Michael Jackson ~ new accuser files

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There's no chance we're going to know who Michael Jackson really was...he's dead, so he can't tell us his "version of the story".
The only thing I know is that he was attacked for years and years and he was labeled a pedophile (even in some comedy movie like Scary Movie 3...)
Everything about his alleged pedophilia can't be now proved beyond any reasonable doubt

Who MJ really was is as clear as day, he never even tried to hide it. He spent decades dating and grooming little boys in the public eye, dumping them when they got too old for him.

There is rarely if ever anything more than circumstantial evidence in cases of CSA. Witness testimony is often the only evidence. Research some historical cases and see how they were prosecuted.

MJ spent a lifetime creating a character for himself. Presenting himself as a deity who was here to save the world. His reality was a damaged, narcissistic man who was enabled by those around him who were in awe of his fame and fortune. He thought he could have what he wanted when he wanted it, including the innocence of children.

If this discussion proves anything, it proves how far we have to go in educating the public about the warning signs of child abuse. I believe that some people are choosing to see MJ differently because of who he was, I can only hope that they do not walk around in real life with their eyes so tightly shut. To ignore the signs of a child abuser is dangerous.

This is an excellent video about recognising the signs of paedophilia.

Who MJ really was is as clear as day, he never even tried to hide it. He spent decades dating and grooming little boys in the public eye, dumping them when they got too old for him.

There is rarely if ever anything more than circumstantial evidence in cases of CSA. Witness testimony is often the only evidence. Research some historical cases and see how they were prosecuted.

MJ spent a lifetime creating a character for himself. Presenting himself as a deity who was here to save the world. His reality was a damaged, narcissistic man who was enabled by those around him who were in awe of his fame and fortune. He thought he could have what he wanted when he wanted it, including the innocence of children.

If this discussion proves anything, it proves how far we have to go in educating the public about the warning signs of child abuse. I believe that some people are choosing to see MJ differently because of who he was, I can only hope that they do not walk around in real life with their eyes so tightly shut. To ignore the signs of a child abuser is dangerous.

This is an excellent video about recognising the signs of paedophilia.


I just don't see it the same way you do, but I have a lot of respect for your opinion.

I just don't see it the same way you do, but I have a lot of respect for your opinion.[/QUOTE]

Thank you, that's kind of you to say. I'm curious as to how you do see it. What was he doing with those children?

I'm not trying to be confrontational. I think it is very important to have these discussions.
No, no I have not. I have given you multiple examples. Not anecdotes but things we know to be true and words that came out of his own mouth. You ignore everything that goes against what you believe based on your hero worship. You have spouted wild conspiracy theories with absolutely no evidence to back them up. When someone makes a point you cannot counter you just ignore it and move on to fake news. Someone could give you photo evidence and you would find some way of writing it off.

Before we continue, please answer this very simple question. Do you think it is acceptable, normal behaviour for middle aged men to share their bed with little boys?

Facts please. What words has MJ ever uttered that prove he was displaying red flags of pedophilic behaviour??

Michael Jackson is not my hero. I believe him to be a compassionate human being and I don’t think he deserves to be wrongfully accused.

The actual conspiracy theory here is exactly what you are spewing. A narrative that was contrived by the media many many years ago.

Odd behaviour doesn’t equal pedophilia. MJ probably had the oddest upbringing of any human who ever lived, so it is understandable to me.

I just think folks should focus on the real pedophiles that are controlling what we see in movies, on tv, in music and in politics. The evidence for it is open source if you are willing to research in depth.
Yes that grossed me out and I never understood it. Ugh. But buying the Beatles music was the last straw. I know Paul and Yoko didn’t want to buy the whole company, but it just seemed an unfriendly and greedy thing to do.

Buying The Beatles: Inside Michael Jackson's Best Business Bet

He bought a whole catalogue of music which included a whole slew of black music that he wanted control of. MJ and his family were/are well aware of the powers who control the music industry and their plans for black music. It was a sly move on his part but more than likely resulted in the allegations that came afterward and ultimately his murder. JMO
Facts please. What words has MJ ever uttered that prove he was displaying red flags of pedophilic behaviour??

Michael Jackson is not my hero. I believe him to be a compassionate human being and I don’t think he deserves to be wrongfully accused.

The actual conspiracy theory here is exactly what you are spewing. A narrative that was contrived by the media many many years ago.

Odd behaviour doesn’t equal pedophilia. MJ probably had the oddest upbringing of any human who ever lived, so it is understandable to me.

I just think folks should focus on the real pedophiles that are controlling what we see in movies, on tv, in music and in politics. The evidence for it is open source if you are willing to research in depth.

You are asking the same thing over and over, this is the last time I will answer it. I've already given you the quotes. If you want to hear them for yourself, the very disturbing interview he gave with Gavin Arvizo is on You Tube. Those words came out of his mouth, that's not a conspiracy theory, nor is the FACT that he as a grown man, shared his bed with a succession of little boys. Sick.

I've given you examples of red flag behaviour and you continue to ignore them. You refuse to address the question I have asked you about his sleepovers with underage children. You repeatedly dodge it because you know it is unacceptable and indicative of peadophilia.

I'm well aware that there are many high profile peadophiles, but as I have told you before, that doesn't make MJ any less guilty.

I have worked at a children's charity for a long time as an advocate for children who have been victims of CSA. I have sat through multiple court cases detailing this exact situation. I have seen it from all sides. There is no education you can give me on this, I am afraid.

Peadophiles come in many different guises but they all betray themselves eventually.

MJ was and will always remain a real life paedophile. You not being able to accept that is not going to change it.
He bought a whole catalogue of music which included a whole slew of black music that he wanted control of. MJ and his family were/are well aware of the powers who control the music industry and their plans for black music. It was a sly move on his part but more than likely resulted in the allegations that came afterward and ultimately his murder. JMO

But it's everyone else spewing the conspiracy theories? Give me a break.
I just think folks should focus on the real pedophiles that are controlling what we see in movies, on tv, in music and in politics. The evidence for it is open source if you are willing to research in depth.

You need to post links. Obviously you’ve done the research. It’s up to you to share it if you think it’s important for people to know.

He bought a whole catalogue of music which included a whole slew of black music that he wanted control of. MJ and his family were/are well aware of the powers who control the music industry and their plans for black music. It was a sly move on his part but more than likely resulted in the allegations that came afterward and ultimately his murder.

If you won’t post links, we’ve entered into tinfoil hat territory, I’m afraid.
You need to post links. Obviously you’ve done the research. It’s up to you to share it if you think it’s important for people to know.

I actually agree with him/her on the first point. I'm well aware that the world of celebrity and politics are awash with abusers who have enough money to control what they want us to find out...it's just that Jackson was one of them.
I actually agree with him/her on the first point. I'm well aware that the world of celebrity and politics are awash with abusers who have enough money to control what they want us to find out...it's just that Jackson was one of them.

Yes, the abusers of all “flavors” are ubiquitous, and the revelations of “Me Too” and Jeffrey Epstein are just a scratch on the surface. That doesn’t negate Michael Jackson’s guilt.

And when it comes to pedophiles, it is a lesson for parents to keep their children close. If an adult wants a close relationship with your child...run...no matter how many perks they offer. No adult who loves children who aren’t his own will sleep with them. And if he is unjustly accused of abuse, he will stop. Period. End of discussion.
Yes, the abusers of all “flavors” are ubiquitous, and the revelations of “Me Too” and Jeffrey Epstein are just a scratch on the surface. That doesn’t negate Michael Jackson’s guilt.

And when it comes to pedophiles, it is a lesson for parents to keep their children close. If an adult wants a close relationship with your child...run...no matter how many perks they offer. No adult who loves children who aren’t his own will sleep with them. And if he is unjustly accused of abuse, he will stop. Period. End of discussion.

I wholeheartedly agree.
Since there has been renewed discussion in this thread, I did a little Googling about the ever controversial MJ. Here are two items of interest that I found:

Brett Barnes's sister testified at the 2005 trial that Brett and MJ slept together hundreds of times, one-one-one, both at Neverland and on tour.

There is a fan myth about Jordan Chandler confessing that his father made him lie about MJ's sexual abuse of him. It was sourced to an obscure blog back in 2009, with no followup. Not even the tabloids picked up the story.
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Since there has been renewed discussion in this thread, I did a little Googling about the ever controversial MJ. Here are two items of interest that I found:

Brett Barnes's sister testified at the 2005 trial that Brett and MJ slept together hundreds of times, one-one-one, both at Neverland and on tour.

There is a fan myth about Jordan Chandler confessing that his father made him lie about MJ's sexual abuse of him. It was sourced to an obscure blog back in 2009, with no followup. Not even the tabloids picked up the story.
Oh, in my 2nd sentence in the post above, I meant to say one-on-one, not one-one-one!
Since there has been renewed discussion in this thread, I did a little Googling about the ever controversial MJ. Here are two items of interest that I found:

Brett Barnes's sister testified at the 2005 trial that Brett and MJ slept together hundreds of times, one-one-one, both at Neverland and on tour.

There is a fan myth about Jordan Chandler confessing that his father made him lie about MJ's sexual abuse of him. It was sourced to an obscure blog back in 2009, with no followup. Not even the tabloids picked up the story.

Thanks for the information. I've never been able to find the source of the rumour regarding Jordan Chandler's alleged recantation. Part of me would not be at all surprised if it was the Jackson estate who are responsible for a number of these stories. The one that sickens me the most is the rumour that Evan Chandler committed suicide because he could no longer live with the guilt of lying about MJ. I don't know what else was going on in Mr. Chandler's life, but this is a man who had to live with the knowledge that his son had been abused by someone he (perhaps naively) trusted. He had to deal with threats and slanderous lies about himself and his son. He had to live with the inevitable parental guilt that followed. To hijack this father's pain and use it for their own ends is evil and unforgivable and shows just how low this family and their followers are prepared to go.

CSA has far reaching consequences that last for generations. It is a poison that infests every facet of the lives of everyone around the abuser. I have mentioned previously about my school friend who was raped by our school teacher; his older brother could never cope with the knowledge of what had happened to his brother, he started to self medicate, got involved with drugs and, to cut a long story short, ended up murdered. This was a good family, with good parents who did nothing other than believe that they could trust a figure of authority who was supposed to be taking care of their kids. The abuser was eventually punished but he got away with the behaviour for years because he was "funny, kind and charming." Nobody wanted to believe it. If that abuser had kept his hands to himself, this family would still be together. This is just one of the reasons why I feel so strongly about this subject as a whole.

MJ like any other abuser, caused untold pain to these boys and their families, his fans and anyone clamouring to defend him are simply an extension of that evil. IMO.

you tube videos are crap. they have no relevance. >>>> :: posts you tube video :: :)[/QUOTE]

Nope, wrong. I did not say you tube videos were irrelevant at all. I said slanderous, victim blaming videos i.e. those made by MJ fans, people with no experience in CSA and bank rolled by the Jackson estate are crap. And they are. You know it, I know it and so does everybody else. The quote of mine that you have amended above actually says the following:

"I doubt a few victim blaming fan blogs and you tube videos are going to change my mind at this late stage."

It does not say ANY AND ALL You Tube videos. I consider my sources.

This video is not slandering anybody, it's not even a comment on MJ or the documentary itself, she makes that quite clear if you care to watch it. This is a video from a well respected psychologist with decades of experience in the field of CSA, it is not for or against MJ. The information presented in this video is accepted science on the psychology of paedophiles worldwide. There are a wealth of interesting and informative videos on You Tube.

If you would like to counter any of the arguments or science presented in the video please feel free.

And now I have your attention; since no MJ defender has ever been able to answer these questions, I will ask you aswell.

1. What was a middle aged man doing with underage boys in his bed?

2. Why do you think this was ok for him to do?

3. Are you ok with all middle aged men inviting 10 year olds to spend the night in their bed or just famous ones?

4. Exactly what level of fame does one have to achieve for predatory behaviour to become acceptable and how do we measure this? Twitter followers? Record sales? You Tube views?
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A lot of new information has come out that LN was a scam. That is not surprising for people who have actually studied the 2005 case (which was laughable) and know about the Even Chandler extortion scheme. LN was a fictional movie made by pedophiles for pedophiles. It literally promotes pedophilia by stating the kids liked it and wanted it more and more. Wade and James literally stated that they asked MJ for sex and looked forward to it. Yeah right! Gross! Why in the world are people here promoting that? MJ fans have found long lists of inaccuracies and outright lies. I saw that the movie on streaming sites is now down to 3 hours, and the lies about the train station, theater door, Grand Canyon etc etc are all cut out. I think that says enough.

You are asking the same thing over and over, this is the last time I will answer it. I've already given you the quotes. If you want to hear them for yourself, the very disturbing interview he gave with Gavin Arvizo is on You Tube. Those words came out of his mouth, that's not a conspiracy theory, nor is the FACT that he as a grown man, shared his bed with a succession of little boys. Sick.

I've given you examples of red flag behaviour and you continue to ignore them. You refuse to address the question I have asked you about his sleepovers with underage children. You repeatedly dodge it because you know it is unacceptable and indicative of peadophilia.

I'm well aware that there are many high profile peadophiles, but as I have told you before, that doesn't make MJ any less guilty.

I have worked at a children's charity for a long time as an advocate for children who have been victims of CSA. I have sat through multiple court cases detailing this exact situation. I have seen it from all sides. There is no education you can give me on this, I am afraid.

Peadophiles come in many different guises but they all betray themselves eventually.

MJ was and will always remain a real life paedophile. You not being able to accept that is not going to change it.

Apparently you did not sit through the case of the State of California vs. MJ, where MJ was acquitted of every false charge leveled against him. This after extensive and exhaustive investigations by local police and the FBI. Michael Jackson was innocent then, and he is innocent now, both legally and morally. The attempt to further defame this man after his death, and with no ability to defend himself is ruthless and disgusting. imo...of course.

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