Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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I highly suspect they all talked about this amongst themselves from the beginning to save time, and perhaps that is why the 12 actual jurors were of one mind about it and at least one of the alternates is too. They made their decision without paying attention to everything presented. There's nothing else that explains to me how that many different people could all be so sure of the same thing so quickly.
WTF so placing packing tape on the bag of a pet you give a proper burial is the same thing as placing duct tape on the mouth of your child and throwing them in a trash dump? There are no words for this man.
This is what I was afraid of, that the DT would make GA appear so sleazy that it would overshadow KC's actions. So the lies of GA and CA really played well into their daughter's defense. Congratulations to the Anthony's - you all seriously deserve each other.
I'm sure ICA is repeating to herself tonight, "I am SUCH a good liar!" Score!
Yes, I do believe they are. If they all come out saying the same...we will know they talked about it amongst themselves before deliberation or he would not use "WE" against the admonition of the Court. Isn't there any Justice left in the land?

First post here at WS but have been following this case since day 1. I noticed also that RH kept saying 'WE' and than he would retract and say 'I'. It makes me believe that they did talk amongst themselves outside of that courtroom.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that alternates do not participate in the deliberation room with the original jurors? If this is the case why would he continue to say 'we' if he was not in that room during deliberation?

Didn't believe sexual abuse. Didn't believe a body in the car. If there was a smell then GA or tow guy should have called LE right away. Family dysfunction. Tape was from the bag they buried Caylee in, buried her like a family pet.

No one could tell them how Caylee died. That was a main factor for him. understood ICA not testifying.

I missed if he said anything about Chloroform.

The state did not have to tell them that. Geez Louise, can we finally require tests for voters and jurors, to make sure they understand simple instructions, concepts and the English language?
I think George's attitude really hurt the prosecution. I wonder if that was the real reason Baez accused him of molestation. He was defensive on the stand and I can see how it came across like he had something to hide. But I would think mist people would think he was so defensive because he was talking to someone who accused him of molestation. I remember his whole attitude about the duct tape on the gas cans. He really just didn't seem to want to answer Baezs questions.
Looks lIke they bought all of Baez's arguments, the most ridiculous being that the body was not in the car and the pet cemetery thing, the anthonys certainly did not cover their animals noses with duct tape did they?

They also seem to think George was really a creep.

Ridiculous. Every single argument they probably bought, I could see some, but every one?

OMG, and I was LAUGHING when Baez started with the Pet Sematary line of questioning. Somebody FELL FOR IT??? OMG OMG OMG OMG

You know they really liked Jose. Every morning they did their banter "Good morning ladies and gentlemen" - "Good morning MR BAEZ..." Slimy schmoozing is apparently effective on this group.

I need to turn off the TV. The constant replay of HER SMIRK is sending me over the edge.
Now that, right there, just floors me. I didn't think anything else could shock me today.

-Hair with death banding
-Unheard of levels of chloroform

Those alone would convince me. But they've got the odor of decomposition!!! How can they just disregard that? If only they could've smelled the cans. It's a disgrace.

They not only had the odor of decomp they had the flies in that car!
Here's what I think. I think they all began discussing the case immediately especially
when they were sent out of the courtroom countless times every single day. Sometimes they were banished to their holding room for an hour or more. What do y'all think they talked about? The weather?
For some reason they took a dislike to the Prosecutors and fell for Baez' fake smile.
I am just sick over this! How could they set her free?
Before we heard his interview, my husband said he suspected someone strong armed them, one of the jurors influenced the rest.

I suspect this one.

They absolutely discussed this before yesterday.
I think George's attitude really hurt the prosecution. I wonder if that was the real reason Baez accused him of molestation. He was defensive on the stand and I can see how it came across like he had something to hide. But I would think mist people would think he was so defensive because he was talking to someone who accused him of molestation. I remember his whole attitude about the duct tape on the gas cans. He really just didn't seem to want to answer Baezs questions.

I'm going back to that hearing where George stated he would do anything, including break the law, to protect his daughter. Maybe he did.
First post here at WS but have been following this case since day 1. I noticed also that RH kept saying 'WE' and than he would retract and say 'I'. It makes me believe that they did talk amongst themselves outside of that courtroom.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that alternates do not participate in the deliberation room with the original jurors? If this is the case why would he continue to say 'we' if he was not in that room during deliberation?

They do not. The alternates were back at the hotel the entire time. They clearly discussed it.
First post here at WS but have been following this case since day 1. I noticed also that RH kept saying 'WE' and than he would retract and say 'I'. It makes me believe that they did talk amongst themselves outside of that courtroom.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that alternates do not participate in the deliberation room with the original jurors? If this is the case why would he continue to say 'we' if he was not in that room during deliberation?


They don't deliberate which is why I think this hink stinks to the heavens.
I'm sorry but I can't believe he and the rest of the jury bought into the DT. Logic and common sense went out the window for a quick verdict all based on lies.
But they could have saved time and found her guilty!! They could hav sentenced her quickly too.
The judge screwed everything up by not letting the jurors sniff that can. JMO

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