Millard Properties: Locations and Ownership

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MOO, but I don't believe it was AS's job to tell WM that his business was doomed. He was hired as a consultant, not as a business advisor for WM. MOO, but it wouldn't be a very smart move as a salesman to tell the boss who hired you that the business is doomed. As far as we know, he was doing his job and attempting to find contracts in what we have learned is a very competitive industry. IMO it was up to WM to do his homework, and figure out if getting into the MRO aspect of aviation was a smart business venture. It was WM who invested $6.4 million dollars to build the hangar, AS was simply hired as an employee.

IMO the best time to "throw the towel in" was before WM invested the $6.4 million to build the hangar in the first place. Since that money had already been spent, with hangar built, tools bought, employees hired, and MRO certification received, they may as well have taken a chance at it IMO. Why sell everything to make just .20 cents on every dollar invested. If AS wasn't "doing his job" as some are speculating, maybe DM should have fired AS, and hired another consultant, rather than just calling it quits. Doesn't make sense to me. MOO:moo:
Dizzy-I definitely agree. Also, IMO, there would have been other senior employees that were working with WM-AS seems to be taking the heat for everything because to date he's the only one thats gone on the record for MSM. MOO
Dizzy-I definitely agree. Also, IMO, there would have been other senior employees that were working with WM-AS seems to be taking the heat for everything because to date he's the only one thats gone on the record for MSM. MOO

I'm also posting the Land Titles Parcel Register for Riverside. This is public information. "charge" refers to a lien/mortgage registered on title. To explain: On August 14, 2007, WM took sole title to the property as a result of CM's death. On November 15, 2007, title was transferred to DM for 1,085,900 and at the same time, WM took back a mortgage of 1,060,900.


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From all the information on the WWW of DM personality traits...

Please do show us all this information regarding his personality traits, let's say from the last ten years. I'll try to help:
1. There is the opinion of one person in AB's Post article, Mr. AS, that DM was a spoilt brat, in direct quotes. (Is that a personality trait?). He also said DM suggested they talk over dinner and they ended their meeting pleasantly.
2. There is the unnamed and unquoted executive of Millardair from the same AB article (-does that count, I'm afraid not under reasonable WS rules).
3.There is the unnamed and unquoted co-workers mentioned in the jailhouse letter blog. Again not credible enough under the WS rules).
* (the last two with no backup could very well be AB opinions and I dont believe she has ever met DM.)*
4. There is the real estate agent BN. Said he was "a nice enough young man.., good to do business with, very business-like in his approach". He also referred to him as a business-savvy young man who never flaunted his money.
5. There is the personal friend from France, BM Says DM is "always paying, always organizing things". (Dont you hate those types? Lol)
6. There is the friend of DM's girlfriend. Said she didnt know he was rich. He was soft-spoken and treated the girlfriend well.
7. There is the yacht rental dude, CB. He said DM seemed "completely normal".

Scary stuff!

Of course this means nothing without professional psychiatric evaluation. But please post what you found because based on what I found there are no red flags at all. Unless the personality traits you speak of are just your own assumptions based on your perceptions in this case. That would very prejudicial IMO.!/news/redirect/a7055af5b8d1b26038077f3270ca0467
Again, people with real mental illnesses probably don't appreciate it when people assume that unexplained motives suggest mental illness, especially when there is no corresponding evidence provided, or if people don't truly understand the real symptoms of these diseases. There have been links to pages describing the mental illnesses he has been accused of having, which showed that he does not actually display those symptoms to our knowledge. In most cases where there is apparent mental illness, it is apparent before they are arrested as well, and there are people who come forward and say how they could always tell that they were unbalanced. We have no such claims here, unless you want to count a penchant for dog biscuits as a mental illness.

And there have been links and Coles notes on the Israeli, LM and PA possible connections to the case, but you will have to look back in the threads to find them, <modsnip> some links have already been deactivated, which some here find interesting in itself.

Could it be these links are 'deactivated' because whatever companies, or corporations are referenced there do not wish to be drawn into, and implicated in something they have no involvement in MOO
From all the information on the WWW of DM personality traits, and peoples' opinions, lumping them in with the potential he is a murderer in the vilest of forms very well has grounds for mental illness. I am versed in regards to mental health and illness if that is any consolation. I spent many years employed in a mental healthcare facility and learnt a great deal in that area. If what people are saying in these articles are true, and DM is a murderer, he is more than likely one or the other, maybe both. And possible a narcissist HTH.

The Difference Between A Sociopath And A Psychopath

I have spent much time working with people in mental health field too so I feel as informed as anyone else to make comments on this matter. I find the comments suggesting DM is mentally or hormonally unwell to be baseless That is MOO

Could it be these links are 'deactivated' because whatever companies, or corporations are referenced there do not wish to be drawn into, and implicated in something they have no involvement in MOO

YES I think that is definitely the reason the links are deactivated, because they may be drawn into or implicated !!!!! Whether they have involvement or not has yet to be proven MOO ... In the mantra of the well conditioned...if they have nothing to hide...why hide ?
I am not sure where the bravery is in calling your former boss childish names when he is not in a position to defend himself. If AS was so brave, why didn't he have the guts to then tell them the MRO business was doomed last fall, was he just waiting for a few more paycheques first? I see nothing of value in AS's sensationalizing publicity grab, just a disgruntled former employee trying to put the blame for his failure on someone whom he knew could not speak back to correct the statements or properly defend himself, in my opinion.

I am also not sure how we can now sit back and judge someone's effort and whether or not it was honest or merely an act (meant to impress who, you do not say). And we do not even know if DM threw the towel in too early, or perhaps too late. For all we know, the argument with AS that DM diffused could have been because WM questioned the viability and was ready to throw in the towel last year.

And as for armchair diagnosis of any speculative mental illness that some seem to want DM to possess, I must really suggest that people do a little research into the actual symptoms of these mental illnesses and possibly even find some evidence to back them up before they start wild rumours that cannot be substantiated but are oh so convenient a label for want of a motive. Mental illnesses are actual diseases and deficiencies that real people struggle with, and to wantonly label things we don't understand as possessing a mental illness is as absurd as speculating that someone has a prosthetic limb because it is possible that they may have limped at one time, or that they have aids because they have lost some weight. Let us show some respect to those who have the tools to properly diagnose such illnesses and to those who actually have them who shouldn't be made to feel that their illness is comparable to and compatible with being accused of a heinous crime.
Juballee, I feel somewhat compelled to address WM and the assumption that the new Waterloo facility was somehow doomed or worse yet, somehow sabotaged by a competitor. Also, the attacks on AS, insinuating that he was incompetent are unwarranted and potentially damaging to this poor soul who's only fault was that he agreed to be identified in a news article. MOO

In defense of WM, IMO, WM knew exactly what he was doing and had more than enough assets to continue. WM & CM were well documented in Aviation history and IMO WM had an "expert" level of industry knowledge along with an ATPL and capital to boot. The Millards were very experienced operators as an AMO. IMO, without full knowledge of the CAR's surrounding air carriers, aircraft maintenance, knowing the difference between an AMO & MRO, type ratings, certifications etc, and other Transport Canada requirements involving aircraft, it is impossible for anyone to critique this new MRO in any intelligent and meaningful manner. MOO

IMO, as a holder of a Transport Canada CPL, I have found the conversation surrounding AS, as if he was the "main man" and reason for the plug being pulled on the new MRO frustrating. IMHO, with hundreds of hours of studying and classroom hours for my CPL, which does contain a tremendous amount of Air Taxi maintenance requirements, I would still have to make inquiries to a licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (with experience in this exact type of operation) to get all the details of what the personnel and other requirements would be necessary prior to even obtaining an MRO. IMO, even then it would not be an easy answer and I'm certain that they would be referring to CAR's in their answer to make sure they had all their bases covered. MOO

IMO, WM did know what he was doing, WM was extremely familiar with CAR's, WM did have enough capital and WM did have the ability to make his MRO a huge success. WM's biggest mistake is that he didn't have a son that shared his vision. JMHO.
Juballee, I feel somewhat compelled to address WM and the assumption that the new Waterloo facility was somehow doomed or worse yet, somehow sabotaged by a competitor. Also, the attacks on AS, insinuating that he was incompetent are unwarranted and potentially damaging to this poor soul who's only fault was that he agreed to be identified in a news article. MOO

In defense of WM, IMO, WM knew exactly what he was doing and had more than enough assets to continue. WM & CM were well documented in Aviation history and IMO WM had an "expert" level of industry knowledge along with an ATPL and capital to boot. The Millards were very experienced operators as an AMO. IMO, without full knowledge of the CAR's surrounding air carriers, aircraft maintenance, knowing the difference between an AMO & MRO, type ratings, certifications etc, and other Transport Canada requirements involving aircraft, it is impossible for anyone to critique this new MRO in any intelligent and meaningful manner. MOO

IMO, as a holder of a Transport Canada CPL, I have found the conversation surrounding AS, as if he was the "main man" and reason for the plug being pulled on the new MRO frustrating. IMHO, with hundreds of hours of studying and classroom hours for my CPL, which does contain a tremendous amount of Air Taxi maintenance requirements, I would still have to make inquiries to a licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (with experience in this exact type of operation) to get all the details of what the personnel and other requirements would be necessary prior to even obtaining an MRO. IMO, even then it would not be an easy answer and I'm certain that they would be referring to CAR's in their answer to make sure they had all their bases covered. MOO

IMO, WM did know what he was doing, WM was extremely familiar with CAR's, WM did have enough capital and WM did have the ability to make his MRO a huge success. WM's biggest mistake is that he didn't have a son that shared his vision. JMHO.

How do we know what vision DM had at certain times without it being pure speculation or secondhand knowledge?

AS going on record and throwing his former boss under the bus so vehemently doesn't make him a 'poor soul' in my opinion, I save that kind of sympathy for Tim Bosma or the families who are hurting in this situation. In my opinion, AS came off sounding like a spoiled brat in his interview, the kind who always tries to blame everyone else when they did not deliver.
How do we know what vision DM had at certain times without it being pure speculation or secondhand knowledge?

AS going on record and throwing his former boss under the bus so vehemently doesn't make him a 'poor soul' in my opinion, I save that kind of sympathy for Tim Bosma or the families who are hurting in this situation. In my opinion, AS came off sounding like a spoiled brat in his interview, the kind who always tries to blame everyone else when they did not deliver.
IMO, the action is clearly defined. DM cancelled the MRO in February.
"The company cancelled a key operational certificate required from Transport Canada in February, according to a departmental spokeswoman".

Why did DM cancel the "key operating certificate"? IMO, it had nothing to do with DM being distraught over WM's death, or AS not doing his job. Instead, it had to do with "key operating personnel" that were necessary for him to continue operating under the certificate requirements. IMHO, DM either 1) fired all of his key managers, engineers etc or 2) they decided they didn't want to work for DM without WM in the background and they quit. Either way, the value of Millardair MRO was reduced to 20 cents on the dollar. MOO
How do we know what vision DM had at certain times without it being pure speculation or secondhand knowledge?

AS going on record and throwing his former boss under the bus so vehemently doesn't make him a 'poor soul' in my opinion, I save that kind of sympathy for Tim Bosma or the families who are hurting in this situation. In my opinion, AS came off sounding like a spoiled brat in his interview, the kind who always tries to blame everyone else when they did not deliver.


Wayne Millard died in late 2012, leaving Dellen to take over the aviation business. The company soon asked Transport Canada to cancel its maintenance certificate, effective last Feb. 15. &#8220;The company requested that their certificate be cancelled following their decision to cease operations,&#8221; spokesperson Tina Morris said.


Airport general manager Chris Wood says he never saw those planes, but did see a mixture of smaller aircraft and non-aviation items.

&#8220;I haven&#8217;t seen activity consistent with what was indicated on their lease &#8230; ever,&#8221; he tells CTV News.

&#8220;It&#8217;s not a functioning operation as was originally conceived by Mr. Millard.&#8221;

Wood says he last met with Dellen Millard in March, three months after he had taken over the company following the death of his father, Wayne Millard.

They talked about Millard&#8217;s plans for the future of the company, which Wood recalls as potentially including a new tenant or different commercial business within the confines of the 50-year lease.

March 23 2013, looking for tenants:


Unfortunately just as the MRO was getting started, the president Wayne Millard passed away and the family decided to shut down the MRO.

That has left the family with a very large hangar and we are looking for tenants.

Ideally it is best suited for an MRO and/or airline, we are open to referrals and ideas.

March 24 2013, ad re sale of equipment:

IMO, doesn't sound like WM and DM shared a vision for Millard Air, an MRO, or much of anything within the aviation industry.
How do we know what vision DM had at certain times without it being pure speculation or secondhand knowledge?

AS going on record and throwing his former boss under the bus so vehemently doesn't make him a 'poor soul' in my opinion, I save that kind of sympathy for Tim Bosma or the families who are hurting in this situation. In my opinion, AS came off sounding like a spoiled brat in his interview, the kind who always tries to blame everyone else when they did not deliver.

Yes agreed its speculation.... being delivered as truth IMO. AS hardly looks like a poor soul to me either... I am surprised that people haven't done any independent sleuthing of AS outside of WS.... he does have an online footprint which extends past his aviation 'expertise' ..... I have wondered why he didnt sign up to work for the aviation company in Texas that has some connections to PA and co...or maybe he was working for them too.... who knows with all the subsidiary connections in the aviation field. JMO


March 23 2013, looking for tenants:


March 24 2013, ad re sale of equipment:

IMO, doesn't sound like WM and DM shared a vision for Millard Air, an MRO, or much of anything within the aviation industry.

I'm sorry but your quoted links are pretty much all dated after WM died...they could hardly share a vision if WM was not around. And if DM saw that the vision they may have had, had been sabotaged somehow, I see no reason why he shouldnt sell off goods and close up shop. If any vision we may have gets clouded by a serious thunderstorm of events outside of our control....then obviously its time for a new vision... n'est pas? JMO
IMO, the action is clearly defined. DM cancelled the MRO in February.
"The company cancelled a key operational certificate required from Transport Canada in February, according to a departmental spokeswoman".

Why did DM cancel the "key operating certificate"? IMO, it had nothing to do with DM being distraught over WM's death, or AS not doing his job. Instead, it had to do with "key operating personnel" that were necessary for him to continue operating under the certificate requirements. IMHO, DM either 1) fired all of his key managers, engineers etc or 2) they decided they didn't want to work for DM without WM in the background and they quit. Either way, the value of Millardair MRO was reduced to 20 cents on the dollar. MOO

If he fired them it was probably because there was never going to be any work for them because nobody wants to do their plane maintenance in Canada. MOO. There was no work and no contracts. If AS had firm contracts between Nov 12 and Mar 13, he wouldnt have to fire anyone. How long should the company keep paying a full MRO team?
I'm sorry but your quoted links are pretty much all dated after WM died...they could hardly share a vision if WM was not around. And if DM saw that the vision they may have had, had been sabotaged somehow, I see no reason why he shouldnt sell off goods and close up shop. If any vision we may have gets clouded by a serious thunderstorm of events outside of our control....then obviously its time for a new vision... n'est pas? JMO

Just a difference of opinion .. IMO, if one ever shared a vision with their loved one, they would ensure the continuance of that vision as part of their loved one's legacy. Other than WM's death, what constitutes "a serious thunderstorm of events ..."? They had their hangar, they had the certification, they had their executives and staff, everything was in place .. only difference being that WM died and DM shut down the dream.
Just a difference of opinion .. IMO, if one ever shared a vision with their loved one, they would ensure the continuance of that vision as part of their loved one's legacy. Other than WM's death, what constitutes "a serious thunderstorm of events ..."? They had their hangar, they had the certification, they had their executives and staff, everything was in place .. only difference being that WM died and DM shut down the dream.

Very true SB, although before DM's little "brush with the law", he was at least attempting to continue the vision of the EG Animal Welfare Fund (I think?) ;) :moo:
I am confused, are you saying that for AS being hired as a consultant, it would NOT have been his job to consult WM on what he was hired to do?

I agree in that I think that AS probably thought it would have stopped the paycheques to tell the boss that his business is doomed, and that then would have given him a motive to continue to pretend that there is still a possibility of getting contracts for as long as possible.

If I am correct, then by your own reasoning, the fact that they did take a chance on it for 6 more months after inquiring about selling it off for 20 cents on the dollar, was a waste, if, as you say, they should have thrown the towel in before it was built. Do we know when DM fired (or laid off) AS? Maybe he did hire someone else for the last 6 months for all we know? Which would again explain why AS had such unflattering things to say about his former employer.
Juballee, you are confusing me! 6 months? What are we talking about? WM died the end of November-and DM cancelled the MRO in February..that's 3 months..DM was dead 3 months later..or 6 months after WM died. Where are we coming up with the 6 months you're talking about?
Just a difference of opinion .. IMO, if one ever shared a vision with their loved one, they would ensure the continuance of that vision as part of their loved one's legacy. Other than WM's death, what constitutes "a serious thunderstorm of events ..."? They had their hangar, they had the certification, they had their executives and staff, everything was in place .. only difference being that WM died and DM shut down the dream.

Not at all..... AS failed to do his job and the contracts were sailing into the hands of PA...who appear to have a great deal of backing and influential connections. Any vision WM and DM may have had were seriously hijacked in my opinion. It's hard to continue a legacy when 'forces' beyond our control take over the reigns and 'force' the hand so to speak. JMO
Very true SB, although before DM's little "brush with the law", he was at least attempting to continue the vision of the EG Animal Welfare Fund (I think?) ;) :moo:

Can you provide some links to that please...not the obit as that was just a request.....just anything that tells of the EG Fund and any relevant fundraisers etc that DM may have been involved in....TIA
Juballee, you are confusing me! 6 months? What are we talking about? WM died the end of November-and DM cancelled the MRO in February..that's 3 months..DM was dead 3 months later..or 6 months after WM died. Where are we coming up with the 6 months you're talking about?

What does it matter ? 3 months 6 months 9 months....semantics IMO
What does it matter ? 3 months 6 months 9 months....semantics IMO
Blomquist, IMO, when portraying an event in relevance to a time period, there's a big difference between 3 months and 6 months. There's no need for exaggeration when the facts have been published many times, especially with seasoned posters and IMO it's certainly not semantics. MOO
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