Misty's Learning Disabilities

No sicknesses, diseases or developmental physical issues is a gift, if so who gave them? The gift is the life, the loved one, the person we have in our lives that we must learn to tolerate, love and grow with them as we help them have as good a life as possible like the rest of us that are in pursuit of happiness. We know who gives the gift of life, the beautiful Mothers and Majestic God who says, "Always choose life".

God doesn't say "always choose life" .... but....I think Winston Churchill did.

There are many people who are gifted who have LD's. Are you suggesting now that they are an aberration of God?
God doesn't say "always choose life" .... but....I think Winston Churchill did.

There are many people who are gifted who have LD's. Are you suggesting now that they are an aberration of God?

Maybe Winston Churchill did, won't talk about what I don't know. But yes the Lord does say, "always choose life". Read it many times in scripture.

I really don't understand your last sentence debs, but be careful.
God doesn't say "always choose life" .... but....I think Winston Churchill did.

There are many people who are gifted who have LD's. Are you suggesting now that they are an aberration of God?
That's not wat was said, it was said that ADD/ADHD was a gift. Totally seperate concepts.
No one is saying it is not possible to be successful w/ a LD, but those peope are in the minority. And most likely had a supportive family.

Having a supportive family does not make someone fail a lie detector test- or voice test, and that doesn't make someone pretend to be under hypnosis- Lots of people have had a bad home life and are capable of telling the truth and knowing right from wrong- Misty is not some super being who is above basic human emotion- jmo
Having a supportive family does not make someone fail a lie detector test- or voice test, and that doesn't make someone pretend to be under hypnosis- Lots of people have had a bad home life and are capable of telling the truth and knowing right from wrong- Misty is not some super being who is above basic human emotion- jmo
Ok, I think I misundertood, I thought you put the links as examples of people who made it even though they had a LD. I didn't realize you were linking to failing lie detector tests, voice tests, etc. I musta missed the post about Misty being a super being, I think she has shown that she is not and has shown basic human emotion. Not sure I understand what you mean by that part either, sorry. :waitasec:
Maybe Winston Churchill did, won't talk about what I don't know. But yes the Lord does say, "always choose life". Read it many times in scripture.

I really don't understand your last sentence debs, but be careful.

You said all are gifts from god. You said LDs are not gifts. If god is who gifted us, then what we are given is as gifts from god. You said they weren't, and therefore I was confused because that would mean you are saying they are aberrations of god.

Pardon my confusion as to your thoughts there.
You said all are gifts from god. You said LDs are not gifts. If god is who gifted us, then what we are given is as gifts from god. You said they weren't, and therefore I was confused because that would mean you are saying they are aberrations of god.

Pardon my confusion as to your thoughts there.

To be honest, I don't know what aberrations mean, never saw that word before? I'm even more confused by your above post and comments, of what I'm saying. I'm not saying "all are gifts from God". Im saying "Life" is Gods gift. Nevermind, I'm too confused and don't want to say the wrong thing, I can't follow your thoughts, my bad for sure.
Knock the crap off. Kool is NOT the one who said LDs are a gift in the first place she was responding to someone else. I have about had it with people assuming that because we do not allow debate on religion that when someone is religious and voices it in their posts it is not allowed. There are many of people in this world who live their lives based on God and it shows in everything they do and say--that doesn't mean they are shoving religion down your throat, there is a big difference.
Nor should one's religious beliefs which permeate everything they do dictate to everyone one encounters as to the way in which they should live their lives. The experiential aspect of LD's.....that which everyone can attest to having come into contact with or is someone with an LD...should not be the basis to determine whether Misty is a person who has LD's.

I remain convinced that Misty is capable of making decisions for herself, subject of course to the vagaries of her immediate needs. She is a "seat of her pants" sort of decision maker, and has navigated successfully thus far in those decisions.

They aren't decisions many of us would like to have to be making, but now that she's gotten her attorney to drop the charges against her brother, one can only imagine that there are immediate needs to be met once again.
I almost deleted this for the comment about what I posted. Not really a good choice to argue with admin. However Im leaving it so I can address what you said. I have read the posts and see NOWHERE that anyone is telling others here how to live their life. As I said before if you dont want to read what she has to say scroll the heck on by--real simple. Believe me Kool has been edited, shes been deleted and shes even been timed out but NOT for posting what her beliefs are. If she was being disrespectful or bashing or baiting I could see it but it seems that she cant say anything on here without someone getting up in arms and I for one am frankly tired of it.

Nor should one's religious beliefs which permeate everything they do dictate to everyone one encounters as to the way in which they should live their lives. The experiential aspect of LD's.....that which everyone can attest to having come into contact with or is someone with an LD...should not be the basis to determine whether Misty is a person who has LD's.

I remain convinced that Misty is capable of making decisions for herself, subject of course to the vagaries of her immediate needs. She is a "seat of her pants" sort of decision maker, and has navigated successfully thus far in those decisions.

They aren't decisions many of us would like to have to be making, but now that she's gotten her attorney to drop the charges against her brother, one can only imagine that there are immediate needs to be met once again.
I meant it as a comparison and wasn't referencing anyone in particular. You mentioned that religious beliefs aren't discussed (I took that to mean a debate between religious differences) and making the comparison with arguing about religious differences and the varied ways all people view religion, LDs seem to be along the same line....everyone has an experience they can talk about, but it really is a subjective topic.

I'm sorry I wasn't as clear as I could have been.
I appologize if I took your post wrong. The problem I was referencing was the fact that someone else said that LDs were a gift, another said they arent a gift, and that it what she was replying to. All of a sudden it became you are talking about religion keep religion out of it, which should never have been posted in the first place. That is the "crap" I was talking about in my first post, not any post you made lol. Sorry for the confusion!

I meant it as a comparison and wasn't referencing anyone in particular. You mentioned that religious beliefs aren't discussed (I took that to mean a debate between religious differences) and making the comparison with arguing about religious differences and the varied ways all people view religion, LDs seem to be along the same line....everyone has an experience they can talk about, but it really is a subjective topic.

I'm sorry I wasn't as clear as I could have been.
See what happens when mental health is discussed. Sheesh.
I'm hoping Mr. Robert Fields, Misty's attorney, sees the possibilities, and can recommend for Misty to take some testing. The big divide between Misty and LE could be narrowed in my opinion if we had some answers concerning Misty's academic and mental capabilities. In turn helping the case move along.
Kool Look -

"Children with learning disorders show a pattern of relative strengths and weaknesses that can make some learning tasks much more difficult."
- Mash & Wolfe, Abnormal Child Psychology, pg. 320

We have many types of intelligences. Not one person is the exact same.

Aspects of Intelligence
1. Linguistic - a sensitivity to the meaning, function, and grammatical rules of words, as in writing an essay. (I gleaned Misty's written note and noticed she was not advanced linguistically.
2. Musical - don't think that needs clarification.
3. Logical/Mathematic - the ability to solve problems and see abstract relationships (ie written math problem, ex. so if you have 8 eggs and Tyler has seven..blah blah blah
4. Spatial - a sensitivity to the perception, manipulation, and creation of different forms and contexts. (Higher in children with autism.
5. Bodily/kinesthetic - using your body and relevant part of the brain to coordinate movements.
6. Intrapersonal - recognize, define, and pursue inner feelings and thoughts (self-knowledge).
7. Interpersonal - the ability to sense the moods, feelings, and actions of other people (children with autism have a hard time with this. This is why we put children with autism in social skills development groups.)
Source - Gardner, 1993

So - we all learn differently. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. It is up to the teachers and mental health professionals to identify said strengths and weaknesses so we can build up each individuals intelligence.
Kool maybe I can answer your question in relation to my daughter anyway. She is currently in the 4th grade, was held back in first. She has a learning disability where she doesnt process written information well, meaning she can read but has a hard time getting it from the book through her brain and onto paper.

However, if something is set to music watch out! This girl can sing, she loves it and she can memorize a song after hearing it once. So yes, most people with "learning disabilities" do have other abilities and can function very well as adults. All a learning disability is really is something blocking ONE way of learning, but it can be overcome by understanding how the student does learn and using that as a tool.
I'm hoping Mr. Robert Fields, Misty's attorney, sees the possibilities, and can recommend for Misty to take some testing. The big divide between Misty and LE could be narrowed in my opinion if we had some answers concerning Misty's academic and mental capabilities. In turn helping the case move along.

I agree. She needs help.

Otherwise, we as taxpayers will be paying for her the rest of her life.

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