MN MN - Amy Pagnac, 13, Osseo, 5 Aug 1989

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It seems quite common for dodgy 'PIs' to con families of the missing. Could it be possible that this has happened in this case? Did the family receive any proof at all of this supposed sighting of Amy?

These PIs were working directly with Missing Children Minnesota, and they are pretty careful who they work with.
Response to an older post: Holiday gas stations typically do not require a key to use the rest room. At least, I've done some traveling throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan in the last 6 months and not one required a key. It's Superamerica and some of the other chains that require a key.

And if you REALLY have to go, better stop before you go home..

To (not) settle this question.
I stopped for gasoline at that station yesterday. As of now, you do not need a key for the restroom, and they're located on the left. On the outside right side are several small doors that were bricked in. Could they have originally led to locked restrooms, and if so when was this changed? I don't know.!6m1!1e1
It still bothers me why the dad drove to the Holiday store to use the restroom, when he could have just gone straight to his house. IIRC, the station is south of where their home is. Wouldn't it have been faster to just drive straight home?
This is the area I grew up in. Holiday did hace restrooms outside on the side of the building where a key was needed. I hated using the bathroom there because it was ccooolllddd! I cannot put my finger on when they remodeled to put them inside.
It still bothers me why the dad drove to the Holiday store to use the restroom, when he could have just gone straight to his house. IIRC, the station is south of where their home is. Wouldn't it have been faster to just drive straight home?


The highway system was dramatically different back then. The MN 610 Braun Bridge had just opened, but Highway 610 didn't exist west of Highway 252, and US 10 didn't exist between University and MN 65. Driving home from Isanti the most logical route would be to take Highway 65 south all the way to I-694, then approach from the south on US 169 or County 81.
It still bothers me why the dad drove to the Holiday store to use the restroom, when he could have just gone straight to his house. IIRC, the station is south of where their home is. Wouldn't it have been faster to just drive straight home?

This has been explained a few times. He stopped to get gas, then, while he was there, went to the bathroom. It keeps being brought up as if he just stopped to go to the bathroom, which is not actually that unusual either.

Still, he did stop to gas up the car first, paid for the gas inside (that place did not have pay-at-the pump back then), and then he used the restroom.
Well, it has been a year since the third time the police have investigated the properties. And yet, nothing seems to have been found. Is there any chance that at some point, the investigation might lead to some new ideas?
I wonder what kind of help they would be open to receiving from the public.

I wonder if they looked for Amy themselves back in 1989 and where they looked or if they hung fliers around town. I wonder how many of her friends they called or visited at their homes.

I'm having a really hard time getting past not knowing where their child is overnight or however many nights it was before they just left town for whatever medical reason.

No one leaves home if a possible runaway, possible medical emergency or possible abduction causes your 13 year old baby to disappear.

The mom has said numerous times that the medical appointment was for Amy, and that because Amy wasn't there, clearly, they didn't go out of town.
Spagnac ~ I was very happy to come online late last night and see that you were able to read my responses. I thought I'd at least have your answers to where Amy went to school and what grade she was in, etc. I had to search online for a while but I finally found a caption to a picture that told me that she went to Osseo Junior High and was in the 7th grade during the 88/89 school year.

I created some .jpg for you (and all of us WS'ers - or anyone else for that matter) to use and share and get the word out that they want to speak to anyone who talked to Amy before she went missing.

Everyone, please post these to your facebooks(I'm not a facebooker), missing persons sites, comment sections of news articles or anywhere else that you think could get the word out.

Let's help them find Amy!

There are many credible organizations that have created many posters over the years for Amy. Please go to the organizations that Amy's family have been working with all along: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Jacob Wetterling Resource Center, Minnesota BCA, Missing Children Minnesota, etc. Share their posters.
Has there been any updates from the police about Amy's case?
Law enforcement agencies and missing children agencies are continuing to work with the family to investigate and publicize this case.
It's easy to forget in this highly connected world, that not everything is put on the internet. There's still a lot of feet on the ground, looking through archives work that is being done without as much publicity or fanfare.
KSTP covered the recent Safety Fair that was put on by the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center at the Mall of America on June 6th #EmpowerMe. Unfortunately I was unable to find a link to share here that showed the event. Amy's case was one of several that were spotlighted at the fair.
Missing Children Minnesota continues to use social media to publicly highlight this case. Research and resource efforts continue!
Both organizations work to provide education to children and families to keep people safe, what to do when someone harms them, and how to heal when tragedies happen.
There was recently a newspaper article again highlighting this case, however it was reported that there was no new announcements in the case.

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