MN MN - Brandon Swanson, 19, Marshall, 14 May 2008

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I have tried to find a recording of the phone call, or at least a transcript of it, but all I have managed to find is a recording (at least I assume it is the actual recording ) of the part when Brandon shouts the "Oh *****!", which can be heard soon after 01:00 here:

However IF that is the actual recording, then it was still interesting despite its shortness, as an important detail of the case is how he said the profanity; that is, whether he said it in a way indicating mere frustration, or if he said it as if something unexpected just happened. In the clip, it is, in my opinion, clearly not of frustration, but rather an expression of extreme sudden surprise and shock.
I have tried to find a recording of the phone call, or at least a transcript of it, but all I have managed to find is a recording (at least I assume it is the actual recording ) of the part when Brandon shouts the "Oh *****!", which can be heard soon after 01:00 here:

However IF that is the actual recording, then it was still interesting despite its shortness, as an important detail of the case is how he said the profanity; that is, whether he said it in a way indicating mere frustration, or if he said it as if something unexpected just happened. In the clip, it is, in my opinion, clearly not of frustration, but rather an expression of extreme sudden surprise and shock.

There is not a recording of the phone call. He was just on the phone with his parents, they had no reason to record the call.
I have tried to find a recording of the phone call, or at least a transcript of it, but all I have managed to find is a recording (at least I assume it is the actual recording ) of the part when Brandon shouts the "Oh *****!", which can be heard soon after 01:00 here:

However IF that is the actual recording, then it was still interesting despite its shortness, as an important detail of the case is how he said the profanity; that is, whether he said it in a way indicating mere frustration, or if he said it as if something unexpected just happened. In the clip, it is, in my opinion, clearly not of frustration, but rather an expression of extreme sudden surprise and shock.

I've always had a feeling that it was something that surprised and shocked him, which would make more sense to me, as the call was abruptly and immediately dropped. Something happened unexpectedly, what, we don't know. Just MOO.
There is the possibility that Brandon was lying to his father while on the phone.
These types of cases just make me nuts.

I just spent the time to map out these locations on Google Earth. The father states that Brandon didn't sound drunk or disoriented on the phone. The kid states he was over by the town of Lynd which is south west of Marshall. WAY on the other side of the world if he was coming from Candby?

Then the father says this, (from the above article): “I talked to him for 47 minutes, and all of a sudden he said, ‘Oh, s—!’ and the phone went dead,”

I mapped Marshall to Lynd and even just beyond. Lynd is at the MOST 9 miles from Marshall. WTH happened here? I'm at a loss. If I'm on the phone with my son and he's walking in the cold, dark of the night and I'm not finding him in the first 10 minutes or so I'm not understanding any of this.

Something is wrong with this whole story.

THEN the sheriff says they couldn't search some of the property because it upset the HARVEST SCHEDULE??!! WTH?? Flatten those crops! Find Brandon!

Also; that article said that the dogs keep hitting on the scent of human remains. Hmmmm...
This is still really bugging me. Now I wish I wouldn't have read about it!
New to the case. I binge-read the whole thread today. Here are my thoughts and questions:

Phone: Most people back then had flip phones. I still have one. For one thing, they're not held the same way that a smart phone is, so I've accidentally hung up on people after making a sudden movement because my thumb would be near the button. If you do drop the phone, at least mine, it always either ends up flipping shut (therefore ending the call) and/or the battery falls out.

Car door/s: Where is everyone reading that his car door was open? How many doors? This is so strange to me. If he had really left his car on foot with the intent to meet up with his parents, why on earth would he leave the door open? If there was more than one door open, that could indicate that he had passengers. Another possibility, I guess, is that someone came along after he had walked away from his car and went through the car for some reason, leaving the doors open.

Foul play: Like the Maura Murray and Bryce Laspisa cases, it seems unlikely that someone with malicious intentions would happen to be in a rural area like this at this time of night. There has to be a reason why he is listed the way he is, which makes me think LE knows more than they're saying. A random perp seems like a long-shot, but so does someone he knew. If things were as we know them to be, nobody who knew him would have had any reason to know he was where he was. I can't make sense out of all that. It's possible he could hve stumbled upon a homeless person, but what are the chances of that, for one thing, then the chances that that person would be violent? Maybe someone who was already out there for nefarious purposes, but again, unlikely. Judging from everything we know and the fact that it seems foul play may now be suspected, I can see the dog tracking as possibly indicating his running from someone. In and out of the water? Maybe someone spotted his car, looked for him on foot, hid out or followed him, then the oh ***** was when they surprised him? Maybe in this area it's possible that it was a person he knew. Even if someone didn't know he would be in the area, someone he may have had beef with could have recognized his car?

The dogs: Aside from the tracking dog, the HRD dogs are really interesting to me and are something I know less about. If we believe the dogs, there's clearly someone dead in the area. I am past the point of trying to rule that out (as in Brandon being taken out of the area), and I do believe that if someone is dead (and I think someone is), it's most likely him. But there's a lot I don't know about decomp and how these dogs function. Say Brandon was a victim of foul play. For one thing, he could have been killed and buried/hidden in the area, which is why dogs are alerting to remains but he has been so difficult to locate. But what I don't understand is what specific parts of decomp are the dogs trained to hit on? Say he was killed out there in that area but taken elsewhere, would the dogs now be possibly hitting on blood or skin or whatever that were left at the scene? Or are they able to distinguish if the blood has come from someone who was already dead? I hope I'm making sense here, but I'm afraid I'm not. I'm even confusing myself.

All in all, I think it's obviously that his remains are nearby. I just can't even make a guess at this point based on what I know. Initially I thought he likely slipped/tripped/fell/drowned/whatever, but it seems LE may believe differently at this point.
It is a mystifying case, one that has kept me up nights. I don't know how far back in the thread you've read, but if you haven't already, check out the posts by MTRTA Search Manager. He was in charge of the searches for a few years. It's too bad he hasn't weighed in in so long. I wish he would. But, his posts are very informative.

Post # 199: Posted by MTRTA Search Manager on
Regarding Brandon's Disorientation:
Several posters have questioned how Brandon became so disoriented and was sure that he was between Marshall and Lynd when in reality he was northwest of Taunton 20-25 miles away. While we can only speculate on some of this, I believe there are reasonable explanations for his disorientation.

Brandon started his evening in Lynd with a small group of friends. It has been widely reported that he was drinking alcohol at this get-together. Brandon left that gathering to go to Canby to say goodbye to a school friend. He stayed at that location for a short time and left to go home to Marshall. While it is a straight shot along Highway 68 from Canby to Marshall, he wasn't on the highway. He was traveling on gravels roads northeast of the highway. The gravel roads do not parallel the highway, they are at about a 45 degree angle to the highway, so he would have had to make multiple turns in a stair-step fashion to follow the highway’s relative path.

We know that he ended up on a minimum maintenance road and was attempting to turn back on to a gravel road when he missed the field approach and went into the ditch at low speeds. There was no damage to the car and he denied being injured. Since he was unable to back his car out of the ditch, he called his parents for help.

Why was he so disoriented as to his current location? I suspect a combination of fatigue, at least mild intoxication, unfamiliar roads, the fact that all the intersections look relatively alike (very little landmarks—mostly tilled fields), confusing street naming conventions (210th St and 200th Ave is not the same intersection as 200th St and 210th Ave), and possibly simple distraction all contributed to him not knowing where he was.

How many of us have been distracted while driving and suddenly we find ourselves 10 miles down the road with no sense of how much time has passed? Writer7 describes a good example of how easy it is to get disoriented. Most of us navigate our daily world by recognizing various landmarks. Take away those landmarks (traveling down a series of gravel roads that all look alike in the dark) and it is easy to become disoriented.

But why did he come to the conclusion that he was near Lynd? This is a little more difficult to explain. While we will never know for sure, I believe that when he got out of the car he could see a glow of lights in the distance and decided that these were the lights of Marshall. He may have also realized he had traveled down a minimum maintenance road and conducted what is called a transderivational search. He searched his memory for other minimum maintenance roads he knew and came up with a maintenance road that exists along a golf course between Marshall and Lynd. At that point, in his mind he is only about 1 to 1.5 miles away from the Lyndwood Tavern. After waiting about and hour and a half for his parents to find him, he becomes impatient and comes up with the plan to meet them at the tavern. Thus begins his fateful walk.

One can also ask; Why didn’t he recognize that he was disoriented when he didn’t reach Lynd within a mile or two? Dr. Kenneth Hill, in his landmark book Lost Person Behavior can help us here. He describes the conditions that lead to many missing person scenarios. It is quite common for individuals to fail to recognize that they are disoriented. It is also quite common that these same individuals will continue to believe they know where they are even though they have ample evidence to suggest that they are not where they believe they are.

Brandon clearly displayed this behavior. He believed he was somewhere between Marshall and Lynd even though he had no landmarks nearby to suggest that. While his parents searched that area repeatedly, he continued to insist he was there. He eventually became frustrated and began walking towards where he thought the Lyndwood Tavern was (most likely towards the northwest of his car), directing his parents to meet him there. During the entire 47-minute phone conversation, he believed he was heading towards the Lyndwood Tavern. Late in the conversation, he left the gravel road and walked cross-country because he felt it would be faster that way. Near the end of the conversation he mentions water nearby. Brandon's father reported that it sounded like he slipped on something when he uttered an expletive and the phone went dead.

Hope that helps clarify things.
Every time I get hooked on a case I tell myself, "OK, now that is the last time. I've got cooking and cleaning to do, I should exercise more, I need to read that book I downloaded from, I was going to meditate, I was going to sew those clothes I've had hanging there for a year."

But NOOooooooo. Then, there is a case like this and when I read the initial details I start thinking about it even when I'm not online. The constant questions that come up in my mind!!! All the, "But what about???"

I've read many statements by his poor parents. Unless I've completely lost my radar they sound like wonderful, thoughtful and loving parents and their statements sound very true. They legitimately were out there looking for their son.

The tracking information is just amazing. I trust the dogs, they are never caught up in the politics or the game playing. They are just reacting to what they are encountering in the environment. So then we have to go to Occam's razor.

All things being equal what is the MOST logical explanation? What would MOST likely cause death on a seemingly quiet evening on a country black top in farming country in Minnesota?

1). Human.
2). Environmental.
3). Animal.

If he had encountered trouble at the party and been followed or was worried about human intervention, I believe he would have mentioned that to his parents when he called them. "Oh dad here they come down the road." Something like that.

That leaves the completely random killer out there and what are the odds. Well, after being on this forum and reading about the unbelievable and jaw dropping cases that are on here, I never will again assign odds to any missing person case. The aberrant, mentallly deranged killer out there who happens to stumble upon a person in a vulnerable position like this will usually act upon it. So for that reason alone I think the odds don't apply.

I put human interaction above environment simply because of the preponderance of humans to kill one another. It's a sad fact but it is what it is.

Environmental actually seems the most logical explanation. Any person that was disoriented enough to call their parents and claim that they were THAT far away from their actual location is capable of stumbling along in the brush right into the river. For whatever reason, autistic and dementia people head for the river. I've been unable to explain this phenomenon but it's well known.
To that end you add in the only existing evidence after the fact, the dogs tracking scent to the river and the cadaver dogs scenting in that area and I believe in my most humble opinion we have an explanation for what happened. He fell in, drowned in his complete state of disorientation and when the river rose over the years, his remains have washed up and are in that field.

Animal: There is the completely and not really outlandish idea that he was attacked and killed by a bear or wolf. This is not unheard of. It's exceedingly rare, but not unheard of. This happened in May, the river provides everything for many animals, bear are frequent inhabitants of the river. Might explain why he said, "Oh $#1t!"


Out of all of that, what really bothers me is the reluctance to search fields with crops in them and the hesitance to allow searchers and law enforcement on those lands. Why?? Why indeed. I've read several articles where LE states they were met with resistance from a land owner to search the property. I find that deeply troubling. Who lives there and why are they being so resistant?

Some farmers are very protective of their land. They get a weird mentality about protecting what is theirs and they are more than willing to shoot and kill animals or people that come on that land. We were walking our dog on a country road one time while we were traveling and a farmer pulled up and threatened us to get off his land! We told him this is a county road, not your land. He became ENRAGED!!! We were very afraid and called the local sheriff. Absolutely nothing was done and we were treated like we were stupid and foolish.

My very strong opinion in a lot of these cases is that the mind set of the local LE actually hinders the investigation to a maximum extent.

Those are my thoughts. Now, I'm heading over to those links.
Another thought; his dad said that Brandon did not sound disoriented. However this may be because they did not have a conversation that would have elicited responses that would reveal disorientation or incorrect thinking.

Brandon was becoming anxious and irritated. His mother said at one point tensions rose and Brandon hung up, she called back and apologized. This could certainly be agitation from the circumstances but agitation can also indicate confusion.

We know from the facts that Brandon was confused and disoriented. He continually told them he was in the completely wrong direction. They could hear him over the phone turning on and off his headlights to signal them. He said, "Don't you see me?" (This line made me cry).

So we know now that Brandon was confused and disoriented.

He could have easily hit his head on the metal framing of the car and sustained a brain injury. The sheriff claimed that there wasn't damage in the car to indicate that had happened. The sheriff is not a doctor. The sheriff is not a neurologist. The sheriff is not an MRI or a CT scanner. It's these statements that throw off the search process because it leads our thinking.

There are people that have preexisting conditions, fragile blood vessels that we will never know about and just the 'right' blow to the head can break those vessels. Could also explain why he began wandering as his brain bled. That wouldn't explain the, "Oh $#1t!" comment though.

Makes me want to travel to Minnesota and go to those fields.
My question is, if he did fall in the river, where is his phone? If his phone went in the river with him, wouldn't the calls have gone directly to voicemail and not rang and rang. Just a thought, but what if he stumbled upon a crime, witnessed something and is missing because of it?

Sent from my LG-VS985 using Tapatalk
Good to see you over hear, IB. You might want to check out this link if you haven't already. Specifically, check out the comment toward the bottom by Red Flags. Interesting, IMO.

Neesaki, thanks for the link. I read what red flags wrote and I would like to know what his quote "masonic lodge cults all over Minnesota" means and what does this have to do with Brandon?
I guess this red flags person just wants to spew his twisted ideology, which I feel is uncalled for and just divert from what is important, finding Brandon.
My father was a Mason/Shriner for 40+ years and comments like that always piss me off. JMO

I believe Brandon walked into the water by accident and hopefully one day his remains will be found. MOO
Every time I get hooked on a case I tell myself, "OK, now that is the last time. I've got cooking and cleaning to do, I should exercise more, I need to read that book I downloaded from, I was going to meditate, I was going to sew those clothes I've had hanging there for a year."

But NOOooooooo. Then, there is a case like this and when I read the initial details I start thinking about it even when I'm not online. The constant questions that come up in my mind!!! All the, "But what about???"

I've read many statements by his poor parents. Unless I've completely lost my radar they sound like wonderful, thoughtful and loving parents and their statements sound very true. They legitimately were out there looking for their son.

The tracking information is just amazing. I trust the dogs, they are never caught up in the politics or the game playing. They are just reacting to what they are encountering in the environment. So then we have to go to Occam's razor.

All things being equal what is the MOST logical explanation? What would MOST likely cause death on a seemingly quiet evening on a country black top in farming country in Minnesota?

1). Human.
2). Environmental.
3). Animal.

If he had encountered trouble at the party and been followed or was worried about human intervention, I believe he would have mentioned that to his parents when he called them. "Oh dad here they come down the road." Something like that.

That leaves the completely random killer out there and what are the odds. Well, after being on this forum and reading about the unbelievable and jaw dropping cases that are on here, I never will again assign odds to any missing person case. The aberrant, mentallly deranged killer out there who happens to stumble upon a person in a vulnerable position like this will usually act upon it. So for that reason alone I think the odds don't apply.

I put human interaction above environment simply because of the preponderance of humans to kill one another. It's a sad fact but it is what it is.

Environmental actually seems the most logical explanation. Any person that was disoriented enough to call their parents and claim that they were THAT far away from their actual location is capable of stumbling along in the brush right into the river. For whatever reason, autistic and dementia people head for the river. I've been unable to explain this phenomenon but it's well known.
To that end you add in the only existing evidence after the fact, the dogs tracking scent to the river and the cadaver dogs scenting in that area and I believe in my most humble opinion we have an explanation for what happened. He fell in, drowned in his complete state of disorientation and when the river rose over the years, his remains have washed up and are in that field.

Animal: There is the completely and not really outlandish idea that he was attacked and killed by a bear or wolf. This is not unheard of. It's exceedingly rare, but not unheard of. This happened in May, the river provides everything for many animals, bear are frequent inhabitants of the river. Might explain why he said, "Oh $#1t!"


Out of all of that, what really bothers me is the reluctance to search fields with crops in them and the hesitance to allow searchers and law enforcement on those lands. Why?? Why indeed. I've read several articles where LE states they were met with resistance from a land owner to search the property. I find that deeply troubling. Who lives there and why are they being so resistant?

Some farmers are very protective of their land. They get a weird mentality about protecting what is theirs and they are more than willing to shoot and kill animals or people that come on that land. We were walking our dog on a country road one time while we were traveling and a farmer pulled up and threatened us to get off his land! We told him this is a county road, not your land. He became ENRAGED!!! We were very afraid and called the local sheriff. Absolutely nothing was done and we were treated like we were stupid and foolish.

My very strong opinion in a lot of these cases is that the mind set of the local LE actually hinders the investigation to a maximum extent.

Those are my thoughts. Now, I'm heading over to those links.

Re: bolded. I don't believe he drowned in the river. The dog jumped in the river, then came right back out and continued tracking him for a ways, almost to another road. Possibly, he did fall in the river, then after getting wet was overcome by hypothermia. Or, his phone got wet and died, then maybe a predator came along and offered him a ride. jmo
My question is, if he did fall in the river, where is his phone? If his phone went in the river with him, wouldn't the calls have gone directly to voicemail and not rang and rang. Just a thought, but what if he stumbled upon a crime, witnessed something and is missing because of it?

Sent from my LG-VS985 using Tapatalk

Would have to go back a bit, but MTRTA search manager addressed the phone ringing. Or maybe it was in his blog, I can't remember which, but it had to do with how cell phones and towers work and that the phone ringing doesn't necessarily mean it was working. Sorry, I don't have time to give the link. But you might go to the blog or search hear under MTRTA search manager's posts.
Neesaki, thanks for the link. I read what red flags wrote and I would like to know what his quote "masonic lodge cults all over Minnesota" means and what does this have to do with Brandon?
I guess this red flags person just wants to spew his twisted ideology, which I feel is uncalled for and just divert from what is important, finding Brandon.
My father was a Mason/Shriner for 40+ years and comments like that always piss me off. JMO

I believe Brandon walked into the water by accident and hopefully one day his remains will be found. MOO

Yeah, that part of it I agree with you on. I was referring to something he had to say about being on meth. Hoping I don't have that confused with another comment.

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