Millard Properties: Locations and Ownership

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It is also possible she is selling because she has absolutely no interest in taking care of them. ...IMHO.

Correct me if I am wrong but outside of the Distillery district condo these were all CM legacy properties. Beyond the obvious need to free up capital for legal representation, perhaps she is also closing the door on the past. MOO
Correct me if I am wrong but outside of the Distillery district condo these were all CM legacy properties. Beyond the obvious need to free up capital for legal representation, perhaps she is also closing the door on the past. MOO

I agree..... I'd be doing the same thing....
Correct me if I am wrong but outside of the Distillery district condo these were all CM legacy properties. Beyond the obvious need to free up capital for legal representation, perhaps she is also closing the door on the past. MOO

Firstly, it certainly doesn't take divesting of multi-million dollars worth of property for legal representation, even in a first degree murder case.

Secondly, do we actually believe that a mother would acquire the "legal" right to deal with everything that belongs to her beloved son because he's just been plopped in jail facing 1st degree murder charges, and now that she has instant control, she seizes such moment in time to close the door on the past by dispensing of all her son's properties ??

Firstly, it certainly doesn't take divesting of multi-million dollars worth of property for legal representation, even in a first degree murder case.

Secondly, do we actually believe that a mother would acquire the "legal" right to deal with everything that belongs to her beloved son because he's just been plopped in jail facing 1st degree murder charges, and now that she has instant control, she seizes such moment in time to close the door on the past by dispensing of all her son's properties ??

Now that you have brought it up what is the ball park cost for representation from incarceration through a full legal trial? Do you have access to information on DPs retainer fees?

None of us know what DM's cash flow situation was like.. We understand that he had real estate assets but other than that we have no idea what state his liquid assets were in and have only heard anecdotally that he enough money to buy multiple Dodge 3500s. JMO
Firstly, it certainly doesn't take divesting of multi-million dollars worth of property for legal representation, even in a first degree murder case.

Secondly, do we actually believe that a mother would acquire the "legal" right to deal with everything that belongs to her beloved son because he's just been plopped in jail facing 1st degree murder charges, and now that she has instant control, she seizes such moment in time to close the door on the past by dispensing of all her son's properties ??


Why not? They dont have sentimental value to her and she may not be interested in pursuing any other value via rental.

The properties dont take care of themselves.

Would you actually believe she doesnt care to become a property manager? She is either retired or may have been living a life occupied by her own passions, paid or unpaid. And she's got a son in jail for murder 1, so she may have other stuff on her mind.
Now that you have brought it up what is the ball park cost for representation from incarceration through a full legal trial? Do you have access to information on DPs retainer fees?

None of us know what DM's cash flow situation was like.. We understand that he had real estate assets but other than that we have no idea what state his liquid assets were in and have only heard anecdotally that he enough money to buy multiple Dodge 3500s. JMO

No, I don't have access to DP's fees, but typically at the low end of the scale, a quick google indicates defence of a fairly straight-forward first degree murder cases might range in the $25 to $50k range. Obviously a more complex case such as the one at hand might require more (dunno, hazard a guess at maybe x5 ??). I would certainly say that if I were DP's client, and he was to charge upward of $1 mill, I'd be hauling off to the tax master.
Why not? They dont have sentimental value to her and she may not be interested in pursuing any other value via rental.

The properties dont take care of themselves.

Would you actually believe she doesnt care to become a property manager? She is either retired or may have been living a life occupied by her own passions, paid or unpaid. And she's got a son in jail for murder 1, so she may have other stuff on her mind.

No sentimental value to her ?? With full control of multi-millions in assets,, as custodian of my son's affairs, I'd sell off enough to pay a half decent property manager and a couple of hundred thousand for his defence. C'est ca !!
No, I don't have access to DP's fees, but typically at the low end of the scale, a quick google indicates defence of a fairly straight-forward first degree murder cases might range in the $25 to $50k range. Obviously a more complex case such as the one at hand might require more (dunno, hazard a guess at maybe x5 ??). I would certainly say that if I were DP's client, and he was to charge upward of $1 mill, I'd be hauling off to the tax master.

A million duckies? Whew.... If DM would run his mouth as much as DP has about the case, DM would likely be out on bail and/or charges dismissed AND heavier by a million duckies.:floorlaugh:
A million duckies? Whew.... If DM would run his mouth as much as DP has about the case, DM would likely be out on bail and/or charges dismissed AND heavier by a million duckies.:floorlaugh:

Aw c'mon ... look how much he's saving by getting 3 hots and a cot, courtesy of the taxpayers ;)
Aw c'mon ... look how much he's saving by getting 3 hots and a cot, courtesy of the taxpayers ;)

I's why I'm so upset about his bail....or lack of. DM using an ex corp. lawyer for a murder 1 charge..... he may become addicted to institutional food and bedding before this gets tried.
Why not? They dont have sentimental value to her and she may not be interested in pursuing any other value via rental.

The properties dont take care of themselves.

Would you actually believe she doesnt care to become a property manager? She is either retired or may have been living a life occupied by her own passions, paid or unpaid. And she's got a son in jail for murder 1, so she may have other stuff on her mind.

There are professionals who take care of this sort of thing. I'm sure DP could point her in the right direction. ;) Maybe she could have contacted AS the business development consultant, as he seemed very willing, interested and eager to come all the way from Texas on occasions to drum up business for Millardair. MB wouldn't have had to partake in anything to do with the properties other then to sign responsibility over to someone else. She could just carry on as usual kwim. :moo:

I see all the sales happening because DM's future is looking rather bleak so why hang onto the properties. Because the hangar and the farmland are tied into the crime, shows why they haven't been sold off yet IMHO. There is so much red tape to cut through and once that is all done, we will see them up for sale also. Not sure anyone would want the farmland considering what happened there. I guess there is always someone who can disregard what happened on that property kwim. Example being CM/WM/DM's house sold with buyers potentially knowing WM supposedly committed suicide there. T. Alexander's house in California sold considering it was the place where a brutal murder had taken place by J Arias. That stuff doesn't bother some people though. As far as the hangar goes; maybe Waterloo city will invest in it and run it as WM had intended/planned and then some. JMO.
I's why I'm so upset about his bail....or lack of. DM using an ex corp. lawyer for a murder 1 charge..... he may become addicted to institutional food and bedding before this gets tried.

And not to mention all the new friends he has met in his new digs. If he makes bail or found innocent, maybe he will continue to maintain those friendships. :moo::hills:
Aw c'mon ... look how much he's saving by getting 3 hots and a cot, courtesy of the taxpayers ;)

Knowing a `chef`at one of these taxpayer paid facilities.... I am told the eggs are powdered and the hots are not so hot in either sense of the word.

Plus...Styrofoam cups of cheap coffee and tap water...would hardly be considered a saving to me.....
And not to mention all the new friends he has met in his new digs. If he makes bail or found innocent, maybe he will continue to maintain those friendships. :moo::hills:

Are you suggesting that everyone in jail is guilty then and that not one of them is worth befriending.... Even the husband of an Ontario city`s mayor has been in jail and many cops and politicians..... maybe its these type people who you want to :hills: from LOL ... cant say I blame you...they are quite terryfying ;-)
I's why I'm so upset about his bail....or lack of. DM using an ex corp. lawyer for a murder 1 charge..... he may become addicted to institutional food and bedding before this gets tried.

Or maybe he knows that not all lawyers can be trusted.... JMO
I's why I'm so upset about his bail....or lack of. DM using an ex corp. lawyer for a murder 1 charge..... he may become addicted to institutional food and bedding before this gets tried.

I'm curious why you think it's a negative that DP worked for a corporate law firm for his first two years? He's been in criminal law for the last 17 years. That must count for something.
I'm curious why you think it's a negative that DP worked for a corporate law firm for his first two years? He's been in criminal law for the last 17 years. That must count for something.

And I am puzzled as to why it has been suggested by one poster here that a certain career criminal lawyer, who is known to lose high profile cases, would do a better job than DP. Is there any evidence out there of him performing poorly for many of his clients?
I'm curious why you think it's a negative that DP worked for a corporate law firm for his first two years? He's been in criminal law for the last 17 years. That must count for something.

BQ touched somewhat on it below but there is way more to it than just going from Corp. law to Criminal Defense or client/counsel trust.

DP is full of himself, to be civil. He by his own words, and as reported in MSM, indicated this in addition to his lack of communication/media skills.

DM is whatever he is at the time of arrest and is presumed innocent. DM has not VERBALLY hurt himself or his case. MSM has reported oddities in the owning of an incinerator with no livestock(which was purchased about the time LB disappeared, the death of his father WM(the alleged eyeshot) and being the last cellphone contact of LB. So all this together paints a reasonably damning picture so far of DM when benchmarked against involvement in TB's murder. BUT HE hasn't verbally hurt his case.

Now enter Mr diversion, Mr. overstatement, DP. IIRC at his very first media appearance even BEFORE TB was found, he was drumming that his client was 100% not guilty? His client was totally and completely in SHOCK by the allegations? Then when TB's, burned body was found, Paradkar denies his client knew the test ride ended in murder by saying He is concerned by the escalation in the charges? COME ON even a jr. criminal lawyer has better media sense than that.

I think DP is either inept, over his head, in denial or has a pathetic perception of the trouble his client is in. Then there was his self gratification piece on Napoleon.

DP spoke about his highest calling(to defend "cases" like this)but he can't answer a simple question on how the heck did DM get himself in this mess?
He sputters a corporate sounding BS sentence like uh "Gentlemen like him...and with his background......don't know how he would end up....with other individuals who may or may not be involved in this.... after the May court appearance......Gee, think he might should have been prepared? Or avoid the media? He sounded more like the Corporate PR person sent to speak to the press after an emergency incident with no clue.

Apparently he is stonewalling or he doesn't understand the gravity of the situation he and more importantly, his client is in. Either way he looks very unprofessional so far.

There is some question, in my mind, whether he and DM have yet had a "Come to Jesus" sit down talk about what DM did. If he hasn't had FULL DISCLOSURE from DM, then a good criminal defense lawyer should not speak publicly about innocence until he could answer this.........How did a UNASSUMING HUMBLE, INTELLIGENT, REMORSEFUL, PHILOSOPHER, GENTLEMAN become involved with psycho killers? As these(all caps) are his own words to describe his client IIRC.

If DM can't or won't answer that question then DP should drop him unless of course this is all about DP from the beginning.
He seems to be milking it for his own benefit at the expense of his client and he is damaging the public's eye of DM, then hinting at a change of venue?

His whole defense IMO based on the way he is playing this is going to be based solely on DM knowing the killer and giving him up.

MOO based on experience and all available reading material to date.
There is some question, in my mind, whether he and DM have yet had a "Come to Jesus" sit down talk about what DM did. If he hasn't had FULL DISCLOSURE from DM, then a good criminal defense lawyer should not speak publicly about innocence until he could answer this.........How did a UNASSUMING HUMBLE, INTELLIGENT, REMORSEFUL, PHILOSOPHER, GENTLEMAN become involved with psycho killers? As these(all caps) are his own words to describe his client IIRC.

Must Jesus be brought into it.... :trout: jmo

If DM can't or won't answer that question then DP should drop him unless of course this is all about DP from the beginning.
He seems to be milking it for his own benefit at the expense of his client and he is damaging the public's eye of DM, then hinting at a change of venue?

When it is said that someone is maintaining their right to remain silent.... I do not think that extends to a lawyer... If DM wishes to talk with his lawyer (which obviously he has, for DP to have relayed that there is a `story`behing this) that is up to him. That relationship should be confidential at this point and nothing to do with LE at this time JMO. I dont understand what you dont understand about this....

His whole defense IMO based on the way he is playing this is going to be based solely on DM knowing the killer and giving him up.

MOO based on experience and all available reading material to date.

Maybe he knows of the killer, not necessarily knows him.... thats always a possibility..... just as there are other possibilities imo
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