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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I don't know either, but the Ramseys weren't hardened criminals so they would have cracked in my opinion.

That's what I meant.If it was an accident they would have been devastated,the guilt and the conscience would have eaten them alive,they wouldn't have cared about defending themselves I guess.

So their behavior tells me it's either they are innocent or they are cold blooded killers and did it on purpose /NO evidence this happened though.


2.)Jeffrey MacDonald is something different IMO.There is one piece of evidence in that case that makes me be pretty sure HE did it.And if he did then we're not talking about an accident here but about a sick twisted evil person .
That's a very clever turn of a phrase, MurriFlower. But you know darn well what I mean.

He was prosecuted for saying PR wrote the note, pure and simple.

Come again? That man couldn't lie straight in bed!!

You believe that he was an 'expert in handwriting', when he was actually a lawyer who couldn't even bribe someone successfully??

Your definition of 'handwriting expert' is someone who reckons PR wrote the RN. Anyone who disagrees is just a Ramsey 'paid employee'.
Did you talk to him?

Not really. Miller was unaware of the plan to bribe anyone. He was roped in under false pretenses.

Yes. They refused to pursue the case.

I don't get what you mean. Miller was not hired by the GLOBE to analyze the note. He did that on his own.

Something like that. I'm not sure when they became aware of it. Although, I'm not sure what you mean by "suspect." "Supect" according to WHOM? They didn't take any interest in him until AFTER he'd done his analysis. You have to wonder why, right? Obviously, his credentials couldn't have been that dubious if he scared them enough to try something like this, rather than take their chances with him at trial.

According to the trial transcript, it is. And you left out a very important point:

"Miller's lawyer got two members of Hal Haddon's firm to admit to using dirty tricks."

Damn right! Think about what the Rs lawyers tried to do here. Nobody should wield that kind of power and not be accountable.

I guess not.

"Struck off?" I'm not much on these expressions. And luck had nothing to do with it. Anyone could see it was a political prosecution, bought and paid-for.

According to the trial transcripts, that's what occurred. Lee Foreman admitted it in open court.

That's a different issue. It's only direct evidence against the Rs if they knew about it. Whether they did or not, my point was to show the unchecked power that the Haddon law firm wielded and the old-boys-network nature of Colorado politics and law, because by illustrating those, one gains a greater understanding of why this case is in the damn rotten shape it's in.

This just sounds like another of your overdramatised rehashed versions of what may or may not have occurred.
According to the trial transcripts, that's what occurred. Lee Foreman admitted it in open court.

To you. No wonder. Present your list of evidence again and your reincarnation theory and include that famous and reliable sudden onset selective amnesia syndrome. Preciate it.

That's a different issue. It's only direct evidence against the Rs if they knew about it. Whether they did or not, my point was to show the unchecked power that the Haddon law firm wielded and the old-boys-network nature of Colorado politics and law, because by illustrating those, one gains a greater understanding of why this case is in the damn rotten shape it's in.

Your evidence? What 4 contested fibers?

I don't know, maddy. There are guys who've been in prison 30 years who STILL say they didn't do it. Jeffrey MacDonald leaps to mind. Michael Skakel kept his secret for--what was it, 20 years? I'm not trying to beat you over the head. I'm just trying to figure out where you're coming from.

SD, you are extraordinarily kind to Maddy. I think you are secretly trying to turn her back to the 'dark side'. Gettin' a bit lonely are we??
A little girl, a big crime, the death penalty

The jury convicted Bloodsworth of first-degree murder and rape in March 1985. A Baltimore County Circuit judge sentenced him to death later that month.

Bloodsworth said he sympathizes with the girl's family, but he was not the monster who killed Dawn -- strangled her by stepping on her neck -- flung her panties on a tree and inserted a stick into her vagina. Dawn's battered body was found in some woods in the working class Baltimore suburb of Rosedale.

Baltimore County authorities were sure he was the culprit: He lived and worked near the crime scene; he was seen frequently walking near the woods; he resembled the police sketch of the suspect; he fled the area shortly after the crime.

"The more I got involved in preparing for the case ... the more convinced I was that we had the right guy," said Robert Lazzaro, one of the two prosecutors in the case, who is now in private practice in Baltimore County. "In my mind, he testified and acted consistent with someone who (was guilty). He didn't act like someone who was unjustly accused. ... I never would have prosecuted a case I didn't believe in."

Lazzaro said this week that Bloodsworth's features matched those of the man police were looking for: a tall man with a mustache and flaming red hair. Further, two boys identified Bloodsworth as the man they saw walk out of the woods around the time of the crime, Lazzaro said.

Bloodsworth argued that the suspect was described as a thin man, 6 feet 5 inches tall and blond. The thick-waisted Bloodsworth stands about 6 feet tall. He said he had bright red hair at the time. He said he had never seen Dawn.

Lazzaro said Bloodsworth returned to Cambridge some two days after the crime without telling anyone. He said Bloodsworth testified that he left "because his wife was angry that he had not bought her a taco salad from Taco Bell. I was like, 'Come again?' He didn't exactly help himself."

Oh sure! Like that is what really happened! No wonder they convicted him. What kind of bologna is that? So, he left cause his wife was angry over a salad? And, he wants us to believe that garbage? No, he didn't help himself with a story like that. The fact that he was telling the truth is irrelevant. He was an incompetent criminal. He was a boob, a pathetic puke, naive in the ways of criminal doings.

Bloodsworth said he left two weeks after the crime because his marriage had fallen apart and he wanted to be back among friends and familiar surroundings -- not because he wanted to escape the police. He said he told his mother-in-law that he was going home, adding that he was puzzled as to why his ex-wife filed a missing persons report.

Bloodsworth said the authorities were under intense public pressure to find Dawn's killer.

"They were really trying to correlate stuff that really didn't add up," he said in a recent interview aboard his boat. "I have thought about this 16 years and I cannot imagine that they would precipitate thinking I was guilty over ... saying I did a terrible thing. The terrible thing I said I did was leave my wife. [/QUOTE]


"They wouldn't take that as an answer. When they say they will use anything you say against you, that means they'll turn it around any way."

Ahh! He cooperated with the cops, his words mangled against him, sentenced to die for a crime he never committed. Some will say, "If he really wanted to cooperate, he should have let them put him to death. See, that's proof he didn't intend to cooperate." And the fact that an innocent man, condemned to die, was found innocent by the skin of the system's teeth, is lost on these folks. Lost! Les Miserables!!

I can hear the critics now, "That's not the point. How could this guy know anything about the criminal justice system? Was he an expert of some kind? NO, obviously not. He didn't cooperate enough or the cops wouldn't have suspected him."

The girl's panties, which were found hanging from the tree a few yards from the battered body, were tested for biological evidence, said Ann Brobst, the other prosecutor.

With the technology available at the time, the FBI determined that the panties and the other evidence did not contain anything that would help or hurt the state's case against Bloodsworth, said Brobst, who remain an assistant state's attorney in Baltimore County. [/QUOTE]

Why was the perp not LHP? What did she lack? What about her doesn't fit, for her to be considered the primary suspect in your opinion? What doesn't press your "suspicious of" buttons about her? Lack of motive? Her "cooperation" with the cops? Being female? Anything you can put your finger on? Just curious and would appreciate anyone's feedback.
Why was the perp not LHP? What did she lack? What about her doesn't fit, for her to be considered the primary suspect in your opinion? What doesn't press your "suspicious of" buttons about her? Lack of motive? Her "cooperation" with the cops? Being female? Anything you can put your finger on? Just curious and would appreciate anyone's feedback.

Maybe she wasn't such an interesting person like the R's.Sometimes I think that it has nothing to do with them being rich.But redneck suspects are easy to figure out,nothing interesting about them to figure out,it's either domestic violence or drugs or money,no mysterious motive when a crime happens.
MAYBE people are furious that they can't figure the R's out.Are they loving parents,are they monsters,are they just selfish amateur killers.MAYBE people are angry thinking that the R's were smart enough to fool LE and it's the 'smart' part that bothers them,no one voted that they were clever on the other thread,why just lucky?
Rich AND smart AND monsters?It's what makes it interesting.LHP wouldn't be such an interesting killer to discuss,would she.
It's hard to admit that this crime might not be that fascinating after all.Takes away the thrill,the endless speculation.
Ask yourself,why do we rather like to discuss the weird Santa or CW or RDI,why not LHP.Because it's not that fascinating.And this is why we might never find out the truth,we don't look where we suppose to look cause it might be boring.

Maybe she wasn't such an interesting person like the R's.Sometimes I think that it has nothing to do with them being rich.But redneck suspects are easy to figure out,nothing interesting about them to figure out,it's either domestic violence or drugs or money,no mysterious motive when a crime happens.
MAYBE people are furious that they can't figure the R's out.Are they loving parents,are they monsters,are they just selfish amateur killers.MAYBE people are angry thinking that the R's were smart enough to fool LE and it's the 'smart' part that bothers them,no one voted that they were clever on the other thread,why just lucky?
Rich AND smart AND monsters?It's what makes it interesting.LHP wouldn't be such an interesting killer to discuss,would she.
It's hard to admit that this crime might not be that fascinating after all.Takes away the thrill,the endless speculation.
Ask yourself,why do we rather like to discuss the weird Santa or CW or RDI,why not LHP.Because it's not that fascinating.And this is why we might never find out the truth,we don't look where we suppose to look cause it might be boring.


Good Golly Ms. Maddy,
What an answer. Thanks. Made alot of sense, as you are prone to do. Preciate it!
Do you think she could have done this? Could she be a serious suspect, IYO?
Good Golly Ms. Maddy,
What an answer. Thanks. Made alot of sense, as you are prone to do. Preciate it!
Do you think she could have done this? Could she be a serious suspect, IYO?

I don't think that she would have killed JB herself but maybe she was the accomplice or gave/sold the info.
If you would like some info on a family who would you turn to,who could know the most?
It's not like the gardener or photographer would have known about JR's bonus for ex,but the housekeeper,definitely.
I don't think that she would have killed JB herself but maybe she was the accomplice or gave/sold the info.
If you would like some info on a family who would you turn to,who could know the most?
It's not like the gardener or photographer would have known about JR's bonus for ex,but the housekeeper,definitely.

The thing of course is, she had I think 6 kids and numerous brothers and sisters. Don't know if the husband had any kids, but he did some handyman jobs when the Rs were away. The daughter and son-in-law helped with the Christmas decorations. There are a lot of potentials with no DNA on file.
LHP as a potential suspect doesn't generate much emotion pro or con. Very interesting.
Btw can someone help me here.I read somewhere in PMPT or ST's book,don't recall now ,that the neighbour(Barnhill?) and someone else(Santa?) couldn't be excluded by DNA.I am not sure it was those two,I can't remember but I do remember it said two people.Anyone?
Btw can someone help me here.I read somewhere in PMPT or ST's book,don't recall now ,that the neighbour(Barnhill?) and someone else(Santa?) couldn't be excluded by DNA.I am not sure it was those two,I can't remember but I do remember it said two people.Anyone?

"McReynolds and Barnhill's DNA could not be excluded" p182 (This appears to be a paraphrased reference to paperback version of Schiller).

How is this?
I don't know either, but the Ramseys weren't hardened criminals so they would have cracked in my opinion.

MacDonald and Skakel weren't either. That's my point.

Michael Kane even said he didn't think the Rs would crack either way.
Come again?

You heard me.

You believe that he was an 'expert in handwriting',

I don't HAVE to believe it. He was recognized as such by the state of Colorado.

when he was actually a lawyer who couldn't even bribe someone successfully??

He was a lawyer, as well. And again, he did not try to bribe anyone. His client did, which he did not know about until it happened. Should he have declined to take Lewis as a client? Maybe. But as IDI is so fond of reminding us, everyone's entitled to a lawyer.

Your definition of 'handwriting expert' is someone who reckons PR wrote the RN. Anyone who disagrees is just a Ramsey 'paid employee'.

You're putting words in my mouth again.
SD, you are extraordinarily kind to Maddy. I think you are secretly trying to turn her back to the 'dark side'. Gettin' a bit lonely are we??

MF, I have to admit, I got a pretty good laugh out of that!

If I am kind to maddy, it's only because she deserves it. And even if she didn't, she and I go back a while. I won't just turn my back on her.

"Turn her back to the dark side?" You give me far too much credit. Maddy will only come back if she WANTS to come back.

And as for me being lonely, I've never given two hoots about that. I'm not about to start now.
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