Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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Another alt. juror has released his name. I'm still looking for any comments he might have made...Juror #16 Dean Edward Eckstadt.

Also, media attorney for a Tampa news reporter has filed a motion for release of the names of all juror's that will be heard on Thursday according to this article.

From same article: The alternates did not participate in the deliberations, but were at the hotel in case something happened to one of the original jury members. They, too, sat through 33 days of testimony that saw lawyers clash, fingers pointed and plenty of tears shed.

The 12-member jury did more than just clear the 25-year-old Anthony of murder and other serious charges.

Thrown together with the five alternates, they were total strangers a couple of months ago. But the last six weeks, they ate breakfast, dinner and lunch together. They went to the movies as a group. And they figured out together how to survive for weeks without family and friends.

They turned in their cell phones when they began their jury duty, and got them back just once a day so they could call loved ones back home. A deputy was near them making sure they did not discuss the case.

They could do banking or order a prescription online, again under the watchful eye of a deputy. There were no texts, no Facebook postings, no emails to friends or coworkers.

Except for Sundays, when their families could come visit, they were swept away from the lives they knew in Pinellas County.
She'll give her 1st interview to the highest bidder-unless JB already committed her to Geraldo

Somehow I think that Casey has been promised out to Geraldo from a long time ago.

Maybe she will end up being Geraldo's 6th wife, and he can take her sailing.
Then, maybe she will one day take a long walk off a short plank from his sail boat.

I expect to see "leaked" pictures of her with Baez and she'll be part of the crew on Geraldo's boat.
The case was lost long before the closing arguments. It had nothing to do with that. These jurors just don't have much upstairs. uneducated, don't judge, prior dui's, felons, druggies etc. The case was lost when the State let so many of these stay on the jury. Many that live on the wrong side of the law or have other family members that live that way. I do not believe they did their civic duty. They bought that defense cockandbull story right from the get go and then never paid a bit of attention to the evidence. They had no interest in it when they bought JB's story that GA was somehow involved and that Kronk moved bones or something. The jury didn't use any common sense.

Of course I am devastated but where to put the blame? Not sure if that can be done. Still, I cringed when LDB spoke to the jury about using common sense. No matter how she phrased it, it sounded deragatory to me and perhaps to jurors as well. I wish JA hadn't smirked/laughed during closing. i think that teed some of them off. BUT STILL!! The death of a little girl goes unpunished? Nothing? That is incredible to me. Part of me wonders if the jury by that time was so disgusted with the trial that they just wanted to go home. No guilt = no penalty phase = immediate release from jury duty.

That said, how could anyone believe that anyone would cover up an accident to make it look like a kidnapping or a murder? How, how, how?
I wanted Casey to be found guilty but I had the feeling that this would be the reason she would be found not guilty.

Without knowing HOW SHE DIED they COULDN'T by law convict her of killing Caylee. Look at the jury instructions:

"The death was caused by the criminal act of Casey Marie Anthony".
If they didn't know what the criminal act was they couldn't convict her. They obviously didn't believe the duct tape/chloroform theory so without that there was no proof of a killing only a death.
This makes some sense to me.
If not a killing then an accident though...why did not they see that?

1. Accident like a drowning when ICA was supposed to be watching over Caylee's safety and keeping her from harm; unless the jury thought George was in charge of Caylee that day? They must have questioned this hence the not guilty on that count.
2. Killing.
Well its the morning after... and I feel that the jury simply:

1. Didn't understand the instructions given to them.
2. Didn't have the wit to grasp the evidence (technical or otherwise) laid before them.
3. Failed Caylee.
4. Failed the justice system in the US.

Not a good day for the adversarial system really. One can only hope that good will come of this somehow - that questions will be asked about the method of Jury selection in the US and perhaps changes made. Perhaps an IQ test is in order or something, to weed out the people who haven't got the intelligence to work through complex issues.
They could not have convicted her of neglect?


I know.
I think the testimony was though that George had breakfast that morning with Caylee. Maybe giving the impression he was the one that was to look after Caylee's safety and welfare? Meanwhile ICA was showering or still sleeping or whatever? It's the only way for me to try and make sense out of this verdict.
Never underestimate the power of stupidity in a group of 12 people.

I agree with whoever said we need to find a better way to screen jurors. Some basic test of intelligence and the ability to reason properly. There was a time before DNA, before fingerprints, before video. How did they convict people then? That's right - they used their common sense and ability to reason logically in order to add 2+2 and come up with 4.

I bet Scott Peterson wishes like hell that he got a jury as thoughtless and lazy as this one.
If his facebook is anything to go by, i would say 'hot' is questionable :crazy:

You're right...the 'hottie' juror is supposedly #11...Old Russel H. was #14.

But, here's another thing...#11 (the hottie) was the foreman...hmmmm...the one who 'guides' the jury in their deliberations....hmmmm, again.
The hottie was juror #11, the jury foreman. He said he thought she was guilty during jury selection interestingly enough.

And yet, when presented with bookoo (sp) evidence, she suddenly is not guilty. :maddening:
Don't like him, don't watch him - he's a little on the dumb side
I think GR received the first interview because he's gonna put up Casey Anthony up when she departs jail. He has several properties, including California (where I think Casey will end up). Then JB will work with her to sort through the talk show circuit and see who pays the most so she can start her BELLA VITA. I don't care what Nancy Grace says, there is NO way, Casey is going back to the Florida home - EVER.

She (Casey) will become a commodity for a short while, until she tucks in to write her book - then live off of that for awhile. Who knows, she may end up several years from now with plastic surgery, a *advertiser censored* star, and on Dr. Drew Celebrity Rehap (ala Amy Fisher). Just speculating here folks.

But if anyone is gonna welcome her, it's the folks of Los Angeles.


I got two minutes in, and when Baez said "Caylee's memory came out and rose above the circus", I almost puked.

Can't ... I just can't watch another second...
I dont watch Geraldo the <modsnip>, but maybe he is acting like Baez #1 fan, so he can get the first interview with Casey.
Will someone explain to me how this guy knew that they would all vote the same? Am I wrong or does this sound like the juror had to be talking with each other about the case before the alternates were sent out and deliberation by the 12?

Wouldn't that mean that he, too, has heard the verdict and agrees with it. I didn't hear the interview--and it certainly sounds like the jury had discussions that they should not have had (hence this guy's use of "we" instead of "I")--but his saying that "he would have voted the same" could simply mean that he witnessed the verdict (like the rest of us) and agrees.

I don't think we should assume that this guy speaks for the entire jury.
I dont watch Geraldo the <modsnip>, but maybe he is acting like Baez #1 fan, so he can get the first interview with Casey.

Bingo - waving hands high in the air. IMHO Geraldo is gonna set up Casey Anthony with a mansion, boat, men to fan her, and all the luxuries this world has to offer. THEN he'll slink in for the first "tell all ever". Of course with her lead attorney sitting right beside her. Note - I think Jose is gonna dump CM as soon as the clock hits 12 midnight!

I absolutely, 100%, think this is going to happen.

Of course you can all shoot me if I'm wrong ;)

The use of the word "we" helped get child killer David Westerfield convicted of 1st degree kidnapping & murder. He is on death row. His Freudian slip and use of "we" (as in "we watched some TV") helped convince the jury that he did indeed have Danielle Van Dam in his motorhome though he claimed he was all alone that weekend, out in the CA desert.

"We" is very telling.

This jury discussed this case all along. BUSTED.

Shame on them.

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