Misty Failed Polygraph Test

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I must be off my rocker, but I thought the big deal about the blankets was that they knew she was lying at that point of the story because the blankets had not been laundered. There were clothes in the washing machine that had been there for sometime, not freshly run following the washing of the blanket?

sometimes my lazy sons will pull a spun dry load out of the washer, put it on top of the dryer, ( rather than in the dryer to dry) and then proceed to do a load of their own, sometimes returning the original load to the washer or just leave it on top of the dryer to rot.:razz: can you beleive it? must be bad parenting...LOL
I must be off my rocker, but I thought the big deal about the blankets was that they knew she was lying at that point of the story because the blankets had not been laundered. There were clothes in the washing machine that had been there for sometime, not freshly run following the washing of the blanket?

Curiously, Misty added yet another qualifier in her recent videos: "The blanket she usually uses"......why add another qualifier? The blanket found on Haleigh's bed would never be known to anyone from LE or outside the family. Why would she need to qualify that blanket after having already qualified that blankets were washed? I believe there is a missing blanket and it IS the one Haleigh usually used. Misty was just adding this tidbit in order to convince people further that the blanket in the MH that night was Haleigh's regular blanket.
Curiously, Misty added yet another qualifier in her recent videos: "The blanket she usually uses"......why add another qualifier? The blanket found on Haleigh's bed would never be known to anyone from LE or outside the family. Why would she need to qualify that blanket after having already qualified that blankets were washed? I believe there is a missing blanket and it IS the one Haleigh usually used. Misty was just adding this tidbit in order to convince people further that the blanket in the MH that night was Haleigh's regular blanket.

Good point. The word choice in these interviews is starting to get to me.

Why not ... "her blanket" or "the dirty blanket" or "the smelly blanket" or "one of her blankets?"

The blanket story is definitely off.
I believe child endangerment could apply based on her living standards. Those children had no structure in their lives, they weren't served regular meals, their safety was never a issue. They existed, did what they wanted and witnessed vulgarity every day of their lives. These are just my humble opinions.

Those things are NOT child endangerment, according to the law. If it was, half the parents in America would be in jail right now.
Child endangerment is something like leaving a child in a car in 90 degree weather with the windows rolled up, or leaving a child alone for hours while you party in a bar, or putting a kid under the steering wheel and leaving the car running. IOW, it's knowingly putting your child's life in danger.
Casey Anthony was arrested for child endangerment because she didn't report her child missing for 30 days and lying to LE.
Misty and Ronald Cummings Speak Out About Tests

ST. AUGUSTINE, FL -- Misty and Ronald Cummings say they hoped Tim Miller of Texas Equusearch was going to help them find Haleigh Cummings, who disappeared in February.

Instead, they claim he took them out of town and tricked them the week of August 20th.


Thanks for the link. Here's some stuff I found hinky.

When leaving Putnam County, Misty Cummings said Miller told her and her husband they could not bring their cell phones with them. She said she did not ask why.

Miller said, "No it's false. Ron was afraid to talk on their cell phones because Ron said his phone was tapped and Misty's phone was tapped, everybody's phone was tapped. He said it won't do any good to get away because it's a Nextel phone with GPS on it."

Ronald Cummings told Clark, "My understanding is [Miller] did not want us to be tracked, I don't know if we were being tracked by the FBI. I don't know."

Miller said the phones were "their choice. One-hundred percent their choice." Miller said he did want them to be able to reach him and their families while in Orlando, so he did purchase a prepaid phone for them.

:waitasec: Hmmmm, should I believe Tim Miller or the Cummings? Hold on let me think? :slap: Tim Miller offers to take them to Orlando for a couple of days of rest on his dime and then all they do is defame him. :furious:

something I would like to ask though...why the he&* is it that in just about every high profile case...someone has to go and "do laundry" ???? think about it... Scott Peterson washed his clothes, OJ had stuff in the washer, Casey's mom washed the pants..
what other ones???

I heard about a case where some mobster was caught laundering money! :eek:

sometimes my lazy sons will pull a spun dry load out of the washer, put it on top of the dryer, ( rather than in the dryer to dry) and then proceed to do a load of their own, sometimes returning the original load to the washer or just leave it on top of the dryer to rot.:razz: can you beleive it? must be bad parenting...LOL

If they still live at home some extra (dirty and sweaty) chores should do the trick.

Curiously, Misty added yet another qualifier in her recent videos: "The blanket she usually uses"......why add another qualifier? The blanket found on Haleigh's bed would never be known to anyone from LE or outside the family. Why would she need to qualify that blanket after having already qualified that blankets were washed? I believe there is a missing blanket and it IS the one Haleigh usually used. Misty was just adding this tidbit in order to convince people further that the blanket in the MH that night was Haleigh's regular blanket.

Warning to everyone~ the following post has no facts to support it it's only speculation!

There is no way to know this at this point but I wonder if Haleigh had a blankie (lovie). One she used every time she laid down, you know the type some children get attached to?

I also wonder if that is what RC's Mother might have been talking about when she said (not her exact words) ~ there is something missing for the trailer something that should always be there for Haleigh?

Just a thought because of all the drama around the blankets story of that night.
Curiously, Misty added yet another qualifier in her recent videos: "The blanket she usually uses"......why add another qualifier? The blanket found on Haleigh's bed would never be known to anyone from LE or outside the family. Why would she need to qualify that blanket after having already qualified that blankets were washed? I believe there is a missing blanket and it IS the one Haleigh usually used. Misty was just adding this tidbit in order to convince people further that the blanket in the MH that night was Haleigh's regular blanket.

I agree. According to what we heard from MC during one of her recent tests (don't remember which one) - she, RC, Haliegh, and Jr. got up Monday morning (she made eggs for the children, they all went to GS's to get Haleigh's favorite shirt), then she, RC and Jr. returned home and slept 'til noon. I have to assume that they all had blankets Sunday night and Monday morning. That would lead me to believe that MC's blanket ended up in the van sometime after RC left for work, or she and RC slept under another blanket that has since gone missing. If not, there would have been no reason to remove a blanket from the window.

Bottom line - the blanket RC & MC used Sunday night/Monday morning is either missing, or it ended up in the van sometime after noon on Monday, when RC and MC finally awakened. I find it a little hard to believe that she and RC slept without a blanket Sunday night (IF MC was actually there), or that RC slept without a blanket throughout MC's alleged wild weekend.

I hope this makes sense! :waitasec:
Thanks Theonly1
What are they measuring. Voice? Heart rate, breathing??? I don't understand. She isn't hooked up to anything I can even see. She uses her hands at several times and nothing.

A few thoughts came to mind watching this. Before I can judge what percentage she's being deceitful in her answers to a few questions. What was her honesty/deceit score on the thousand of other questions she was asked. Where these the only questions she failed?
If she came to me and told me that story, making eye contact and crying actual liquid tears, I'd tend to believe her and do. :confused:

My hinky meter is off the scale with MC BUT --- I don't know whether the video is of the voice stress test or poly but it seems very free flowing and a ramble. I'd personally expect a structured set of questions, to focus in on the moment Haleigh was discovered missing and, to re-ask the same questions in different ways.

This was an interesting interview with MC and maybe it did voice stress but it was not structured as I had expected nor focused. MC was not allowed to settle into a calm from which variances could be measured but was nervous from minute zero, nudged in different directions, buttons pressed and, an emotional mess and, on the defensive.

I can make assessments from this but it was not what I expected.
What I see IMO, is a girl who will deflect LE attention fromherself and RC by throwing anyone and everyone she knows under the bus. i am waiting for her to say NayNay and Amber did it next.
Funny you should mention this. I think Amber and NayNay may be involved.
She was apparently out of the house on a 3 day bender of booze and drugs days before Hayleigh went missing. I don't think anyone would have to slip her anything. They would just have to show up with party materials when Ron isn't around, or even when he is given his history with the law. Sorry I know how much everyone feels for him but it is so patently obvious that drugs played a huge role in that household.

Just based on her appearence and demeanor in some of the early interview, I am going to hazzard a guess that inappropriate use of Oxycontin, barbituates or some similar depresent is part of her normal repetoire. She has those sort of dead looking unfocused eyes that are pretty indicative of those sorts of meds. And I am going to hazard a guess that noone slipped her a date rape drug to go do TV interviews. The girl looks to me like a heavy heavy pill popper.

BBM- funny you should say that because I was thinking of Oxy too.(hillbilly heroin)
But I'm still really curious to know what drugs she consumed on her bender.
I used to be a meth addict many many years ago. actually started around the age that misty is. If you have been on a stimulant for 3 days, without sleep, then unless you have more to get back ' up', youre gonna be sleeping on and off for the next few days....and when you do wake, its in a very dream-like state.
Also after that much time with no sleep, even without having consumed any drugs at all, you hallucinate. You just cant determine what is real, and what is not in that state.
Has it been revealed who she was with and what she took over the weekend?
also if she is taking any kind of meds now, rx'ed or otherwise, then wouldnt that affect the accuracy of the test?
I dont understand why they dont do drug tests when a LDT is performed.
I think the officers said, "Ron Cummings is always known to be in possession of a gun".....good grief! Hellooooo DCF, helloooo, Family Courts??

Alot of people are in possession of a gun doesnt mean their children should be taken away. The right to bear arms is the second Amendment in the bill of rights.
Curiously, Misty added yet another qualifier in her recent videos: "The blanket she usually uses"......why add another qualifier? The blanket found on Haleigh's bed would never be known to anyone from LE or outside the family. Why would she need to qualify that blanket after having already qualified that blankets were washed? I believe there is a missing blanket and it IS the one Haleigh usually used. Misty was just adding this tidbit in order to convince people further that the blanket in the MH that night was Haleigh's regular blanket.

It is pretty obvious to me after viewing the voice analysis test and the hypnosis session that Misty is trying to cast doubt on her brother and/or cousin. Someone on another site posted that Haleigh's blanket was found in her brother's van after Haleigh was abducted. Is this correct? If so, that would be the signficance of the blanket. Misty is saying she washed it that night, she put it on Haleigh and she knows for a fact it was in the house. So how did it end up in her brother's van? Do we know if the blanket found in the van (the van with all the mysterious scratches) the next day is the same one Misty wants us to believe she washed?

These people are playing games and in the meantime that little girl is God knows where.
So I've been reading back on this case Feb 12

VAN SUSTEREN: I know you both took a polygraph today. Did they say you were deceptive or not on the polygraph. Did they tell you how your results were? How were yours, Ronald?

CUMMINGS: Absolutely, they did. And it was not today that we took a polygraph. We took the polygraph yesterday. And, yes, we both did pass.

VAN SUSTEREN: Misty, what did they say about your results?

CROSLIN: You mean that I passed? She acts shock that RC said we both passed!

VAN SUSTEREN: Did they use the word "pass," or did they say there was no sign of deception?

CUMMINGS: They told me that I passed.

CROSLIN: They really did not say much to me.

All these months they both knew that MC didn't pass and she acted Shocked when RC said it. I'm going off to dig around somemore
Apparently they told both of them they passed...lol.

....RC will say everything to toot his own horn. What a jerk! He couldn't get those words out fast enough, could he?

...another interview he adds, yep, "passed it with flying colors". How many fathers of missing children behave so arrogantly. Does he even know the meaning of the word 'humble'. A very smug man/child he is. He has NO idea how well he passed...my goodness.

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