Millard Properties: Locations and Ownership

DNA Solves
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Snooper, IMHO, DM was not passionate about anything except making sure he could continue his power trip: including but not limited to planes, cars,guns, drugs, sex and murder. IMO he didn't kill WM because he was passionate about the business or mad- IMO, he killed his father because, as he discovered with LB, it's a pretty good way of getting rid of a big nuisance. He's a psychopath. He knew he'd get flooded with sympathy. He knew he'd finally have access to all the Millard moola plus have a good reason (grief) to fire all the MRO guys that were complaining about him to WM. He sure got to show them who was boss. He had the money to close the distillery condo and was free of answering to WM and wouldn't have to worry one minute about closing down his chop shop/auto rebuilding biz. MOO

In one breath he's telling AS that the coffers are running dry and with the stroke of a pen he's buying a condo on spec? Doesn't sound like something a person does when they're worried about money. Perhaps he had premeditated WM's murder for a very long time.
So passionate and angy...IMO no. He killed his dad because he wanted the thrill of having power over his father and the benefits of having him dead were so great- plus he had to do it before WM got married again! MOO

I agree that it wasn't a crime of passion in a heated argument. Why would you take a gun into a room to discuss something with your father, angry or not?

Snooper, IMHO, DM was not passionate about anything except making sure he could continue his power trip: including but not limited to planes, cars,guns, drugs, sex and murder. IMO he didn't kill WM because he was passionate about the business or mad- IMO, he killed his father because, as he discovered with LB, it's a pretty good way of getting rid of a big nuisance. He's a psychopath. He knew he'd get flooded with sympathy. He knew he'd finally have access to all the Millard moola plus have a good reason (grief) to fire all the MRO guys that were complaining about him to WM. He sure got to show them who was boss. He had the money to close the distillery condo and was free of answering to WM and wouldn't have to worry one minute about closing down his chop shop/auto rebuilding biz. MOO

But you are describing someone with the forethought to plan out a solution to all of his problems, plan ahead and get a gun, and the incinerator also shows forethought and planning. That's not like a psychopath, who acts impulsively without planning. Also say what you will be has a lot of friends and acquaintances, which is unlike a psychopath.

He's crazy and that's what crazy people do is not a good justification.

When this story first came up, people were talking about DM/WM as aviation tycoons and possibly even billionaires lol and we now see that is just not the case. It's apparent that the MRO was causing a cash crunch and the money spent on the distillery condo was likely formerly earmarked to help meet the MRO payroll. At the time of WM's death, the MRO was only costing money.

Up to then, DM was truly free to spend and do what he wanted judging by his travel, purchases, etc. It did not seem WM was trying to control him. They did seem to disagree in business though, and DM claims accounting skills to back his position.

If I were DM I sure as heck would rather have my father throw a few million into a Tim Hortons franchise than drag me into a highly cyclical industry that I don't care about through investing in the MRO. A Timmy's is a far less risky investment than a MRO.

Anyway I think it was about the money, not DM's pride

In one breath he's telling AS that the coffers are running dry and with the stroke of a pen he's buying a condo on spec? Doesn't sound like something a person does when they're worried about money. Perhaps he had premeditated WM's murder for a very long time.
So passionate and angy...IMO no. He killed his dad because he wanted the thrill of having power over his father and the benefits of having him dead were so great- plus he had to do it before WM got married again! MOO

And in one shot the bank put a $3.8M charge on the 6-plex. That would indicate the coffers were running dry. I'm sure DM was worried about money and was trying to flip a condo quick so that he could make some.

I think that DM cared that the MRO consultants were squandering his money without coming up with any signed contracts, but WM wanted to stay the course.
But you are describing someone with the forethought to plan out a solution to all of his problems, plan ahead and get a gun, and the incinerator also shows forethought and planning. That's not like a psychopath, who acts impulsively without planning. Also say what you will be has a lot of friends and acquaintances, which is unlike a psychopath.

You are describing a sociopath.

Here is a description of a psychopath, which I think largely covers DM:

"They (psychopaths) are very manipulative and can easily gain people’s trust. They learn to mimic emotions, despite their inability to actually feel them, and will appear normal to other unsuspecting people. Psychopaths are often well educated and hold steady jobs. Some are so good at manipulation and mimicry that they have families and other long-term relationships without those around them ever suspecting their true nature. When committing crimes, psychopaths carefully plan out every detail and often have a contingency plan in place. Unlike their sociopathic counterparts, psychopathic criminals are cool, calm and meticulous. They make few mistakes. A psychopath who becomes a serial killer would most likely conform to the FBI’s organized category of killer. The charming Ted Bundy provides a classic example of the poised, articulate and highly organized serial killer.

BBM From
You are describing a sociopath.

Here is a description of a psychopath, which I think largely covers DM:

"They (psychopaths) are very manipulative and can easily gain people’s trust. They learn to mimic emotions, despite their inability to actually feel them, and will appear normal to other unsuspecting people. Psychopaths are often well educated and hold steady jobs. Some are so good at manipulation and mimicry that they have families and other long-term relationships without those around them ever suspecting their true nature. When committing crimes, psychopaths carefully plan out every detail and often have a contingency plan in place. Unlike their sociopathic counterparts, psychopathic criminals are cool, calm and meticulous. They make few mistakes. A psychopath who becomes a serial killer would most likely conform to the FBI’s organized category of killer. The charming Ted Bundy provides a classic example of the poised, articulate and highly organized serial killer.

BBM From

:floorlaugh: Well, he certainly failed on the "make few mistakes" part, and didn't seem to have much of a contingency plan in place either.

Not too many businesses deal with cash only today..... illegal activity does not want a paper trail, is the only thing that comes to mind.

FWIW, I believe it is the company selling the product that chooses to deal only with a cash only account, not the purchaser. The seller chooses not to deal with credit. Kind of like this...

There has been no indication that either CM or WM were interested in cars or accumulated old cars as a hobby. WM apparently drove an old pick up and was very frugal and unassuming. And there are pictures of DM in the old classic cars as well as his friends purchasing old classic cars. Those were the types of cars they liked to rebuild. According to the article I posted above, in the last year of CM's life, they only had 6 aircraft left. Were any of the one's listed above in the recent sale of items? I believe DM had at least one helicopter and one small aircraft of his own (that may actually have been his father's) along with a stolen motorcycle and trailer, various jet ski's, cars, some of which also may have been stolen, an incinerator, a wood chipper, an engine hoist, various tools and cabinets and likely all of the equipment that either came from the old hangar or were purchased new for the MRO business.


Bell helicopter was bought by Millardair before CW passed away and they still have it according to the Cdn Cival Aircraft Register; also have CW's piper navajos and one has been posted for sale for $90k the other for $125k
So what business was going on at the hangar after WM's death that had regular deliveries going there? And who attempted to continue that business after DM's arrest? And what kind of business deals in cash only?

Not too many businesses deal with cash only today..... illegal activity does not want a paper trail, is the only thing that comes to mind.

On time delivery for stock automotive and machinery parts may be the one small time business that comes to mind for me. There are parts suppliers that make fast courier type deliveries to mechanics for example.
But you are describing someone with the forethought to plan out a solution to all of his problems, plan ahead and get a gun, and the incinerator also shows forethought and planning. That's not like a psychopath, who acts impulsively without planning. Also say what you will be has a lot of friends and acquaintances, which is unlike a psychopath.

He's crazy and that's what crazy people do is not a good justification.

When this story first came up, people were talking about DM/WM as aviation tycoons and possibly even billionaires lol and we now see that is just not the case. It's apparent that the MRO was causing a cash crunch and the money spent on the distillery condo was likely formerly earmarked to help meet the MRO payroll. At the time of WM's death, the MRO was only costing money.

Up to then, DM was truly free to spend and do what he wanted judging by his travel, purchases, etc. It did not seem WM was trying to control him. They did seem to disagree in business though, and DM claims accounting skills to back his position.

If I were DM I sure as heck would rather have my father throw a few million into a Tim Hortons franchise than drag me into a highly cyclical industry that I don't care about through investing in the MRO. A Timmy's is a far less risky investment than a MRO.

Anyway I think it was about the money, not DM's pride

And in one shot the bank put a $3.8M charge on the 6-plex. That would indicate the coffers were running dry. I'm sure DM was worried about money and was trying to flip a condo quick so that he could make some.

I think that DM cared that the MRO consultants were squandering his money without coming up with any signed contracts, but WM wanted to stay the course.

BBM - friends and acquaintances alright. You got lots of money or act like you do, everyone wants to be your friend. Throw some pretty wild, drug laced parties, so called friends will be there. What DM had were not friends. They're classify as "users". He had something they wanted = money and good times, drugs, jet skis, trips. Funny how all those "friends" came forward in the MSM to protest what a wonderful friend and great guy he was and defended him. I don't recall hearing any of that. Only the one(s) he bought things for. :giggle: JMHO.

BTW I like the way you think Kamille. I believe you've hit so many points dead on.

DM as intelligent as he is, didn't concern himself too much with how other businesses were doing. All he saw was he was put in a position where he was going to have to work for a living and that didn't appeal to him. He wasn't willing to wait around for possibly another 20 years before good ol' dad kicked off to get his hands on his inheritance. He probably figured if he had to run the show, there would be nothing left within a couple years.

I recall back to finding a shot of him captured by google maps, out in front of the multi unit rental property owned by WM, and DM appears to be out front on the street doing some curb work. I don't think it was because DM was frugal and liked working, I think it was because dear ol' dad told him he'd better start earning his keep. I think that was the boiling point; WM started putting a lot of pressure on DM to make something of himself and DM couldn't picture himself (with more than one designer suit), sitting at a desk, being a responsible businessman when there was too much fun to be had. But that's JMO.
I don't think the fact that they had advertisements out there looking for clients can be used to show that there were clients to be had, and actual demand for a MRO. In fact there were other bands of consultants out there attempting to set up MROs at the same time. Also, there was buzz about the hangar, yes, but some of those voices were saying it looks crazy to me.

The Region of Waterloo kicks in $6M a year to keep the airport running because the airport is not self supporting. The number of flights running out out of YKF per year since 1997 from Stats Can, where green is good, a big number, and red is bad, a low number:


You can see air traffic peaked with the stock market and internet 1.0 in that green patch. Now if there were to be another tech boom in Waterloo region maybe we would see air traffic like that again. Otherwise it is likely to be a long slow climb to regain those sort of numbers. The red patch of course refers to the recession that threw all the MRO guys out of work and on to the streets as consultants.

I don't think you are going to get an unbiased answer about the sales potential re: the MRO from the sales manager that failed to sign a deal. In sales, what other excuse is there, than if I just had more time?

And so DM's got crap in there...where is all CM's crap? I heard he had a shipload of it. I think what was inherited from CM, was likely a larger mass of junk, than what DM had. Say you have a 100 classic cars worth $10k each, that's $1M but you need 100 buyers to unload them to. The Toronto hangar situation sounded like Sanford & Son and no doubt they took it all with them to Waterloo.

The hangar was found fit for occupancy on Feb 23, 2012, but MillardAir did not get their Transport Canada certification for the MRO until Nov 1, 2012. It must have irked DM that the building was ready, but they were waiting on paperwork for 8 months.

But then hey, I have worked with the government, on one project all three project leads (this is democracy) on their end had multi-month psychiatric hospitalizations due to stress and we had to shut down May-Oct so that everyone could take their 3 month vacations, two years in a row. You never know how long it's going to take.

It looks like they were taking on additional staff as of September 2012 and at least one is still employed there.

Well the hangar was 125% of budget, $1.6M overspent, and since September there were staffed and paying for that, and I think DM saw that the hangar and MRO had sucked up all the cash, they were now paying out a full payroll, and AS had no one ready to sign anything.

It is only the former sales staff (AS, RK) that do not have Millardair on their resumes. All the other guys who worked there from Sept 2012 on, do.

This is something we may never know. But if someone could get in touch with AS, who knows, the truth may be told. It's a possibility there were potential clients who may have toured the hangar and didn't like what they saw going on within the hangar and voiced their negative concerns to AS when he followed up with them about signing/finalizing a deal. Could this be what made him take the trip down from Texas to meet up with DM? He wanted to check things out for himself, to see for himself what potential clients were complaining about? Did AS high tail it back to Texas and when WM contacted AS to find out what progress was being made, did things then come to a head, a boiling point with WM and DM? Once again dad was on his case and made a definitive threat that either DM get his act together or get the heck out. JMO.

I don't think one should rely too heavily on comparing how other businesses were fairing. I have seen many types of businesses offering the same business/service, but where many have failed there are those that thrive and boom very well. But that's JMO.

Things came to a head one day last November when Mr. Sharif, who lives in Austin, Texas, paid a visit to the new hangar and Dellen questioned him as to why no contracts were yet in place for the new Millardair aircraft maintenance and repair business.
NOt sure if this has been posted yet but the vehicles for sale that snooperduper found with others on here is in the news now:

Accused murderer Dellen Millard's cars, snowmobiles listed for sale on Kijiji
Items left at the aircraft hangar belonging Millard’s family company have appeared on the same site where Tim Bosma advertised his truck.

The latest item was posted April 9, one day before police involved in a joint investigation announced Millard had also been charged with first-degree murder in the death of his father, Wayne Millard, and Toronto woman Laura Babcock, who has been missing since July 2012.

The listed contact for the online advertisements is “Shane.” A Shane Schlatman — who is pictured in several Facebook photos with Millard, including one taken on a trip south for a racing competition — is one of several people Millard was ordered by a court on April 10 not to contact.
Schlatman’s name and contact information is also registered to the Millardair website.
The Star’s messages left at the number listed for “Shane” were not returned Monday.
:floorlaugh: Well, he certainly failed on the "make few mistakes" part, and didn't seem to have much of a contingency plan in place either.


The only "perfect" psychopaths are the ones who never get caught. Even Ted Bundy, the example in the article, slipped up as did PB and RW.

The TB murder was (apparently) the first time he tried killing in a situation that he didn't have almost complete control over - LB and WM were known, trusting victims in a space he could confine.

I think he had a pre-plan for Tim's murder in case it happened - it just wasn't a good one, and was where he met his limit for staying out of the spotlight as a "successful" psychopathic killer.
Wow, is there TS MSM lurker on WS? Can SS now be discussed since the name is in MSM?

You can discuss him within the context of the article. You can't sleuth him on social networks and post about it here.
On time delivery for stock automotive and machinery parts may be the one small time business that comes to mind for me. There are parts suppliers that make fast courier type deliveries to mechanics for example.

Maybe the onus is reversed. For example a business so poorly run and low on cash flow that legit businesses will only "supply" them with items paid for in cash. No 90 day net.
DM as intelligent as he is, didn't concern himself too much with how other businesses were doing. All he saw was he was put in a position where he was going to have to work for a living and that didn't appeal to him. He wasn't willing to wait around for possibly another 20 years before good ol' dad kicked off to get his hands on his inheritance. He probably figured if he had to run the show, there would be nothing left within a couple years.

I recall back to finding a shot of him captured by google maps, out in front of the multi unit rental property owned by WM, and DM appears to be out front on the street doing some curb work. I don't think it was because DM was frugal and liked working, I think it was because dear ol' dad told him he'd better start earning his keep. I think that was the boiling point; WM started putting a lot of pressure on DM to make something of himself and DM couldn't picture himself (with more than one designer suit), sitting at a desk, being a responsible businessman when there was too much fun to be had. But that's JMO.


I killed my dad because I wanna be a slacker?

Come on, DM was a busy guy, I think the only reason he would have stepped up and killed WM is if he perceived a problem with the business (MRO) and feared losing their fortune because of it.

He has semaphored this fact to us by stating his interest in Accounting on Facebook and by telling the TS, the thing on the top of his mind when LE came looking for him re: TB was the hangar's accounts

He woke up early to meet an accountant at his Waterloo Region-based aviation business, Millardair, an empire he inherited from his late father and grandfather.

Millard was fetching financial records for the company when two Hamilton police investigators arrived and started asking questions

What kind of problem gets DM out of bed early? Financial problems due to the MRO.

Everybody calls him a do nothing but between the chop shop, the MRO, the real estate deals, whatever hangar based business they had in there taking deliveries, etc. he was a busy guy.

DM bought construction materials like faucets on eBay and I think this shows he had an interest in sprucing places up in order to flip them, and wasn't just sitting around waiting for things to happen to him.

If the MRO had been left to run and gain clients, DM would not be running around in his Nazi SS suit in order to run it. I would say the MRO was dress code casual and DM had no fear of having to show up in a monkey suit every day.

Judging by all the crap he purchased that is now for sale, WM did not keep a tight leash on DM. That's why it is unbelievable that DM felt so controlled by WM that he would kill him just for that.

There had to be a financial problem at hand, where WM and DM differed in their concepts of how to solve it.
This is something we may never know. But if someone could get in touch with AS, who knows, the truth may be told. It's a possibility there were potential clients who may have toured the hangar and didn't like what they saw going on within the hangar and voiced their negative concerns to AS when he followed up with them about signing/finalizing a deal.

Well someone did catch up with AS (AB) and AS did tell his version of the truth. Something like, "I am unable to sell anyone on the MRO because of DM's junk." Come on, do you really think that would be a dealbreaker? Like you can't rent out office space because someone left a pile of boxes behind. Keep in mind that the hangar is more than an acre in size and DM did not have that much junk (as we can see now that it is all listed for sale). Come on, AS is just making thin excuses for a big professional failure. AS was hired to secure a deal, and he didn't, and AS says it was all DM's fault. Way to sling some ----, AS.

I don't think one should rely too heavily on comparing how other businesses were fairing. I have seen many types of businesses offering the same business/service, but where many have failed there are those that thrive and boom very well. But that's JMO.

Well lots of people do care, like the bank that wants to see your business case before they issue a loan.

That is how Millardair came to to be victim of hackers. Stratfor sells the kind of market research that you would need in order to get financing for a MRO. I would assume that the Business Development Manager a.k.a. AS was the one putting the case together to support the MRO.

Any bank wants to see the market research that shows that a project is going to be a success before they finance $8M in expenditures. No project this large would go ahead without research.

And it is totally possible to build a white elephant, which Wiki describes as "a valuable but burdensome possession of which its owner cannot dispose and whose cost (particularly cost of upkeep) is out of proportion to its usefulness or worth." which would certainly describe the hangar/MRO project.

Who would ever want to buy that hangar? I think the Airport hopes Millardair defaults in such a way that they end up with it, because they think it is super, but they don't want to pay millions for it. They'd have to beg the Region for the money because the Airport doesn't run a profit of its own. That is, they want it, but they have no money.

And who else would want to buy it?

With 10 people on the payroll from September, "cost (particularly cost of upkeep) is out of proportion to its usefulness" where usefulness is zero. Nobody wants MRO services. The market is saturated. The people who are in on the game, already have secured all of the customers.

And DM wrote in WM's obit, "His hope was for a time when cooperation would be the norm and competition was only friendly."

Is there any market for new MRO's in Canada? After all 4 shut down at the time they were trying to launch the Millardair MRO. The Canadian market is mature and a lot of the MRO's being built now are in developing regions like Asia & Pacific.

Things came to a head one day last November when Mr. Sharif, who lives in Austin, Texas, paid a visit to the new hangar and Dellen questioned him as to why no contracts were yet in place for the new Millardair aircraft maintenance and repair business.

Anyway that's why AS didn't have any contracts signed. He set up a hairdressers in a hippie commune. No demand. IMO, MOO

I killed my dad because I wanna be a slacker?

Come on, DM was a busy guy, I think the only reason he would have stepped up and killed WM is if he perceived a problem with the business (MRO) and feared losing their fortune because of it.

He has semaphored this fact to us by stating his interest in Accounting on Facebook and by telling the TS, the thing on the top of his mind when LE came looking for him re: TB was the hangar's accounts

What kind of problem gets DM out of bed early? Financial problems due to the MRO.

Everybody calls him a do nothing but between the chop shop, the MRO, the real estate deals, whatever hangar based business they had in there taking deliveries, etc. he was a busy guy.

DM bought construction materials like faucets on eBay and I think this shows he had an interest in sprucing places up in order to flip them, and wasn't just sitting around waiting for things to happen to him.

If the MRO had been left to run and gain clients, DM would not be running around in his Nazi SS suit in order to run it. I would say the MRO was dress code casual and DM had no fear of having to show up in a money suit every day.

Judging by all the crap he purchased that is now for sale, WM did not keep a tight leash on DM. That's why it is unbelievable that DM felt so controlled by WM that he would kill him just for that.

There had to be a financial problem at hand, where WM and DM differed in their concepts of how to solve it.
Snooper, you got me thinking about the accounts. When all the money was coming from WM's cheque book, DM only had to deal with dad about all the non-MRO expenditures that were going thru the company books...including, but not limited to the incinerator. HOWEVER, once a bank got involved lending money for the MRO, there would be much more stringent requirements, especially if the borrower was Millardair and not WM. The banks usually don't lend out millions to a corporation without monthly financial statements and I would think those would be prepared by the accountant. I seriously doubt the Bank would accept anything that DM prepared himself. IMO, WM may very well have found himself answering a lot of questions to the Lender and their confidence in his son running the show.

Perhaps WM's banker and accountant had drawn extremely high non- MRO expenditures to his attention and WM had no choice but to try to put the reigns on DM. This may have been the basis of the conversation that DM had with AS, when he said the family coffers were running dry- really meaning that the Millardair bank account was almost empty. IMO, that's why DM wanted to know from AS what the business was worth and ultimately why he had to plan to kill WM. There may have been a big financial problem-accountability to the Bank- he wasn't just spending daddy's money anymore. MOO
Or option 3, because the person who was supposed to be running the show was sleeping in until noon, refused to participate in meetings with potential clients or clear out the hangar to make it look presentable to potential clients? In other words, he used the hangar for his own purposes (just as he had with the old one at Pearson) and deliberately made sure that the business never got off the ground so he wouldn't have to be bothered trying to learn about and run a business he had no interest in. I'd say murdering his father would have been the ultimate assurance of that. He was probably angry at the amount it cost to build the hangar. I'm sure he wanted one, he'd always had one to "play around in" but the size and cost of the one that was built had cut into more of the family coffers than he cared for and it was looking to be just a cash drain with all the staff that had been hired. Not to mention he probably didn't want all those people around "his hangar". For most of his adult life it appears that he had a large unused hangar to have his parties and work on his toys in. Maybe he just wanted the same thing with the new hangar. Had he not been involved in the death of TB that's probably what the hangar would be used for today. He'd cover the lease with his real estate buy and sell profits and have his own personal playground.


So WM is dead and leaves behind a turnkey operation...and DM does not try to sell it or anything, he just kills it.

And speaking of killing,

@ 5:35

Reporter: His father's death in December, that seems to have been a turning point according to what we've heard so far?

DP: I don't think it was a turning point, the only thing that happened is he takes over the company, he's CEO his mom is Vice President. In terms of any kind of depression or that sort of thing, I don't see any of that, he's a very well balanced young man, good head on his shoulders and from what I've seen, very humble and unassuming. I had no idea until getting involved in this case who he was and he never presented himself as being some heir or anything, but very humble.
Why is SS selling off the vehicles? Is he on the "payroll" of Millardair? What is his position/role with Millardair? Is he one of the hangar's "clients"? Did DM transfer the ownership of the vehicles over to him? I suppose he is not on the no-contact list.
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