the same time if a future juror is afraid to vote a certain way for fear of public scorn then that could just as easily subvert justice.
...there was still coffin wax, adipose and coffin flies and maggots in a car that had no food in [the trunk]...including a strand of Caylee's hair with a death band clear as day.

The FBI analyst testified that she could not say with absolute certainty that the hair belonged to Caylee.

...they disregarded the dog hits...the chloroform searches and high levels in the car.

Cadaver dog hits have never been used as evidence in a Florida criminal trial before. The jury was not going to convict someone of murder one because of a belief that dogs are more accurate than humans in detecting human decomposition.

The absolute number of chloroform searches was discredited in court.

The chloroform itself was a red herring. The two expert witnesses did not agree about the concentration in the air samples: one said it was extremely high, the other felt it was far less.

Furthermore, despite the State running a fine tooth comb through Casey's and the rest of the Anthony's lives, they found absolutely no evidence that chloroform was obtained by any of them from any source, and there would be no logical reason for any of them to possess it. The idea that Casey (or anyone else) made it in the laundry sink is ludicrous.

Attempting to convince the jury that chloroform was an agent of death for Caylee was a huge tactical error. Stretching the evidence in order to gain a conviction helped Casey gain her freedom.

It is the responsibility of the State to avoid amplifying areas of evidence that serve to destroy their credibility. Don't blame the jurors for questioning the quality of the evidence they were given.
One thing that I just have to mention with all this insistence that "it all came down" to not knowing COD is that we do know one thing about COD: It wasn't natural causes. The child died through either premeditated murder, or abuse, or negligence. And it takes an adult, the caregiver who is last seen with the child alive, to commit one of those three. The last person to be seen with Caylee was her mother. There is not a shred of reasonable doubt that whatever happened to Caylee, how she died, rests in the hands of Casey. This is why the nation is shocked. Even people who didn't follow it as closely as we did on WS are stunned. It's as if the jury unanimously decided to set common sense, reason, and justice aside.

I like what JA said on The View about the jury only having to look at the photographs to see how Caylee died. And if they chose to not look at the photos then so be it. Still, one wonders how they can sleep at night.
He will be the first to write a book about the trial.

Yes - no "coincidence" that his retirement coincides with the end of the trial, since he would not be allowed to write a book while still employed by the state.
He is on Foxnews now

He said she was a good mother?

what evidence
by some of friends? her family didnt say that........
IF SHE WAS A GOOD MOTHER she would have called 911 IF it was an accident..
I once apprehended a shoplifter who had 2 week old twins we had her on CCTV obviously stuffing merchandise in her babies carseats and a ring in one of her baby's diaper's she took it to court and got off they found her not guilty and she was on videotape committing this crime I never knew why but maybe it was a postpartum issue, so I guess you really never know what a jury will do. But why so little deliberation in a murder case?
I'm fine with the jurors names staying secret if that's what they want and what Judge Perry thinks is proper. The jurors weren't elected, they didn't commit crimes or file cases in court. They were just doing their civic duty. I don't see any reason that we must know their identities. I think it's important for citizens in their positions to feel safe from retaliation if they wish. I've read posts about them possibly making money off their position as jurors and maybe that will happen, but at the same time if a future juror is afraid to vote a certain way for fear of public scorn then that could just as easily subvert justice.

I agree, but they are gonna come out cause they want to get paid. Pure and simple. So they are afraid of the public, but when it comes to money they arent afraid to endandering themselves or loved ones? So just release the names already...
Ashton about to appear on InSession.

Does anyone have a link to the livestream for insession. TIA

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