Identified! MI - Flint, WhtMale, ~50, near golf course, Dec'12 - Name withheld

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Nov 11, 2009
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FLINT, MI -- An aluminum flashlight, a dark-colored backpack and the incomplete skeleton of a man who likely died at least two years ago.

... in a wooded area of the Swartz Creek Golf Course.

... a white man who was about 50 years old when he died.

The condition of bones, some of which are missing, make police believe that the body has been exposed to the elements for at least two years.

"He was probably no taller than 6 feet ...

Police ... found other items, including: a dark-colored "California Pak" brand backpack with wheels and a handle; a 6-inch, red, aluminum flashlight; a long-sleeved, blue crew-neck shirt, and a dark-colored, insulated jacket.

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you missed the best part Carl. per the article:

Hosmer said he's reviewing more than 100 missing person reports for white men who have been reported missing from Flint in the last 10 years.

there is only ONE white male listed in Namus as being missing from Flint.

with more than 99% of the missing white men from Flint not entered in Namus, is there any wonder we can't make matches here?

edited - better yet, the one WM from Flint is Dennis D. Davidson last seen in 1981, more than 30 years ago!!! so if they have more than 100 from say 2002-2012, who knows how many more there were from 1981-2001?
It looks like a park abuts the golf course, so there is a pretty large area adjacent to the freeway of "green". I wonder if there is any homeless camps nearby?
There are no homeless camps anywhere in the area of the golf course. The golf course is along the expressway and its near the GM truck plant. If you pass the golf course and go on down the road and follow the curve to the right, it leads you to one of the main roads in the Flint suburbs that has restaurants, motels, doctor and dental offices, a large mall, some strip malls, a fitness center, and many other businesses. On the north side of the golf course is an area of big and expensive but older homes that are sort of secluded from the road. I really can't imagine how the bones with jacket and backpack and all could sit on the golf course for 2 years without anyone seeing them. I wish the police would have said what, if anything, was in the backpack, especially with it being a big one with wheels and a handle. The area of the golf course is not a high crime area but its not as safe as it was years ago either. The area where the restaurants are has panhandlers but I doubt if they are homeless.
Oh, I know where that is. My niece had her baby shower at one of the restaurants in or near that mall.
I assumed the extra clothes and flashlight was what was in the backpack. JMO
I didn't really give it a lot of thought, but I had assumed the shirt and jacket were on the bones and were what the man was wearing when he died. The jacket looked pretty worn out and dirty. Could be that the flashlight was in the back pack. I had thought that maybe he'd been carrying it and it fell on the ground. Its hard to know if the man was murdered or died of natural causes or freezing. Flint had 66 murders in the past year and I believe the same number the year before, and that's not counting the suburbs. So, murder isn't at all unusual in Flint.
I read some articles today about this case and was surprised to read that the bones were found on/near the 5th hole of the golf course. Since I see people using this golf course all the time, how could the bones sit there for two years without being seen. Didn't anyone play the 5th hole of the golf course for two years? The jacket, shirt, back pack, and flashlight were all muddy and weather beaten looking.
I read some articles today about this case and was surprised to read that the bones were found on/near the 5th hole of the golf course. Since I see people using this golf course all the time, how could the bones sit there for two years without being seen. Didn't anyone play the 5th hole of the golf course for two years? The jacket, shirt, back pack, and flashlight were all muddy and weather beaten looking.

As a golfer -- it seems entirely possible to me that nobody would notice. When you're playing golf, you don't usually have any reason to go into the woods. You're focused on your own ball and your own shots. The only reason you'd leave the fairway is if you hit into the woods and had to go look for your ball.

Some golf courses will keep the underbrush and poison ivy cleared out for 20 or 30 feet, but beyond that it's usually quite wild and dense. And in the winter, when the course is closed, not as many people go there -- sometimes cross country skiers or winter golfers, but not as many as summer.

So if he died there, or was left there, early in the winter, any stench would have dissipated by the time the course opened in the spring. The body would have been covered by snow and leaves and would be quite unlikely to be found unless somebody happened to walk very near him.

Initially I wondered whether he might have been a golfer who had a heart attack or something while in the woods looking for his own ball. If he was playing alone, it could be quite a while before somebody noticed him missing, especially if he was a "bandit" who snuck onto the course to play while it was closed. But golfers don't usually carry backpacks.
Ron Fonger | rfonger1@mlive.comAn update: Police have received no tips about the possible identity of this man as of today, Feb. 19, and are still asking for your help.
Anyone with information about the man's identity or his death can call 810-237-6945....
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