Found Deceased MN - Alayna Ertl, 5, Watkins, 20 Aug 2016 *Arrest*

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What is the consensus on his MO? Retaliation? Crime of opportunity? What a gorgeous little girl...this *advertiser censored* needs to rot effective immediately.
Thanks. I'm not seeing him for either Crow Wing or Cass county.

I didn't see it either however he's listed in Crow Wing's jail custody as a boarder so it's likely he'll end up being charged in Cass County since that is where the crime was 'supposed' to have been committed. If anyone knows anything differently please feel free to update.


This article gives additional background details; (If it's been posted prior, please disregard.)

If anyone finds out what court he'll be arraigned at please advise.
What is the consensus on his MO? Retaliation? Crime of opportunity? What a gorgeous little girl...this *advertiser censored* needs to rot effective immediately.

A pedofile. Who removed an angel from the safety of her home and family, took her innocence and then her life. All for HIS
outrageous, hidden, vile, unnatural, immoral urges.
Sorry if this is ot or not allowed - but I have a general question about people like this (assuming he's guilty, of course). You have a man who is a friend of the family, and would presumably know this little girl. He kidnaps her for nefarious reasons (again - assuming what that reason is - which seems obvious). He knows everyone is going to know that he took this little girl. It's an act of compulsion - he grabs her and drives her somewhere to do his evil deed. He knows he's going to get caught - I can't see there being a worry of him being identified by the little girl, as everyone will know it was him anyway. Why murder her? In a case where it could be anyone who took her, and he wanted to eliminate the only witness - I can see the motive for killing there (that sounds awful - but you know what I mean). Why kill this little girl? I guess some people are just murderers, and part of his fun is the actual killing? I mean, if he were to let her live, his punishment would be less severe, and he would be less despised by the world, and...he would spare a life. I just don't understand why in this particular situation, he had to kill her.

I'm asking to make sense of something that doesn't make any sense, I realize this. But if anyone has any insights towards the psychology here...

I'll never understand human being's ability to be so cruel, so callous, so evil. Utterly heartbreaking and infuriating at the same time.
I'm sorry little one :( I'm sorry that we can cure diseases and reach outer space and run corporations from a phone in our hand but we could not protect you.
For all our accomplishments, we're just big fat failures.

wow, post of the century right there.
Sorry if this is ot or not allowed - but I have a general question about people like this (assuming he's guilty, of course). You have a man who is a friend of the family, and would presumably know this little girl. He kidnaps her for nefarious reasons (again - assuming what that reason is - which seems obvious). He knows everyone is going to know that he took this little girl. It's an act of compulsion - he grabs her and drives her somewhere to do his evil deed. He knows he's going to get caught - I can't see there being a worry of him being identified by the little girl, as everyone will know it was him anyway. Why murder her? In a case where it could be anyone who took her, and he wanted to eliminate the only witness - I can see the motive for killing there (that sounds awful - but you know what I mean). Why kill this little girl? I guess some people are just murderers, and part of his fun is the actual killing? I mean, if he were to let her live, his punishment would be less severe, and he would be less despised by the world, and...he would spare a life. I just don't understand why in this particular situation, he had to kill her.

I'm asking to make sense of something that doesn't make any sense, I realize this. But if anyone has any insights towards the psychology here...

I'll never understand human being's ability to be so cruel, so callous, so evil. Utterly heartbreaking and infuriating at the same time.

This is my JMO. I feel like it was disorganized, not well thought out / planned, spur of the moment. He knew what his immediate intentions were, but then afterward he had a traumatized little girl to deal with, knowing the police would be coming before long, and then I think as it spiraled out of control he was going to commit suicide.
A pedofile. Who removed an angel from the safety of her home and family, took her innocence and then her life. All for HIS
outrageous, hidden, vile, unnatural, immoral urges.

Unnatural is absolutely correct. There is an entire segment of our society (as well as around the world), made up of both men and women who are sexually depraved. They see nothing wrong with using all manner of objects, people (living or otherwise, related or otherwise, willing or otherwise) old or young, even animals (puke), as a means to carry out their abhorrent fantasies at any given moment of the day or night, regardless of the consequences and without any thought given to their sick state of mind. Never do they stop and think about morality, that sex is meant to be controlled and channeled properly and lawfully, it was never intended to be the vile activity they have reduced it to. These are predators in search of one thing ... an object upon which to practice their hobby of "getting off" by any means necessary, regardless of the cost to their victims, their families, themselves, and society as a whole. There are a whole lot of pigs like Albert Fish in the world, but though they may not realize it now, judgement day is coming, the day of reckoning. I, for one, cannot wait.
I wonder if sometimes the injuries the child sustains are so severe that they wouldn't survive? I don't know the answer. The cruelest of the cruel.
I wonder if sometimes the injuries the child sustains are so severe that they wouldn't survive? I don't know the answer. The cruelest of the cruel.

I think that there are pedophiles who want children to fulfill there fantasies....and for some sick pedophiles, part of that fantasy is killing them.

Plenty of pedophiles don't kill (and many use the same victims repeatedly for years), so when they do kill, I assume they wanted to.

Im not sure if discussing the M.O. of pedophiles + infanticide is appropriate in this particular thread. So admins pls delete if needed. But i had the same question... this resembles another recent case, for sweet little Shaylyn Ammerman. I always was taught that rape is not about sex, but rather about exerting power over another human. But i think recent studies have concluded that it actually is also about sexual urges. Im not sure if those studies also include pedophilia. But the murder of both Shaylyn and Alayna seem almost out of desperation, after the fact. Like the desire was there but they hadnt ever had the opportunity to do it befote, so then the opportunity presented itself they just quite literally grabbbed it and ran. Whereas you do see pedophiles who molest the same children over months and years, keeping them alive. Then again, i thought i read somewhere where this guy had been stsying there before, so i wonder if maybe he had been harming her before but now had the chance to take her away for good.... we may never know. These cases are so sad. I can barely read them anymore. :-( having a young schoolage child myself, its just depressing and terrifying.

JMOO... anyone trained in these matters is welcome to correct me. Thanks!!!!
Dogmatica you brought up an interesting thought that I have wondered about for quite a while. Why does the perp have the need to kill the child? In too many cases it is clearly known who has taken them, it is just a matter of tracking the perp and child down.

In cases like this where the child knows the monster, does he kill her during the act when she turns on him and isn't the sweet little girl he knows her to be? Does he kill her due to the severity of the damage he caused? He has heard stories of men having little girls for years so he isn't aware of the outcome? This is a STUPID thought I admit, but then these monsters are not thinking or acting with any logic IMO!

If they had an inkling of smarts, they would know that kidnapping the child who lived in the house was the dumbest move they could make. It's like these parents or boyfriends that fall asleep, wake up to find the door open and the child missing. Really?
It is just a matter of putting the pieces together before their address is prison!

Now, if the judges would do their job, give them long sentences, and forget this early release garbage.

My opinions only!
"Anderson played on Matt Ertl’s softball team every Friday night throughout the summer, often crashing for the night at the Ertls’ house after having a few drinks at the local bars.

Rohrbeck, who sometimes tends bar at Gordies, said Anderson was outgoing and talkative, often telling her anecdotes about her husband at work."
How long does it typically take a coroner to release details of a homicide, after they release the initial cause of death?

Also, this is JMOO, a theory, but I wonder if maybe little Alayna woke up in her bedroom, crying and it bothered Zach as he had been drinking and he tried to quiet her (i.e. hit her/shake her) and that killed her... the coroner said it was violent homicide (hasnt stated sexual assault), so maybe he took her body out of fear and tried to hide her. Either way, IMO he should be locked up for life or get the DP. 😔
How long does it typically take a coroner to release details of a homicide, after they release the initial cause of death?

Also, this is JMOO, a theory, but I wonder if maybe little Alayna woke up in her bedroom, crying and it bothered Zach as he had been drinking and he tried to quiet her (i.e. hit her/shake her) and that killed her... the coroner said it was violent homicide (hasnt stated sexual assault), so maybe he took her body out of fear and tried to hide her. Either way, IMO he should be locked up for life or get the DP. [emoji17]

I've wondered, too, if she was not alive when he took her...

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I've wondered, too, if she was not alive when he took her...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I wonder that too. Though, there would be the risk of sound - she could've cried out. Maybe he took her and very quickly silenced her, and perhaps taking her to a basement?? He was a frequent guest in the home so he would've been familiar with the layout.

Stealing the vehicle is a weird thing to do. I wonder if the perp's car was blocked in the driveway - so he stole the car instead. That meant he had to know where the keys were. Since the car owner's cell phone was in the car, maybe the keys were too? Or, maybe the keys and phone were near each other in the house and the perp took them both when he left.

So, did he steal the car for convenience, to frame his friend (which obviously wouldn't have worked since the dad was at home and the perp was gone!), to rub further salt into the wound he made?

I *think* what happened is he took AE and left quickly with her still alive, but I do wonder if she was already gone by the time he left with her. Perhaps this will be revealed today.

The BETRAYAL of a family friend right under their roof is so painful. My heart aches for the family.
Dogmatica you brought up an interesting thought that I have wondered about for quite a while. Why does the perp have the need to kill the child? In too many cases it is clearly known who has taken them, it is just a matter of tracking the perp and child down.

In cases like this where the child knows the monster, does he kill her during the act when she turns on him and isn't the sweet little girl he knows her to be? Does he kill her due to the severity of the damage he caused? He has heard stories of men having little girls for years so he isn't aware of the outcome? This is a STUPID thought I admit, but then these monsters are not thinking or acting with any logic IMO!

If they had an inkling of smarts, they would know that kidnapping the child who lived in the house was the dumbest move they could make. It's like these parents or boyfriends that fall asleep, wake up to find the door open and the child missing. Really?
It is just a matter of putting the pieces together before their address is prison!

Now, if the judges would do their job, give them long sentences, and forget this early release garbage.

My opinions only!

Possibly rage, anger at the victim, blaming the child for making them give in to their urges "look what you made me do". Those that repeatedly abuse and assault, keep a victim for longer may understand or even accept what they are idk Thinking along the lines of Shaylynn and Jenise, is it a case of it was the perps first time? They have fought and resisted urges, but this time they could not? Do they kill their victim out of shame and blame, and turn the anger on the poor child?

Possibly rage, anger at the victim, blaming the child for making them give in to their urges "look what you made me do". Those that repeatedly abuse and assault, keep a victim for longer may understand or even accept what they are idk Thinking along the lines of Shaylynn and Jenise, is it a case of it was the perps first time? They have fought and resisted urges, but this time they could not? Do they kill their victim out of shame and blame, and turn the anger on the poor child?


All good thoughts. The blame lies in the childhood of these predators, I believe. The adults in their lives growing up had a responsibility to teach and model correct behavior and stop bad behaviors in their tracks. From very young, children need to be taught that there are many many many things that are improper, evil, wrong, and off limits. If the adults don't believe it, teach it and practice it, the children will grow up without sexual boundaries. There is a time and a place to eat and to sleep and to learn and to grow and to work and to rest and to love and to weep and to mourn and to dance ... sex has a proper place in life. But not when you are legally underage in the eyes of the law (I personally believe marriage is the only proper channel that God intended) and certainly not at age 5! If right behavior isn't being modeled and taught at home, it isn't being taught at school, either. Public schools now teach that anything is permissible as long as you're enjoying yourself. A lot of times, children are not being taught self-control, and that applies to a lot of areas, not just sex. We teach our children how to be adults and what they are allowed to be in their youth, will be magnified when they are grown. Our prisons are full of living testaments to that.

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