Michael Jackson ~ new accuser files

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It seems everyone here who still believes MJ to be a pedophile are basing their opinions entirely on a "feeling".

Meanwhile, the evidence of who the true pedophiles are amongst the so-called "elite" is as plain as day and most refuse to see it.

Folks, Michael Jackson had long term (decades long) smear campaign attack placed on him, most likely by these very same elite pedophiles. They used his innocent adoration of children against him to attack him because he was very close to completely taking over the music industry... A haven for pedophiles.

Thats the straight up truth. Believe it or not. I believe we will see the truth someday.

I don’t see that people are basing their opinions of “feelings” at all. Personally, I’d rather believe, as you state, that this was a smear campaign by “elite pedophiles” who used his “innocent adoration of children” against him. If this is what you say is “straight up truth,” rather than opinion, you need to provide links.

IMO If someone has an “innocent adoration of children” and is accused of molesting them, he would unselfishly avoid ever again giving the appearance of inappropriate relationships, so as not to drag young children through these accusations by “elite pedophiles.” He would protect those children, even if he had to temper his “adoration.” But a pedophile would selfishly just keep on keeping on with great hubris. Much like Jeffrey Epstein did after his joke of a “prison sentence.”
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I don’t see that people are basing their opinions of “feelings” at all. Personally, I’d rather believe, as you state, that this was a smear campaign by “elite pedophiles” who used his “innocent adoration of children” against him. If this is what you say is “straight up truth,” rather than opinion, you need to provide links.

IMO If someone has an “innocent adoration of children” and is accused of molesting them, he would unselfishly avoid ever again giving the appearance of inappropriate relationships, so as not to drag young children through these accusations by “elite pedophiles.” He would protect those children, even if he had to temper his “adoration.” But a pedophile would selfishly just keep on keeping on with great hubris. Much like Jeffrey Epstein did after his joke of a “prison sentence.”

Michael Jackson did many many great things for humans and children in particular.

You are saying he should halt that completely because some truly sick people of power put a smear hit out on him. I disagree wholeheartedly.
Michael Jackson did many many great things for humans and children in particular.

You are saying he should halt that completely because some truly sick people of power put a smear hit out on him. I disagree wholeheartedly.

No, you are putting words in my mouth. I said that he would avoid “giving the appearance of inappropriate relationships” with children if he was innocent. The children are what are important and Michael could have continued to do many great things for children without having “sleepovers” and focusing his attention on individual children. Once he was accused, if he was innocent he would have stopped putting children in that position, realizing how it looked. But a pedophile wouldn’t care and would just keep it up in order to satisfy their “sexual needs” as Barbara Streisand put it.

I’m still waiting for links about the “sick people in power” putting “a smear hit on him.” I would love to believe this is true. But at this point, there is too much evidence to the contrary IMO.
It seems everyone here who still believes MJ to be a pedophile are basing their opinions entirely on a "feeling".

Meanwhile, the evidence of who the true pedophiles are amongst the so-called "elite" is as plain as day and most refuse to see it.

Folks, Michael Jackson had long term (decades long) smear campaign attack placed on him, most likely by these very same elite pedophiles. They used his innocent adoration of children against him to attack him because he was very close to completely taking over the music industry... A haven for pedophiles.

Thats the straight up truth. Believe it or not. I believe we will see the truth someday.

Who are these people you are referring to because I can imagine that we would all agree that these people are also paedophiles. Their guilt does not make MJ innocent.

I do not base my judgement on feelings. MJ is a textbook child abuser. Every single red flag behaviour, he exhibited. Go and do your research on CSA and grooming.

I also would love to see the evidence of this "smear campaign" because it seems to me that everybody knew exactly what he was up to and let him get away with it for years.
Michael Jackson did many many great things for humans and children in particular.

You are saying he should halt that completely because some truly sick people of power put a smear hit out on him. I disagree wholeheartedly.

BBM: Oh yes, he did didn't he. Unfortunately, he did not do these things out of the goodness of his heart. It was all part of his grooming process...

Red Flag #1

A person might offer a reward (such as money, toys, treats or holidays at Neverland, trips to Disneyland, a house for your parents) for doing something that violates a body safety boundary

Red Flag #2

A person might try to manipulate a child into believing body safety boundaries are not really important and that most people do not obey body safety rules. To make safety rules seem unusual and sexual acts seem normal, an abuser may try to show a child *advertiser censored*. BIG RED FLAG!!!

"If you loved me, you would sleep in my bed."

"There's nothing sexual about it, it's an expression of love."

There are more, and he fits every single one.

The truth is already out I'm afraid, it was out decades ago and it is not going anywhere.
Who are these people you are referring to because I can imagine that we would all agree that these people are also paedophiles. Their guilt does not make MJ innocent.

I do not base my judgement on feelings. MJ is a textbook child abuser. Every single red flag behaviour, he exhibited. Go and do your research on CSA and grooming.

I also would love to see the evidence of this "smear campaign" because it seems to me that everybody knew exactly what he was up to and let him get away with it for years.

What red flag behaviour? What "grooming".

Everything you are saying is based on what tabloids (controlled by the real pedo's) told you. There is no factual basis for MJ being a pedophile.

Elvis on the other hand..... how come nobody talks about him. There is a plethora of celebrities and people in positions of power who were/are clearly pedophiles. Nobody acknowledges it because the fake news media doesn't talk about it. They choose what you believe.

BBM: Oh yes, he did didn't he. Unfortunately, he did not do these things out of the goodness of his heart. It was all part of his grooming process...

Red Flag #1

A person might offer a reward (such as money, toys, treats or holidays at Neverland, trips to Disneyland, a house for your parents) for doing something that violates a body safety boundary

Red Flag #2

A person might try to manipulate a child into believing body safety boundaries are not really important and that most people do not obey body safety rules. To make safety rules seem unusual and sexual acts seem normal, an abuser may try to show a child *advertiser censored*. BIG RED FLAG!!!

"If you loved me, you would sleep in my bed."

Facts please. These are anecdotes. Certainly not enough in my mind to consider one of the most compassionate entertainers of our time a freakin pedophile. You've been duped. Thats my opinion.
"There's nothing sexual about it, it's an expression of love."

There are more, and he fits every single one.

The truth is already out I'm afraid, it was out decades ago and it is not going anywhere.
What red flag behaviour? What "grooming".

Everything you are saying is based on what tabloids (controlled by the real pedo's) told you. There is no factual basis for MJ being a pedophile.

Elvis on the other hand..... how come nobody talks about him. There is a plethora of celebrities and people in positions of power who were/are clearly pedophiles. Nobody acknowledges it because the fake news media doesn't talk about it. They choose what you believe.


No, you are wrong. I have given you examples of red flag behaviour and how he fit those profiles. You have simply chosen to ignore it. The information I have provided is not from tabloids, it is information formed by professionals in the field of CSA, established children's charities and children's advocates that is designed to educate children, parents and the wider public about the modus operandi of peadophiles. It is to educate and alert parents and keep children safe from child abusers like MJ.

Do you really believe that is normal or acceptable for a middle aged man to sleep with 8 year old boys? I mean, really?? Would you be okay with it if he was a school teacher, or a youth club leader? Or do you just give him a pass because you like his tunes?

Oh, and those quotes are from MJ himself and Gavin Arvizo. Those words came out of their mouths, not from the tabloids.
What red flag behaviour? What "grooming".

Everything you are saying is based on what tabloids (controlled by the real pedo's) told you. There is no factual basis for MJ being a pedophile.

Elvis on the other hand..... how come nobody talks about him. There is a plethora of celebrities and people in positions of power who were/are clearly pedophiles. Nobody acknowledges it because the fake news media doesn't talk about it. They choose what you believe.

Jerry Lewis anyone.
No, you are wrong. I have given you examples of red flag behaviour and how he fit those profiles. You have simply chosen to ignore it. The information I have provided is not from tabloids, it is information formed by professionals in the field of CSA, established children's charities and children's advocates that is designed to educate children, parents and the wider public about the modus operandi of peadophiles. It is to educate and alert parents and keep children safe from child abusers like MJ.

Do you really believe that is normal or acceptable for a middle aged man to sleep with 8 year old boys? I mean, really?? Would you be okay with it if he was a school teacher, or a youth club leader? Or do you just give him a pass because you like his tunes?

Oh, and those quotes are from MJ himself and Gavin Arvizo. Those words came out of their mouths, not from the tabloids.

Yes, you have given examples of red flag behaviour but provided no evidence of MJ participating in it. Just anecdotes. Personally i dont accuse people of pedophilia based on anecdotes.

I agree, the red flag behaviour examples do not come from tabloids, but the way in which you relate them to MJ come from tabloids and fake news media.
You know, if this wasn't so scary it would be hilarious. You have been duped. You believe what MJ wanted you to. Truth.

Whats scary is the fact that people can accuse someone of pedophilia based on the anecdotes they are told by media sources when they are ignoring the clear as day evidence of the real pedophiles.
Yes, you have given examples of red flag behaviour but provided no evidence of MJ participating in it. Just anecdotes. Personally i dont accuse people of pedophilia based on anecdotes.

I agree, the red flag behaviour examples do not come from tabloids, but the way in which you relate them to MJ come from tabloids and fake news media.

No, no I have not. I have given you multiple examples. Not anecdotes but things we know to be true and words that came out of his own mouth. You ignore everything that goes against what you believe based on your hero worship. You have spouted wild conspiracy theories with absolutely no evidence to back them up. When someone makes a point you cannot counter you just ignore it and move on to fake news. Someone could give you photo evidence and you would find some way of writing it off.

Before we continue, please answer this very simple question. Do you think it is acceptable, normal behaviour for middle aged men to share their bed with little boys?
There's no chance we're going to know who Michael Jackson really was...he's dead, so he can't tell us his "version of the story".
The only thing I know is that he was attacked for years and years and he was labeled a pedophile (even in some comedy movie like Scary Movie 3...)
Everything about his alleged pedophilia can't be now proved beyond any reasonable doubt
There's no chance we're going to know who Michael Jackson really was...he's dead, so he can't tell us his "version of the story".
The only thing I know is that he was attacked for years and years and he was labeled a pedophile (even in some comedy movie like Scary Movie 3...)
Everything about his alleged pedophilia can't be now proved beyond any reasonable doubt

But he did tell us “his version” of the story when he was alive. That he loves children and sleeping in the same bed is a loving act. No it’s not. He may not have molested every child he slept with, which would explain why some can conveniently deny that he molested them. But there is no doubt that he molested many, and had an interest in naked little boys. That’s neither normal nor loving. “Beyond a reasonable doubt” is a combination of testimony and circumstantial evidence. I believe it’s there, even though he’s dead.

And if he was innocent of these charges, he would have stopped behaving like a pedophile. But he didn’t.

Jeffrey Epstein was able to get away with sexually abusing underage girls. His plea deal with the government and “work release” prison sentence were because of his wealth and power. After his release, the rich and famous still flocked around this convicted and registered sex abuser. Same thing with Jackson. Money talks.
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But he did tell us “his version” of the story when he was alive. That he loves children and sleeping in the same bed is a loving act. No it’s not. He may not have molested every child he slept with, which would explain why some can conveniently deny that he molested them. But there is no difference doubt that he molested many, and had an interest in naked little boys. That’s neither normal nor loving. “Beyond a reasonable doubt” is a combination of testimony and circumstantial evidence. I believe it’s there, even though he’s dead.

And if he was innocent of these charges, he would have stopped behaving like a pedophile. But he didn’t.

Jeffrey Epstein was able to get away with sexually abusing underage girls. His plea deal with the government and “work release” prison sentence were because of his wealth and power. After his release, the rich and famous still flocked around this convicted and registered sex abuser. Same thing with Jackson. Money talks.
I know his behaviour towards children was really strange. But being a pedophile means having sexual intercourses with them. Maybe he had some kind of sick paraphilia but there's no proof he was a "real pedophile".
I know his behaviour towards children was really strange. But being a pedophile means having sexual intercourses with them. Maybe he had some kind of sick paraphilia but there's no proof he was a "real pedophile".

There are multiple men who claim Michael Jackson sexually abused them. I consider that to be proof. Being a “real pedophile” and being molested by one does not have to involve intercourse. That is not the definition of pedophilia, which is a form of paraphilia. Quoting Psychology Today:

Pedophilia is an ongoing sexual attraction to pre-pubertal children. It is considered a paraphilia, a condition in which a person's sexual arousal and gratification depend on fantasizing about and engaging in sexual behavior that is atypical and extreme. Pedophilia is defined as recurrent and intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children—generally age 13 years or younger—over a period of at least six months. Pedophiles are more often men and can be attracted to either or both sexes. How well they relate to adults of the same or opposite sex varies.

Pedophilic disorder can be diagnosed in people who are willing to disclose this paraphilia, as well as in people who deny any sexual attraction to children but demonstrate objective evidence of pedophilia. For the condition to be diagnosed, an individual must either act on their sexual urges or experience significant distress or interpersonal difficulty as a result of their urges or fantasies. Without these two criteria, a person may have a pedophilic sexual orientation but not pedophilic disorder.


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