Media sensationalizing every little thing...

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The pictures released so far don't shock me in the least. I paint some really weird things, and have really odd taste.

It's moot.

However, I do think there is a possibility that more will be released...I don't think Baez would have cried over these leaked images. I'm thinking there might be something underneath...

But yeah, the media. Can you blame them? The public cries for it.

Heh. Last week my local paper ran a story (complete with pictures!) about some friends throwing around a football on the beach. Nothing happened, or anything. it was literally just about them playing football on the beach.


Again, you're not painting those things while your child is missing - allegedly abducted - and possibly being harmed.

If you were painting those things under those circumstances, they would become part of the criminal trial against you if there were evidence of human decomposition in your trunk, I'm sure.

The images are just a piece of a very puzzle.

Plenty of people upload images of skulls. Plenty of people party a lot and laugh. They just don't do it when their children are missing.
Does anyone else agree that the media blows half of this stuff out of proportion?

I mean come on really, the photobucket pics are not "shocking" or "disturbing."

I see worse stuff in commercials on the TV. please.

Does anyone else agree? Everything is used in a context that makes it seem sinister.

I am in no way a KC supporter, but come on.... some of this stuff is just being used to stir up ratings/hits.

YUP!! Sweep weeks
Examples of media nonsense from today....

WFTV said:
There was also a photo of Caylee with a heart similar to the heart sticker that was found over Caylee's mouth stuck to the duct tape that was stuck to her hair.

ABCActionNews said:
There is also a photo of Caylee Anthony with a heart. It's similar to the heart sticker that was found with the toddler's skeletal remains, according to WFTV.

I guess two heart icons, stickers, or whatever are deemed similar if they are both shaped like hearts. WFTV might be the worst as they seem to think the duct tape sticker was found. Doh!
It's the media's job to sensationalize, to get you to watch. It's up to the individuals to research what they are spoon fed to find the truth, or somewhere close to, and that's not just Caylee's case but everything.
The images released today do not include many of the pictures from Anthony's accounts. Her attorney, Jose Baez, tried to stop the state from releasing these pictures. A judge denied his request. Prosecutors will review the pictures before they release them to the public - as required under the state's public record laws - in the next few weeks, according to the State Attorney's Office.

;) woot!
How do you figure the media is sensationalizing this? It was Casey's own attorney who argued they were too bad to be released.
I don't think we have everything yet.

If it weren't for the media requesting this stuff through the Sunshine law we wouldn't have access to anything.

How quickly we forget when FBI Agent Savage told Cindy that in this case, the media has been accurate. (paraphraising)

I'm appreciative of every bit of info I get.

ITA Suzi Q, very well put!
The images released today do not include many of the pictures from Anthony's accounts. Her attorney, Jose Baez, tried to stop the state from releasing these pictures. A judge denied his request. Prosecutors will review the pictures before they release them to the public - as required under the state's public record laws - in the next few weeks, according to the State Attorney's Office.

;) woot!

Cool, and thank you for the links to more docs!
But that picture had already been released months ago. Why would it matter now?

I've looked at all of the doc dumps and never saw the apple skull image. Where did the apple skull image appear in public and how did it get there?
Does anyone else agree that the media blows half of this stuff out of proportion?

I mean come on really, the photobucket pics are not "shocking" or "disturbing."

I see worse stuff in commercials on the TV. please.

Does anyone else agree? Everything is used in a context that makes it seem sinister.

I am in no way a KC supporter, but come on.... some of this stuff is just being used to stir up ratings/hits.

I could not agree with you more strongly. NG and WFTV are the worst for turning the littlest nothing into a huge "Bombshell." It doesn't matter that they're later proven wrong, the bell has been rung.
I've looked at all of the doc dumps and never saw the apple skull image. Where did the apple skull image appear in public and how did it get there?

It was released. I have her whole Photobucket account that was released, and there are several of that particular image.
Hot Dogs said:
Where did the (paraphrased) statement from Savage come from?

In the video interview between Savage and Cindy.

I would like to know his exact words and the context they were used in. Does anyone have a link to this recorded interview?
No GRIEVING parent or parent WORRIED FOR THE SAFETY OF HER CHILD would want to look at skull or skeleton images.

They will go to demonstrate Casey's state of mind while Caylee was supposedly missing.

Perfect example. Based on one simple picture you have drawn a conclusion that, if you were a member of the jury, could affect your ability to reach a fair decision.
The ones released were also ones released prior to today. These are pages in a series of documents which were asked for by the defense. It doesn't mean each page of discovery is important. It means these are some of the work notes that Jose asked for. They are clearly handwritten on, signed by TonE for whatever reason. These then become different than just the photo spread we've been privy to for awhile, even if they're the same images. These then are not the images on the disc that Jose held in his possession.

I think he signed because LE used those pics to let him confirm it shows Casey and AL at the video store (forgot the name of the store, sorry).

The images I've seen so far are not a big deal imo. And I remember seeing the apple before, perhaps in that large file uploaded by Muzikman?
It was released. I have her whole Photobucket account that was released, and there are several of that particular image.

I could be wrong about this, but I am trying to find out if I am wrong. This apple skull image was released as part of an OCSO doc dump, or was an image from her public Photobucket album that was "released" by civilians?
The media has a hard time "getting it right". They are talking about the video on JVM right now, the one of Casey playing with Caylee on the floor. That video has been out for months. They are saying that the video was released on You Tube just before air time!!! AAAAAAAAAARGHHH

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