Misty's Learning Disabilities

If Crystal had been fighting for custody it would be a different story. As it is, like Malesherbes said, Crystal had minimal contact with her children.

If Crystal was the one then she would have taken Jr too.

No, it's not Crystal. The cops have turned her life inside out I would bet and found nothing connecting her.

Tricia I have read they haven't ever been to Crystals home, if I'm mistaken, please someone correct me. I would like to be clear on the facts. As far as Jr. Could the door had been left propped open, with all intentions of getting Jr., but that's exactly when Misty did rouse and wake and started moving through the house, thus putting an end to the abduction of both children?

I personally don't believe Crystal did it. I'm 50/50 on thinking Crystals side of the family versus a stranger/ or family on Misty's side abduction. I believe Misty, Haleigh and that home was bein watched.
If Crystal had been fighting for custody it would be a different story. As it is, like Malesherbes said, Crystal had minimal contact with her children.

If Crystal was the one then she would have taken Jr too.

No, it's not Crystal. The cops have turned her life inside out I would bet and found nothing connecting her.

While custody might not have been considered a factor by Law Enforcement, I think it is reasonable to investigate the theory that the back child support owed and an upcoming hearing for nonpayment of monies owed might figure into the equation somewhere.


snip~Before the five-year-old disappeared from her Satsuma home February 10th, there was tension building between her parents.

Court documents show Haleigh's mother, Crystal Sheffield, is behind in child support by about $4,100.

A motion was filed by the state's Department of Revenue on Ronald Cummings' behalf against Sheffield for contempt. It was dated February 3rd, a week before Haleigh disappeared.

A hearing was set for Sheffield for March 27. ~ end snip

In most video interviews that I personally have taken the time to view, Haleigh's mother appears to be genuine in her grief concerning her missing daughter. However, until we have proof positive from Law Enforcement that this theory has been thoroughly vetted and dismissed, I would not be so quick to think it impossible. Many people believe that money is indeed the route of all evil. JMO
If Crystal had been fighting for custody it would be a different story. As it is, like Malesherbes said, Crystal had minimal contact with her children.

If Crystal was the one then she would have taken Jr too.

No, it's not Crystal. The cops have turned her life inside out I would bet and found nothing connecting her.
I did say Crystal was cleared ,but, no one in her family has. LOL I do not believe Crystal is the one that physically took HaLeigh ,but, I believe she knows who did prior to it happening. JMO

Tricia Has it not crossed your mind that the fact that the Sheffields did not take Jr. is because it would of imeadiatly implicated Crystal and her family. If HaLeigh is only taken it could be considered an abduction for many different reasons and many possible POI's (Dang if it has not done just that). Has anyone forgot that JS was ex SO and went through an LE acadamy?
I did say Crystal was cleared ,but, no one in her family has. LOL I do not believe Crystal is the one that physically took HaLeigh ,but, I believe she knows who did prior to it happening. JMO

Tricia Has it not crossed your mind that the fact that the Sheffields did not take Jr. is because it would of imeadiatly implicated Crystal and her family. If HaLeigh is only taken it could be considered an abduction for many different reasons and many possible POI's (Dang if it has not done just that). Has anyone forgot that JS was ex SO and went through an LE acadamy?

Crystal is immediately implicated no matter what because she is Haleighs mother- the parents are always looked into first no matter what- maybe not implicated, but she would have been looked into very hard, regardless if we heard about it or not- We are not LE's co-pilot here-

While custody might not have been considered a factor by Law Enforcement, I think it is reasonable to investigate the theory that the back child support owed and an upcoming hearing for nonpayment of monies owed might figure into the equation somewhere.


snip~Before the five-year-old disappeared from her Satsuma home February 10th, there was tension building between her parents.

Court documents show Haleigh's mother, Crystal Sheffield, is behind in child support by about $4,100.

A motion was filed by the state's Department of Revenue on Ronald Cummings' behalf against Sheffield for contempt. It was dated February 3rd, a week before Haleigh disappeared.

A hearing was set for Sheffield for March 27. ~ end snip

In most video interviews that I personally have taken the time to view, Haleigh's mother appears to be genuine in her grief concerning her missing daughter. However, until we have proof positive from Law Enforcement that this theory has been thoroughly vetted and dismissed, I would not be so quick to think it impossible. Many people believe that money is indeed the route of all evil. JMO

bbm, interesting to add the amount was actually approx $12,000 iirc
If I open up a new thread for this subject, could we move it there, this is misty's possible disibilities thread? Or, one of the hard working mods could move these posts to a thread for this subject. HIA = Hugs in advance.

KOOL there have been many discussions on this topic in the past. Those threads always get cycled to the older pages. I am sorry I didn't realize where I was when I responded on the subject. :blushing:
And it is paid, and she continues to make her payments on time. Why is it everytime the discussion is on Misty and her possible connection to this crime, does it have to deflect to Crystal? It is tiresome.
KOOL there have been many discussions on this topic in the past. Those threads always get cycled to the older pages. I am sorry I didn't realize where I was when I responded on the subject. :blushing:

I screwed up again, sorry. I deleted my post. Don't know what's wrong with me, I thought we were discussing the latest drug buying incident here, when I went back to check, I realized I'm dumb. Sorry Darling, carry on.
And it is paid, and she continues to make her payments on time. Why is it everytime the discussion is on Misty and her possible connection to this crime, does it have to deflect to Crystal? It is tiresome.

debs, I don't think it happened quiet that way. It is hard to keep them all separated and I understand how you feel. I posted on this thread about Crystal and the investigation. Not to beat up on her. I'm sorry.

I want everyone and everything to be investigated. Not meaning to single out one or the other coming across to make Crystal look bad, but only to have a thoroughness in the investigation for Haleigh's sake, and the entire families sake.

To validate: The back child support arrears has been paid and caught up to date on Crystals behalf. It now is a resolved issue that was pending a court proceeding. Finished and done.
And it is paid, and she continues to make her payments on time. Why is it everytime the discussion is on Misty and her possible connection to this crime, does it have to deflect to Crystal? It is tiresome.

I was not trying to deflect anything onto Crystal. I was merely responding to a post Tricia added to the thread in regards to custody not being an issue. I have never believed Crystal to be involved in Haleigh's disappearance.
I did say Crystal was cleared ,but, no one in her family has. LOL I do not believe Crystal is the one that physically took HaLeigh ,but, I believe she knows who did prior to it happening. JMO

Tricia Has it not crossed your mind that the fact that the Sheffields did not take Jr. is because it would of imeadiatly implicated Crystal and her family. If HaLeigh is only taken it could be considered an abduction for many different reasons and many possible POI's (Dang if it has not done just that). Has anyone forgot that JS was ex SO and went through an LE acadamy?

bbm, and irrc he's local, was jailed in the past for non payment of child support, and also said Ron stole HaLeigh from him and now someone stole her from Ron
Still not the topic of the thread. Misty is the topic of the thread. and her alleged LD's.
I am not moving or editing any of the posts here this time I am just too tired to look through it all. Stay on topic of Mistys possible learning disabilities please. If somone goes off topic just alert and wait we dont sit on the forum 24 hours a day and we may not get the alert the second you send it.....

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