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Criminal Murder Case Docket Updated!

Events & Orders of the Court
05/03/2010---Order---Setting Motion Hearings

05/03/2010---Order---Regarding Deposition Schedule

05/04/2010---Motion---to Seal All Justice Administration Commission Documents

05/04/2010---Motion---Amended Motion for Justice Administration Commission (JAC) Hearing & Motion for Approval of Out of State Mitigation Specialist & Expert WItnesses

05/06/2010---Hearing---9:00 AM---Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR.---Justice Commission Budget Hearing

05/10/2010---Hearing---9:00 AM---Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR.---Motions

05/11/2010---Hearing---9:00 AM---Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR.---Pending Motions on Death Penalty
Civil Case Docket Updated!

Events & Orders of the Court
05/04/2010---Pre-Trial Civil---1:30 PM---Judicial Officer Rodriguez, Jose R.

05/04/2010---Motion for Continuance---JOINT Motion for Continuance
UPDATED: Hearing Held In Casey Anthony Civil Case
Zenaida Gonzalez Seeks $15,000 In Damages

POSTED: Tuesday, May 4, 2010
UPDATED: 2:01 pm EDT May 4, 2010
A hearing was held Tuesday afternoon in Casey Anthony's civil case, although Anthony was not required to attend. streamed the hearing, but there was no audio provided, so details are yet known. Stay with and Local 6 for more on this story.

UPDATED: Casey Anthony civil suit pre-trial
Updated: Tuesday, 04 May 2010, 2:30 PM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 04 May 2010, 12:22 PM EDT
The case against suspected child killer Casey Anthony returns to court this week.

A hearing, scheduled earlier this afternoon, was to focus on the civil case involving Zenaida Gonzalez. Gonzalez filed a defamation lawsuit against Anthony, claiming she ruined her reputation by

On Thursday, May 6th, a judge will sit down with attorneys on both sides and decide how much money the state will pay towards Anthony&#8217;s defense since she was declared indigent. Additional hearings will be held on May 11th and 12th for defense death penalty motions.

UPDATED: Casey&#8217;s Defamation Trial May Be In 2011
Tuesday, May 04, 2010 3:49:12 PM
Attorneys for Zenaida Gonzalez say they expect the case to be heard in early 2011. That&#8217;s months before Casey Anthony faces charges of first-degree murder. Gonzalez's attorneys said they're frustrated with how slow the process is moving, and they want their client to have her day in court already.

"I consider the magnitude of what she went through to be great and I will be asking [for] a significant amount of money to recognize it," said Keith Mitnik, Gonzalez&#8217;s attorney. Mitnik would not comment on an exact amount. He also isn't saying much about Zenaida. News 13 asked if she was working, and his response was that while he's working to clear her name, he wants to protect her privacy.

Mitnik says he is looking to talk to Casey's jailhouse pen pal as well.

Video: Defamation Case Back In Court Case Back In Court

UPDATED: More Delays For Casey Anthony Civil Trial
Posted: 12:47 pm EDT May 4, 2010
Updated: 3:05 pm EDT May 4, 2010
During a pre-trial hearing Tuesday afternoon, a judge delayed the start date for the civil trial Casey Anthony is facing.

The trial had been scheduled for June 14, but because of things not being completed, rulings still awaiting decisions and more information to review, both parties said they would not be ready for the June date.

Instead, the judge said that the trial wouldn&#8217;t start until the first quarter of next year, but a date has not been set.

VIDEO REPORT: Pre-Trial Hearing Scheduled In Casey Civil Case 0:22
Lawyers will go before a judge Tuesday afternoon in the civil case against Casey Anthony. (05/04/10)

VIDEO REPORT: Hearing Held In Civil Case

Judge: Anthony Civil Trial Will Be Heard First
Judge Decides Civil Trial Will Take Place Early 2011

POSTED: 3:18 pm EDT May 4, 2010
UPDATED: 3:34 pm EDT May 4, 2010
A judge decided Tuesday that the civil trial for Casey Anthony will take place early next year, before the criminal trial.

On Monday, Judge Belvin Perry finalized a schedule for Anthony's criminal trial that included three critical hearings in the next eight days. A hearing will be held Thursday to talk about how much taxpayer money Anthony should be budgeted to aid in her defense, now that she has been declared indigent.

On Friday, defense attorney Jose Baez asked Perry if the budget concerns will be discussed in private. Perry decided the budget hearing will be held in open court Thursday.

Next week, a series of important defense motions will be heard, including a hearing on the trial's location and another to discuss whether evidence can be introduced suggesting the man who discovered Caylee's remain, Roy Kronk, should have been investigated as a possible suspect. Perry said he also plans to consider a series of defense motions challenging the death penalty.

Casey Anthony: She won&#8217;t have to go to civil trial, which will be early next year
posted by halboedeker on May, 4 2010 5:27 PM
WFTV-Channel 9 anchor Martie Salt noted that the civil case could unfold in the first quarter of next year &#8211; before the murder trial. WFTV said the murder case would start June 14, 2011, but May 9, 2011, is the actual date.

&#8220;The civil trial is not about whether Casey murdered Caylee, so there&#8217;s no legal reason to hold it up,&#8221; WFTV&#8217;s Kathi Belich said. &#8220;Zenaida Gonzalez&#8217;s lawyers say if the civil trial makes Casey look bad right before her murder trial, that&#8217;s her problem.&#8221; Belich highlighted an Anthony letter to a jail pen pal that said &#8220;Zenaida didn&#8217;t do it.&#8221; Belich also noted that Anthony doesn&#8217;t have to attend the civil trial. And Belich relayed WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer&#8217;s view that Anthony will face criticism &#8220;if she does for her clothes and her every move &#8212; or for her guilty conscience if she doesn&#8217;t.&#8221;

On Central Florida News 13, Mitnik said the attorneys want to make Anthony pay for what she did to Gonzalez. &#8220;We will be asking for a significant amount of money,&#8221; he said.

On WOFL-Channel 35, Mitnik said he suspected there would be overlap between the civil and criminal trials. &#8220;That&#8217;s not our problem. That&#8217;s her [Anthony's] problem,&#8221; Mitnik said. &#8220;Frankly, I don&#8217;t care what problems it creates for Casey Anthony.&#8221;

*More at link!

Casey Anthony defense wants documents sealed to keep strategy private
The defense team's request for various funding would lead to speculation, her attorneys argued.

3:22 p.m. EDT, May 5, 2010
"Documents and requests for funding will lead to endless speculation as to the defense strategy for defending Miss Anthony and could ultimately affect her right to a fair trial," defense attorney Jose Baez wrote in a motion made public today. The defense's budget will be the focus of Thursday's hearing before Orange-Osceola Chief Judge Belvin Perry. He'll listen to how much her legal team expects to spend defending the 24-year-old of first-degree murder. The state is seeking the death penalty, which adds costs to her defense.

Defense attorneys now want Perry's approval to continue using:
&#8226; Out-of-state experts. They're not identified in the legal request but have worked hours inspecting evidence and reviewing more than 14,000 pages of investigative material.

Typically, the justice commission requires defense attorneys to use in-state experts but this is an "extraordinary case," the defense team argued.
&#8226; Mortimer Smith, an Illinois private investigator who has worked on the case for more than a year. The defense team would use him to investigate witnesses and issues that are out of the state. Florida-licensed investigators would follow up on in-state issues.

&#8226; And mitigation specialist, Jeanene Barrett, who has logged hundreds of hours learning about Anthony's life history. The defense argues it would be too costly to replace her at this point.

*More at link!

Casey Anthony: Will the court seal financial records at defense&#8217;s request?
posted by halboedeker on May, 5 2010 6:34 PM
But WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said, &#8220;The court is not likely to grant this motion and seal all of the financial records away from the very people that are footing that bill. That&#8217;s you, that&#8217;s me, that&#8217;s the taxpayers.&#8221;

Sheaffer found the defense&#8217;s motion &#8220;rather disingenuous,&#8221; especially the point about &#8220;endless speculation.&#8221; &#8220;It&#8217;s Mr. Baez who keeps going on national TV, floating the defense theories,&#8221; Sheaffer said.

WFTV&#8217;s Kathi Belich reported that another defense motion filed today asks the public to pay for out-of-state experts and their travel. &#8221;Even though state rules say they have to use Florida experts, the defense says it would be more expensive to have new experts start all over again,&#8221; Belich said.

*More at link!

Anthony Defense: Seal Expense Records
Hearing To Be Held Thursday Morning

POSTED: Wednesday, May 5, 2010
UPDATED: 4:53 pm EDT May 5, 2010
In Thursday's hearing, the defense will ask newly-appointed Judge Belvin Perry to seal all documents related to the Justice Administration Commission, which provides financial review of the funding.

The defense said that letting the public see how the defense money is being spent could affect Anthony's right to a fair trial.

The hearing will take place at 9 a.m.

Casey&#8217;s Lawyers Want Strategy To Stay Secret
Wednesday, May 05, 2010 3:04:43 PM
Now, Casey&#8217;s lawyers have asked Judge Belvin Perry to seal all documents and invoices relating to defense spending. They don&#8217;t want prosecutors to know their defense strategy.

The defense team has also filed a request to keep several out-of-state experts on the payroll.

Motion to Seal All JAC Documents (pdf) motion to seal jac records.pdf

Motion to Approve Out-of-State Experts (pdf)

UPDATED: Judge Won't Seal Casey's Defense Spending Records
Posted: 4:37 pm EDT May 5, 2010
Updated: 6:37 pm EDT May 6, 2010
Baez made further arguments to support the defense motion and then Judge Perry responded by pointing out Florida Statute 119 (read statute), which deals with access to public records. &#8220;One more question, Mr. Baez, before you take your seat. The JAC is a state agency,&#8221; Judge Perry said. &#8220;Are there any particular statutory exceptions under [statute] 119 that you&#8217;re relying on or are you just relying on what you just told me?&#8221; &#8220;I&#8217;m relying on my previous arguments,&#8221; Baez said.

After speaking briefly on the rules governing the release of such documents, Judge Perry quickly responded with his decision on the defense request. &#8220;The court finds that the defense, at this time, has not met its burden to show that a serious and imminent threat to a fair, impartial trial has been met," Judge Perry said. Judge Perry, though, did offer some flexibility and suggested that there could be some JAC documents that are sealed. &#8220;Basically, we&#8217;ll have to do this on a case by case basis, or expert by expert basis,&#8221; Judge Perry said and quickly moved the hearing forward. &#8220;That takes care of the issue of the motion to seal. I guess the next thing to take care of is setting a budget.&#8221;

Baez began the budget discussion with Dr. Henry Lee, one of the forensic experts the defense has used throughout the case. However, Dr. Lee is out of state, something the defense filed a motion to seek coverage for despite the JAC's hesitation to pay for out of state witnesses. "While the JAC has this rule to encourage people to use instate experts, in this case the work Dr. Lee has done can't be replicated by anyone at this late state in the trial," Judge Perry said, authorizing the defense to continue to use Dr. Lee as an expert in their case.

&#8220;Miss Anthony has requested to waive her appearances at these type of things,&#8221; Mason told the judge as the hearing was coming to a close. &#8220;She&#8217;s rather stay where she is.&#8221; The judge, however, said that in death penalty cases things could come up where she may be needed for a response. &#8220;It has been my experience that, in capital cases, that defendants need to be present during the preceding,&#8221; Judge Perry said. &#8220;If Ms. Anthony is found guilty of anything, it will lead to a post conviction relief proceedings, maybe ... and it always gets back to &#8216;my lawyer didn&#8217;t tell me this&#8217; and &#8216;if I would have been there I would have done A, B, C, D.&#8217;&#8221; Judge Perry, however, did say she did not have to attend status hearings that simply check on the progress on the case, but don&#8217;t argue motions.

Shortly after Thursday&#8217;s hearing, Casey's defense team asked Judge Perry to rule a second time on motions the old judge had shot down. The motions dealt with some EquuSearch issues, George Anthony's grand jury testimony and tips gathered by law enforcement on November 4, 2008.

Next Monday, Chief Judge Belvin Perry will hold a hearing to review any pending motions. The next day he'll hear motions related to the death penalty. By May 17, both the defense and prosecution must submit a deposition schedule.

*Much More At Link!


READ NEW MOTION: Motion To Reconsider Strickland Rulings

RAW VIDEO: Casey Anthony Budget Hearing Part 1

RAW VIDEO: Casey Anthony Budget Hearing Part 2

RAW VIDEO: Casey Anthony Budget Hearing Part 3

RAW VIDEO: Casey Anthony Budget Hearing Part 4

RAW VIDEO: Casey Anthony Budget Hearing Part 5

RAW VIDEO: Casey Anthony Budget Hearing Part 6

IMAGES: Casey Awaits Start Of Hearing

RAW VIDEO:Casey Anthony Waits In Court For Hearing

IMAGES IN COURT: Baez, Judge, Others In Court

RAW INTERVIEW: Jose Baez Talks To WFTV After Budget Hearing 4:29
Casey Anthony's Attorney, Jose Baez, spoke with WFTV after her budget hearing Thursday. (05/06/10)

VIDEO REPORT: Casey Anthony Attends Budget Hearing 2:06

RAW INTERVIEW BILL SHEAFFER: Analysis Of Thursday's Hearing

VIDEO REPORT: Attorney Asks Judge If Casey Can Skip Future Hearings

MOTION: Seal Spending

MOTION: Pay For Experts

VIDEO REPORT: Casey Anthony Defense Wants Spending To Be Secret 2:25
Casey's attorneys are trying to prevent the public from knowing how tax dollars are spent. (05/05/10)

UPDATED: Anthony Defense Wants Funding Records Sealed
Hearing Slated For Thursday Morning

POSTED: 11:59 am EDT May 5, 2010
UPDATED: 8:43 pm EDT May 5, 2010
In the new motion, Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, said their case could be compromised if every invoice that they submit for reimbursement from the state becomes a public record. Baez said the public disclosure of the invoices will lead to "rampant speculation as to the defense strategy."

Now that Anthony has been declared indigent, she qualifies to reimburse with state tax dollars for certain expenses.

Last week, Judge Belvin Perry said Anthony's money matters are urgent because there are two more hearings scheduled for next week, when the defense is likely to have to bring some of their experts to town.

Perry is holding a hearing on the issue Thursday morning.

Video: Anthony Defense Wants Funding Records Sealed 1:24
Casey Anthony's lawyers are asking the judge to seal all state records indicating how her defense is funded.

UPDATED: Casey Anthony cost records to be public but her experts can testify
Defense attorneys can still request other documents to be sealed to keep experts secret.

8:26 p.m. EDT, May 6, 2010
Casey Anthony's defense team received some of what it desired in court on Thursday, but its requests for expenses in the case will still be open to the public. Orange-Osceola Chief Judge Belvin Perry ruled that the defense can use &#8212; and have the public pay for &#8212; more than a dozen expert witnesses they requested to defend Anthony, the 24-year-old accused of killing her toddler daughter.

During a half-day hearing of a series of defense requests, the judge said the defense could keep its experts on plants, anthropology, computers, pathology, forensic chemistry and DNA. And Anthony gets to keep Dr. Henry Lee, famed criminologist of the O.J. Simpson case. Prosecutors have their own experts on these topics.

Perry also granted permission for defense to keep its mitigation specialist, who has critical role in the case if Anthony is found guilty and could face capital punishment. Perry did warn attorneys that he would go over the specialist's expenses with "a fine-tooth comb." But Anthony's team lost a request to keep private the records of how much the defense will cost. The defense had asked Perry to seal documents to be submitted to the Justice Administrative Commission, a state agency that is responsible for paying out defense costs, arguing that not sealing them would threaten Anthony's right to a fair trial.

Also Thursday, the defense filed a request for Perry to reconsider several motions, such as access to grand jury testimony by Anthony's father and access to records for a volunteer search group, ruled on by Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan, who stepped down from the case last month.

Casey Anthony (left) stares forward Thursday, May 6, 2010 as her lawyers ,Cheney Mason, (center) and Jose Baez (right) confer.

VIDEO: Judge denies Casey Anthony's request to seal defense cost records 4:10

VIDEO: Attorney for Casey Anthony asks for expert in Taphonomy 3:42

Casey Anthony case video,0,7426685.tivideo

Casey Anthony case photos,0,

Casey Anthony case audio clips,0,4210857.audiogallery

INTERACTIVE GRAPHIC: A look inside Casey Anthony's courtroom,0,6284052.htmlpage

Complete coverage of the Casey Anthony case

UPDATED: Judge: Casey&#8217;s Costs Are Public
Thursday, May 06, 2010 6:30:10 PM
The defense team wants to keep how much money is spent on her case private. &#8220;The public is paying for this defense, and there is information in the JAC records that the public is entitled to,&#8221; argued Rachel Fugate, attorney for the Orlando Sentinel. &#8220;They should know how much they&#8217;re paying for.&#8221; Perry agreed with Fugate, and denied the defense&#8217;s motion, saying now that Casey has been declared indigent, all costs have to go through the Justice Administration Commission.

The defense argued the media would try to speculate their strategy every time they spent a dime, and stop Casey from having a fair trial.

While the judge&#8217;s ruling was not what the defense was hoping for, lawyers did get some things going their way. The defense will be able to keep some of their expert witnesses a secret. Perry proceded to consider whether each out-of-state expert should be allowed to stay on the case, as the cost to accomodate them in Central Florida is expensive.

Meanwhile, everyone will be back in court Monday and Tuesday to argue all the outstanding motions in this case.

VIDEO: Spending Money Money

*Motions for today's hearing for quick reference!
Motion to Seal All JAC Documents (pdf) motion to seal jac records.pdf

Motion to Approve Out-of-State Experts (pdf)

UPDATED: Casey Anthony judge denies seal request
Updated: Thursday, 06 May 2010, 9:58 AM EDT
Published : Thursday, 06 May 2010, 6:43 AM EDT
Circuit Judge Belvin Perry has denied a request from Anthony's attorney to seal all records related to the public funding of her defense.

Judge Perry said Anthony's attorney failed to prove that releasing the information would jeopardize her right to a fair trial. He had argued that making the records public could reveal strategy and the type of expert witnesses the defense is hiring.

Additional hearings will be held next week. Motions to be addressed on Monday include steps by the Anthony defense team to change the location for the murder trial, seal jail visitation logs and exclude hearsay evidence and lay opinion testimony brought forth by the prosecution. On Tuesday, the defense will present arguments against the death penalty, which they contend is unconstitutional.


Watch the hearing live on >>>

UPDATED: Judge Allows Casey Funding Records To Remain Open
Hearing Held Thursday At Orange County Courthouse

POSTED: 11:59 am EDT May 5, 2010
UPDATED: 1:31 pm EDT May 6, 2010
A judge denied a motion from Casey Anthony's lawyers on Thursday to seal all state records indicating how her defense is funded.

In the motion, Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, said their case could be compromised if every invoice that they submit for reimbursement from the state becomes a public record. Baez said the public disclosure of the invoices could lead to "rampant speculation as to the defense strategy."

Perry did rule that some information in the records could be redacted and specific situations may require hearings to determine whether information should be sealed.

The defense needed to have authorization from Perry to begin spending money. The team also needed to know how much will be available.

Video: Judge Allows Casey Funding Records To Remain Open

Video: Judge Keeps Funding Records Open

Civil Case Docket Updated!

Events & Orders of the Court
05/04/2010---Pre-Trial Civil---1:30 PM---Judicial Officer Rodriguez, Jose R.---Parties Present---Result: Hearing Held

05/04/2010---Motion for Continuance---JOINT Motion for Continuance

05/04/2010---Motion for Continuance---joint

05/05/2010---Order Granting---joint stipulation for continuance
Criminal Murder Case Docket Updated!

Events & Orders of the Court
05/03/2010---Order---Setting Motion Hearings

05/03/2010---Order---Regarding Deposition Schedule

05/04/2010---Motion---to Seal All Justice Administration Commission Documents

05/04/2010---Motion---Amended Motion for Justice Administration Commission (JAC) Hearing & Motion for Approval of Out of State Mitigation Specialist & Expert WItnesses

05/05/2010---Amended Notice of Hearing

05/05/2010---Notice of Hearing

05/06/2010---Hearing---9:00 AM---Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR---Justice Commission Budget Hearing

05/06/2010---Court Minutes---Hearing on Justice Commission Budget

05/06/2010---Court Minutes---Hearing on Motion to Seal all Justice Administration Commission Documents

05/06/2010---Case Law(s)---Filed in Open Court

05/06/2010---Motion---Defendant's Motion for Reconsideration of Certain Prior Rulings by Disqualified Judge

05/06/2010---Motion to Intervene---for the Limited Purpose of Opposing Defendants Motion to Seal all Justice Administration Commission Documents

05/06/2010---Memorandum---in Support of Request for Reciprocal Compliance

05/06/2010---Response---to Motion for Statement of Particulars Providing Notice of Aggravating Circumstances and Conditional Request for Reciprocal Compliance

05/10/2010---Hearing--9:00 AM---Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR.---Motions

05/11/2010---Hearing---9:00 AM---Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR.---Pending Motions on Death Penalty
UPDATED: Judge Denies Anthony Records Request
POSTED: Wednesday, May 5, 2010
UPDATED: 7:01 pm EDT May 6, 2010
The trial of Casey Anthony, who is charged with murdering her toddler daughter, will be a "battle of the experts" because of circumstantial evidence in the case, a judge said Thursday as he picked which specialists defense attorneys could hire with public funds.

During Thursday's hearing, Orange County Circuit Judge Belvin Perry denied requests to spend public money on four expert witnesses and forensic tests requested by Anthony's defense attorneys. The judge nixed a trace evidence expert, a cell phone expert, a jury consultant and money for a car to replicate evidence found in Anthony's car. "A blanket order to seal, the court finds that the defense at this time has not met its burden to show that a serious and imminent threat to a fair and partial trial has been met," Perry said.

Perry approved spending public money on 10 other experts, including a bug expert, a forensic anthropologist, a forensic botanist and famed forensics expert Henry Lee, who has worked on the Phil Spector and JonBenet Ramsey cases. Those experts can give opinions on body decomposition based on plant growth and insects found around a body.

Perry denied a request from Anthony's attorneys to seal all records related to the public funding of her defense. The defense attorneys had argued their release would jeopardize her right to a fair trial by revealing defense strategy.


IMAGES: Today's Hearing 5/06/10 1-30

VIDEO: Judge Denies Anthony Records Request 1:49
A judge has denied a request from Casey Anthony's attorney to seal all records related to the public funding of her defense.

Casey Anthony: Judge Belvin Perry wows truTV analysts
posted by halboedeker on May, 6 2010 10:50 AM
On &#8220;In Session,&#8221; Vinnie Politan said, &#8220;Wow! Again, I am just absolutely shocked at the difference that we&#8217;re seeing inside this courtroom &#8230; and the way the judge is approaching everything. He is thorough, he is fair, and he&#8217;s getting stuff done.&#8221;

Politan said Perry was walking a tight rope in trying to give Anthony a fair trial but also watch taxpayer dollars.

&#8220;I think he&#8217;s doing a fine job of walking that tight rope,&#8221; said former federal prosecutor Sunny Hostin. &#8221;His reasoning is very judicial &#8230; And I don&#8217;t think he&#8217;s giving the prosecution more leeway than he is giving the defense, and vice versa.&#8221;

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