Michael Tracey owes Jayelles and apology.

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Sep 13, 2003
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Tricia said:

Thanks to Cherokee for getting me this information.

I would be happy to make Michael Tracey a temporary member of WS so he can apologize to Jayelles for his childish email.

The real thanks goes to ENOLA for making and sending me the scans, then allowing me to forward them to Tricia.

Mr. Tracey shot his mouth off before getting his facts straight. All emotion and no research. What a fine recommendation for his "documentaries."

To clear up some BORG bull... Lou Smit is not part of the new documentary. He did not act as a consultant. That would not have been proper.

A Susan Bennett statement.

Worth repeating.

Don't hold your breath waiting for an apology from Tracey or any other member of the RST.

Sure sounds to me that Smit was a part of it.
Barbara said:
A Susan Bennett statement.

Worth repeating.

Don't hold your breath waiting for an apology from Tracey or any other member of the RST.

Sure sounds to me that Smit was a part of it.

Helgoth's suicide has been out there a long time. Lou Smit would not have to be part of this, and I doubt he would be. The National Enquirer is looking into it, as well.
The Santa Claus video is pretty strange, IMO, as well as the clip from the Arlie Berrilez (sp?) murder. I hope someone can watch this and report back on the "manhunt." Who is this violent pedophile? Also, not that you can necessarily believe the tabloids, but the NE said they can place Helgoth in the house prior to l2/26/96. Maybe this will be mentioned in the documentary.

It was a journalism professor that helped get Mr. Dowaliby released in the Dowaliby case, by looking into all the wrongs that were done to the Dowaliby. The BPD investigation could have been scripted from the Dowaliby case.
Maikai said:
It was a journalism professor that helped get Mr. Dowaliby released in the Dowaliby case, by looking into all the wrongs that were done to the Dowaliby. The BPD investigation could have been scripted from the Dowaliby case.

But it wasn't THIS one. This one doesn't have it right, and worse yet, he knows that and made the documentary anyway.

There are police departments and DA's all over the world that do all the right things. But again, NOT IN THIS CASE
Fire Michael Tracey and replace him with Garrett Ray. :twocents:

Two Colorado journalists honored as Best of Colorado

"Garrett Ray, an associate professor at Colorado State University, was presented with the Keeper of the Flame Award for extraordinary dedication to ethical, responsible journalism and professional integrity. Before teaching at CSU, Ray was editor and publisher of the Littleton Independent for many years".

Maikai said:
The Santa Claus video is pretty strange, IMO, as well as the clip from the Arlie Berrilez (sp?) murder. I hope someone can watch this and report back on the "manhunt." Who is this violent pedophile? Also, not that you can necessarily believe the tabloids, but the NE said they can place Helgoth in the house prior to l2/26/96. Maybe this will be mentioned in the documentary.

It was a journalism professor that helped get Mr. Dowaliby released in the Dowaliby case, by looking into all the wrongs that were done to the Dowaliby. The BPD investigation could have been scripted from the Dowaliby case.

Funny as to my knowledge the Dowaliby's were guilty too it was just bad police work that led to him (eventually) getting off.................I dont know if Id hold that up as a shining example .
Once the Rams finally admit no direct physical evidence leads to Helgoth...they will look for another dead pedo/killer to blame...and another...and another. Funny the evidence always leads back to the Rams.

Jayelles, don't hold your breath waiting for Tracey to apologize. He may be a professor of something but he doesn't know chit about the JonBenet case.
I bought most of the newspapers yesterday and today. There are various bits and pieces and I will be posting them on my Delphi forum.

The Sunday Times Magazine has a sympathetic piece by a young reporter called Martin James. FWIW, James also mentions that

One officer, however, believed in the innocence of the parents and helped by private detectives, delved further. They identified remarkable failures in the procedures of the original investigation and unearthed facts compellingly pointing in an altogether different direction.

Is the "officer" in question Lou Smit? If so, why is he talking to private detectives - who in turn are talking to Michael Tracey? Something stinks about this. If this guy is a serious suspect, why are they making a documentary about him? Are they making this documentary WITHOUT Lou SMit's approval? Won't this documentary potentially compromise a future trial?

HoraceMills typed the Times article up and posted it at Purgatory and I see jameson has copied it along with some other stuff that other from my forum that someone took the time to type up. jameson credited Horace with his transcript, but she didn't give any credit for other articles which she swiped from my forum. No probs, she won't get the chance to swipe any of the other stuff that will be getting posted there over the next few days.

I am hoping to speak to the author of the TV Times article tomorrow.

Now for the amusing part. jameson says:-

The reporter then comments on how a program made TWO YEARS AGO made public Lou Smit's theory. The BORG is trying to make this into some recent interview and cooperation in making THIS documentary. Jerks. Typical BORG attempt to discredit people, libel them.

No dummy. What gave the impression that Lou had been involved in the making of this documentary is the FACT that his photo appears in the article with the caption "Lou Smit believes that Michael Helgoth and an accomplice killed JonBenet". You don't need to take my word for it now, you've posted the scans of the article for all to see it!

Methinks that jameson and Tracey are making "much" ado about this ..... one wonders why. I am hoping the reporter will shine some light on it.

jameson also says :-

The reporter did a fair job - - but clearly is not a Ramsey addict and made an error. No big deal in my mind but the BORG will jump on anything.

Actually, I got the impression that of all the articles I have read about this documentary, THIS one appeared to have most background knowledge of the case. Again, I will be interested to chat with her and find out what she knows about the case. None of the other articles mention the handwriting experts, the polygraphs, the lack of co-operation, John's political aspirations.

Were these covered by the documentary?: Possibly, but I doubt it. Tracey's other documentaries didn't touch on these. I only found out about them when I began to study the case independently.
Jayelles, Tricia, Cherokee and Enola - Thanks so much for sharing all this. Jayelles, can you post a link to your Delphi forum or point me to where I can find it? :)
Here I go, jumping in and out of threads, but --

Weren't the Stines originally employed by the University? Someone connected with this case was involved with CSU...

Also, JAR was a student there. So, Tracey's bias may have been there from the beginning.
Jayelles said:
[Addressing Jameson...]No dummy. What gave the impression that Lou had been involved in the making of this documentary is the FACT that his photo appears in the article with the caption "Lou Smit believes that Michael Helgoth and an accomplice killed JonBenet". You don't need to take my word for it now, you've posted the scans of the article for all to see it!

I'm sorry we made the scans available for Jameson to STEAL, but I wanted everyone to see why it was natural to think Lou Smit was involved with the new documentary (aka blatent Ramsey propaganda). Lou's picture, with identifying caption, is included in the doc promotional material. Who WOULDN'T think he was involved?

How ironic that Jameson would post scans that underscore Michael Tracey's insulting e-mail fit was for nothing. He's obviously the kind that shoots first, and asks questions later. No calm, objectivity there.

Hey, TLYNN, good point. The Stines did work for CSU. Tracey is probably an old friend.

Britt said:
Jayelles, Tricia, Cherokee and Enola - Thanks so much for sharing all this. Jayelles, can you post a link to your Delphi forum or point me to where I can find it? :)


Britt, it's a semi-private forum for reasons which I won't bore you with but they are good reasons. Access to the private folders is dependant upon me recognising the poster and being satisfied that it isn't a particular poster who was hellbent on giving me grief. I check the visitor log periodically and If I recognise the hat of a new visitor/member, I automatically approve them to have access to the private folders. If you use a different hat at Delphi that I wouldn't recognise, and you want access to the private folders, then you can inbox me the other hat here (in confidence) and I'll deal with it.
I don't know what it's like in the U.K but very often here the reporter's name. phone number or email are listed after the article. They are usually very accessible and are willing to speak about an article they wrote. Perhaps you can call the reporter who authored the article in question?
Sabrina said:
I don't know what it's like in the U.K but very often here the reporter's name. phone number or email are listed after the article. They are usually very accessible and are willing to speak about an article they wrote. Perhaps you can call the reporter who authored the article in question?

THe author's name is below the article and a contact telephone number is at the front of the magazine. I phoned on Friday afternoon and got an answering machine. I understand that the reporters who write these articles are not always working 9-5 for the magazine that prints them and often they are freelance. I'd actually rather e-mail her for reasons of accuracy anyway. I'll try again today.

I did actually e-mail the author of another article about the documentary (in another magazine) to ask whether she'd seen the documentary before she'd written it or if she was working from material from the producers.
I got an e-mail back from one of the article reviewers this morning stating that "Yes", she saw the documentary before writing the review. I had asked if they previewed the documentary or if they composed a synopsis based on something provided by the producers.

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