MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #12

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Call me crazy, but I took a walk tonight to the spot where Jacob was abducted. It’s surprising how dark it gets after you pass Dale Street, even with so many porch lights on in the neighborhood… I almost turned around and headed back home. I can only imagine how much darker it would have been 25 years ago when there would have been less lights to light up the sky. I got to the end of the driveway about 9:15, about the same time that the boys were approached. IF there was a car parked at the red dot where Jacob’s footprint was, there is NO way that I would have been able to see it. (That is to say if the red dot is placed at the correct spot)
THANK YOU! for doing what you did.
Does anyone know what time of year it was when some of DR's outbuildings burned down?
June 2009

So they did the big dig in the same month? Before or after the fire?

Can we determine the exact day of the fire and then go back and check the conditions of that day? Weather, temp?
If you find the date, you can google the weather that day
Well from what I have read is the fire started on its own. I don't believe it. Also because DR's father lost life long workings in the fire I am speculating there could be an issue there. I think we are looking at revenge and DR seeking to become the balance of power. Why has he never left the farm? To stay and protect his mother? What has and is going on there.
I don't think he's there to protect his mother. The parents seem to be very nice people. (I've never met them, my impression is just from reports of people who have.) I think it's just convenient, maybe DR hopes to inherit it and live there alone after they are gone. Or maybe the parents have a trust or will that states the land and home get divided among all the children after they are gone. Not sure. The younger brother, Anthony, already has the Northwest corner of the land for his home. I think they do want to keep it in the family because they had the farm declared a historical site so it can't be divided up and bulldozed. The city of St. Joe wanted that property for years so they could put a highway through there connecting Hwy. 75 to I94 on the West side of the Sauk River. (Hwy. 23 and Hwy. 15 both connect to I94 on the East side of the Sauk River.)
I'd like to throw out something for consideration. Not certain how many will be interested. Anyone not interested, or in disagreement, is fine with me, please feel free to just go on to the next post. However, for what it's worth, I really don't want to argue about it, on the board. I'm just throwing it out, take it or leave it. Thanks...

At this point, I really think that something that is really worth considering concerning the possibility of actually closing the case on Jacob Wetterling's abduction. I think, as do quite a few others that the several attacks on young boys in Paynesville in earlier years, along with the attack on Jared in Jan '89 are Very, if not Extremely Likely to have been perpetrated by the same person who abducted Jacob. I would add to that, that, even if they were not, then they were separate attacks which in themselves should be resolved. So, frankly, either way you look at it; the crimes in Paynesville are worth paying significant attention to.

My thinking is that, Jacob's case has been opened as we all know now, just over 25 years; and has been the subject of the Largest Investigation in History for the State of Minnesota. The investigation has included the FBI as well as State, Local and probably Every Level of Authority that could and/or has ever possibly be involved in any investigation. The FBI was involved from the beginning. Still Unsolved. Are we any closer now? If we are, no one knows! You could say that if it's solved 15 years from now, that, Yes, we are closer to that, than we/they were 25 years ago (chronologically). But, again, No One Knows. That's kind of a lengthy/wordy way to just Emphasize the Point.

I believe that the most likely route to closure of Jacob's case, is to treat the attacks in Paynesville and Jared's attack just as seriously, and with as much attention and effort as they are giving to Jacob's case.

Also, funny things can happen when you take a New Attitude towards something; things come to the surface, that you may have not even considered. This may seem like an odd analogy, but, there's an old saying, "Watch the pennies, and the dollars will take care of themselves!" I heard it from Ross Perot, (not personally, seems to have worked for him). In this case, just a way of saying, gather all the information possible about the other cases which have previously seemed less significant, and maybe things will start falling into place.

Again, the likelihood that they're perpetrated by the same person is quite high. From what I've been able to gather, having followed this case for just about 2 months now (since the airing of Jacob's case on "The Hunt" on CNN) I am not certain just what the specific number of attacks in Paynesville is; and it kind of looks like, maybe no one, at least no one online, is certain either. Well, if they open the Paynesville cases, there's at least five, and likely more. I would like to see LE gather all possible information, I repeat and emphasize, All Possible Information on the known cases from Paynesville. In fact, if they do this, they may well find that there are other cases that had never even been reported at the time that they happened, that someone will be interested and willing to come forward now and give information on, now that they know that the cases are being looked at and being taken seriously. There's a lot more information available to LE, in researching all the circumstances involved in the numerous cases from Paynesville. Whether the victims of those crimes, may not want to come forward publically, I would expect that they would be willing to speak with authorities, if they felt that the case(s) were going to be taken seriously, and also because they'd be willing to help out in the cases of Jacob and Jared. At least most of them.

This would give investigators a lot more to go by in piecing together this guy's movements, his habits, mannerisms, vocabulary, how he dresses; get further input on the existing composite sketch; there maybe something that someone could add, such as the guy's complexion, his hair or who knows what else. True he wore a mask in many of those attacks, but, as I understand, not all of them; and maybe in some cases he wore a mask to cover his face but not his hair, maybe they could find something notable about his hair. For, instance, maybe he's redhead and Jared never noticed, because he was wearing his hat the whole time. I don't think that's too likely, I suppose that Jared would have noticed that, but, I'm just using that as an example, maybe he has thick curly hair, who knows. I would interview each victim asking for Any & Every Possible Things they can remember; anything he said, how he dressed, his shoes, his belt; possibly victims family members may remember something that the victim shared with them at the time that the victim doesn't seem to remember currently. In other words; Absolutely Any Information that can be gathered. Day, Time, Location of Attacks; and compile all this information, and also, I'd like to see that information shared with the public (minus victim's names) and see whether something comes to light that helps identify this guy. There could well be some clue in the most seemingly insignificant of things that the guy said at any point in time; possibly something that could give a hint as to where he works, or what general field of occupation he's in. Anything can help, and the more minutia gathered about the individual, the better. By Far!

As we all know, there's very little to go by in the case of Jacob, which is pretty likely why it's been unsolved.

I know that some if not many on this board are highly convinced that DR is the perpetrator; personally I'm not, and at least I wouldn't limit my thinking to him. However, even if he is, following the same practice, would also help if that's the case. It could also help in clearing some of the other known suspects, whittling down the suspect pool. LE is always keen to clear suspects who could not have possibly been involved in order to clear the workload.

It's hard to feel like I've expressed my thinking here well enough, so, I'll probably end up editing/adding to this post. For what it's worth.
I don't think he's there to protect his mother. The parents seem to be very nice people. (I've never met them, my impression is just from reports of people who have.) I think it's just convenient, maybe DR hopes to inherit it and live there alone after they are gone. Or maybe the parents have a trust or will that states the land and home get divided among all the children after they are gone. Not sure. The younger brother, Anthony, already has the Northwest corner of the land for his home. I think they do want to keep it in the family because they had the farm declared a historical site so it can't be divided up and bulldozed. The city of St. Joe wanted that property for years so they could put a highway through there connecting Hwy. 75 to I94 on the West side of the Sauk River. (Hwy. 23 and Hwy. 15 both connect to I94 on the East side of the Sauk River.)

It could also be considered at this point that, his parents are getting up in years, and while he may have just stuck around all these years, for the convenience; now, he is also having to consider that it is much to their benefit to have him around as a younger, able bodied help around the place. It's not that uncommon for kids to take in a parent once that parent reaches a certain age, rather than wanting to place the parent in a home, or something. Personally, I expect he just hanged around all this time, because of convenience, never had a reason to leave, he does seem to be somewhat of an introvert, as someone else mentioned previously, and somewhat of a loner, so, as long as he and his parents get along well, and there are no problems in their relationship, then, might as well stick around. Convenience.
Well from what I have read is the fire started on its own. I don't believe it. Also because DR's father lost life long workings in the fire I am speculating there could be an issue there. I think we are looking at revenge and DR seeking to become the balance of power. Why has he never left the farm? To stay and protect his mother? What has and is going on there.

I don't think we should "go there." I have a bachelor farmer friend, age 64, who has never left his parent's home. Not every life fits a mold.
I don't think we should "go there." I have a bachelor farmer friend, age 64, who has never left his parent's home. Not every life fits a mold.

Also, the fire was investigated. My understanding from something I read, is that, it's said to have been inconclusive as to how it started, but, it's believed to have been electrical. Fire investigators are pretty hard to fool!
Cadaver blood? They know who's blood this is? They know that person is dead? How so? If there was traces of matter that could be identified as blood, they should have been able to obtain DNA. Presumably they did not. I suspect they got a positive luminal reaction and are holding the items in hopes that advances in technology will enable the recovery of DNA. Luminal reacts to minuscule traces of blood including the residue left after a surface has been cleaned. It also reacts to some common household chemicals.

If the biggest crime in my town's history occurred on my property and was a suspect, I would keep a copy of every news report and anything else I might need for future reference. I suspect most people would. I would not refer to them as "memorabilia. Of course, we all know that serial killers keep Memorabilia, not Records or Documentation. Use of that word with all of its connotations has the effect of suggesting sinister motivation. Y

While you may be correct about advances in technology, I, for one, am tired of hearing this defense of LE. Technology has really, really improved. IMO if something was to be found, it would already have been found.
While you may be correct about advances in technology, I, for one, am tired of hearing this defense of LE. Technology has really, really improved. IMO if something was to be found, it would already have been found.

Hi, maybe it's not my place to say this, and I'm not meaning to be disagreeable at all, really, but, I actually think that you and Kemo are in agreement. He was kind of saying the same thing that you are, in a kind of a different way. I kind of couldn't help but notice, because, that post resulted from a back and forth between me and another poster, resulting from a post of mine. I'm in agreement with you (and I think Kemo). DNA has been sooooo Advanced for some time now, and if there were DNA to be had, in anything that they found, it would've been found!

Hope that makes sense...
Does DR actually help with the farm chores and farm the land? How old are his parents? How many siblings does he have?
Hi, maybe it's not my place to say this, and I'm not meaning to be disagreeable at all, really, but, I actually think that you and Kemo are in agreement. He was kind of saying the same thing that you are, in a kind of a different way. I kind of couldn't help but notice, because, that post resulted from a back and forth between me and another poster, resulting from a post of mine. I'm in agreement with you (and I think Kemo). DNA has been sooooo Advanced for some time now, and if there were DNA to be had, in anything that they found, it would've been found!

Hope that makes sense...

I also do not want to be disagreeable, not the place.

Why do you think several dozen le folks would ignore advances in DNA technology? Because they don't want to solve the case? In that case, I think you need to go in the DR/Mossad direction and say that the multiple le org's are involved in some kind of radical conspiracy to protect the Catholic Church or city hierarchy or some combination thereof.

I find that unlikely, because the person who solves this case will be a legend for the right reasons. Same things were said about btk, police didn't really want to solve that one either.

I also do not want to be disagreeable, not the place.

Why do you think several dozen le folks would ignore advances in DNA technology? Because they don't want to solve the case? In that case, I think you need to go in the DR/Mossad direction and say that the multiple le org's are involved in some kind of radical conspiracy to protect the Catholic Church or city hierarchy or some combination thereof.

I find that unlikely, because the person who solves this case will be a legend for the right reasons. Same things were said about btk, police didn't really want to solve that one either.

Well, I'm not certain what to say. Nothing that I said in the post that you're quoting says anything whatsoever concerning LE ignoring advances in DNA technology, LE not wanting to solve the case, nor, anything about a conspiracy. Nothing at all.

To understand my post, it might help to read the one that I quoted, including the one that it quoted.

I don't understand why you're concluding that anything I said implied LE ignoring advances in technology, not trying to solve the case, or anything about a conspiracy.

Nothing I said involved anything of that nature.
Does DR actually help with the farm chores and farm the land? How old are his parents? How many siblings does he have?

I don't know any of those answers myself. I had made a comment in a previous post that I expect that his parents are quite elderly and for that reason he is probably able be of some help to them around the house. It was meant in a very general way, in regards to a conversation that was going on about him still living at home. I believe he's either 60 or maybe a little older, so, his parents have to be somewhat elderly. Don't know what all is taking place at the farm; I've heard about one brother mentioned, but, that's all I know about. You probably want a response from someone who knows more about it; but, there's not too many people on the board tonight, so, I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.
Does DR actually help with the farm chores and farm the land? How old are his parents? How many siblings does he have?

DR is around 56 right now. His siblings are listed below, pulled from an early thread when STS did genealogy on the family:
"I did some genealogy on the family, and Robert and Rita had the following children. Betty Rose, Michael Robert, Joseph Bernard, Daniel Alfred, Nancy Jean, Kevin John, Richard Gerard, and Anthony Paul."
(Betty Rose died at 16. The rest are living as far as I know.) Added: There is also a sister Joyce S. who has won poetry awards. There were 9 children.

I don't believe it is a working farm right now, they have some crops, but it is no longer the working dairy farm it once was. DR chops wood, along with some help from his brothers according to his fb. His mom and siblings have fb pages also. I have no idea if the family harvests the crops or hires someone to do it. (Or if they are just plowed under.)
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