Men Who've Murdered Their Wives: A Comprehensive List Compiled by Our Sleuthers

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David Michael Green - cheating husband strangles, kicks, and stabs his pregnant wife to death 6 days before her due date. He then proceeds to spend the night at his girlfriend's house watching election returns on tv while his 4 and 5 year old were asleep in the house with their dying/dead mother. The next morning, David calls home and asks one of the children to put Mommy on the phone - the child then finds Mommy deceased in a pool of blood, (if I'm remembering correctly). David claimed that Stacy had tried to stab HIM after finding out that he had been having an affair (his "strong religious background" made him realize that he needed to confess this to his wife, Stacy :rolleyes: ), that he was defending himself, and that he had blacked out the events - it wasn't until his son told him that Mommy was laying on the floor and that there was blood that David "remembered" what had happened:

Stacy's Kids - In The News (tribute site with photos, etc.)

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - Another pregnant mother murdered at the
Kenneth Fitzhugh -- pushed his wife down the stairs when she was going to tell their oldest son that Kenneth was not actually his father (Palo Alto, California)

Charles Whitman -- better known as the sniper in the University of Texas tower, killed his wife and mother before taking off for his murder spree from above

Dr. Dirk Greineder -- well respected doctor who murdered his wife in Massachusetts; their three children continue to support him
petra said:

Your link no longer works. Is this the same one?,2933,196350,00.html
May 21, 2006

FORT LEWIS, Wash. — A soldier was convicted Saturday of murdering and mutilating his teenage wife, a Fort Lewis spokesman said. An Army jury found Spc. Brandon Bare, 20, of Wilkesboro, N.C., guilty of premeditated murder and two counts of indecent acts for chopping his wife to death with a meat cleaver and desecrating her corpse.

After a five-day court martial, the jury deliberated about four hours Friday night before reaching the verdict shortly after midnight, said Fort Lewis spokesman Joseph Piek.

The same jury of five officers and three noncommissioned officers sentenced Bare Saturday evening to life in prison with the possibility of parole, Piek said. His rank was downgraded to private and Bare was dishonorably discharged. He must also forfeit all pay and allowances and be formally reprimanded.

Nabila Bare, 18, had been stabbed at least 71 times when she was found July 12, 2005, in the couple's kitchen.

Prosecutors portrayed Bare as a satanic, would-be serial killer who carefully plotted the time and place to slaughter his wife.
SewingDeb said:,2933,196350,00.html
May 21, 2006

FORT LEWIS, Wash. — An Army jury found Spc. Brandon Bare, 20, of Wilkesboro, N.C., guilty of premeditated murder and two counts of indecent acts for chopping his wife to death with a meat cleaver and desecrating her corpse.

The same jury of five officers and three noncommissioned officers sentenced Bare Saturday evening to life in prison with the possibility of parole, Piek said.
With the possibility of parole?!?!?!
JerseyGirl said:
With the possibility of parole?!?!?!

I know. Isn't that unbelievable after what he did?!!
Robert Marshall conspired to kill his wife Maria on September 7, 1984 in NJ very close to where I grew up. He did it for the insurance money (he 1.3 mil on her--by the way he was an insurance salesman). The case was made into a book by Joe McGinness and a 3 hr tele movie of the week. He is guilty IMOP but he may get the appeal he is waiting for...sickening.... ). The shooter he hired from Louisianna got immunity because he gave state's evidence against Marshall. IMOP he cold bloodily orchestrated the death of his wife (the youngest son of 3 :behindbar supported the father, Robert, and the other 2 resigned themselves to the fact that their father murdered their beloved mother.)This was a very horrific calculating. He was supposed to get the death penalty but due to his appeals The State has now , in the wake of the fact that seeking another death penalty plea would possibly result in several years of deliberation, abandoned this course of punishment hoping that he will again receive LIP (life in prison). I a me keeping my fingers crossed!

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Marshall timeline: How it all began
Posted by the Ocean County Observer on 05/13/06


This chronology of the Robert O. Marshall case is based on sworn testimony, court action and investigators' reports.

May 24, 1984: Robert O. Marshall meets Robert Cumber of Bossier City, La., at a graduation party for a neighbor. He later contacts Cumber about hiring a private investigator from Louisiana to follow his wife, Maria.

June 18, 1984: Through Cumber, Marshall meets Billy Wayne McKinnon for the first time at an Atlantic City casino. Marshall, who had telegraphed $2,500 to McKinnon the week before as a deposit for what he claimed would be private investigatory work, gives him $7,000 more. A fee of $65,000 for the contract murder of Maria P. Marshall is agreed upon. McKinnon testified Marshall asked him to kill his wife "as soon as possible." But that night, McKinnon, who had been given a time and location where he could find Mrs. Marshall, fails to do so.

July 17, 1984: McKinnon returns to New Jersey. Marshall gives him $7,000 more and arranges for McKinnon to murder Maria Marshall in the parking lot of an Atlantic City diner where the couple would be later that night. McKinnon testified he waited in the diner's parking lot for 40 minutes, didn't see the Marshalls, then drove back to Louisiana. McKinnon considers taking Marshall's money without fulfilling Marshall's wishes.

August 1984: McKinnon is contacted by fellow Louisianan Larry Thompson about a contract Thompson says has been placed on McKinnon's life for failing to uphold his part of a deal.

Sept. 6, 1984 (morning): McKinnon meets Marshall at a restaurant rest area on the Garden State Parkway. Marshall takes him to several locations along the parkway and settles on the Oyster Creek Picnic Area as the locale where his wife can be killed.

Sept. 6, 1984 (evening): The Marshalls drive to Atlantic City for dinner and gambling.

Sept. 7, 1984 (early morning): At 12:45 a.m., McKinnon, waiting near a parkway toll plaza, sees Marshall's yellow Cadillac Eldorado pull through the toll gates. McKinnon, who has Thompson with him, follows the car. Minutes later, he enters the picnic area. He sees Marshall lying near the rear of the car. Thompson runs to McKinnon's car, throws a few items on the floor and returns to the Eldorado, apparently to slash a tire. They speed off southbound, discarding Mrs. Marshall's purse and a .45-caliber handgun along the way. Authorities summoned to the picnic area find Marshall with a blow to his head requiring five stitches. His wife is slumped across the car's front seat, dead from two gunshot wounds to the back. Marshall says he was mugged and robbed when he pulled over to check a flat tire.

Sept. 7, 1984 (daybreak): Marshall gives authorities at least four different accounts of when he began having car problems that forced him to pull into the picnic area.

Sept. 7-21, 1984: Ocean County Prosecutor's Office investigators establish that Marshall is having an affair with Sarann Kraushaar, a married acquaintance from the Toms River Country Club, and they see a link between Marshall and a group of men in Shreveport, La.

Sept. 22, 1984: Robert Cumber is arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit murder.

Sept. 25, 1984: Marshall receives a call from someone in Louisiana; the message is relayed to him via an answering machine at Kraushaar's apartment. Upon hearing Marshall's explanation that he was in contact with the Louisiana contingent because of gambling debts involving an NBA playoff game, Kraushaar — who said she never knew Marshall to bet on an athletic event and was aware of his dire financial straits — said she realized "the circumstances were so incriminating that I was appalled by the deception." With the exception of her court appearances, it was the last time she sees Marshall.

Sept. 27, 1984: Marshall checks into a Lakewood motel room and records a rambling, 40-minute "suicide tape." The suicide is never carried out.

Oct. 13, 1984: McKinnon and James Davis of Shreveport are arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit murder. All charges against Davis eventually are dropped.

Oct. 17, 1984: An Ocean County grand jury indicts Cumber, McKinnon and Davis on charges of conspiracy to commit murder. McKinnon is charged with committing the murder. Cumber and Davis are indicted as accomplices.

Mid-December 1984: McKinnon agrees to cooperate with authorities. He enters into a plea bargain that will result in five years in the prison of his choice and family visits. Defense lawyers later will label this the state's "pact with the devil." McKinnon says Larry Thompson shot Mrs. Marshall.

Dec. 19, 1984: Marshall is arrested and charged with murder by soliciting another to kill his wife and being an accomplice. He is held in lieu of $2 million bail. Thompson is arrested.

April 25, 1985: Citing an "inordinate and continuing interest" in the case, Superior Court Judge William H. Huber grants a defense motion and orders the trial be held in Atlantic County.

July 16, 1985: The charge that Cumber was an accomplice is dismissed by the trial judge in Atlantic County, Superior Court Judge Manuel H. Greenberg. Cumber still is charged with conspiracy.

Jan. 14, 1986: Jury selection in the state of New Jersey v. Robert O. Marshall and Larry N. Thompson begins in Courtroom One of the Atlantic City Courthouse in Mays Landing.

Jan. 20, 1986: Opening statements are made to a jury of 11 men and five women. Ocean County Assistant Prosecutor Kevin W. Kelly alleges Marshall had his wife killed to collect $1.3 million in insurance policies to offset a $300,000 debt and so he could continue his affair. Defense lawyer Glenn A. Zeitz of Philadelphia and Thompson's attorney, Francis J. Hartman of Mount Holly, charge the state's case is based on false statements by McKinnon.

Feb. 3-6, 1986: McKinnon testifies Marshall hired him to kill his wife.

Feb. 14, 1986: Insurance agents testify Marshall took out $1.3 million in policies on his wife's life — with more than half the policies initiated during the eight months before she was shot to death.

Feb. 23, 1986: Marshall, taking the stand in his defense, denies having any role in his wife's shooting. He admits to the extramarital affair. It is revealed Marshall had several love affairs immediately after his wife's death, and he had yet to inter his wife's ashes.

Feb. 24, 1986: Thompson testifies he was in Louisiana at the time of the slaying and produces witnesses to corroborate his story.

March 3, 1986: Kelly's summation labels Marshall a "coward," and perhaps, in the most memorable words of the trial, says: "And he has the audacity to bring his three boys in to testify. That's obscene . . . to put his boys on the witness stand is obscene, and for that there is a place in hell for him."

March 5, 1986: Marshall is convicted of capital murder. After 90 minutes of deliberation, the same jury sentences him to death. Thompson is acquitted.

June 23, 1986: Cumber, who had turned down an opportunity to plead guilty in exchange for time served in connection with his role in the case, opts for an Atlantic County jury trial. He is found guilty of being an accomplice to murder.

July 11, 1986: McKinnon pleads guilty to conspiracy to kill Mrs. Marshall and receives a five-year sentence. Because of time served, he receives his parole on Oct. 7, 1986.

Sept. 11, 1986: Cumber is sentenced to life imprisonment. He will not be eligible for parole for 30 years.

April 8, 2004: A U.S. District Court judge agrees with Marshall, on death row 18 years while appeal after appeal failed, that he did not have competent legal representation at the sentencing phase of his trial. The judge orders a new death penalty hearing.

Nov. 2, 2005: U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals affirms the reversal.

Nov. 18, 2005: Ocean County Prosecutor Thomas Kelaher sends a letter to acting Gov. Richard Codey urging him to abandon the death penalty and support a life without parole law.

Jan. 12: Codey signs death penalty moratorium, which immediately halts all executions and creates a study commission to examine all aspects of the state's death penalty system.

Jan. 17: Codey pardons Cumber.

Jan. 31: The state Attorney General's Office asks the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a ruling on the case.

March 20: The U.S. Supreme Court declined to reinstate Marshall's death sentence.

May 12: Kelaher announces he will no longer seek the death penalty for Marshall, and will ask for life without parole. Gannett New Jersey and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Prosecutor: Husband said he was ‘sorry’

FRAMINGHAM — After walking into the police station splattered with blood, a Framingham man admitted he killed his wife and stepson because she was spending too much time at church, prosecutors said this morning in Framingham District Court

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This one killed himself after murdering his ex girlfriend.

Woman Shot To Death Outside Law Office;bp=t

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Police said a woman was fatally shot by her ex-boyfriend Monday morning near 89th Street and Wornall Road.

The shooting was reported at about 8:30 a.m. in the parking lot of the Crews, Waits, Brownlee and Berger law office.

Police said Lisa Slaughter worked at the law office as a paralegal. She was walking up to work when a man shot her in the face, officials said.


KMBC's Dan Weinbaum reported that Slaughter had filed a restraining order against her ex-boyfriend.

Slaughter moved into a Wyandotte County home with her child about six months ago, Weinbaum reported.

Neighbors told KMBC her ex-boyfriend stalked and harassed Slaughter. He also chose to move into a home just up the street from Slaughter.
lilsister said:
Robert Marshall conspired to kill his wife Maria on September 7, 1984 in NJ very close to where I grew up.
When you see the sentence lengths and acquittals in this case, it's a real travesty of justice, IMO.
SewingDeb said:
How awful!

"Bins wandered around after the murders and walked into the police station at about 1:30 Sunday morning carrying the couple’s 5-month-old son, Felipe Bins, who was unharmed.

“As he approached the police department,” said Hettinger, “all he said was that he was sorry.”
Here's another one.

A 73-year-old North Charleston man has been charged with intentionally setting a fire that killed his wife at their Evanston Estates home, authorities said.

A warrant for first-degree arson accuses Bobby McCarn of using a flammable accelerant to start the blaze then afternoon of Feb. 2. McCarn was arrested Tuesday and a magistrate set his bond at $50,000, the warrant states.


They discovered 53-year-old Deborah McCarn alive but unconscious in a rear bedroom. She was pronounced dead from smoke inhalation at Roper Hospital around 4:45 a.m. the next morning.

Fire investigators had traced the origin of the fire to the living- room sofa, according to a police report filed shortly after the incident.

Based on video surveillance, authorities concluded that the fire started right after Bobby McCarn left the home, the warrant states. Hours before, his wife had expressed fears that her husband would harm her, the warrant states.
Nashville, TN.........Troy Vaughn

Troy Vaughn shot and killed Julie Vaughn (29 yrs. old) and then killed himself in front of their 2 year old. Their 6 and 8 year old boys were not present at the time. Troy and Julie were in the process of a divorce. Divorce was to be final a month after the shooting. Julie had a restraining order against Troy. - News - Sex Assault Suspect Kills Family, Self

Authorities in New Jersey said a man standing trial on sexual assault charges killed himself, his wife and their two children just hours before he was scheduled to testify.

After Scott McCarter, 40, failed to show up for Thursday's court session, officials went to his house and found the bodies of McCarter, his wife, Wendy, his 12-year-old son and 7-year-old daughter. County Prosecutor Ronald Casella said the victims appear to have died from gunshot wounds...
Man Charged in Stabbing Death of His Estranged Wife Man Charged In Winston-Salem Stabbing Death

Jeffery Neal Garner, 27, was placed in the Forsyth County Detention Center with no bond allowed, according to a statement from Winston-Salem police.

Officers responded to 823 W. 7th Street just after 8 p.m. Tuesday. Ashley Mabe Garner had multiple stab wounds and was taken to Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, investigators said. She died at the hospital.

Garner was her estranged husband, police said. He will appear in court June 23.
Man charged with killing wife, kidnapping daughter

The man who disappeared with his 16-month-old daughter hours after his wife was found stabbed to death in their Little Village home Sunday night was charged Wednesday with murder and kidnapping.

Fidel Carrasco, also known as Daniel Medina, was charged with first-degree murder in the death of Maria Medina, 29, and aggravated kidnapping of a child under the age of 13, according to a release issued by Chicago Police News Affairs.

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