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DNA Solves
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There are so many different theories and strange circumstances surrounding this case. At first I was almost entirely sure that someone within the Ramsey household was responsible for the murder, but the more I've looked into the details of the case, the more confused I am. The fact that the murder weapons were crafted using items from within the house is strange-you would think that an intruder would have their weapons prepared beforehand, rather than risk being inside the house longer than was absolutely necessary. The fact that the ransom letter was two pages long and written using paper and a pen matching those belonging to Patsy Ramsey is also weird-why would an intruder spend time looking for a pen and paper within the home, then take the time to write a two page long letter? The red fibers found on the body matching Patsy Ramsey's Christmas sweater is not necessarily suspicious, but I do find it strange that when the police arrived at the home Patsy was wearing the same clothes she had worn to the Christmas party they had attended the previous evening. Patsy claims she just threw on the first thing she came across, but to me, a lady like Patsy with a whole wardrobe full of clothes wouldn't put on something dirty. Perhaps she did, but perhaps she hadn't changed because she had been up all night. The blow to the head that fractured the skull and bruised the brain was most likely caused by the flashlight found inside the home. If you watch Burke's interview with the child psychologist just after the murder, he seems extremely calm and detached. Burke also said that he heard strange noises coming from downstairs but "decided to stay in bed and go back to sleep." Family friends told police that Burke had a history of violent outbursts and once hit his sister in the face with a golf club, causing a black eye and scaring under that eye. Several experts suggest that the handwriting on the ransom note matched Patsy's. It is also strange that rather than talk to police, Patsy decided to do an interview with CNN. The 911 phone call is eerie. The 911 operator believes that Patsy did not hang up the phone properly. Once the call was enhanced by audio engineers, you can clearly hear three things: You hear John Ramsey say "We're not speaking to you" in a harsh tone, followed by Patsy saying, "What did you do? Help me Jesus." And finally Burke saying "What did you find." The strange thing is that the Ramseys told police that Burke was in bed at the time of the 911 call. Why lie about that? But the strangest thing to me is the fact that there were two different DNA profiles lifted from JonBenet's clothing. I believe that the DNA needs to be tested again. Maybe then there will be some kind of closure in this horrible and heartbreaking case.

It sure is a strange case, so much so, when the consensus is the case is RDI, something on which even the Grand Jury agreed.

Burke saying What did you find?, especially when his parents said he was in bed asleep, should alert members, PDI or JDI, that something was amiss.

The thing is how does Burke know that there is something to be found, and if he is an innocent just awakened by the noise, how come his parents are not offering soothing language?

Then later, prior to the parents admitting he was awake, Burke plays out his I slept through it all role, and he continues with this version of events right up to and including his Dr Phil interview, where his mask slips a little when he describes JonBenet as flaunting herself at pageants!

It will all be revealed one day, too many people know its a cover up, to date no Intruder has been found or left repeat dna elsewhere. Burke has yet to marry, anyone hear the bell ringing? John Ramsey will right now be carrying out succession planning, he will have to divide up the litigation awards, so who gets what, will it all vanish offshore?

Watch this space !

My theory on who murdered JonBenet Ramsey

Theory 1; The Family
1: case details and evidence suggesting a hoax break in
In the early morning of December 26th 1996, PR "finds" a 3 page ransom note on the 3rd step of the stairs in the home, The note claimed an intruder(s) had kidnapped her only daughter, PR panicked and called her husband JR downstairs and made a distressing phone call to Colorado Police after PR stopped talking the dispatch officer believes she heard PR and JR talking in a calm manner as if everything had just gotten back to normal then PR hangs up the phone unaware the dispatch officer has just heard her. In a CBS documentary they try to decipher what PR has said seconds before she hangs up the phone, they reached a conclusion saying you could her JR, PR and maybe even BR talking "What do we do now"
2 officers arrived at the scene 1 officer looked around the perimeter searching for any signs of a break in while another officer searched for a break in inside the house this led the officer to the basement where he found a blue suitcase by a broken window unbeknown to the officer the body of 6 year old JonBenet Ramsey was in the utility room just behind a door with a wooden latch, at this time it is believed BR was still asleep or in his room crying while JR was consoling PR as she called over friends to help her mourn.
The First real piece of evidence was the note this drew a large amount of attention because of a lot of factors easy words such as Business were spelt in correctly whereas words like attache were spelt correctly almost as if it were purposely written in such a way, the letter said they were a small foreign faction who did not like JR or the country his business serves, the note demanded $118k in $100 and $20 dollar bills and to not call police as they were aware of the countermeasures in law enforcement the first page was mainly passive aggressive where then on the second and third letter the tone changes to extremist saying they will behead JonBenet and also threatened JR, further analysis revealed that the letter was written inside the house which asks the question why would a killer stay inside a house with people sleeping just a floor above and write a ransom note and also murder a child, to me the letter seems a hoax for various reasons
approximately 8 hours after the initial phone call police officers are inside and are ready to conduct a thorough search of the house top to bottom police were saying how they would begin upstairs to where JR goes to the basement (reason unknown) and goes into the utility room where he there finds the body of his daughter wrapped in cloth JR picks her up and takes her to the room where PR and other Ramsey freinds are the police officers then call over a Pathologist and an ME for an autopsy although the Ramseys did not allow a pathologist inside their home (reasons unknown) The ME determined the victim was hit over the head with a heavy object causing a fracture and also asphyxiation (a makeshift Garrote was also found made out of PR paintbrush and a white cord) there was no point for a full DNA search as the crime scene was already compromised maybe JR done this on purpose. experts say she was sexually assaulted although its inconclusive handwriting analysis cleared JR of writing the note but tests came back as inconclusive for PR. The Ramsey's did not co-operate with police until about early February and instead lawyer-ed up.
who do i think was the perp:
(the autopsy revealed a half digested pineapple from the stomach of JonBenet and the crime scene tape also revealed a half eaten bowl of pineapple as well as a flashlight nearby)
i think BR was eating pineapple and JonBenet cheekily took a piece of fruit from him BR didn't like this and instead hit her over the head with the flashlight, not knowing the strength he used and the weight of the weapon both created the fracture in her skull and leaves her clinging for life just on the verge of death. PR and JR instantly found out and questioned BR they knew if the public found out their lives would be ruined and shamed so PR created a fake ransom note while JR was left to wipe the finger prints and dump the body he knew if walked outside there would be a risk of beings seen by neighbours so he put her away in the furthest part of the house he then realised JonBenet was barely alive and quickly found a way to end her with supplies in the utility room explaining a makeshift garrote and also why cause of death was labelled asphyxiation, this might also explain why john found the body and brought it up to clear evidence furthermore john broke the window from outside and placed a suitcase under it to make it look like the house was broken into, they all went to bed, and at approx 6AM PR phoned the police

the headblow was caused by a long black flashlight of which the ramseys kept downstairs at the time, comparing the length of the head of the flash light and also the fracture the flashlight fits in almost perfectly

the offense
BR was often jealous of his sister he always wanted to be centre of attention as one neighbour put it which at one time he hit JonBenet in the head with a golf club which asks why wouldn't he do it again, children are often ignorant of consequences and BR could've hit his sister more times with other object although we may not know

evidence to suggest why the Ramseys covered up their daughters death:
they didn't fully co-operate with law enforcement
lack of intruder evidence
the ransom note which was lengthy and "cartoony" also written inside the house
JonBenets 2 causes of death
the Ramseys would push away people who talked to police including neighbours
the Ramseys would sue anyone who presented the idea of them hiding or even killing their daughters murder
the Ramseys became friends with the man who came up with the intruder theory and also gave him ideas about why JonBenet was targeted and who such as the Bill Mcreynolds theory

I wholeheartedly believe that BR accidentally murdered his sister JR had to finish what BR done and the family created the hoax that still haunts us today someone got away with murder and still is yet to be punished

Do you agree with my theory or do you believe that the Ramseys themselves were not guilty
I believe that Burke is to blame for the murder of his sister, that he killed her in a fit of anger, something to which kids are prone. His parents covered it up fearing the loss of their other child. I will be missing some evidence here, and I am aware of that, but I will put in all the evidence that I remember off the top of my head - whether it applies to the theory or not.

1. Children are put to bed.
2. JonBenet wakes up in the middle of the night hungry, and decides to go downstairs for a snack. She finds her big brother eating pineapple at the table, a large torch nearby. Photographs of the house taken by investigators that day show a bowl full of pineapple with a spoon on the table. Fingerprints taken indicate that Burke was eating out of that bowl.
Alternative theory is that Burke was awake and fixed JonBenet the bowl of pineapple explaining his prints on the bowl.
3. Main theory would suggest that JonBenet took some of Burke's pineapple from his bowl and ate it. The result in my opinion is that Burke got angry and hit JonBenet with that torch.
My alternative hypothesis is that while she was eating her pineapple, she and Burke were talking and she said something that enraged Burke, where he hit her with the torch.
There was evidence to suggest this, in that JonBenet's stomach there was found organic matter that experts believed was pineapple, and that since it wasn't fully digested, it happened close to her murder. As this evidence correlates to both theories, I will put it here at the end of this point.
4. The noise from Burke hitting JonBenet with the flashlight (and JonBenet's probable resulting scream and the thump of her falling to the floor) woke at least one parent who either woke the other before going downstairs and finding the culprit of the noise, or after going downstairs and either yelling at Burke or at the other parent. Believing her dead, they panicked.
5. Out of an irrational fear of retribution from the law upon their 'surviving' child, the parents decide to stage the crime as a break and enter gone wrong. My belief is John garottes (a then comatose) JonBenet, which unbeknownst to them all actually ends her life. This means he of course has used objects from within the house, such as a paintbrush belonging to Patsy.
He then moves her body to the basement. In the mean time, Patsy gets a notepad from somewhere in the house and pens an unusually long, oddly specific ransom note.
My evidence in this is that the pad is confirmed to be from the Ramsey house (which is uncommon for a ransom note since they are normally brought fully formed to a crime scene), and John's bonus from work that year is the EXACT amount listed on the note ($118 000). To me that indicates that someone from the family wrote that note. And why would they write that note if they had nothing to do with the murder? Why would the grieving family intentionally try to deceive the police like that if they wanted to know who the murderer is?
Another point is that experts believed (I am aware they couldn't conclusively prove this) that the handwriting was very close to Patsy's own writing.
6. Once the scene is sufficiently set, Patsy calls the police department at 5:52 am. Immediately after this, she calls family and friends who flock to the scene.
I have a question about the search here. If Patsy and John had nothing to do with their daughter's disappearance, why did they not search the whole house? Seems strange to me that
7. Police play a part in this too, though not (I believe) on purpose. Their folly was not to cordon off the whole house as a crime scene, but just JonBenet's bedroom. This means that when the Ramsey's family and friends appear on the scene, they are allowed in the house and compromise whatever evidence was in and around the kitchen area.
8. Finally the basement is searched, at 1 pm that day, where John Ramsey opens the door to the basement and 'finds' his daughter there. To further compromise evidence, he moves that already moved and staged body upstairs, potentially destroying incriminating evidence against his family further.

I will put in some extra evidence here:
- The doors to the house were not locked. This could mean that an intruder could have gotten in and murdered JonBenet, but there are a few reasons why I do not believe this to be the case. As far as I remember, there were no footprints found around the house that were deemed suspicious (but again, police incompetence has potentially forever obscured the truth about this case). I also believe this as there was NOTHING demonstrated as not belonging to the Ramsey family in the house. If there was some sort of B&E, I believe there would be proof of this in some sort of evidence found in the house (or even missing valuables?).
- The DNA found in JonBenet's underwear was investigated and never linked to someone in a US criminal database. Though this is not a big deal (there are people who commit crimes and are not caught), there was an experiment done on one of the documentaries surrounding this case (though I cannot recall which one) which tested an unopened pack of women's underwear for DNA samples and discovered DNA from somebody who interacted (i.e. touched) the underwear during the production or packaging process. Therefore, to me the DNA obtained from two separate persons not found in the database could just be unrelated to the case entirely.
I agree with most of your theory, except that I think it's possible they were all still up when the events occurred and that rather than being the middle of the night, it could have been shortly after they returned home. JB was dressed for bed but I'm not sure she ever made it to bed. IIRC, PR's and BR's fingerprints were found on the pineapple bowl and/or spoon, not JB's, but she had pineapple in her stomach. This makes me think that PR prepared a bowl of pineapple for BR, and then JB appeared, maybe wandered downstairs, and perhaps took pineapple out of his bowl with her fingers. This, along with other long-simmering resentments, caused him to hit her in the head with the flashlight. PR and maybe JR could have been right there when it happened, or nearby and still awake. BR had previously whacked her in the head with a golf club, so this would not have been new territory for him.

PR and JR may have thought she was dead, and then instead of simply calling an ambulance, elaborately staged the scene. Whoever strangled her (PR, IMO) may not have realized she was still alive and that PR, not BR, was the actual murderer. No idea where BR was at this point. Maybe they sent him to bed (though he was back up when PR made the 911 call, and PR and JR lied about that) and maybe he didn't realize how badly he had injured her.

It's an incredible story, really. What parent could do that, even if they thought they were saving their other child? My recollection of the DNA on the underwear is the same as yours, that the sample was so tiny that it's of no evidentiary value and could very well have come from the factory that manufactured them. The Ramseys lucked out in that the DA's office was so incompetent or corrupt or enamored with them that it would never take action.
What I don't understand, is why they just wouldn't have called 911? I just don't get why they would go to the lengths of staging the crime scene, when they could just say she fell down the stairs. I mean they aren't above lying right? Why not say it was an accident? Burke swing around a flashlight and bopped her on the head accidentally? Why go through all the sick torment that JB suffered through?
What I don't understand, is why they just wouldn't have called 911? I just don't get why they would go to the lengths of staging the crime scene, when they could just say she fell down the stairs. I mean they aren't above lying right? Why not say it was an accident? Burke swing around a flashlight and bopped her on the head accidentally? Why go through all the sick torment that JB suffered through?
Kids fight if that was the case why cover it up and in such a gruesome way? I'm hoping if I'd been knocked on the head (I have been) and was unconscious someone would call 911 not make sure I was really dead. A fall down the stairs would be a way less mysterious cover.
To attempt to keep her off of an autopsy table and out of an ER where evidence of chronic prior sexual abuse would be uncovered.
If you are found strangled with a horribly written ransom note that's when people really ask questions. A kid waiting up for Santa, sleepwalking or some accidental injury is more likely to make people not look for sexual assault. It would have been an accident.
If you are found strangled with a horribly written ransom note that's when people really ask questions.

The insertion of the paintbrush handle was an attempt to cover all of that. I also doubt the original plan was for the body to ever have been found. They were probably planning to dispose of it outside of the house.
The insertion of the paintbrush handle was an attempt to cover all of the that. I also doubt the original plan was for the body to ever have been found. They were probably planning to dispose of it outside of the house.
Most people couldn't bear to do that to anyone let alone their own child.
Unfortunately, people do horrible things to their children all of the time.
If you've never done something horrible why would you start with strangulation using a paint brush. You can't say that is an accident. She was left in a dirty basement in dirty clothes. I think maybe her parents were comfortable treating her that way.
If you've never done something horrible why would you start with strangulation using a paint brush. You can't say that is an accident.

The autopsy showed chronic prior sexual abuse so I doubt whoever did this had never done something horrible.

She was left in a dirty basement in dirty clothes. I think maybe her parents were comfortable treating her that way.

I don't think they cared much about her.
The autopsy showed chronic prior sexual abuse so I doubt whoever did this had never done something horrible.

I don't think they cared much about her.
Common sense. Duh. Still awful. If you thought your kid had been kidnapped would you call all your friends? It seems like if you didn't know where your child was and you weren't molesting them you would keep the phone lines open.
A lot of people think Fleet White knew something.
How were they going to get her body out once the police were called? I always thought abuse went too far that day. It was like the OJ Simpson case in that you had a good idea who did it.
How were they going to get her body out once the police were called?

They thought the ransom note would direct law enforcement outside of the house, giving them time to do something about it.

I always thought abuse went too far that day.

Me too.

It was like the OJ Simpson case in that you had a good idea who did it.

Patsy referenced O.J. Simpson in a television interview she gave 6 days after the homicide.
By making sure there friends were there they had witnesses that they were grieving. I think some people changed their stories later. They invited people to trample the crime scene.
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