MI - Julia Dawson, 23, Sparta, 11 December 2004

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Julia's mother has given me a statement for those of you on the Internet who have followed this story and assisted in many ways, including prayer:

"Our family would like to thank the community, the police departments, and the media for their tremendous support in trying to bring home our Julia. Your continued prayers will be extremely apprieciated as the ivestigation continues and as we continue to deal with this tragedy. Everyone remembers her big smile, and unselfish, unconditional love for everyone she met. She also helped with our youth ministry, Kids in Christs Kingdom, who are kids many people don't want to go near. Julia loved being a part of their lives knowing that just playing with them once a week, was sometimes all they ever got to play. Her faith was so much a part of her, and she loved showing those kids God's love through her, and how glorious it is. I will get through today , with a smile in my heart, through the pain, knowing she is an angel now, smiling on us.

The Keenan Family"

Julia's funeral is today. Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.

Kelly Jolkowski, Mother of Missing Jason Jolkowski
President and Founder,
Project Jason
I keep thinking about this poor family. I hope the children are doing okay, poor babies!
l_harm said:
Her car was found about 3 blocks from her house and her body was found 12 miles from her car. She was dumped on US 131 about a week before she was found. They think she was dead about that long also. So you do the math, she was kept alive for awhile. I don't think any of her personal belongings were missing from her home. I don't know about the car. The cops are being quiet about it.

Thank you for replying. Someone kept her alive, and hidden. Poor lady...
l_harm said:
My daughter was good friends with her in school. In fact they lost touch with each other because of the Husband. Julia's family isn't violent at all. They are very giving caring people. The husband wouldn't let her have anything to do with her family for the last 3 years. Does that sound controling or what?! He had a child from a previous marrage. He lost custody and visitation with that child because of his violent behaviours. She had 1 son from a previous, and 1 with him. I think the grandparents need to attain custody of the boys at this time to protect them. He isn't smart from what I can gleen from people. I don't want to go into to much detail and risk giving him ideas.

Its a shame that she wasn't able to get herself out of that relationship long ago.. Hopefully there will be justice for Julia.
I would like to respectfully request that any information that has not been released by LE in this case not be posted on the open forums.

My concern is two fold. One, and most importantly, the children involved. Please consider the fact these children are vulnerable.

Two, I think everyone who knew and loved Julia wishes justice to be served for her.

The only way the children will be safe, and justice will be served, is if the gossip stops. By gossip, I simply mean anything that has not been released in a statement by LE or the family.

Please let LE do their job. This guy handling this investigation seems determined to get justice for Julia. I believe he will.

It took some months in other cases, but with patience and prayer....justice was served. Please try and be patient and respect this family.

Remember the children, consider their safety.

If anyone has any questions about this, please feel free to contact me. I am open to speaking with you, however will remain solid in my stance until someone is charged with the murder of Julia Dawson.

With prayers for justice, Lanie
I agree also and hope that the children remain safe. I hope they get him fast and string him up. Who is LE?
LE means Law Enforcement.

l_harm (interesting nick, btw), is it possible for you to link the story or article that states that Julia was kept alive for some time before her murder?

Thanks in advance!
God bless you, Lanie
Hubby's pic has been removed from Julia's website.

I did some work in the past tracking cyber stalkers, and I know many agencies watch this forum...

If I have something to share with them, I post it here for them to find...

as for feelings, when I first looked at his picture, I didn't get the feeling he was a monster like I did with Westerfield and Peterson...

I heard of a Mom online doing what she can to find child stalkers that recently got in trouble... If anyone ever steps this direction do it with friends in Law Enforcement. She could have felony charges against her for what was on her computer and the suspects might get set free because of entrapment...

I'm soo sorry to hear about Julia...
WasBlind said:
LE means Law Enforcement.

l_harm (interesting nick, btw), is it possible for you to link the story or article that states that Julia was kept alive for some time before her murder?

Thanks in advance!
God bless you, Lanie
I don't know what a btw is. The link is the time of her going missing 12/11/04 and the results from the autopsy as far as the time of death 12/27/04 before they found her. And the date they found her 1/3/05. All of which are a matter of public record. You do the math.

My connection with her myself puts her time of death at about a week and a half previous to her being found. Around 12/23/04. But I couldn't get anyone to MOVE IT!!!!!:furious: To look at the sites that I reported to LE!!!!:furious: So leave it to LE!!:furious:

Trust me he will!! This is a response to a previous post.
angarella said:
Hubby's pic has been removed from Julia's website.

Because now it is being used as a Tribute site for her.
btw = by the way

l_harm, feel free to e-mail me, ok.
My addy is in my signature, it's HelpForTheMissing@yahoo.com
Just put "l_harm from WS" as the title, so I don't inadvertantly delete it, and thanks.

God bless you, Lanie
l_harm said:
I don't know what a btw is. The link is the time of her going missing 12/11/04 and the results from the autopsy as far as the time of death 12/27/04 before they found her. And the date they found her 1/3/05. All of which are a matter of public record. You do the math.

My connection with her myself puts her time of death at about a week and a half previous to her being found. Your connection with her???? I am confused. Did you know Julia? Where you with Julia??? WHat exactly is your connection with her? Around 12/23/04. But I couldn't get anyone to MOVE IT!!!!!:furious: To look at the sites that I reported to LE!!!!:furious: So leave it to LE!!:furious:

Trust me he will!! "he" being who and "will" being will what??
This is a response to a previous post.
I_Harm do you know Julia???
MistyGirl said:
I_Harm do you know Julia???

MistyGirl, if you click l_harms nick and scroll to all posts she has made, you will see that her daughter did, in fact, know Julia. She stated that.

In post # 37, Jenn asked
Jenn said:
I_Harm, do you know the family personally? ...

In post # 39, l_harm answers
l_harm said:
My daughter was good friends with her in school. ...

I hope this helps.

God bless you, Lanie
WasBlind said:
MistyGirl, if you click l_harms nick and scroll to all posts she has made, you will see that her daughter did, in fact, know Julia. She stated that.

In post # 37, Jenn asked

In post # 39, l_harm answers

I hope this helps.

God bless you, Lanie

Thanks it does help sort of I guess I found this comment strange:

"My connection with her myself puts her time of death at about a week and a half previous to her being found." I took at as she saw her or was with etc because of her "connection" with her she had a better idea of her time of death. I might just be me miss reading it, I guess that was why I asked.
MistyGirl said:
Thanks it does help sort of I guess I found this comment strange:

"My connection with her myself puts her time of death at about a week and a half previous to her being found." I took at as she saw her or was with etc because of her "connection" with her she had a better idea of her time of death. I might just be me miss reading it, I guess that was why I asked.

God bless you, Misty. Prayers for justice for Julia.
Blessings, Lanie
I have never met Julia, however I have a connection with Tim in the past. I knew his ex wife, (Battered) he has has at least 2 suspicious fires in his homes, and has a real temper. very strong guy. what husband wouldnt have been WAY more visible during this whole thing? all they ever talk about is the rest of her family. Totally naked body, not sexually abused? car within walking distance from home, body 12 -15 miles away? husband calls the next morning, not freaking out by midnight? Mark my words, LE is just putting their case together and will prove its him.
I think it is interesting since the Peterson case how quick to judgement that everyone is to point fingers at the husband. Keep in mind I thought in this country you were innocent until a jury presumed your guilt. I know how many people sat around and couldn't believe in their wildest dreams that "Mr. Fryling", someone of such high pretige, would have been involved with prostitutes but we all know how that case turned out. I still question the fact that if Julia was in anyway "not happy" in her marriage that she could have possible been meeting someone else. Not out of the realm of possibility that a wife and mother of two would be bored or sick of the control in her marriage to stray outside of it. Lets also not forget that if we convicted all husbands of being jerks to their wives when they come up missing or murdered and convict them on their past behaviors that we would have a lot of men in prisons today. Does anyone have any viable information of where the husbands whereabouts were in the hours of her disappearence?
Ryder97 said:
I think it is interesting since the Peterson case how quick to judgement that everyone is to point fingers at the husband. Keep in mind I thought in this country you were innocent until a jury presumed your guilt
I tend to point fingers at the husband because he has not made any public pleadings to my knowledge for Julia's safe return. I base my thoughts on a case by case basis, personally. However, I don't know anything for certain, so I go with first instincts.
You could be right ... it might be someone else other than the husband.
It could be a neighbor or another relative. It could be anyone at this point. There hasn't been much released about this case.

I do think it is interesting that no one has really mentioned these findings anywhere that I have seen regarding police called to Julia and Tim's home on eight separate occasions since 2001. "They've responded to everything from a neighborly dispute over a dog, to child custody issues, to aggravated assault."

From that same article:
"In one report Julia accuses a relative of coming to her house and quote .. "yelling in her face, telling her that he was going to kill her.." because of a dispute over a car.

In another incident police are called when Julia and an acquaintance get into a fight, where they were quote "..scratching and pulling hair while they were rolling around."

In more than one instance over a two year period people at the house were asked to take polygraph tests.

Once after the fight, another time after a break-in at the house that resulted in thousands of dollars in stolen property. "

My questions are
1: which relative told her he was going to kill her, per the quotes above?
2: who was the acquaintance that had gotten into an argument rolling around on the ground with her?
3: Why were people taking polygraphs and who took them?
4: Who broke into the house, what was stolen and why? Is it related to this case at all?

Also, later in that same article was this as said by Julia's mother:
"She added that Julia filed for divorce against her husband last spring, but her mother hadn't had a lot of contact with Julia or her husband in a while."

Why had the mother not had much contact with them?
Why were they getting a divorce and does that play into this case?

Lots of questions.
You are right though, may be too soon to point fingers at the husband, but we haven't heard much from him so he could be a suspect too.

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