*MERGED THREADS*GUILTY or NOT GUILTY? (Florida jury instructions added)

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Casey Anthony is

  • Guilty

    Votes: 446 91.8%
  • Not guilty

    Votes: 14 2.9%
  • Unable to reach a verdict

    Votes: 26 5.3%

  • Total voters
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OH NO!! Not frustrating at ALL.....interesting to me!!!

And I know that opening statements are not evidence but they ARE statements of what each side INTENDS to prove....

So Baez has put us on notice that he INTENDS to prove that Caylee died accidentally in the swimming pool....

...And if I were a juror, even though JB's opening was quite... well, frankly, bizarre, this whole case is so bizarre that I think I wouldn't be able to say that I was reasonably sure that the prosecution has proved the death was the result of a criminal act. Like I said, I would be comfortable saying that Casey is culpable in the death in some way, therefore I could go with manslaughter.
Those cases haven't made it to court though. I was very young during the Jon Benet Ramsey case. It's late now, 3AM :crazy:, but I will be reading up on it tomorrow. Now regarding Madeleine McCann's, her body was never found, so I don't really put much value on what's been said. There's really not much evidence in that case to conclude anything. Nothing compared to all the evidence in this case. On that note, time for my beauty sleep. Goodnight all. :rocker:
Good night. :) The detective Goncalo Amaral who was the lead investigator on the McCann case wrote a book about the evidence, including cavader dogs, pointing unequivocally to the fact that the child died in the apartment that night, and that the kidnapping was a cover story. Sweet dreams.
Guilty of first degree murder. Also guilty of aggravated child abuse and making false statements to LE.
Good night. :) The detective Goncalo Amaral who was the lead investigator on the McCann case wrote a book about the evidence, including cavader dogs, pointing unequivocally to the fact that the child died in the apartment that night, and that the kidnapping was a cover story. Sweet dreams.

I didn't know that. Should I stay up and google? No, no. Tomorrow is a new day!

And for those riding the fence, or worried that the SA has left stuff out, please remember that the State gets the final say. They get to present rebuttal to anything the DT might dream up.
GUILTY, Pre meditated. I can sleep at night and live with that verdict. :maddening:
Those cases haven't made it to court though. I was very young during the Jon Benet Ramsey case. It's late now, 3AM :crazy:, but I will be reading up on it tomorrow. Now regarding Madeleine McCann's, her body was never found, so I don't really put much value on what's been said. There's really not much evidence in that case to conclude anything. Nothing compared to all the evidence in this case. On that note, time for my beauty sleep. Goodnight all. :rocker:

Good night :) Definitely looking to more discussion as this progresses.
Those cases haven't made it to court though. I was very young during the Jon Benet Ramsey case. It's late now, 3AM :crazy:, but I will be reading up on it tomorrow. Now regarding Madeleine McCann's, her body was never found, so I don't really put much value on what's been said. There's really not much evidence in that case to conclude anything. Nothing compared to all the evidence in this case. On that note, time for my beauty sleep. Goodnight all. :rocker:

sorry, off topic, but regarding Madeleine McCann - her story breaks my heart... I still pray she is alive somewhere w/a loving family!
I haven't followed the trial story closely as have most posters; and I'm receiving most information for the first time from this trial testimony.

I don't believe the DT's "story" about the accidental drowning; or George hiding the body of Caylee. I seriously doubt KC's sexual abuse accusations against GA and LA.

I have problems with the following:
Not having a cause of death.
Not understanding why Caylee's body was in the backyard; since the dogs found the "scent of decomposition" in the Anthony backyard.
Not understanding why KC borrowed a neighbor's shovel, since there were shovels in the Antony's garage.

I have a problem with the Jury asking to see the "heart evidence" - since I didn't think Jurors were allowed to discuss the case or evidence prior to deliberations.

I believe KC killed Caylee; but I'm not convinced beyond reasonable doubt at this point.

Not having a cause of death. - unfortunately Caylee was just bones when found..not much can be told there unless she had trama to her bones, with there being none but there was duct tape on her mouth I would lean towards suffocation as the SA are doing

Not understanding why Caylee's body was in the backyard; since the dogs found the "scent of decomposition" in the Anthony backyard. On 6/17 I believe KC went to bury Caylee back there...backed into the garage, unloaded her to the backyard, laid her down by her playhouse, went to the neighbor's to borrow a shovel since GA had his locked up in his sheds. She then decided it was too hard to dig and/or figured probably not the best place since the smell coming from Caylee was strong so she loaded her back into the trunk and returned the shovel

Not understanding why KC borrowed a neighbor's shovel, since there were shovels in the Antony's garage. See above...the photos of the garage we saw with shovels were the neighbor's garage..I believe the A's had that stuff locked in a shed that she didn't have the keys to

I have a problem with the Jury asking to see the "heart evidence" - since I didn't think Jurors were allowed to discuss the case or evidence prior to deliberations. I believe when they were let go for break they probably or maybe just one said hey we didn't see that evidence that was admitted right before we were on break. I don't think it was discussed as to what the sticker was doing there but just they weren't shown it but it was put into evidence
Guilty in the 1st degree. Premeditated considering 1,2 and 3 strips of duct tape applied to Caylee's face. I can absolutely see how the tape would slide down during decomp.

I agree...especially because the time of premeditation is not any specific time. It can be only enough time for the thought, then the act. A few have said when they heard the duct tape evidence they imagined ICA was in a rage. I can see that so clearly.....in a rage-thinks "I'm going to kill her" and then, sadly, does it. So premeditation. 1st degree murder.
If the jury feels the duct tape was placed on her while alive, then they have to go with premeditation. She had enough time to reflect while she was tearing off and putting on three separate pieces of duct tape (and possibly a fourth, the one found by her little shirt near the tummy part - that could have been to bind her hands). If she was restrained and duct taped (and who would need to bind her hands otherwise?) that is total intent, imo. It only takes a split second to create premeditation. The whole thing had to have taken almost an entire minute to accomplish. Plenty of time to reflect and consider the actions being taken. If she was covering up an "accidental" drowning with duct tape to make it look like a kidnapping then there had to be something about the "accident" that she knew wouldn't fly or she wouldn't have needed such an elaborate cover-up for later.
Guilty of First Degree Murder of her little daughter Caylee Marie Anthony...this plus duct tape= Death Penalty.
Still can't shake the feeling the defense has another surprise in store, like KC admitting she lied about everything EXCEPT the accidental drowning. If she were to admit that she and she alone was responsible for Caylee accidentally drowning, it would turn this case upside down.
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