Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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OMG...I couldn't read the whole thread, but saw the interview with JF on Nightline and a few interviews with the alt juror. :(
Ashton said on Pierce Morgan that if the jury based their decision - as they seem they did - on the fact that they thought George was involved, then they breached their duties as jurors. First time I heard him say that, I guess he is responding to all these jurors coming out saying that they think George was involved.

Hopefully now the jurors understand what they did wrong. They never had to know exactly how Caylee died or where she died, etc. which is what they are saying in media reports on what their problem was. They also cite lack of motive but they did not need to show motive.

So I am not sure if these jurors were just totally clueless on what they needed to do and what the state needed to prove - or whether they just are not articulating their issues with the state's case properly.

B/c the way they are all phrasing it makes me think that they just totally shirked in their duties as jurors. Whose fault that is I don't know - it was probably either laziness or incompetence in understanding the instructions or perhaps one leader who was ill-informed twisted the understandings of the instructions to the others.

The interviewers should tell these jurors that the state did not need to prove 1) exactly how she died - all they needed to show was murder - 2) motive; 3) where she died; or 4) when she died. I wonder how they would respond. No one is asking the jurors these questions.
To those that watched the trial (or read transcripts):

Were the judge's instructions completely.clear???

Or all these people <modnippingly> ignorant or [some explanation that escapes me?!?!?]?
Just saw the clip of juror number 3's interview on HLN saying it was easier to believe the accident than to picture the cholorofrm and duct tape happening. That they don't even know where it happened, somewhere public or at home.

The fact she said it was "easier" speaks volumes to me. She didn't say it was more reasonable that it was an accident (that there wasn't even evidence for), but easier. Lazy!

ITA. This is also a problem, IMO. There's been such a pervasive atmosphere of politically correct "we can't judge" in this country that far too many people will no longer confront the reality of murderous, difficult-to-understand and even more difficult to swallow, sociopathic and psychopathic behavior.

Was ICA's behavior and the horror of the realization of what she most likely did hard to swallow? You better believe it was (and I speak from personal experience here as one who went in preferring to believe it was an accident gone wrong)!! But not wanting to believe something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. IMOO, the refusal to confront downright evil narcissistic behavior is potentially the death of our society.

Making mistakes in one's life is one thing. Using, abusing and killing people for one's own convenience is another entirely and must, must, must be called out for what it is by those of us willing to sound the alarm.

I personally find it deeply, massively disturbing that this jury was so willing to swallow a manufactured story about sexual abuse without flinching (and despite what the one juror says now, the others have indicated this as their reasoning), while being simultaneously unwilling to deal with the discomfort of recognizing serious personality disorders leading to sociopathy or psychopathy.

The willingness of people to lay blame where it does not belong is horrific. When I studied psychology and behavior, I learned of the "blame the victim" mentality. It makes people feel as if horrible event "x" could never happen to them, because it's someone else's problem. Do I believe that CA (and perhaps GA by caving to CA) contributed to exacerbating ICA's problems? Oh yes, indeed. But they did not create her problems, IMO. And woe be to the person who believes themselves immune to having such a disordered personality coming into their lives when confronted with the growing numbers of such people!

As far as I'm concerned, a society is only safe from "wolves in sheep's clothing" as long as someone is willing to grow a spine and call that wolf a wolf. I am beginning to be of the opinion that someone, or perhaps multiple someones, lost their spine during these discussions. If so, I pity those parties. They will have to live with themselves now.

I have, fortunately? -- maybe unfortunately -- been in the unenviable situation of holding the unpopular, but morally and ethically correct, position. I know how uncomfortable and difficult such a situation can be. But, no matter what else I've done in my life that I feel guilt or shame for, I can hold my head up for digging in and refusing to be bullied away from the truth. (note to all who may ask -- this was always after considering/investigating potentially innocent explanations for the situation, and finding no evidence backing up such innocent scenarios).

And I truly believe because of my past record I can say that, even if others had threatened bodily harm, I would have held my ground in that jury room and hung that jury until we all stopped breathing, if need be. THAT, IMOO, would have been the thing to do if I were to ever hold my head up in pride again in my life.

I'm so nauseated and disturbed still, I can't even put words to it. :sick:

Again, IMOO, these jurors failed by forgetting Caylee and in failing to stand up for truth and justice. At the very least, they failed the justice system by not reviewing the juror instructions and evidence with honest dedication and good faith.

I'm sick at heart this week, and wondering just where we go from here to prevent such travesty happening to other victims and their families everywhere.

Cazzie - yes, instructions were verbally provided as well as written; both of which I found extremely clear. Apparently, they did too, IMO, as they did not ask any questions...but they also didn't take their notebooks into deliberation room nor did they review evidence, ask for transcripts, clarification or anything.

Sickening, isn't it?
Here's link to instructions:
Oh, this interview made me ill. :/

Jennifer Ford, saying she made her decision before deliberations and she stuck to it. I guess those 10 hours were just for yucking it up.

I haven't watched this and I probably won't in the future.

But just that statement alone makes me :furious:

Rub it in Jennifer, rub it in and while you're at it, don't forget the salt.
Cazzie - yes, instructions were verbally provided as well as written; both of which I found extremely clear. Apparently, they did too, IMO, as they did not ask any questions...but they also didn't take their notebooks into deliberation room nor did they review evidence, ask for transcripts, clarification or anything.

Sickening, isn't it?
Here's link to instructions:

It is late but I will read this tomorrow. Thank you for the link.

I wish this was a real nightmare (literally, that is) and when I wake up, it will be much different!

Shaking my head...

ETA: (bolded) that should be illegal!!! They should all be found in contempt of court!!! MOO, MOO, MOO!!!
JA agreed with BOR that there is not a shred of evidence that it was an accident. BOR stating that JFord based her verdict on wild speculation.

I've been loving BOR's commen sense (which we've all seen is far too uncommon) perspective on the case these last two days.

I loved BOR taking on Geraldo yesterday. My sister remembered those two sparring many years ago because she thought that BOR was the only person who she'd ever seen make GR sputter and stumble. She was delighted when I told her that BOR made GR sputter and stumble again last night.

I haven't read through the entire thread so I'm sorry if this has been mentioned before.
Did you all see Jeff Ashton's interview with Bill O'Reilly ? I loved it! I'm not a fan of Bill but this was super duper!!! I feel better knowing people are openly criticizing Jennifer Ford & company! Now if Sarah Palin does this too, gosh, I might like her a tiny bit! ;)
I think if you can prove THIS much juror issue... something should be able to be done.

Just the top three.

Discussed the trial before deliberations according to an alternate.

("You may not discuss this case with anyone, even amongst yourselves."

"Did you heed my previous admonitions not to discuss this case with anyone?")

Considered the death penalty according to a juror.

(That is the sentencing phase and a lesser charge wouldn't have warranted that.)

Considered the opening statements in their decision, according to multiple jurors.

(The attorney's opening statements may not be considered as evidence.)
I saw juror 17 on today show interview. wow! is all i can say. He said that will be his one and only interview. some jurors are writing books. He didnt believe casey killed caylee. :innocent:
"We are upset that people think we're incompetent,"

LOL Doesn't understand the difference between "know" and "think".

no kidding huh? and if they were so SURE then why worry about what us nubs think about them anyways?

dear (how do I strikethrough on here? I am using the word "dear" with the utmost irony & sarcasm) russ, dean, and jennifer et al: it's better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

now the whole world knows that the state of florida had the terrible luck to find the only 18 people on the planet too stupid to follow jury instructions and understand even the SIMPLEST forensics. wow. I'd clap my hands but the way I am impressed is no compliment.
I'm sorry but, IMO, this jury was incredibly DUMB! One says Casey came home after 31 days only to find her daughter missing? WTH? They didn't know who her caregiver was? Thought they needed to know exactly where or how she died in order to convict? Others saying murder one was the only charge. Huh?

If they were that incredibly clueless, why didn't they ask questions?? They sure as heck weren't shy about sending the judge notes about food and entertainment. Why didn't they send him one asking if they could convict her on a lesser charge? What the heck did they think those lesser charges were read for? The h*ll of it? Shoot, my 16 year old even understood the different charges she could have gotten and these 12 adults didn't? The more I hear them talk the angrier I get because it becomes more apparent they weren't even paying attention and didn't care one bit!!!!! JMO
Can't believe I agree with Bill O'Reilly 100% but he makes so much sense in this case
"If alleged murderers can get acquitted based on theoretical fantasies, then our justice system has collapsed. It's that simple."
JA was on Joy Baher? last night. As he was talking, he mentioned that as Casey was being investigated, that the State thought that she had 'other plans' in place that she was getting ready to implement when she was arrested. He never elaborated, I'm just wondering what the State thought she was getting ready to do.

Mods, if this is not in right thread, please move.
JA was on Joy Baher? last night. As he was talking, he mentioned that as Casey was being investigated, that the State thought that she had 'other plans' in place that she was getting ready to implement when she was arrested. He never elaborated, I'm just wondering what the State thought she was getting ready to do.

Mods, if this is not in right thread, please move.

Leave town or murder her parents?
The fact that J. Ford said it was "easier' to imagine the accidental drowning than the chloroform and duct tape makes me FURIOUS.
Of course it's easier to imagine!!! That's not what this was about! I really need her to go away and quickly. She makes my blood boil.
I truly believe that even Jose Baez is SHOCKED that 12 people actually fell for his 'theories'.
The fact that J. Ford said it was "easier' to imagine the accidental drowning than the chloroform and duct tape makes me FURIOUS.
Of course it's easier to imagine!!! That's not what this was about! I really need her to go away and quickly. She makes my blood boil.

No kidding...:banghead::banghead:...I didn't want to believe it either...but the evidence showed...oh that's right they didn't look at that.
All the TH say they respect the jury ect. Well I do not. And yes, they made a huge sacrifice of time, energy and giving up their life. But come on..why can't we freely express our opinions without political corrrectness. The jury by far was undereducated and I feel just naturally not the brightest group. And spineless??? yes. Those who initially felt she was guilty of manslaughter cave or are disuaded within 11 hours????. These were not thinking, smart people and yes they were lazy!
Star Jones was on The Today Show this morning. Heads up everyone. She suggests KC go to the first tabloid that pays for interviews. Yep, tabloids pay, not news stations like ABC was the hint. :rolleyes: Also said the story will go cold so price wars are not wise.

Just means KC will be interviewed.

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