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Do you know about the fake tombstone-the surveillance at the church and the graveyard?
Do you know about Jeff Shaperio going undercover in the Church? The paternity of Elizabeth or The hidden cameras in the Atlanta home?

Do you know about Detective Thomas Grand Jury testimony?

Hello spooky24. Yeah, I have some ongoing private messages with other people, so there isn't much room in my inbox. It might be best to either discuss publicly on this thread or converse by email. I'll give you my PM response:

I have heard about some of what you mention. The fake tombstone to try and catch a graveyard confession from the Ramseys was one particularly strange detail that stuck in my mind. And I remember reading about Steve Thomas preparing a presentation on the police's evidence to give to the grand jury. I hadn't heard of hidden cameras in their Atlanta home or the surveillance at the church. I'm also curious what you mean by Elizabeth's paternity - is there something odd about it?
5:56 PM 4/6/2018The duct tape- It is duct tape not duck tape as Duct tape is used to mend the sections of the cold air return in an HVAC heat pump system. Duck does sound better.

Remember, the lawfirm that represents the Ramsey is called 'Team Ramsey' The investigation by detectives (and others) is called 'Dream Team'

The detective's knew-including Chief Kolby that they had both Ramseys dead to right for perjury
in the case of the duct tape.At least 6 people heard their testimony under oath-including Tripp Demuth-and team Ramsey. TThe investagation slowed down because they knew-or they thought-all they needed to do was confont them with their own statements and they would confess-wrong.

One of the prime reasons this never came to trial as the detectives continully underestimated Team Ramsey-and what they were willing to do to keep the Ramseys out of a courtroom. When your attorneys switch from 'finding evidence and distorting it' to 'lie me and an alibi' you know you were in trouble and that is just what happened as Team Ramsey dug in for some trench warfare where nothing was out of bounds. Case in point-tracking down the fact that detective Thomas's mother had commited suicide and spreading around thousands and thousinds of bribe money in the process.

They paid off the Hardware store clerk for $50.000, the Bapist minster got $75.000 and Tripp Dumeuth for $75.000-all in cash folding money-yes he is the district attorney. Now Team Ramsey relaxed thinking they has the Duct tape problem dicked-they didn't. The hardware clerk refused to purged him self under oath to the grand jury-reguardless of how much money team Ramsey had all ready paid him. The loud arguments-and sceaming from the grand jury room continued into the wee hours of the night. Two days later the Hardware store clerk disappeare

Now while all this was going on Jeff Shapero (synonym) went undercover in the Alanta church that the Ramsey's went to. If or not detectives Thomas and ##### knew about is anyones guess.

Although at this point it was clear that Team Ramsey would stoop to anything-including murder-to supress evidence that simply could not make disappear. The secret recording Shaperio made while pretending to be 'totally devestated'by Jon bente's death- he should have gotten an Acadmey award for that piece of play acting-including the admission of bribes in the entire District attorney department. These were supposedly to be played for chief Kolby in a car somewhere in Bolder-with what Shaperio attempted to put the squeeze on the Cheif or blackmail or just for the fun of it.Later it became obvious that it was a combination of all three.

One of the problems with people trying to investagte this murder is they don't understand it has nothing to do with evidence of who, what, when and where and has everything to do with the sorid soap opera between the DA's office-Bolder police-the national media and of course, huge amounts of money.

Compounding this insanity the national media thought they had already solved the case and with so called 'instant experts' along with beautiful NY models in skimpy outfits posing as journalist they fed this crap to the world forever and ever everlastingly 24 hours a day.

Feeling they were losing the momentum again Team Ramsey turned the case into a he said- she said as the Ramseys now turned on all their rich friends and tried to incriminate them.

As one might suspect the media joined them in the witch hunt. This is much more of importance than it appears as events tend to weaken the interest of the viewer-or so they though. Combine took the center stage for a week or more as now they had death they could exploit-the number 1 event for selling advertising-which is the media's only job.

Now it really went to hell in a handbag as Tornadoes in the south and in the midwest killed more that a hundred people. Suddenly advertising ads for a puny missing person got buried in the coverage of numerous deaths and totally destroyed landscapes. Now all the major media was stuck with huge losses because they bet the house in the Ramsey whodunit. NBC had hired all kinds of 'instant experts' for a case that was the equivalent of 'been there done that'.

Highly respected criminal investagtor John Douglas took a million dollar bribe from Team Ramsey to tell the world he solved the case in his next book and the Ramseys were innocent. Be that as it may Team Ramsey didn't follow up by reading what Dogulas had printed and in retrospective horror he managed to muddy the waters even more. Although it ruined his carerr in law enforcement many-inculding my self-didn't hold it aginst him for taking the money and running

By now people were fed up with the entire mess-including myself-went in a different direction. As to compound this regretting malaise it was John Douglass who ruined the clincher for Pasty by telling the world that 'trace DNA' has no profile to incriminate or help the Ramseys because the trace DNA, more than likely came from the factory in Vietnam where clothing was packaged.

I have always wondered if team Ramsey put out a mob 'hit' on Douglas for double crossing them-and cashing in as well.

The whole thing with Elisabeth came about as team Ramsey was playing hardball and refused to disperse any information about her death. Of course lawyers had no right to do anything about anything and that is shown by the entire breakdown of law and order in Bolder. Can you imagine an attorney in any city other than Bolder could restrict public documents!!Some how the question of who is her real mother along with an

undesirable retelling of the accdent. Basically, the car hit a patch of black ice and fishtailed into the on comming lane traffic, and hit broadside, on Elizabeth side of the car. As one might suspect, after hitting an 8 ton delivery truck there was very little left to bury. Believe it or not there was discussion about reinserted the remaines of Elizabeth for some kind of logic that belonged in a horror movie. Lou Smith ststed that they did dig it up- be damned if anyone could come up with why!They say John Ramsey fathered 2 bastards, you must ask I have always wondered with the mass of humanity using that on ramp why they were the only ones that hit the ice. They wanted concession in the interview with Pasty that was going to take place sooner or later-now get this* They wanted a lawyer on both sides of Pasty out of the range of the camera so they could pass her notes. The whole thing about the death of a little girl was lost in a whirlwind of lawyers, payoffs, hatred on both sides, incompetents run amok, a media that would not let go the suspiciously feeling that they had been had by both sides
The whole thing with Elisabeth came about as team Ramsey was playing hardball and refused to disperse any information about her death. Of course lawyers had no right to do anything about anything and that is shown by the entire breakdown of law and order in Bolder. Can you imagine an attorney in any city other than Bolder could restrict public documents!!Some how the question of who is her real mother along with an

undesirable retelling of the accdent. Basically, the car hit a patch of black ice and fishtailed into the on comming lane traffic, and hit broadside, on Elizabeth side of the car. As one might suspect, after hitting an 8 ton delivery truck there was very little left to bury. Believe it or not there was discussion about reinserted the remaines of Elizabeth for some kind of logic that belonged in a horror movie. Lou Smith ststed that they did dig it up- be damned if anyone could come up with why!They say John Ramsey fathered 2 bastards, you must ask I have always wondered with the mass of humanity using that on ramp why they were the only ones that hit the ice.

Since you say you wondered why Elizabeth and her boyfriend were the only ones that hit the ice, do you consider the death was suspicious? If so, what would have been the motive?
This was read to the Grand Jury by an assistant DA.

Elizabeth Pasch Ramsey was born in the Philippines while her father was in the Navy. She was a committed Daddy's girl and she excelled in any thing she attempted. The head cheerleader in high school then took finance at Miami university in Ohio. She spent a summer in France. Her steady boyfriend died of cystic fibrosis so she returned to her high school boyfriend Matt Derrington and they were thinking about marriage. Derrington was driving his BMW and hit some black ice at I-55 and North county road outside Chicago and lost control and went into the other lane as a Bakery truck, going 40mph hit her side of the car. She was 22 years old. Both died at the scene.

Why Lou Smit wanted to disinterred the body of Elizabeth I do not know but I will continue to try to find that out.

9505 5129 4832 7355 1454 18
This is from the second day the Jury met.

The Grand jury case file, given to them by the DA, was 40,000 pages however only about 10% was presented. The Grand jury's transcript,interviews and testimony are not public documents and they never will be. However, they were made available to researcher as outlines so they could make presentations for the public. This one was done about 15 years ago. There are several things in this one I did that many of you have never heard about. I have not looked at this stuff for 15 years or more and it is slow going as the years have gone by. I'm trying to get across to the people here that this never was a homicide investigation and the death of a little girl was hardly discussed at all in the jury room. The crime scene was compromised to such a degree that physical evidence was no longer a part of the investigation. Also, the entire affair changed when the media got bored with it when they could no longer charge top prices for their advertising time-in other words in media lingo 'here today -gone later today.
This is difficult to understand unless you have experience in such matters as Pathology. When a badly decompose body arrives at the morgue the first thing
Oral presentation based on the outlines of the grand jury's investigation and the notes they kept.

that happens is it is placed in a cooling tube. Liquid Hydrogen is used to flash freeze the remains and d body then it is a simple matter to remove the larva with

a brush. In this case they didn't realize that eggs and larva had accumulated in the corner of the mouth and the eyelids which is where the blow files first go to-the softest and freshness skin on the body.

Later, the matter came up in the grand jury as just where in that house flies could have laid their eggs. It is quite puzzling as the basement and wine room

where the body was found was not heated and more significantly absence of light eliminates insects. The living room, which became one of the most compromised crime scenes in history, the body was placed on the floor and covered with an old blanket ruining the evidence that could have solved this case

in a matter of hours.Now, without knowing the room in which the murder took place, it is somewhat academic to continue this investigation at this point, however if that is established, it could be huge.

Liver mortis is the settling of the blood after the circulation has seized the same way that any fluid would react. The autopsy protocol stated

'non massive

and prone, and that can be translated to the settle was not complete. This means that when the circulation stopped the body was not laying flat on the ground most likely in a sitting or lounge position rather than flat. My first though would be a stairwell of somekind and it just so happens the ransom

notes were found on the lower stairwell going down

from the first floor. Is there any way to prove that one way or another? Yes, several procedures can narrow it down however the internal organs where thrown away at the morgue.

Lets step back to the crainal oscillate that crashed the skull. Could that have happened on the stairwell we were discussing? It could but it's not likely because the trauma was so violent to protruding the skull.That means the trama was caused by an outside force and not simply gravitational falling on the floor or stairs in other words the victim could not have done it on their own. From what I saw of the wound it would have taken the entire weight of the victim to produce the G force that literally flattened the entire skull. Meaning the victum was most likely spun around and impacted a very strong, unmovable, object. Could an assistant have slung the victum into the stairwell to produce this violent injury? Yes, absolutely

they could.

Lets move on and see what we have learned. The stairwell, most likely, played a huge part in this crime. Now why no hematological blood from the wound? Tough to know as just the precise moment that circulation abide however it is almost given that the two wounds were inflicted in different places. The tightening of the cord was, in my opinion, postmortem and it could not have happened in either the small wine room or the stairwell because there is just not enough room.

The stairwell played a huge part in the crime.

The cord around the neck was post Morten.

Several clues were missed by the Pathologist.

The attempted resuscitation on the floor of the living room just defines logic. The victim was in full

rigor, in the case of a small child it is almost instantaneous as without the blood flow latic acid congeal and freezes the muscles. The time of death is unknown as it was almost a full day before they

got around to the autopsy and this was never part of the file because only the person who committed the crime would know it.

Now we have always have known that the case was never in doubt as there has never been the slightest evidence.of any kind- that someone else was in that house.

The black hole that is the FBI vault is loaded with studies , graphs, percentage, and any kind of computer print out of this kind of crime. The Bureau only statement was: A frigid night
A locked house
A dead child

The FBI was involved because at first it was claimed to be a kidnapping case. One look at the ransom

note in their mind it was staged. Somehow team Ramsey got them to punt because it looked like such an easy case that they weren't needed. Both parents should have been questioned on the spot and locked

into a statement as the minor child would be soon enough. The lead attorney Riskin was already on the scene arriving at the same time as the body was found.

3:32 PM

A time line of the crime is impossible in any standard form. The Ramsey statements are so inconsistent(this was done deliberately by team Ramsey to confuse

the issue) and contradictory that only a broad time line can be formed. As it stands now the child was put to bed around 10PM.and was not seen by the

parents Alive again until 1PM (Remember the hazing of the time was done deliberately by Team Ramsey) The autopsy puts the time of death 1-2 hours before the body was

found. However, this does nothing for the timeline because in the Ramsey's version she must have been awake for most of the night. When ask Patsy reply was

"I don't know, but I think it could be because..... I just don't know" Ask again 'Do you know how long your daughter was awake after she was put to bed' Time

enough to do these awful things' (Flood of tears) when she recovered somewhat she said "With all the things that this person did all over the house with her

it must have been quite a long time" Team Ramsey explodes and tries to stop the interview by claiming she needs to see her doctor-it is refused and the

interview continues (What awful things are you referring to" 'Just things I guess' How would you know about that since you said you slept the entire night?.'

Team Ramsey again explodes and demands the interview is stopped. 'you have told us that you had the same clothes as you had that night-you didn't change because you didn't want to wake up Jon B

in your version of 'all over the house' is a contradiction of what you said? Another flood of tears and and banging the table. Pasty did you sleep the

entire night in the clothes you wore that night? Yes, I did(almost screaming) Then how could you know your daughter was being led around the dark house

eating pineapple, being sexuality abused, changing clothes 3 times when none of this has be reported in the media at this time? Screaming--"that is not what I said" and the interview is stopped.

Now low and behold Pasty changes the story again that leaves everyone petrified and wanting to be as far away from this woman as possible-hell would be a good start.

Jon B fell aslept in the car on the way home so John carried her to her room and placed on her bed. Now Pasty tell us that "I changed her clothes( to the clothes she would be found dead with 14 hours-or so from now) and I don't think she woke up. I ask her if she wanted her daddy to read her a story(while she was asleep) but I don't remember if he did.


She then said that she showed and went to bed. She put on the same clothes that morning because she wanted Jon-when came home from where she was to see that she had searched for he all night.


A huge mistake by Patsy She connected her not changing clothes/ changing clothes because she was 'doing all those awful things

' It would be 18 more days before she is interviewed again and they could not ask why she said that because of her emotional state. This big time BooHoo pretty well sealed the case in many peoples minds

and mine as well. She simply incriminated herself-off the record Of course.

At this point it was no longer in doubt that Pasty was involved. Over the next 3 years more than 20 million dollars would be spent to keep her out of a

courtroom. They managed this feat, however, no ones mind was ever changed-especially the mainstream media.

Also at this point it is easy to see how all this fits together. The reason that she never changed clothes, the pineapple, the ransom notes, the staged body

position, her husband total clueless attitude, getting the younger boy away as fast as they can, the clincher,of course, being she admitted doing awful things and she had no time to change her clothes.

Feeling the case getting bog down Team Ramsey went to the media. Pasty's public relations team (there were 7 'agents' and a clerical staff and computer bloggers) had the idea that putting Pasty 'out in public "so people could see her grief.

It was a total disaster that anyone could see coming-except Pasty. One of the things they weren't expecting is how both Pasty and John were starting to believe the ******** that the lawyers told them to say and the conflict with what they had already said was hopelessly confused.

Pasty changed her story one more time with this" I got up at 5:30AM and John was already up and moving around and went down the stairs and glanced at the ransom note." "I went to Jon's bedroom and saw she was gone. Why she didn't look in her room before going downstairs because you have to walk thru
her bedroom to get to the stairs.She said she saw the book her husdand had read to that night.

Massive conflicted garbage as John never read her a damn thing he said so 5 times.

The media blitz to show Patsy' grief ended with this jewel.

sobbing as always...Their trying to frame us......we were much to busy that morning for that..Larry

King looking surprised ask "What were you busy doing" "we had to make sure that everything was set up before they came over"

King furiously ask "before WHO was coming over".The interview stopped without her answer.

At this point Team Ramsey was stunned that more people though she was lying than before the blitz.

To sum it up Team Ramsey Knew that she was involved in the cover up and she was a walking time bomb. The next morning they added 7 more lawyers and 5 more private detectives. They were spending more that a million a month just to keep her out of a court room.

Also, a team of make-up artist were hired to make her appear to be in a certain frame of mine when she rarely was seen by anyone but her lawyers.

John was coming unraveled as well.

Out of the blue Melinda Ramsey told detective Gosage about a very odd set
of circumstances the morning of the crime. When they arrived at the home at about 1pm-they knew almost nothing about what was happening, they just came to help-John came running out the door and jumped into their van sobbing and broke down and blared how jon was 'with Beth and the angels' and told how he found the body around 11pm WHAT...Now he is saying that he found the body 2 hours before he had told police he found it that morning.

There was nothing Team Ramsay could do about that now but put socks in the mouth of both Pasty and John and get them to shut up.

That was one of the low points that 400 lawyers could not go away-much less 20 of them working to hide them now.
So much has been said about suspicions that JR and PR were responsible for the death of JBR. Even BR has been mentioned. I have seen theories about sexual abuse, and suggestions that someone from the Christmas party may have committed the crime. Has anyone considered that JR and PR may have allowed an adult to have access to the child that night, perhaps for money? And that that individual, with access to the child for the whole night, would have had time to come up with a plan and written the ransom note to taunt the R's and buy time?
The KIDNAPPING was planned by important/powerful people/person,(referred to here on as IPP), some how associated to John Ramsey.The IPP warned JR not to step on toes,but JR got too cocky and confident to heed their warnings,After all didn't his business hit the $1 Billion mark in 1996.
Enough .... pay back time.

The intruder was a low life from the seedy part of Colorado,paid off by the IPP to do the KIDNAPPING. (Money talks when your trying to feed your drug habit.)Everything was arranged and set,the day,the keys,stun gun,ransom note. The ransom note was important...this was written in a covert way to let JR have a suspicion as to who had a hand in this KIDNAPPING,without really revealing any one specific.The low life was to wait until the Ramsey's got settled in for the night,open the door,snatch JonBenet from bed by using the stun gun,wrap her in a blanket and keep JB,until the next day when they contacted the Ramsey's between 8 and 10:00. That's when they would have dropped JB off some where for the Ramsey's to find her.It was never about the money or JonBenet,it was a message to John for not listening to their warning.

But something went wrong ... the low life,probably getting all excited about the prospect of the good chunk of money he was going to be getting soon to feed his habit,got greedy and molested (probably EA),and killed JonBenet.The plan was not to harm JB. He panicked,bashed JB in the head and took off.

The rest is history.

Now the tricky part ....

John wants to get the person who killed JonBenet,but he also wants to get the person who planned the now aborted kidnapping,which led to her murder.He doesn't know specifically whom it is,but he has a few chosen people in mind.As he stated "It's an inside job." he has a pretty good idea.

The problem is ... he can't go around spewing names,because as mentioned before,these people probably bring in a lot of money into Boulder,that would not be wise.And they would all an alibi ... after all,they really didn't do it ,did they?

The intruder? Heck ...he's long gone.What can the police do? Talk to every low life in Colorado.Anyway ... the IPP are pretty mad at him.for not keeping his side of the bargain,on this now NATION WIDE tragedy. Wouldn't it be too bad if some how the low life bought some bad drugs and died??? Hmmm ... you never know. The IPP don't like people stepping on their toes.
Helgoth is dead right???

As you can see John is between a rock and a hard place.

PS. As for the Ramsey's lying or covering up? I don't think so. Are they evasive ...yes. Because I think that was the advise of their lawyers. The lawyers drilled into the Ramsey's that the BPD think they are guilty,and no matter what the Ramsey say they will twist it around to their favor. So to play it safe ... don't lie,but be evasive with "I don't remembers,and I don't knows."

The End.
I tend to agree
Does anyone still believe that this was an actual attempted kidnapping, and that anyone else but the family were involved?
My theory in a nutshell is that neither John or Patsy knew Jonbenet was in the basement. You heard that right. They weren't getting along Christmas night. Patsy didn't go to bed with John, but locked herself into the guest bedroom. Her side of the bed in the master bedroom wasn't slept in and I don't think she had been sleeping in that bed since before the Christmas Party on the 23rd. That was when the 911 call was placed and why John and Patsy were so occupied they couldn't meet the police officer at the door.

The ransom note was 1st written to disguise the handwriting, but was later used to implicate Patsy in the murder. The language in the 1st paragraph comes from an unskilled writer trying to sound more educated. It's amateurish. The end of the note isn't directed at John but at Patsy. Using the note to scold John takes the attention off of him.

One of the smartest moves the Ramsey's attorneys made was to hire several handwriting experts to analyze the note. This cleared John when it shouldn't have. Attorneys who use experts know where their experts stand when they are hired. Their expertise is tied-up in the contracts. Science is complex and they know who pays them. They're not about to give an unbiased presentation because they won't be hired for the next case. They present only the facts that support their employer's case.

The odd amount is always in question. John worked for Lockheed Corporation. I'm going to go out on a limb and say the $118,000 may not have been about John's bonus; instead, the $118,000 was an amount based on his salary. How is that important? John works for a multinational corporation. Many of its employees travel outside of the US and may be faced with kidnapping. One thing that these companies carry is 'kidnapping insurance'. Kidnapping insurance is often top secret; you don't want to go out advertising to potential kidnappers that executives and members of their family have insurance policies on their head. If John had to lose the $118,000, he may have been covered. The problem here is if the amount was based on a kidnapping pay-out, John may have made a critical mistake. The fact that the ransom amount matched John's bonus may have been a coincidence, but he may have used that number because the payouts could have been based on his salary.

The biggest key in the entire note was the word 'Victory'. This took me a long time to figure out. I was like everyone else and trying to figure out SBTC. Then I looked at bible passages with the words 'Fornication' and 'killing children'. That lead nowhere but we all read obscure notes when looking for clues. SBT jumped out. I stopped dismissing idea of adultery. I'm not talking about a passionate encounter with a bored housewife, but a relationship of an nonjudgmental friend, an affair of the heart. The very word 'Victory' in this context talks about granting forgiveness in the way that Jesus would forgive. If a betrayed spouse forgives for the sins of adultery, then the forgiveness needs to be erased from the marriage. That forgiveness needs to be pure as though the adultery never happened. Victory is achieved through the salvation of Christ. The word 'Victory' conveyed a message of forgiveness. When Patsy made the 911 call, she reversed the order of the signature and the complimentary close. It was, in itself, a way to say that if she chose, she'd be forgiven for her transgression.

When the ransom note was dropped on the floor as Patsy went off to make the 911 call, John went out of his way not to put his prints on it. He could have very easily carried it off to the kitchen counter. There's plenty of light in a kitchen.

John also came up with reasons why he didn't run the video camera on Christmas morning. The batteries on the camcorder weren't charged--no, scratch that. He wanted to live in the moment so he only snapped a couple of pictures. On Christmas morning, how long does it take to snap a few shots of videotape your children opening a couple of Christmas presents? John and Patsy had been fighting and John didn't want to make a video when he and Patsy weren't getting along.

Patsy placed the 911 call. John had to go upstairs and get dressed. But let's put that on rewind a little bit. When Patsy descended the spiral staircase, she was completely dressed and ready to leave the house.

In Patsy's 1998 interview with the investigators, Patsy said that it took about 20 to 30 minutes to put on her makeup and get ready. She went down to the 2nd floor common area in front of Jonbenet's room. This space had a stackable washer and dryer in a corner closet. It had cabinets and a sink in another corner of the room so it resembled an apartment kitchen. She worked on packing some of the kids cloths for the trips. She was looking at Jonbenet's little red jumpsuit that had some stains on it and set it aside because she was going to take it to the cleaners later. Patsy spent about 5 to 10 minutes there and finally went down to find the ransom note on the stairs.

John was in his bathroom before Patsy got up. Based on Patsy's timeline, he was there from 25 to 40 minutes before she called for him. John's means of packing for a trip to the Charlevoix summer home is to take the clothes on his back because he already had clothes there. He didn't need to do any packing. He even had duplicate toiletries there too.

John spent 25 to 40 minutes in his bathroom for a shower, a shave and something else. While this isn't completely abnormal, the time he spent is a little suspicious. He was piloting the plane and he had to get the family out of the house on time to pick-up his older kids at another airport before they flew on to their destination.

One of the conflicts Patsy has in her story is when she checked on Jonbenet. In one story, she says she came down the stairs from the master bedroom and checked on Jonbenet before she went down the spiral staircase. In another story, she went down the spiral stairs, found the ransom note and then checked on Jonbenet. It's a small detail, but an important one.

The question presented here is why the different stories? She could have mixed-up the details, but what if she was actually trying to hide the fact that she hadn't been in bed that night with John? Maybe she wasn't trying to cover-up a murder but a fight. Then John would have been up in his bathroom waiting for Patsy to find the note before he came down the stairs. John's surprise about the kidnapping would have been an act. Patsy didn't know what really happened and John went through the motions that morning.

She was completely dressed and ready to leave the house if she needed to. All that before she made the coffee.

Back to the 911 call. Patsy placed the call while John was trying not to touch the ransom note. That must have been quite a sight with John in his boxer shorts and on his hands and knees. It's very strange and Patsy looses her place talking with the dispatch operator.

People who call 911 want to keep the line connected before help arrives. Patsy didn't do that. She hung-up. What if John was behind her. He could have taken the phone from her ear to hand it up--that was Patsy's lifeline. What is she going to do?

Now John has to go upstairs and Patsy's wondering if she's going to be left alone with John. She's suspicious and still doesn't know what was happening so she calls her friends. She won't need to face John alone.

John's odd behavior that morning with the police and their friends there was based on guilt. He couldn't say anything or try to manipulate Patsy. He can't stand to see her that way, but he knows part of the truth. It's something she doesn't know and any minute this whole thing is going to fall apart.

Okay, here's the part that makes this theory so complicated. John was waiting for the ransom call! Yup! That's it. He was expecting the call to arrive. He had already checked the walk-in fridge and the police had searched the house including the basement. What went wrong? The call should have arrived already and he knows it. Now he knows something went wrong so he sets off to search the house on his own

He manages to get into the basement unnoticed and finds the body. It's worse than he expected. He knew about the head wound, but wasn't aware of the strangling. Suddenly what was an accident is now 1st degree murder. His plans change. Some things could have been left behind that would incriminate him. He spends some time going over his new plans and looks for any evidence that may have been hidden in the basement. He fishes his golf gloves out of the golf bag. His fingerprints should be in his home, but he didn't want to leave fingerprint evidence everywhere in the basement and have to explain it. When he's done, he can't find anything left over from the previous night.

John goes back upstairs and cleans up some of his sweat. His demeanor has changed. This isn't an accident anymore. It's murder and he's expecting to be handcuffed and taken to a cell.

Linda Arndt notice John's nervousness. She talks to Fleet and him and John Fernie asking them to search the house with John. Honestly, the police have already searched the home. This is just busy work.

The moment arrives. John's asked to search the home to find anything out of place, but from John's point of view, Linda just asked him to find the body. Instead of following her orders and searching from top to bottom, John heads directly into the basement. Only Fleet goes into the basement with him. John's moving fast. They talk about the broken window and then John makes a beeline for the windowless room. He opens the door and screams 'Oh my God'.

He carries Jonbenet up the stars and shortly after that, tells Linda Arndt, "This looks like an inside Job." This wasn't an inside for his coworkers, neighbors and friends. If pressed, John would have thrown Patsy under the buss.

After John and Patsy left their home, their children's pediatrician, Dr. Beuf, prescribed drugs to get John and Patsy through this hardship. Patsy was so heavily medicated that she couldn't be interviewed by the police--that wasn't by accident. Dr Beuf and his wife stayed near John and Patsy during those early days. The good doctor wouldn't allow Burke to be interviewed either.

Patsy's wracked with guilt. She blames herself . This was a punishment from God for what she did. Sometime later she's heard crying, "Why did they do this?" The person who was with her thought Patsy knew who it was.

John put it best himself in Death of Innocence. “The number one job of our attorneys and investigators has always been to keep the two of us out of jail.” That's an incredibly chilling statement even if it was framed to explain to Patsy why the grand jury would delay the search for the real killer.

Even worse than admitting the true purpose of the Ramsey's investigators, John goes on to say, “The police department has the sole intent of putting us in the gas chamber. You and I now have to focus totally on making sure that doesn't happen.” No matter how that statement is framed, it's a threat. John laid down a threat to Patsy and for some unexplainable reason put it in their book.

He then describes the reward if Patsy complies: “We've got children and will have grandchildren. We've got to get through this now, so we can live to be with them.”

Those are very telling statements. John took the lead to keep he and his wife out of jail.

This is the presentation of a theory and opinion. This is what may have happened.
PR did it, JR helped with the cover story. The stories they told were
inconsistent, nothing added up. And the bizarro reaction, PR didn't even seem to be in mourning or upset that her daughter was dead, not even outrage against who did it. And JR, running for office? Clueless. If Burke was involved, PR was covering it up.
Awesome theories on here, such interesting minds you all have! I don't have a theory, but an idea, hope you don't mind my sharing on your theory forum? Here goes:

Has anyone here ever watched the show on TLC called "Long Lost Family"?? Basically adopted people seek their biological parents or vice/versa.... They use to see if they are related to anyone who already registered. They will find cousin matches and then narrow it down that way, at least having a jumping off point to see which families these people are related to. Why do they not do this in cold cases like this one? Whose to say if they ran the found DNA, they may find familial matches and narrow it down? We'd at least know which family tree to start barking up?? Thoughts?
Well wow. There are so many far out theories here I'm surprised there isn't one about aliens.

True crime scholars always say the most logical, sensible answer is usually correct. It's more fun to believe something bizarre and convoluted, but it's rarely ever true.

We already know for a fact that the ransom letter is long and extremely superfluous. There is absolutely no reason for a kidnapper to risk discovery by searching through the home for a pad of paper and then writing a much-longer-than-needed letter - after also spending time to practice it first a few times. That just defies logic. In a true kidnapping, the note would already be written. But this child is lying dead in the home - so why is a ransom letter even needed? If I'm the perp, I'm getting out as fast as possible.

The guilty often expound way more than necessary, especially when panicked. The ransom letter is a clear example of that. Anyone who has studied the personality of PR knows the whole letter (including the handwriting) screams of her. I won't even go into the ridiculousness of "a small foreign faction".

So it's obvious Patsy wrote the letter. There is just no other option. None. And if she wrote it, she must be guilty. Nobody wants to believe a mother could kill her child and that is why all the silly theories abound. But it does happen. Just look around at other cases on Websleuths.

The "Burke did it" club isn't realistic. He was 9 years old. Maybe he could be mean, maybe. Maybe he was disturbed, maybe. But there are very few documented cases of a child murderer that demonic and calculating. If he was prone to bashing JB in the head so hard that she could die, there would have been many other disturbing anger incidents in the past that others would have seen. It's very, very difficult to hit somebody hard enough to crater a large hole and very wide crack in their skull. I couldn't do it. A 9-year-old couldn't do it. (I was going to include the photo here but it is graphic - google JonBenet skull).

Was JB sexually molested prior to her death? Maybe. That doesn't change the fact that Patsy wrote the letter.

Is there unaccounted for DNA? Yes, but that seems to be controversial and was so slight it could be innocent and inconsequential contact with others in the past or transferred from other clothing.
DNA in doubt: New analysis challenges DA's exoneration of Ramseys

If there had been NO ransom letter, I would be more inclined to believe in an intruder. But the letter is what points to Patsy.
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