MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #5

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SelTel, why do you come on here and post this stuff that is totally meaningless?

If you have information, why do you not give it to LE instead of coming on here and teasing people with things that you do not reveal?
Yes, SelTel, you should tell LE if you have info on who you think the sketch is. Posting just someone eyeballs helps no one here. If you know who you think the suspect is, by all means, report it to the police.
Consider the possibility that law enforcement has known for many years who is responsible for the Cold Spring abduction, and who is responsible for the St. Joseph abduction (and no, it is not Dan Rassier, the constant fixation of this forum). Lacking concrete physical evidence or a confession, a county prosecutor will not bring charges. Nevertheless, it is no coincidence that there have been no similar pederast abductions in the area since 1989. The responsible parties know that they are known. They live under a permanent microscope of monitoring by law enforcement and others in the programs and communities in which they have resided since the abductions.

The fixation on Dan Rassier in this forum stems purely from a lack of real research. Patty Wetterling herself has stated repeatedly that there are other persons that law enforcement has an interest in. Law enforcement will not publicly identify those parties because to do so would jeopardize the possibility, however remote, of one day obtaining physical evidence or a confession upon which to bring formal charges.

If the purpose of this forum, of this specific thread which has continued for many, many years, is to understand who is responsible, I tease and challenge the participants in this forum to consider and explore other faces, other names, other possibilities. Unless someone provides a spoon-fed parade of Minnesota pederast abductors to this forum (which is possible in theory), that will require real research on your part.
These teases sound like they are from someone who knows more than LE and wants to be helpful in the case.

I hope LE is monitoring these kinds of things, if you get my drift.
Consider the possibility that law enforcement has known for many years who is responsible for the Cold Spring abduction, and who is responsible for the St. Joseph abduction (and no, it is not Dan Rassier, the constant fixation of this forum). Lacking concrete physical evidence or a confession, a county prosecutor will not bring charges. Nevertheless, it is no coincidence that there have been no similar pederast abductions in the area since 1989. The responsible parties know that they are known. They live under a permanent microscope of monitoring by law enforcement and others in the programs and communities in which they have resided since the abductions.

The fixation on Dan Rassier in this forum stems purely from a lack of real research. Patty Wetterling herself has stated repeatedly that there are other persons that law enforcement has an interest in. Law enforcement will not publicly identify those parties because to do so would jeopardize the possibility, however remote, of one day obtaining physical evidence or a confession upon which to bring formal charges.

If the purpose of this forum, of this specific thread which has continued for many, many years, is to understand who is responsible, I tease and challenge the participants in this forum to consider and explore other faces, other names, other possibilities. Unless someone provides a spoon-fed parade of Minnesota pederast abductors to this forum (which is possible in theory), that will require real research on your part.

I'm quite sure you are correct in stating that whoever took Jacob is under "a permanent microscope of monitoring by law enforcement and others in the programs and communities in which they have resided since the abductions." That permanent microscope applies to WS also. JMO
I think what strikes me the most about DR is how immature and silly he appears.

He tries to sound so much more on the ball than LE, but he comes off to me like a little boy who is trying to lord it over others.
Consider the possibility that law enforcement has known for many years who is responsible for the Cold Spring abduction, and who is responsible for the St. Joseph abduction (and no, it is not Dan Rassier, the constant fixation of this forum). Lacking concrete physical evidence or a confession, a county prosecutor will not bring charges. Nevertheless, it is no coincidence that there have been no similar pederast abductions in the area since 1989. The responsible parties know that they are known. They live under a permanent microscope of monitoring by law enforcement and others in the programs and communities in which they have resided since the abductions.

The fixation on Dan Rassier in this forum stems purely from a lack of real research. Patty Wetterling herself has stated repeatedly that there are other persons that law enforcement has an interest in. Law enforcement will not publicly identify those parties because to do so would jeopardize the possibility, however remote, of one day obtaining physical evidence or a confession upon which to bring formal charges.

If the purpose of this forum, of this specific thread which has continued for many, many years, is to understand who is responsible, I tease and challenge the participants in this forum to consider and explore other faces, other names, other possibilities. Unless someone provides a spoon-fed parade of Minnesota pederast abductors to this forum (which is possible in theory), that will require real research on your part.

You "tease and challenge" us?

I disagree with you. Our "fixation" with Dan Rassier is not based on lack of research. I think most people on this board have been researching this case for years and years and HAVE considered many other faces and names- none of which make any sense. Who had the opportunity? What are the chances that someone else was lurking randomly on Dan Rassier's property not knowing that 3 boys would decide to go to the video store?? It borders on preposterous to think it was anyone else imho. Why would they dig up DR's property if they were trying to keep the "real" suspects a secret?? To lull them into a sense of false confidence in the hopes that they will slip up?

If you know more than the authorities then you should call them. I mean, why wouldn't you?
SelTel, if you have information, here are things you can do

1. Go to the Wetterlings with it

2. Go to Prof. Immelman

3. Go to Michelle Bachmann
Consider the possibility that law enforcement has known for many years who is responsible for the Cold Spring abduction, and who is responsible for the St. Joseph abduction (and no, it is not Dan Rassier, the constant fixation of this forum). Lacking concrete physical evidence or a confession, a county prosecutor will not bring charges. Nevertheless, it is no coincidence that there have been no similar pederast abductions in the area since 1989. The responsible parties know that they are known. They live under a permanent microscope of monitoring by law enforcement and others in the programs and communities in which they have resided since the abductions.

The fixation on Dan Rassier in this forum stems purely from a lack of real research. Patty Wetterling herself has stated repeatedly that there are other persons that law enforcement has an interest in. Law enforcement will not publicly identify those parties because to do so would jeopardize the possibility, however remote, of one day obtaining physical evidence or a confession upon which to bring formal charges.

If the purpose of this forum, of this specific thread which has continued for many, many years, is to understand who is responsible, I tease and challenge the participants in this forum to consider and explore other faces, other names, other possibilities. Unless someone provides a spoon-fed parade of Minnesota pederast abductors to this forum (which is possible in theory), that will require real research on your part.

I would have to argue that the fixation on DR is more dependent on the content of the media and the known activities of LE, than it is on lack of research. In fact, I would say there is disproportionately MORE theories and discussion about suspects and theories OTHER THAN DR, when compared to the entirety of media and LE attention.

IMO research on this case is only beneficial if present and shared to others to build on or around - keeping it to oneself keeps it small and less significant. While I find mysterious postings to be mysterious, I don't find them particularly inspiring or motivating - and I think most WS'ers would agree with me on that. Some would suggest such posts may be to divert attention from DR.

Regarding the possibility that LE has known for many years who abducted Jared (the Cold Spring abduction) - I would agree that's likely. They had made an arrest, and I tend to think they dropped the matter because the perp was already neck-deep in trouble to keep in locked in prison (or another type of facility?) for life.

Regarding the possibility that LE has known who Jacob's (the St. Joseph abduction) abductor for many years in less likely. If they did know, and assuming it was not DR, why would they continue to harass him and search his family property?

Yes, there are several other suspects in Jacob's case, as lead investigator Pam Jensen has pointed out. If someone knows more about these suspects, I wish they would reveal that information.
Who was arrested in the Jared case?

That would be public info so please share.

Arrests are public

It's very interesting to read the comments posted after the story. A bantering exchange between DR (if it's really him posting) and 'Boots'- a very direct + pointed poster bordering on rude and very accusatory. DR remains calm under this withering fire. Reminds me of the Bahner tapes....make of it what you will. IMHO it's really DR posting and is resorting to this since he has few defenders.
Back after a break from this case. Stumbled upon this article:

It's very interesting to read the comments posted after the story. A bantering exchange between DR (if it's really him posting) and 'Boots'- a very direct + pointed poster bordering on rude and very accusatory. DR remains calm under this withering fire. Reminds me of the Bahner tapes....make of it what you will. IMHO it's really DR posting and is resorting to this since he has few defenders.

Interesting on viewpoints.

To me, Boots is asking pointed questions of a POI in a missing child case.

Rude? Rude? A child is missing not a toy or a pet!

People treat this like it is some Murder Mystery party.

Something to be mysterious about and drop hints here and there. Nyah nyah nyah boo boo. I know more. I have info you don't have, but I'm not telling.

I know more than LE. They are stupid, incompetent, corrupt. Whatever.

Put up or shut up. It's not a party game
Who was arrested in the Jared case?

That would be public info so please share.

Arrests are public

I don't know the name of the person that was arrested, I only know from former FBI agent Al Garners's book that someone was arrested early on, but released when he lawyered up. Garber was the lead agent in the field during the first part of the investigation into Jacob's kidnapping. I know it mat be public record, but being the arrest was more than two decades ago it us difficult to find anything online.
Back after a break from this case. Stumbled upon this article:

Interesting comments. Why would DR respond to them? If this is the boots I know, he is probably frustrated with Stearns County sheriff and frustrated because DR is giving conflicting info and wants him to get his story straight. DR says that one reporter messed up his interview (maybe the channel 11 one?). But most of the words are straight from DR. Went back to bed, working on record albums, running, looking out the window, etc. In my opinion, DR seems like he knows something he is not telling and is dancing around it.
I don't know the name of the person that was arrested, I only know from former FBI agent Al Garners's book that someone was arrested early on, but released when he lawyered up. Garber was the lead agent in the field during the first part of the investigation into Jacob's kidnapping. I know it mat be public record, but being the arrest was more than two decades ago it us difficult to find anything online.

He was released when he lawyered up?? That sounds very suspicious to me - if they released him for that reason they can't have had much of a case to begin with.
Interesting on viewpoints.

To me, Boots is asking pointed questions of a POI in a missing child case.

Rude? Rude? A child is missing not a toy or a pet!

People treat this like it is some Murder Mystery party.

Something to be mysterious about and drop hints here and there. Nyah nyah nyah boo boo. I know more. I have info you don't have, but I'm not telling.

I know more than LE. They are stupid, incompetent, corrupt. Whatever.

Put up or shut up. It's not a party game

human, you are correct..this is not some mystery game. And you are also correct that asking pointed questions of a POI is not 'rude'. It just seemed to me to be a bit frantic + uncomposed + maybe mixed info which can lessen the credibility. I tried reading the comments again but now cannot access them for whatever reason. I have a question for you as it appears you are convinced DR is the perp....

While heading to the Tom Thumb, Aaron said he heard a noise on his left(west) in the ditch. It could have been an animal or a person. I'm assuming it is a clue that the perp was there. My question: why was he on that side of the road opposite the mailbox? Is that ditch deeper with taller grass? Was the mailbox ditch mowed?
I agree that we need to be willing to entertain a broad range of potential suspects. But, guilty or not, DR's behavior is suspicious and he fits the basic profile of many sexual predators. Does this mean he's guilty? No. And it doesn't mean he's a sexual predator. It's possible that he had extremely bad luck in that this terrible crime was committed on his property. But, we can't deny that he at least had the means and the opportunity to commit the crime. We can speculate as to motive, but that is true for any suspect.
quote=midwestphd;9718869]Back after a break from this case. Stumbled upon this article:

Interesting comments. Why would DR respond to them? If this is the boots I know, he is probably frustrated with Stearns County sheriff and frustrated because DR is giving conflicting info and wants him to get his story straight. DR says that one reporter messed up his interview (maybe the channel 11 one?). But most of the words are straight from DR. Went back to bed, working on record albums, running, looking out the window, etc. In my opinion, DR seems like he knows something he is not telling and is dancing around it.

I just don't understand why he would take the time to troll an internet forum responding to accusations from anonymous strangers. It could signal the kind of obsession with the case sometimes observed among perpetrators.
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