Mitigation: Ineffective Assistance of Counsel

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Is the defense hoping for an ineffective counsel defense

  • Yes

    Votes: 59 16.1%
  • No

    Votes: 209 56.9%
  • Maybe?

    Votes: 99 27.0%

  • Total voters
I thought this was satiracal joke, it's not. Amazing, Baez has a number of unhappy clients. Now I understand George expressing his concern about him handling Casey's case.

Also a number of complaints against him with the Florida Bar Assn that we don't know the details of - yet.
There are too many competent attorneys on this case.I have no idea why they would go along with this,but they are. I don't think they would purposely torpedo their careers for ICA.
They know ,more than anyone,what the evidence is in this case,They are just trying to keep her from getting the DP, IMO.

There is one other possibility . JB changed course and did the opening argument on the fly ,without ICA or the rest of counsel knowing what he was going to say. He kind of sounded like HE wasn't sure what he was going to say.
I just watched the opening statements again and CM shows no surprise at anything JB says. DT knew.
A lot of people post about JB's inexperience being the biggest cause of his stupid defense theory, but he has had at his fingertips some very experienced Lawyers in the last 3 years.... a virtual mine of trial information available for him to ask advice, and I am sure they tried to teach him, but it is his own arrogance that has landed him in this catastrophic mess. His defense doesn't have holes,it has huge craters of ridiculous proportions.
I think when they decided they needed reasonable doubt the DT came up with the story and let ICA know what they are throwing out. Telling her it does not need to be proven and she said to herself wooooo I love a good lie..... Problem now she is believing the lie.
She is starting, even in the first days of the Parents on the stand wanting results.
The DT name is going to be mud soon with ICA.
Wonder how they will feel if say she gets off and now wants to be buds with all of them.
Will they let her work for them? Will they let her babysit for their grandchildren?
No, I don't believe that they are trying to be ineffective, they just are ineffective, and JOSE is NOT THAT SMART. The more he blathers, the more I really wonder how he ever passed the Bar no matter how many times he failed. I also wonder if he has ADD. If Casey and Baez had said from the very beginning that she drowned accidentally, that would have been the end of it. But we know that is not what happened, because she would not have had to cover it up and hide the body. The phone calls, texts internet searches, cell phone pings, to say nothing of her behavior during the 31 days all point to a murder and cover up. Even though George and Cindy tried to cover for her, after a while, there is no doubt in my mind that they really were searching for and doing everything in their power to find Caylee. I am not sure when they finally realized she was gone. My guess is when the car came back with the overwhelming smell of decomposition.
ETA Too much horse pucky now and waaaaay too late.
I just watched the opening statements again and CM shows no surprise at anything JB says. DT knew.

I really thought so ,too. That was more tongue in cheek.JB just sounded like he was making it up as he went along. He really was not good at delivering the opening statement at all,IMO.
I wonder if he went back and looked at it .He should.
Re: an accident that snowballed out of control, as GA said.
I do not doubt that George told his gf this, but think it is just something he said without believing it really.
Anyone else thought about this?
Sorry this is OT.

I'm not sure I'd describe her as his gf - but yes I do think that if he said "it was an accident that snowballed out of control" that there was likely a "maybe" before the "it"...maybe it was an accident...IIRC he said something similar in one of his early LE interviews - he knew KC was hiding something and he was pretty sure that Caylee was already deceased and the only way that he could even think about the possibility that KC had anything to do with it was to conclude or hope that it had to have been an accident... I do not believe that he ever "knew" it was an accident or that he ever truly convinced himself that it was either - he could have also been answering a question like "what do you think happened" and could have said something like "it must have been an accident..."

MOO of course

ETA - so that I'm not completely OT with my comments above....I think that had DT been more competent they would have known that GA had already made a similar statement that did specify that he thought if KC had anything to do with it then it had to have been an accident (if it wasn't to LE then it was to media because I know I read it somewhere) - I hope SA brings that statement to the jury at some point
I guess we'll see about that after the trial, because if she gets convicted of murder 1 and the DP KC will show Jose just what the anthony's have been afraid of their whole lives. She will unleash on him a series of allegations that will rival those she has leveled at the anthony's, something they have always been afraid of and why they treated her they way they did. I can hear the anthony's now saying, "what will KC do if we confront her, what will KC do if we don't find a zanny or anyone else for that matter to pin this on, what will KC do if I don't support her lies", and on and on and on.

Well, the anthony's have their answer they now know just what KC will do and I suspect Mr. Baez will soon find out his fate as well.

I am sure the DT has pondered this at length by now, and if they haven't they better get ready because it's coming.
I have thought this very same thing. If she is convicted and receives the DP, Baez and the rest of the DT are not appellate lawyers, so they will be leaving her. I've been thinking to myself... "Hmmmm...:waitasec: some new web of lies will come out and Mr. Baez may be in trouble." IMO she's evil.
No, I think JV is simply a wader who wandered into the deep end of the pool. moo
Obviously the DT did not have the GA sexually abused KC theory earlier on or KC would have written about being abused by GA more specifically in her jailhouse make it appear more real.
I was reading an article stating that since JB went with an 'all or nothing' defense that he has no choice but to put ICA on the stand . If he doesn't nothing he has stated will be believed by the jury. However, if she does take the stand she is going to be ripped apart ..almost makes ya wonder . Personally, I don;t see how she can when her temper cannot be controlled when she gets a little upset . That won't look good to the jury .
I voted no also.
Frankly , Baez just used the latest and greatest story as told by CA IMO.
Heavens knows, how many different ones, some even more crazier, he has heard by now. CA lives one day at a time , does not look back or rarely plans forward more than one day and comes up with a new fantasy almost each day to fit her current day IMO. CA's latest version of events might only match his OS remotely by now. He can never put her on the witness stand. She will just make up another story to satisfy/field a question.
Obviously the DT did not have the GA sexually abused KC theory earlier on or KC would have written about being abused by GA more specifically in her jailhouse make it appear more real.

I'm not so sure about that. To me, the way she wrote about any possible SA was purposefully vauge ("I kinda remember" "May have" "Seems like he may have.....") so that she could fill in the blanks as necessary to suit whatever story she was selling later on down the road. You see what I mean? She could start floating the story with vague details in the letters, then claim recovered memories or what have you, and manipulate the details as needed.

Pretty good plan. Not certain who thought it up, though. Of course, I could be completely wrong.
I'm not so sure about that. To me, the way she wrote about any possible SA was purposefully vauge ("I kinda remember" "May have" "Seems like he may have.....") so that she could fill in the blanks as necessary to suit whatever story she was selling later on down the road. You see what I mean? She could start floating the story with vague details in the letters, then claim recovered memories or what have you, and manipulate the details as needed.

Pretty good plan. Not certain who thought it up, though. Of course, I could be completely wrong.

I do not think she plans that far in the future. Does not mean you are wrong, but this future planning could have been suggested to her by another person.
I do not think she plans that far in the future. Does not mean you are wrong, but this future planning could have been suggested to her by another person.

I personally think that the DT team was at a loss to explain the 31 days and duct tape and when the jailhouse letters came out where she claimed to be abused they latched onto that. It was the best they could come up with.
I personally think that the DT team was at a loss to explain the 31 days and duct tape and when the jailhouse letters came out where she claimed to be abused they latched onto that. It was the best they could come up with.

I tend to agree. After being exposed to CA and her many absurd tales for several years, the OS might have been the least insane one. No wonder several experienced attorneys hightailed out over time.
Actually, CA is not even a clever liar, since so many of her tales had absolutely no substance ( nothing to even latch onto) and were quickly exposed as lies. They were generally only good for a few hours.
I think a better question is...How would YOU defend her if you were a defense atty? Since she was out partying and shopping in those 31 days and is constantly caught on camera and in photos, you really are pretty much stuck with a defense of "she already knew her baby was dead." Then from there you have to go with a "everyone grieves differently response, but her response was SOOOO different, so psycho, you'd have to come up with an excuse for that as well. I really don't see any way out of it. What would you come up with? The only other thing I can come up with to save her would be she is mentally retarded. lol
I was reading an article stating that since JB went with an 'all or nothing' defense that he has no choice but to put ICA on the stand . If he doesn't nothing he has stated will be believed by the jury. However, if she does take the stand she is going to be ripped apart ..almost makes ya wonder . Personally, I don;t see how she can when her temper cannot be controlled when she gets a little upset . That won't look good to the jury .
I think the only way we will ever get the truth, or some grain of it, is if ICA does takes the stand. No, I'm not crazy! This is because I don't think ICA could take the heat for long. She would literally flip when JA started tearing into her and if he said even one thing nice about CA I believe she would lose it and give us the "excited utterance" of a lifetime. "Yes, I killed her and yes I'd do it again. How dare my mother love someone more than me." Call me crazy but I can see it happening.
I think a better question is...How would YOU defend her if you were a defense atty? Since she was out partying and shopping in those 31 days and is constantly caught on camera and in photos, you really are pretty much stuck with a defense of "she already knew her baby was dead." Then from there you have to go with a "everyone grieves differently response, but her response was SOOOO different, so psycho, you'd have to come up with an excuse for that as well. I really don't see any way out of it. What would you come up with? The only other thing I can come up with to save her would be she is mentally retarded. lol
i truthfully think she is not mature .. and the evil little girl came out in her .. how DARE anyone love HER more than ME ect .. how dare SHE get in MY way ect.. that is just how she acts ..blah.. i dont know HOW i would defend her .. i just dont period ..

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