Michael Rafferty Appeal?

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Swede's post #120 is an excellent summary which I also followed each day...Guilty of all 3 counts....murder 1st degree....RAPE of a 9 year old and abduction...I also suggest that you look at the evidence ( TONS) on the trail thread...kindly...Charlie 1023...I do not remember your user name during the trial...( excuse me if you were on here....there were many)....PLUS look for my tweets directly from the trial...I used twitter thru out the whole TRial (,on here by the way)...MR( can't even say his name)was deemed by the Judge Henney a " MONSTER" as stated also in swede's summary post...THE END...may you rot in Jail MR ,...where you belong...robynhood....!..oh most IMPORTANT...take a look at the video cam that caught Micheal rafferty ...driving away from the abuction of poor sweet tori outside her school after TLM lurd her to a parking lot down the street...ALL ON VIDEO here .....I shall never forget this case ever...Ont shall never either...RIP our ont angel ..TORI....:facepalm:
I am curious as to what anyone would consider concrete evidence in this case as to his full involvement.

I saw pictures and bank receipts and a lot of people from his past and present (at the time) that were put into evidence at the trial but not one tangable, credible person or shred of evidence that proves directly and clearly that he did this to this poor helpless girl. Imo there are people who end up taking the fall for something that they shouldn't only to justify our own needs as a society.

When you have a messed up girl like TLM admitting to the whole thing, changing her story numerous times as to the sequence of events, getting charged before this and directly after this for assault I start to scratch my head and wonder.

It is possible that a female can be the monster.....it doesn't have to be a man.

Just saying.....

MR's lawyer admitted that MR was there during the murder of VS, what more do you need? It doesn't matter which one of the 2 monsters hands did it, they are both guilty as they were both there when a helpless child was murdered.
MR got his fair trial, evidence shows his involvement, MR admitted through his lawyer he was present from the time Tori was abducted and put into his car, until the two perps buried her raped, broken, beaten and deceased body under a rock pile. DD saw to it the monster got his fair trial and proper conviction.

In an interview Sunday at his Toronto home, Mr. Derstine offered a simple explanation: his work is to guarantee an accused the right to a fair trial.

While he does consider his clients’ guilt, he said, it’s largely for tactical reasons: he has to understand how a jury will see them.

Why do a job like this?
The defence lawyer is the fundamental bulwark for the individual citizen accused of something by the state. The state has tremendous resources and they are usually backed up by the indignant and overwhelming support of the common people. It is extraordinarily easy for everybody to rush to judgment. To ensure that is not done, you have to pass through somebody like me. My role is to make sure that if there is a conviction, it is a proper conviction.

MR got his fair trial, evidence shows his involvement, MR admitted through his lawyer he was present from the time Tori was abducted and put into his car, until the two perps buried her raped, broken, beaten and deceased body under a rock pile. DD saw to it the monster got his fair trial and proper conviction.

In an interview Sunday at his Toronto home, Mr. Derstine offered a simple explanation: his work is to guarantee an accused the right to a fair trial.

While he does consider his clients’ guilt, he said, it’s largely for tactical reasons: he has to understand how a jury will see them.

Why do a job like this?
The defence lawyer is the fundamental bulwark for the individual citizen accused of something by the state. The state has tremendous resources and they are usually backed up by the indignant and overwhelming support of the common people. It is extraordinarily easy for everybody to rush to judgment. To ensure that is not done, you have to pass through somebody like me. My role is to make sure that if there is a conviction, it is a proper conviction.


Derstine must have known he was guilty (because the was there) and defended his client to the best of his ability so his client would get the least amount of prison time... it didn't work because the jury was smart enough to look at the mounds of evidence against him. I just can't believe people still think he's not guilty.

He would have been innocent had he not let Tori into his car, this whole thing would not have happened, I mean come on, he's not stupid, he knew if he left Woodstock with a kid in his car that wasn't his own, he could be charged with kidnapping... Nuh uh, he knew the whole time what Tori's fate was going to be from start to finish.

Eventually those people who still think he's innocent are going to have to come to grips with the fact that he's guilty and the sooner the better, those kinds of posts hurts the family needlessly.

Oh and Charlie1023 TLM was also convicted of murder. They are both monsters - and anyone who spends their time looking at kiddie *advertiser censored* and fantasizes about torturing and raping children in my opinion is a monster.
I am curious as to what anyone would consider concrete evidence in this case as to his full involvement.

I saw pictures and bank receipts and a lot of people from his past and present (at the time) that were put into evidence at the trial but not one tangable, credible person or shred of evidence that proves directly and clearly that he did this to this poor helpless girl. Imo there are people who end up taking the fall for something that they shouldn't only to justify our own needs as a society.

When you have a messed up girl like TLM admitting to the whole thing, changing her story numerous times as to the sequence of events, getting charged before this and directly after this for assault I start to scratch my head and wonder.

It is possible that a female can be the monster.....it doesn't have to be a man.

Just saying.....

BBM Maybe you should scratch your head and wonder why a 27 year old man was wanting to have any sort of relationship with with a 17 year old child; especially when he knew her troubled upbringing, present and past.

It's called ulterior motive.

UBM Just a suggestion if you're looking for evidence related to MR. Go back and read trial reports. But to simplify for you, he admitted to having Tori in his car via DD during trial, HE the MONSTER transporting her to the location where she was brutally murdered; a place well known to him. AND for approximately two hours or more, numerous stops along the way, did absolutely nothing to change the outcome. HE IS GUILTY AS CHARGED and I hope he is suffering thinking about his evil actions and those thoughts are eat away at his brain on a daily basis. JMHO.

Instead, the jury in this case convicted the accused solely on the basis of solid, admissible and overwhelming evidence that was directly relevant to the heinous deeds committed by Rafferty and his partner in evil on April 8, 2009. There can be no doubt that the jury got it right.

Your crimes have destroyed the lives of Victoria Stafford’s parents, her brother, her extended family and her loved ones. They have terrorized an entire community, who had thought its children could safely walk its streets, little knowing that people such as you lurked among them. That you were brought to justice is due entirely to the most massive and extraordinary mobilization of police resources that this province, and probably this country, has ever seen. Hundreds of officers, and many civilian volunteers, dedicated themselves to the daunting task of bringing Tori home, and hunting down her killers. Through their skill and determination, they managed to do both, and for that we are all grateful.

But most tragically of all, you have snuffed out the life of a beautiful, talented, vivacious little girl, a “tomboy diva” in the trustful innocence of childhood. And for what? So that you could gratify your twisted and devious desire to have sex with a child. Only a monster could commit an act of such pure evil. You, sir, are a monster.

This article is from May 10, 2012, and in it is some of the instructions given by judge Heeney. November 19th is fast approaching and here's hoping the decision will finally be decided MR will not be eligible for taxpayers funding on his ridiculous appeal. JMO.

Jury begins deliberations in Michael Rafferty murder trial

"It is my job to help you make a decision, not to tell you what decision to make," said Heeney in his instructions.

Heeney cautioned jurors that their decision should not be based on the horrific nature of the crimes or any sympathy they might feel for the young girl or her family.

"It is your duty to rise above emotional considerations and dispassionately decide this case based solely on the evidence," he said.

He told them they could decide if Rafferty is guilty of first-degree murder, second-degree murder or manslaughter if they believe he was the one who wielded the hammer, or helped or encouraged McClintic to kill the child.

Rafferty can be found guilty of first-degree murder only if the jury believes Stafford's murder was planned and deliberate, or occurred during the course of a sexual assault or abduction.

They also must decide if Rafferty raped Stafford, which McClintic alleges, and whether he was aware he was participating in her confinement, said Heeney.

Rafferty also could be acquitted of all or some of the charges against him if the jury does not feel the Crown have proved his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Justice Heeney reminded jurors that Rafferty's character should not be a factor in the case. This was presented in court when more than a dozen girlfriends testified about his behaviour in the days and weeks following Stafford's death.

"No jury will ever be in a better position to decide upon the facts of this case than you," he told them.

We will be in court next week if it actually happens.. Wish this would just shove his head up his a$$ and just disappear altogether so we can stop the restless, anxious days & nights of wondering how much more the family has to endure :-(
Let's hope the appeals court is as positive as in this case, and kicks Rafferty's case out the door.


Thanks for sharing JayFriend. Wow just disgusting IMHO. She made the conscious decision to drink and drive knowing she could be risking someones life and all she got was seven years. When are our laws going to become more fitting to the crime? She should have been sentenced to 25 years because she murdered someone. Someones beautiful innocent baby. :'( Thank God the other passengers survived. My heart goes out to this family for the loss of their precious wee one. MOO.

Gingyz I continue to pray the gets denied the right to use taxpayers money to fund his pathetic appeal. How pathetic that it is our money he is trying to use, but yet we the taxpayers get no say in how our hard earned money is spent.

Here's hoping November 19th the is denied and your family can move forward and put this torment behind you. Stay strong. Best wishes. :moo:
I honestly cannot believe that TORI"S precious family is being dragged into court.. again after being found GUILTY, GuilTY , Guilty on all 3 counts..Gingyzgirl this makes me so sick...Canadian laws need to be CHANGED BADLY!....I am praying for your family that this is finally ended with that perp...I cannot even call him by NAME I am so discusted...TAKE MR and throw away the key forever ...as Canada would not listen to what ONT wanted...in the petition for the tori law!........speechless...so very upset for tori's family...they have been thru enough already...robynhood...<3 to tori's family...to tori ...ont will never forget you our sweet angel..never...
On the weekend, I toured Kingston Pen which closed weeks ago. Part of the tour was the segregation unit. The tour guide was not allowed to mention inmate names but she did give clues to who was in certain cells. When she mentioned "Woodstock" and "little girl", I knew she meant Rafferty. I happened to be standing right beside it so I immediately peered in. My first thought was that he got his just desserts and this was truly justice. It was very, very small, much smaller than the pictures show. The bed was cement, there was a small steel toilet and sink, nothing else. The window was blocked except for a small square and from it I could only see the limestone wall of a building next to it. The shower down the hall that all the segregated inmates used was cement and about 2 1/2 feet wide. The exercise yard was smaller than I expected, just a small triangle of cement surrounded by a wire fence topped with barb wire. Beyond the wire, the only view was limestone walls. He could not even see a tree. The only thing you can see of this world is if you looked up-a patch of sky. I was told that prisoners here were locked in their cells 23 hours a day. The other hour was either for a shower or the tiny exercise yard but not both the same day. The air inside the prison is dank and heavy. It was (and is) a dungeon.

His time at KP was a living death and although he has been moved to another prison now I doubt it is much better. His new cell might be newer and might be a bit bigger but I'm sure it is much the same. You can bet that much of his time will be spent figuring out how to get out but I don't think he ever will.

If you get a chance to tour Kingston Pen, do go. See for yourself where the worst of the worst go. It's a hole. I would choose death.
His time at KP was a living death and although he has been moved to another prison now I doubt it is much better. His new cell might be newer and might be a bit bigger but I'm sure it is much the same. You can bet that much of his time will be spent figuring out how to get out but I don't think he ever will.

If you get a chance to tour Kingston Pen, do go. See for yourself where the worst of the worst go. It's a hole. I would choose death.

Snipped for space

Thanks Jaycee for the insight. I personally do not believe in the death penalty except for the most extreme cases like this one. However, on the other hand, I think it's worse for them to spend the rest of their lives in this kind of imprisonment, death is just too good for these monsters. They should spend the rest of their lives alone, with nothing but their thoughts for company and fed the bare minimum, just enough to keep them alive, they should never get out. None of this life with parole after 25 years, that's not a life sentence at all.
On the weekend, I toured Kingston Pen which closed weeks ago. Part of the tour was the segregation unit. The tour guide was not allowed to mention inmate names but she did give clues to who was in certain cells. When she mentioned "Woodstock" and "little girl", I knew she meant Rafferty. I happened to be standing right beside it so I immediately peered in. My first thought was that he got his just desserts and this was truly justice. It was very, very small, much smaller than the pictures show. The bed was cement, there was a small steel toilet and sink, nothing else. The window was blocked except for a small square and from it I could only see the limestone wall of a building next to it. The shower down the hall that all the segregated inmates used was cement and about 2 1/2 feet wide. The exercise yard was smaller than I expected, just a small triangle of cement surrounded by a wire fence topped with barb wire. Beyond the wire, the only view was limestone walls. He could not even see a tree. The only thing you can see of this world is if you looked up-a patch of sky. I was told that prisoners here were locked in their cells 23 hours a day. The other hour was either for a shower or the tiny exercise yard but not both the same day. The air inside the prison is dank and heavy. It was (and is) a dungeon.

His time at KP was a living death and although he has been moved to another prison now I doubt it is much better. His new cell might be newer and might be a bit bigger but I'm sure it is much the same. You can bet that much of his time will be spent figuring out how to get out but I don't think he ever will.

If you get a chance to tour Kingston Pen, do go. See for yourself where the worst of the worst go. It's a hole. I would choose death.

Thank you for sharing your perception of KP Jaycee. Very fitting confinements for a deliberate, evil murderer such as MR. I heard the tickets sold out within something like half an hour. Hope they offer more tours in the near future. Yes as much as I wish for the DP for these sickos to save taxpayers money and be rid of these evil people, on the other hand I see total confinement such as MR is getting very fitting. He needs to live and suffer knowing he will probably (hopefully) never see the outside of these confinements again. Never to enjoy the simpler things in life such as a walk in a beautiful park, a Tim Horton tea, a delicious, homemade meal, being able to spend time with other people, nadda nothing. He is caged like a vicious animal and rightfully so. JMHO.
He's entitled to legal process, whoever he is.

Big picture? He'll never be released, no matter how many appeals he attempts so it's all a big waste of time and money but hey, that's our system.
Keeping them alive is the worst punishment of all.

The DP doesn't work for a lot of reasons, but one obvious one is that it does nothing to deter a violent criminal.

Freaks like Rafferty never think they'll get caught.
So it seems the system has to be "fair" and as the article reads, they are basically "forced" into granting him this "right", BUT this doesn't mean he has the right to another trial. The evidence speaks for itself and who is he, this to determine how the jurors reached their verdict on first degree murder. IMO Judge Heeney went above and beyond instructing the jurors and moreso when they were deliberating and came back with questions for the judge. Here's hoping the doesn't have a leg to stand on with his appeal. I am feeling hopeful his appeal will get him nowhere just as PB's appeal got him nowhere.

May Tori's family stay strong and continue to have faith in our justice system which found him guilty on all three counts. Welcome SapphireSteel! And yes I agree, prison is hell and the worst punishment for these freaks like Rafferty. MOO.
Anybody know what piece of unlucky property in Canada is housing this sick freak now?
Keeping them alive is the worst punishment of all.

The DP doesn't work for a lot of reasons, but one obvious one is that it does nothing to deter a violent criminal.

Freaks like Rafferty never think they'll get caught.

I believe they should be televised. Executions, that is. It isn't a deterent unless you can see what's done.

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